/Yellow Vests/ /FROG/ /ActVI/

What's happening on Saturday? MSM is still in full damage control and still trying so hard to say it's over, with the recent terror attack and Christmas coming, but it's only over in Paris because people have realized the city is on lockdown and is a mouse trap. Meanwhile events are going strong all over the country and the battle to cripple the economy is still being fought, but you won't find cool "happening" imagery to back this. The general order around Act 6, rather than falling into another trap in Paris, is to block the country's borders, which is not only an attack on the country's economy, but on Europe's. I know there are going to be thousands of people blocking the Spanish border (and the other side of the border is also chaotic because of Catalan Independents), and I expect similar things elsewhere. I expect Belgium to keep going. YVs are determined and will spend Christmas and New Year on their road blocks. On a side note, some of the police unions have officially started going on strikes this week, which is a real sign the regime could collapse. The movement is getting more organized strategically and ideologically, it went from bitching about a fuel tax to requesting a full reform of democratic institutions and the constitution to go from a elected representation system to a participation of the people system, and a full, non-restricted one, not like in Switzerland. MSM and gov officials are trying to demonize this because they're claiming this would bring back death penalty, end abortion or immigration, FREXIT, etc. they're blatantly outing themselves as anti-democracy and only further angering everybody. MSM blackout is still trying to bury it but it's far from over.

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Other urls found in this thread:

[email protected]/groups/565213087274651
[email protected]/groups/GiletsJaunesUK/

Canada yellow vest

[email protected]/groups/565213087274651

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Yellow Vest America


Attached: yellow vest north america.jpg (584x883, 89K)

the movement is full leftist. They're asking for a raise of the lowest income, just like the US movement "low pays is not ok"

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Yellow Vests UK

[email protected]/groups/GiletsJaunesUK/

Attached: uk uprising yellow vest.jpg (500x462, 48K)

Attached: anarchy in uk yellow vest.jpg (496x387, 67K)

just keep it peaceful and don't violate any laws

Irrelevant. It is the symptom of the current world order toppling. This will open doors of opportunity. Don't lack utilitarian sense...

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Take my energy

>don't violate any laws

What if the laws are unjust?

Raising minimum wages isn't commie especially with the wage disparity we live in. Like the other guy said this will unlock many opportunities for us.

Hm you frogs organized faster then I would have thought given how purposefully leaderless the movement was(for admittedly very good reasons). I would have thought you would have kept on attacking the infrastructure. That burning of the oil refinery and blockading factories were excellent ideas.

Clearly you haven't seen the videos how the riot cops have beaten them.

Why does everyone desperately try to classify it as leftist or right winged? It's an horizontal leader-less movement, but yeah, the CIR (direct democracy by referendums) is definitely an interesting idea and I would be glad to see that happening, would be pretty rad to see a system like that emerging in a large country like France. It must also not be forgotten why us frogs like riots so much, it's because the constitution of the V Republic choked a lot of power out of the hands of the people to a leader who can run amok and ruin the country for 5 years and suffer not much trouble for his crimes, Sarkozy is a prime example of that. So we riot because it's one of the only way to make the shock the elites.

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>the CIR (direct democracy by referendums) is definitely an interesting idea
This idea is genius, Macron will look bad when he denies Democracy and so enlarge te protests, and if he agrees to it (which he wont) the people can sack him, Frexit and overturn immigration

Wages in general are low, this isn't a commie opinion. Raising just the minimum wage is stupid because of automation but these guys want wages raised across the board.

We'll see about that

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Don't make me fucking laugh. These dickheads are all mouth and no action. Besides, Dancing on Ice being presented by Holly and Phil is more important. They'll stock up on their shit quality prosseco, beer, sosij rollz and watch their 55" 4k samsung which they got on credit. That is the REALITY of UK.

Here is a video of the police protesting WITH Yellow Vests AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT!


Government announced they just negotiated a deal with the police unions, all cops will be getting a raise of 100 euros and they're stopping their strike. Predictable. They're now buying the cops to buy the social peace, and the unions are betraying the entire people, without who they wouldn't have gotten those negotiations. Disgusting. I guarantee this will only anger more and more.

>Why does everyone desperately try to classify it as leftist or right winged?

Because it is a threat. A real one this time. Not the current form but what it may become in the next years.

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>a horizontal movement

We all believed Occupy would have changed something but it didnt

Good. This will enrage people even more ... also, the cops (except for the real bastards) will feel more and more dirty, increasing the likelihood of more unrest in the police force.

These people are against the EU and the non working social democratic state they have. There's literally nothing leftist about saying we should have a middle class you retard.

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Police joined the Gilets Jaunes yesterday officialy, closed stations.

The police will have a big protest on the 19th of January 2019, under the name Gilets Bleus.


