Nearly 50 >has a head of hair like he's 25 years old

>nearly 50 >has a head of hair like he's 25 years old

How does he do it?

Attached: carlson.jpg (1440x960, 443K)

Being rich
hair transplants

Low stress levels, and most likely eats and sleeps well.

I forget, something like 5-10% of men will retain their juvenile hairlines. Ronald Reagan was an example of such.

I suspect many conservative TV personalities rock the bowl cut to appeal to middle aged women. It has no sex appeal, but they think they look cute.

No fap

A beautiful wife, kids, and life. Hasn't sold his soul for material possessions and has kept his integrity and humanity.

>be slavic
>have widow's peak

ugh, at least there's hair surgery..

This, people who do bad age horribly

Doesn't he look like a televangelist?