Well I know that everyone of their policies works to undermine him. But irl do leftists actually hate white men or is that just an alt right meme?
Do leftists hate white men irl?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Another shit thread
The answer is yes, white men are the worlds pink cock holster. Now with that out of the way, go die of anal prolapse you shit thread making dick head.
>>Pink cock holster
Wtf does that mean
She’s really beautiful
more of her
No I’m sorry user
Actually this one is my favourite
>Do leftists hate white men irl?
Yes you faggot, go outside.
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2
Read through this thread
Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now
Does Jow Forums really hate minorities?
Nassim of purity will banish this faggot thread.
those "kill all white men" types ALWAYS low key fetishize white men. Especially if you laugh at the bitch and tell her to shut up.
Big if true
how do these sissy boys always have giant dicks? It's not fucking fair, man.
I think it's Hermaphrodite(, or "futa")
It’s a deep irony isn’t it
>all leftists are cuckold liberals who hate borders and culture
retard detected
should've said liberal you dumb cunt
But I'll just assume you did and say: No, in fact Mediterranean men are considered to be the most attractive men in the whole world, by everyone. No one in the world can resist the superior Mediterranean man, with his penetrating green eyes, dark-yet-still-european skin, and stunning beauty. Mediterranean countries are the top in the world for male-sexual tourism, and no others (not even europeans) can compete.
The attractiveness of the med men transcends race and ideology. All people fall in love no matter what they look like or who they think they are, be they european, black, abo, or asian; or liberal, conservative, fascist, communist, or anarchist. The mediterranean man is undefeatable.
My apologies med bull
They hate that White men won't date them.
We'll fuck and chuck em' but them bitches get no diamond rings.
I wonder if this is the actual reason
i have a giant donger i can't ever pop a boner by accident like when i'm yawning, or when the blood rushes to my head it will be so fucking noticeable i have to bite the inside of my lip sometimes until it bleeds. it's my fault, but not really, but it is, because I'm pretty good at stopping that shit, but it hurts my lip pretty bad fuck.
>But irl do leftists actually hate white men or is that just an alt right meme?
The most popular white man on youtube is enduring a years-long smear campaign calling him a racist
They hate white men, go "ugh white men" or "ugh white people" (even if they are non jewish white libs) and will find any reason to justify calling a white person racist so they can hate them.
But he’s winning though
Dick size and full grown height aren't actually statistically related, if you're a sissy manlet an 8 incher looks like a footlong
Yeah, in spite of liberals, not because of them
I’m a tall man with a big penis that looks average relative to my body. So can confirm
Yes and it's also why black women "hate" white guys.
As a tall man with a big dick can confirm. My dick looks average in proportion to my body.
I don’t know what you mean
Look at that fucking chin mate
It's a double
Black women hate that white guys don't give them attention, so they hate them. But deep down they want one.
It's the same with liberal women. No guy wants to marry one, so they end up hating us cause they can't have us.
Yes because leftist women are to unattractive or mentally damaged to get a decent white man so they sour grape and hate them, leftist men wish they were white men
Leaf gets it. Niggreses wiah they could get a white man.
keep posting europeans please
many of the black people right-wingers call "leftists" are not leftist
new black panthers are not leftist. they hate fags and abortion, and they are racially oriented.
they are basically black republicans
Of course they do. Leftists are basically skin heads that are allowed to be public with their faggotry and suffer no societal repercussions for it.
When "the man" openly supports your nonsense you need to ask yourself why.
I’m sorry I don’t know
Lefty here
You're thinking of the extremist sjws which are basically not real people, I've never even met one IRL
The ones that do exist are essentially all in California
Goddamnit someone give me tha name
user I’ve met a couple and I wasn’t looking for them. I don’t know what to think about leftists generally because I don’t know how honest they’re being with me.
You fags need to stop posting this shit. I bet you fags sit there jacking off to sissies
Ain’t nothing wrong with it.
I went to college in NYC and never met one.
Are you sure the people you met were actually crazy sjw types? Or did you just assume based on funny hair color or something
>been trying to avoid porn, and quit jacking off entirely
>on day 6 now and this shit does nothing for me anymore, used to make me diamonds
Is my brain fixing itself or is this shit about to get way worse?
I did nofap for a month and now porn does nothing for me. But damn the full body orgasms from imagination are on another level.
it's rabbis and brokelstein's globalist mob
Based as fuck. Meds are overpowered
"Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not mean to suggest that women, Indians, etc. ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology.)
Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful." - Ted Kaczynski
>not being attracted to porn means there's something wrong
It means there's something RIGHT
What does a Mediterranean man even look like
>North America/Canada
>tfw not recognized as actual part of North America but some weird outlier like Hawaii that doesn't have a place to fit into
this is such a lie, you have like twice as much blood as you actually need in your body at all times
medium dick guys larping as big dick bros always say this shit because women are retarded and fall for it but you wouldn’t notice even a liter of blood difference unless you were doing strenuous exercise at high altitude and your dick doesn’t take a fucking liter of blood retard
>t. 9.5” dick
this one is actually a strap on
>tfw the penis isn't real
Thats a girl, the photo of her with a dick is shopped
>Do leftists hate white men irl?
every single one of them.
IRL leftists are all white male whores. This is a common pattern and social media trend. They hate the "idea of white men" but fetishize them.
Always remember the most white normies are pushing self destructive narratives that undermine white people as a whole in an effort to seek POC approval. White guilt and white demoralization is pervasive.
its girl and its a dildo strap on or something. white man doesnt have such big dick and she looks female.
It's the classic Serbian Jew double bluff
There's a penis behind that fake penis
Also OP your pic is a girl with a strapon
I'm honestly not lying it's really bad, because I work at a school, and I'm not even trying to do it. There are a lot of times I can't get up, or have to stealth tuck my boner.
Well no shit i knew it was bait . If you cant recognize women by looking at their wide hips, small shoulders, feminine facial structure/lower jaw, small/average hands and feet, natural meaty shape etc then you are a retard
i actually think they don't hate men but men are retarded
they don't realize women always put up a fuss and need to be told to shut the fuck up
but cuck men of the modern age think women are like men so they assume women are bitching about legitimate problems instead of challenging their masculinity
they only hate men once they're disgusted by your pathetic lack of confidence and that's why the end up fucking retarded niggers who haven't forgotten they have working dicks
I will never understand that sentence. Apparently it was firstly mentioned in South Park episode but what does Serbia even have to do with anything?
It was one of the countries where Hitler actually "solved the Jewish problem"
So if you're one of the few hundred jews who managed to survive in Serbia then that makes you one sneaky fucking jew
More or less this, but they don’t even seek POshitC approval, they seek validation from other braindead feefee Huwhites
White European men have the biggest measured dicks on earth, buddy. Scandinavians, Germans and Hungarians are on top of the rest continent
Redundant. Serbians carry some heavy jewish admixture via their subhuman gayreek ancestry line
nice trap thread op
that dick in op is like 20cm its nigger level white man doesnt have such dick
>Imagine being trans. Imagine dilating the bloody pus filled hole where your genitals once were EVERY DAY. Imagine being a part of the family that has to deal and cope with that. Imagine being so deluded you believe you can actually change your genitals. The only reason normies are so accepting of this is because everything they know about the LGBT community is all sugar coated lies.