Occupy was orchestrated. The opening move of the 'upstarts' against the 'old money'. That is why it was suddenly dropped when it was in danger of getting out of control.

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why are not you just asking for an increase to your boss socialist loser?

Its not my boss it's the entire labor force brainlet. Go back to the_donald.

Don't even mind it. Total economic collapse will come within a few years. Maybe your current policies will avoid the worst ... but Western Europe will go down in flames.

What do you think will happen here in Schnitzel land?

I hope sooner rather than later, America is the key stone holding up this Jewish global dominance, if our economy collapses it will be shitty for a while but good in the long run. Most of these issues effect the US as bad, we just don't give a shit about debt so we don't feel any impacts.

checked and based as hell. shutting down the border is something france should have done like 10 years ago

What do the peppered German words mean? I don't know much kraut.

Öxit right before Germany drags all of us down into the abyss of hyperinflation. It will hurt but we will survive. Estern Europe may be an alternative economic sphere and we have good ties with them ... Russia will play an important role in this game. A risky strategy to 'cuddle the bear' but I do not think we have another option. Play it smart I say ... we have the Schmäh for it ;)

Collapse of worldwide trade will hurt you more than any debts, yes. A period of isolationism might be your future. Most likely you will become incapable of keeping up military spending and lose part of your sphere of influence ... still, your 'enemies' will also be hurt so relatively you could still be the winner in this game.

Rid cheap immigrants and wagez raise themselves

>100 Euros
That's hardly anything.


'Domiance of interpretation' ... being the one who is seen as 'right' in a discussion

>Europa erwache!

Europe awaken! ;)

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'Dominance' of course...

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'Nero order' ... burned earth tactics

100 euromonies is still something, from what I experience it's the minimum amount of money you have to use to decently feed yourself for a month with relatively decent food. Not much, but still a pretty good raise for a fonctionnaire.

if this movement is co-opted by the left you faggots are finished as an independent sovereign nation, that is why the only path to freedom is via nationalism.

If only a movement that would be both nationalist AND socialist were possible...

That's true, although this applies to higher paying jobs also. Wages in general just haven't been adjusted for inflation or a myriad of other things.
I don't care if the US does well, we aren't a country at this point just an instrument of ZOG. I don't identify with our current state.

Posting this in every GJ thread, are you?
Disgusting shill.

So I got some KINO shit right here


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go go go Pierre, keep going. pls kill EU

Also this fucking video

The yellow vests transcend dumb bullshit like left and right. They are Frenchists against Macronian Pan-Europeanists, they want a France that works for the French not some gay 1980s-tier "muh capitalist/socialism".

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>events are going strong all over the country
>barely any footage

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Refer to the following faggot

>We're angry and we're not going to take it anymore, so to show you how mad we are we're going to do exactly as we're told and not violate any of the 'laws' they break daily.
Its no wonder we're so easy to enslave.
>Barbarians are coming!
>Lets show them how much we disagree by allowing us to get killed and raped, that'll make them think twice!

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I'm sure you goys will have a great time.

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>All mouth and no action
Isnt the entire movement basically this, though?
Wake me when they manage to grow some balls and go after the people in charge. Storm the gates, or something, wasnt that what the french once yelled?

God fucking speed.

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This legit bring tears to my eyes. The pride felt when witnessing your nation is still alive after having believed all hope was lost for so long is such a strange strong feeling, impossible to describe.

Exactly it's just indolent losers looking to act tough. I'll give them credit though it's a whole lot better than the 'occupy starbucks' the yanks came up with.


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You know a movement is alive when normal, everyday, people dance to La foule as the sound of planks crackling and popping as they're burned.

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>not embracing the chaos
What are you even doing on this board?

They've got a little fire going to stay warm because its fucking freezing, if anything they are wasting time and government money, that's the biggest amount of 'chaos' going on here..

granted let's wait for saturday

as we speak Rungis has been shut off for about a week now. Many people tend to go to work during the week.

That's just a small blockade in some random place in the countryside, they're just passing the time because just their presence there allows the fact that Macron's government has one more vein clogged. You don't always need to storm a palace and put the heads of the elites on spikes to make a difference.

feels like an immersive first person video game for some reason

like a Gilets Jaunes themed S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game or something

> current world order toppling
nah the NGO's and the damn globalists aren't gonna let us take them down with a few protesters and some burnt out cars.
anyway we could ever take them is with a full scale global civil war or whatever but then again i dont know....

I'm glad the big fella is on our side.

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>You dont always need to kill the guy thats trying to kill and rob you.
>Its about clogging the veins
I'll predict whats going to happen, best case scenario; Macron gets overthrown and someone else rises up that does the exact same thing because, shocker, the government doesnt fear the people nor is its primary function 'the people'. Its to gain money and power, nothing more, nothing less.
Either go big or go home imo.

