
Ever since I was pretty young, I have always been really interested in feminine things, clothes, make up, jewelry, etc. I learned a lot more on the subject some middle school when my family got a computer for my sister and I too share. I was exposed to the idea of cross dressing and drag, as well as transitioning through surgeries and hormonal treatment. I also learned of the fetishization and hate surrounding “girly boys” and trans women. I became even more afraid of coming out to my parents because of it, and I was already pretty afraid as we are a southern christian family. When I ended up getting a job I began spending my money on feminine clothing and make up and would dress up on a semi regular basis in the comfort of my own room, wether it be to simply chill out comfortably in my secret attire, practice doing makeup, or explore the sexual aspects of transgender culture. I also noticed around mid-high school that I was attracted to men and women and decided that I was probably pansexual or bisexual. And while dressing up and living in secret is a safe and fun experience for a while, it gets sad as it’s a constant reminder that you can’t live your life how you wish you could.

I genuinely feel like I would be happier in the body of a woman and am considering undergoing hormone replacement therapy and starting to save up money for plastic surgery and such.

I’d appreciate anyone’s 2 cents on this subject, this isn’t a very easy decision for me to make and I’d like some advice and different perspectives on it all, thank you

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The sooner you do it the better since if you become a woman then your sexual market value is based entirely on looks and that's temporary so keep that in mind. If you think you can pass then go for it. A lot of guys are into that, but again only if you pass.

Gurl, you only live once. Live your life FOR YOU. Not for others or your parents. Your transition is none of their business.

Go for it. Be your true self and you will find immense happiness. People will also be naturally drawn to you in a respectful way. There will always be people who will fetishize you, but there will always be people who respect you and genuinely interested in you.

The best time to plant a fruit tree was 10 years ago. The second best time is today. Plant your tree today and start transitioning. (:

What a bunch of lily livered crap. OP the bad irrefutable news is that you will be shunned and laughed at by everyone except a few allies of the transgender movement.

See what I mean OP? For every asshole like this, you will find someone who respects you.
Lol ignore them and move on. It will make them seethe with anger

dont do it dude it will ruin your life, if you like i can find you a reddit thread with loads of people say how its ruined their lives and wish they could go back, seek help, join a gym become a man not half of one

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I need new sides after that

I don't get why anyone in their right mind would transition, the chances of looking like ghoul or failed experiment are too high.

I don’t really have the time to join a gym at the moment, but I do work out whenever I can with my equipment at home. I have a heavy bag, speed bag, and a variety of dumbells. And I am already seeking help, I have 2 therapists and take a buttload if medication to try and level me out

Your interest in feminine things doesn't make you a woman. You can not change biological reality. That being said, there's nothing wrong with men liking feminine things. You don't have to change your body to keep your current interests.

>a guy who wants to be a girl
Me too bud-- lesbians and titties and puss as far as the eye can see

Sound a little too good to be true? Well, have fun being a fucking homunculus of scientific hodge-podge and sort-of-works as years of regret and inertia crash into you with the force of a wrecking ball.

I'd be happier in the body of a girl, too.
But if it meant giving up my body as it were, and it meant never being able to go back? You know, I feel like that would ruin a bit of the magic, like if literally anything went even slightly wrong it's not like you can just pull the plug and yank your penis back out. What are your plans for if it doesn't bring the comfort and solace it's said to? This isn't some pill you just stop taking; hormone treatments are bound to have lasting and in cases permanent effects, and I won't even touch the surgery.

I don't mean to piss on your parade but seriously, this is not the answer. This isn't a tattoo or a piercing, this is your entire body. It's basically amputation.
You have to be wiser than to think you're going to fix anything doing this. It's going to cause you more problems.

What you want or need is an outlet, not a solution.

If you have 2 therapists and are already taking a lot of medication perhaps you should reconsider taking steps to transition.

What is wrong with accepting the fact that you were born a male. Crossdress, be bisexual, but please be careful about taking powerful hormone drugs or getting surgeries.

i dont usually comment and just lurk but OP please dont do it. or atleast if you do remember this is a irreversable decision. IMO thoe dont do it, i would say yes if the science was there but isnt. its just a reject body change you will get, you might like it at start but when people find out it will ruin you. dont give me that bullshit off "idc its for me idc what people think" bullcrap. if you didnt care what people thought of you, you would never transition in the first place. the transition won't make you "feel" like a girl, the sciene isnt there yet. its just not.

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>I learned a lot more on the subject some middle school when my family got a computer for my sister and I too share. I was exposed to the idea

Real trannies always say that they feel as if they were trapped in the wrong body and they knew it as early as they could remember.

You just sounds like you were confused and curious and brainwashed by all the pro-tranny propaganda online. Just because you like to wear panties or whatever doesn't mean that you have to chop your dick off and grow tits.

But hey it's your body you do what you want with it.

jesus fucking christ
just fucking end it right now you mentally ill subhuman
people like you disgust me

I heavily disagree with purposefully fucking with a body that works (mine doesn't. Born 3 months early. Reams of health problems.) That said, it's your body. Do what you want to it.

if you're under 5'9 i don't really care you're a girl anyways
but if you're over 5'9 and have decent looks
that shit will fuck you up HARD.
The real cure for depression and confusion is the natural release of testosterone and dopamine through natural worldly activities such as socialization and hard labour, those things can't be replaced with a pill.
Your illness is likely the cause of lack of social interaction and physical exercise.

Also, btw. Don't become a girl just because you like girly shit. You'll still be a man, just a man who has a higher risk of suicide or getting beat up on the street or in bed. If you're so into men or whatever, being a fag is a lot better than transexuality in the long term. Even if both of them usually end up with AIDS

Just. Be. Who. You. Are.
Be gay, be a crossdresser, be a drag queen, be a sex-machine, but DON'T CUT YOUR DICK OFF BECAUSE SOMEONE TOLD YOU IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA.

Kek. Take this to You're not going to get any helpful answers in this cesspool of assholes.

>dressing differently and doing girly things because you like it.
Perfectly fine and reasonable.
>getting surgery because you think it will fix the problems in your head.
We don't give liposuction to anorexics, we give them therapy and help them live with their illness.

The body of a woman bears children. That's the whole purpose it's designed around. You ain't never going to do that. You can dress up and prance around and drug and mutilate yourself all you like, but you will never be a woman. I suggest you learn to accept yourself as being confused right now. It's ok to be confused. Try to focus on something worthy and devote yourself to that for a few months. See if you can find some satisfaction there and put your confusion on the back burner for a bit. You might be surprised that you simply outgrow it.

Let me just remind you that liking femininity and being queer doesn't mean you identify a woman.
Seems like you'd be perfectly happy keeping your body as is and dressing the way you want. If it weren't for the shit you'd get from the community.

If this isn't bait then I strongly suggest you do us all a big favor and put a bullet in your head.