Femanons, do you like getting spanked during sex?

femanons, do you like getting spanked during sex?
I feel like porn made men believe every woman loves it but I wonder how many of them actually really do.
pic unrelated

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I like it. Not my super favourite thing, but I like it.
I prefer being dominant to being submissive, but when I'm submissive it's fun to be spanked.

Hell no. One time my man did it without asking and i straight up stopped and said "excuse me?" Lol always ask first. You never know when your lady could be into that sort of thing.

But in general no

How does a spanking session even happen?
I'm not talking about 1-2 claps on the butt, but using your hand or belt until it's fully red.

My gf is into it and said "it just happens when you're both into it", she doesn't believe I'm into it though.
I MIGHT be into it but I never had the chance to try it.

It became a catch 22 and it's driving me nuts.
Can somebody who has experience give some insight?

You need to force it, but she needs to like you forcing it, so it's not rapey.

you never had the urge to punish a girl without murdering her? thats what spanking is for
they do shit to deserve it all the time

Nothing is funnier that some goofy guy who can only thrust but thinks he owns it because he can smack my ass. They spank me, I get my clothes and leave. I love dick but not the guys attached.

Behind every good woman is a great slap in the ass.

you sound like someone hurt you

I'm probably to beta for that.
And it would probably be tough to just bend her over my knee unless she actively let me, since she's on the heavy side.

It's hot in my roleplaying fantasies.
But my gf almost never does anything that would deserve punishment.

well duh but listen to what I'm telling you guys. doing the herky jerky thrust for a few seconds and slapping my ass hard does nothing but sting and tells me they have no moves that will get a strong reaction. They think if I wince in pain its sexual when its because they slapped my bare ass.

>muh moves
You better suck a mean dick if you're going to talk like this, slut.

I love displays of dominance and rough sex but spanking has always looked silly to me and not arousing at all, idk why.

Pick an evening when you're both in a happy mood, so it is clear that you're playing. Invent some silly infraction she's made, and announce that she is in need of a punishment.

This is the point where you have to keep alert. If there is the slightest sign that she's seriously not in the mood, back off. But if she goes along, or only play-resists, take her across your knee. Be sure to lift her skirt and take down her panties (or take down her pants/shorts) because a touch of embarrassment is part of the game.

Do not be over-violent. Aim for a little reddening of her ass, not bruises - and again, take your cue from her resistance. A good trick is to spank with your fingers, not your palm - this makes a satisfying sound without doing a lot of damage.

Afterward, forgive her for her naughtiness, kiss her, and carry her off to bed for some hot sex

I tolerate it because I know my bf likes it. I feel like a lot of sex is just pretending certain things are hot so my bf doesn't lose his boner

Getting back to the original question, even those who profess to liking being spanked will acknowledge that the act itself, and the pain of being hit, are NOT the attraction. Depending on the woman, the feeling of being dominated and taken, or the afterglow warmth in the ass, may be emotionally or physically exciting.

You better prepare to be single forever if youre going to talk like this, virgin.

Thanks man, I'll try something like that if the opportunity arises.

Been with my gf for 6 months.

Just saying that most of the time the women that talk like that think like they are sex godesses while they starfish in bed.

who hurt you

why so edgy, kiddo?


You came across as another angry incel, my bad.

My wife likes getting spanked/choked and her hair pulled hard.
It’s hard for me to do, it seems like I could end up hurting her, so I have to be extremely careful.
Only way I can get her to orgasm tho. Chicks are fucked up. Also I’m vanilla as fuck, I bet I’d get off to a fuckin handy, but she doesn’t do anything except full doggy style penetration

Women love pleasing men they like. So, of course they like it.

>always ask first

kek. doubly hilarious coming from a nigger.

>who can only trust

Bitch, what the fuck do you even do in bed? thrusting is 10 times more than what your lazy ass is bringing to the table. I'd slap the shit out of you.

.t sperg that pumps & cums in 2 minutes
Not even her but I don't get why you're offended at that. A lot men are seriously bad at sex and just turn into braindead mongoloids that jackhammer and nothing else. Had to train my poor bf to actually please me

And what exactly do you do that your boyfriend should be so grateful for?

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That's between us, can you get any grosser?

Not really. I'd like to get sexually punished but spanking in particular never appealed to me.

You sound like a person who thinks they're entitled to more than they offer in a relationship

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You sound like a gross faggot that needs to go watch some porn instead of bothering people about what they do in their private relationships

I recommend getting a gf with a strapon then.

Im not her, but to be honest, kid, you sound like somebody who is incredibly selfish and sucks at bed and justifies that with "b-but I have to do all the work"

nobody can really tell you this is the right or wrong way to look at sex but it kinda tells a lot about you as a person without you maybe even realizing it.

says the person desperately trying to insult someone by insinuating that they are bad in bed.
women are so tolerant :^)

All the girls I've been with were okay with it but weren't super into it, I think that's pretty much the norm and the girls who want to be beaten like hell are in the minority.

lol you've talked a whole lot about your sex life and other people's as well, this is a thread about spanking girls in bed

Learn to differentiate between posters you illiterate baboon

You need to go back

Shouldn't she cater to your needs too? Why only do it her way? Doesn't sound as if it's that fun for you.

Depends on how much force is applied. Will prefer hair pulling and biting over spanking though.

I spank my daughter. So, spanking is not sexual.

Nope. Also don't like being called a bitch either.

You both sound like a bunch of stiff cunts. You probably don't even lift your legs up, kek.

t. can fuck for 2 hours straight and do most of the work
Most women can't fuck and don't put anything into it. You are in that camp as well, judging by how defensive you got.

No leglock, no dickin
I enjoy me a thicc lady who loves the leglock.

Also nigger what are you doing listening to posts about sex on Jow Forums allegedly posted by women???

As foreplay it’s nice bc most women like being submissive, but you’d have to set the mood because being hit doesn’t feel good to most people lol. During sex it’s a hard “no”, because that totally jacks up your rhythm. Like I’m trying to cum not feel pain

Black women are the fucking best
Holy shit my dick is exploding

If you like large, smelly labia's. They are also much more likely to have an STD.

t. saltine
flat and white lmao

then don't have a flat ass next time