>CHICAGO (AP) — Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan on Wednesday issued a blistering report about clergy sexual abuse, saying that Catholic dioceses in Illinois received allegations of child sexual abuse by 500 more clergy than previously publicly identified.
My word Unironically the Catholic church is a gay pedo lavender mafia
>Jow Forums down >didn't get to shitpost about bump stocks Tell me /ptg/, why was this a good move and not an infringement of the 2nd Amendment?
Eli Foster
I stand with dat ass.
Justin Robinson
>leaving the vicinity of a country that dems are screaming flynn was close with
can someone explain why this is supposed to be a bad thing in their own logic?
Christopher Smith
>Sorry to catholics Don't be. Funny thing is that the percentage of pedos in the Catholic clergy is not significantly higher than the percentage in the general population. That said > IT SHOULD BE FUCKING ZERO > THEY SHOULD HAVE THEIR DICKS CUTS AND BURN AT THE STAKE
Alexander Reyes
bcs i will never use a bump stock
Landon Reed
I charge large amounts of money to people who should know better for basic skills everyone should have. Now fuck off your whore stink is ruining my enjoyment of this single malt.
Me neither but /sg/ and /ptg/ are cheering that the power USA had is dwindling even further with Trump in command. USA will be geopolitically fucked in the future no matter what. Isolationism will end USA soon enough.
Xavier Anderson
Noticing a lack of citations, in the MSM, of the public support Syria venture had.
Levi Brooks
Amateur Tax Auditor, specialist in thots
Julian Robinson
Bentley Rivera
That's what we wanted all along though The making mexico pay for it part was just a metaphor read what I said Pelosi is a democrat right? Doesn't matter what she says
Sebastian Rodriguez
GoFundMe is going to make bank, and so is the guy that will steal the money and flee the country.
Alexander Cruz
GOA is already suing. There's no way to undo the ban while leaving Hughes intact thanks to the ATF's shoestring MG idiocy so the end result will be legal post 86 MGs.
These shill threads are getting old and doesn't change the fact that he's scammed most of his supporters. I wanted lowered immigration and a border wall and instead bump stocks are getting banned and the upper class got tax cuts. The economy was already on it's way back and any other republican would have put in republican supreme court pics.
Lincoln Clark
does it have flexible funding?
Joshua Butler
Zachary Lewis
flynn bad bcs he talk to someone that may have connection with conflict in ME, there fore, DIE GOYIM!
Thomas Gray
I fucking wish Juden.
Elijah Bennett
that chick on the right has always made my dick diamonds
Jaxson Sullivan
For the record I don’t agree with the ban but the best argument is it’s consistent with the current full auto ban (which I think is bullshit too).
Jackson Price
Most of these clippings with yellow highlights are mostly my "handiwork", they're very effective because people can't even complain of "wall of text" when you highlight the one sentence that must be read.
Hudson Ramirez
I don't care, how's that? Bump stocks are a gimmick
Can trump acknowledge whites in anyway? maybe say Europeans instead of whites?
Cameron Flores
it wasn't, it was retarded and I hope it gets sued over and thrown out as unconstitutional in court.
Jason Hill
Is the civil war over? Has Assad cemented control? Also is he going to step down then? I remember him saying that he'd leave office when the war is over to allow for new leadership.
Blake Morris
I assume it's a scam and it's fucking hilarious that so many retards fell for it.
Jacob Ross
That's not an explanation dummy, he's stringing people along
Aaron Reyes
>and a great life all together can't live great with Dems in power.
Zachary Moore
Yeah, that's why Republicans got more votes from blacks and hispanics in the midterms, right? Right?
What the fuck is happening? Why are the Dems going on a Balls-to-the-Wall offensive? Has Trump been doing too well? I don't understand anything that's going on anymore...
Andrew Brown
That's real racism.
Gabriel Brooks
I have read this three times now and I still don't understand what she is saying or what connection she is trying to make.
Jaxson Perez
Worse than that. These votes make no difference because it doesn't help on the down ballot, given that house districts where blacks make a difference are majority minority meaning anything under 50% of the black vote might as well be zero.
Parker Davis
holy shit its nothing
Jayden Taylor
>why is he wasting time pandering to blacks!?!? >mfw it actually fucking works
But how? He needs to say something and explain this.
Jonathan Stewart
How'd those midterms go again r/the_donald
Henry Diaz
>how he gonna build it
Adam Miller
Goddamn you're not even trying to hide that you don't like that Trump isn't a globalist. You're so fucking mad it probably physically hurts you. This right here is why I voted for Trump and will always vote for Trump.
Dominic Green
this should have been done on day one. i dont care how the wall is funded/who pays for it. i just want it built.
Gavin Jackson
We need out of Afghanistan now. My fear though is Mad Cuck Mattis won't allow it
Michael Wood
Stop being a fucking retard, Trump has always been against assault weapons
Kevin Cooper
>he's scammed The only "scam" you got was he didn't call you when you entered one of his contests.
Nicholas Hill
>be Trump >writes obvious unconstitutional EO in the era of Fuck Trump >??? Finish the sequence user
Anthony Hill
Anyone giving their money to that is a genuine unabashed retard and I take no responsibility for them
Chase Cook
he's already said it and explained it, more than once. it's still the same answer - the military. do you want him to show you with lego blocks?
Gavin Cruz
You have no clue how shit works
Ryder Cooper
>40+ RINOs retire >less than 40 net seats lost >gain in the Senate Not perfectly but could've been a lot worse.
Gabriel Hernandez
It's complicated. the turks an kurds have a shitload of border area defending anti assad groups but they aren't fighting assad currently..
Ryder Richardson
No he hasn't he held a gun before at a rally
Tyler Butler
lol. no it won't. maybe he get's 15% instead of 13%.. WOW. You Did It. I'm proud of you. >meanwhile he loses 10% of the white vote.
Adrian Phillips
Oh no, now you're going to get crucified because you don't unconditionally love bump stocks. Don't tell Jow Forums.
Angel Bennett
My guess is his shitty advisors told him he had to go through Congress. With Kelly leaving Mick probably told him he can use the Military. Kelly was the fucking problem
Luke Powell
It's too bad he's leaving. I like Zinke, and he seemed to really like his job and be pretty good at it >IntDepVideo: Happy Holidays from Interior 12/19/18 youtu.be/lcQjjKK-cH0