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100 Euros that's portuguese level raises lol.
Gilets Jaunes should try something different and avoid Paris, just have some go to pretend it's still going to happen just like last time.

Well shit I've been giving thermite and HMTD instructions to all the french anons to blow up infastructure and damage powergrids and doing all I can to map out the french power grid to see where all the major sub stations are.

I try to get the french to do something but I mean atleast boomers are doing SOMETHING

Attached: BONJOUR.png (500x375, 230K)

>best case
The french people overthrow the globalists in their country and change for the better
will that happen
>prob not

>blowing up shit
sounds good
if they ever start doing that ill be thinking of you

consider using pic related on the following
>tiny (remove this text) url.com/ybyfcxo2
don't worry, it just links ya to a google earth image

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What would it take for the military to start turning?
maybe they already have but the government is keeping it on the down low

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Now you won't beable to get into the sub station BUT you can essentially do the same thing by vandalizing the power towers which bring electricity from the station.

Blue is one place to put thermite and actually tear down the towers

The Red dots are where you can also put thermite (or bolt cutters if you're brave) and basiclaly cause the power lines to drop to the ground.

The yellow represents the flow of electricity. No electricity actually goes into the tower but rather the only thing the tower does is keep the power lines above the ground. So that is how you would go about it frenchmen, the question is do you give enough of a damn about your country to do anything about it?

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No, they are not. Stop falling Macron's lies.

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Last week 12 former generals published an open letter accusing Macron of high treason for signing the EU Migration pact, government announced today they would be facing punishments for this letter, because it broke the military duty of discretion. It's very likely this will further sour the reputation of this government, as these generals are respected. But the possibility of a coup seems low now that the situation has calmed down a bit after Macron made some announcements about the economy reforms. It would require another big crisis of the same scale or bigger than that of two weeks ago. Which could very well happen before he finishes his term. Right now any new reform he attempts down the line could re-ignite the powder keg.

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why do French chimp out so much? negro genes?

french speaking, take a lot of pride in their own culture, so probably haven't been brainwashed as much by hollywood

Why did Americans chimpes out so much in 1776?

10 generals, a former minister of defense, an admiral and a colonel

Mister President,

You are about to sign the "Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration" on 10 and 11 December, which establishes a genuine right to migration. It may impose itself on our national legislation through pre-existing treaties or the principle of common responsibility set out in this pact.

The only sovereignty that will remain with France will consist in freely setting the way in which the objectives of the pact will have to be implemented. You can not give up this new part of the national sovereignty without a public debate whereas 80% of French population considers it is necessary to stop or regulate drastically immigration. By deciding alone to sign this pact, you would add an additional reason for revolt to the anger of an already battered people. You would be guilty of a denial of democracy or treason against the nation.

In addition, the finances of our country are drained and debt is growing. You can not take the risk of an expensive call for migration without first showing that you will not have to resort to more taxes to meet the objectives of the pact. On the other hand, you must be able, in terms of security, to deal with the consequences of the arrival of extra-European populations. Finally, you can not ignore that the very essence of politics is to ensure security on the outside and harmony within.

In fact, the French state is late in coming to realize the impossibility of integrating too many people, in addition to totally different cultures, who have regrouped in the last forty years in areas that no longer submit to the laws of the Republic.

You can not decide alone to erase our civilizational landmarks and deprive us of our carnal homeland.

We therefore ask you to defer the signing of this pact and call by referendum the French to vote on this document. You are accountable to the French of your actions.

9 hours ago
Generals who accused Macron of "treason" risk sanctions

"These remarks are unacceptable and unworthy," commented the cabinet of the Minister of Armies.

"Generals who have signed this text leave the reserve duty to which they are subject. This duty of secrecy obliges them, and all the more so because they embody the top of the military hierarchy, that is to say, they have the task of setting an example. "

" They expose themselves to disciplinary sanctions and we will appreciate the opportunity in the coming days. "


Not even from France. Beautiful.

Completely samefagging btw. What is the song that is playing?


Nothing will come from this, capital is mobile and workforce to. Some days of riots, stock exchange shenanigans, more bread and games.

You give me hope France.

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>Et je crispe mes poings maudissant la foule qui me vole l'homme qu'elle m'avait donné et que je n'ai jamais retrouvé
Ironic and so french in the context

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Exactly. Globalist-Zionist Puppet #2325 will be installed (if Macron is ever ousted) and (((business as usual))) will commence.

Still better chance than elections.

Reputable source? I googled this when someone mentioned it a week or so ago and it appeared to be total bullshit at the time.

Mr Bond said it well in Dear Donald
>This was our last try voting now it is about survival
>it is parasites like you that force us into voting with our rifles
The issue in France, it is not about survival, just less comfiness
