
-Me idiot buy PS4
-send dude the money
-dude never send back PS4
-got his address, lives in another state
-know i wont get back money but i wanna revenge
Any ideas using his address?

Attached: IMG-20180625-WA0037.jpg (581x1032, 57K)

Pull up at his house if you're a real one

Do anything else if you're a bitch

Dont have money and time dude believe me i would but it's a 18hrs bus trip.

Where did you buy the PS4 from? If it wasn't ebay then you're a dumbass, sorry.

Chile is one of those third world countries, right?
Murderers get away with it every single time in those countries.
Go there without worries. Justice over there doesn't exist. You won't get charged for anything.

I say your experience was worth every penny. He teached you how to not be guillible idiot. Move on with your life, he will end up in jail sooner or later anyway. Just report it to the police. They will arrest him after he will gather X reports on his head.

I know i was an idiot, and he will be in prision anyway. I learned the lesson, but theres something i can do to piss him off a bit at least.
Concerning murder, Chile has evolved the last 10 years, si its not good idea right now.

>American education

Attached: molymeme.png (414x441, 163K)

Why not just use the legal system?

At least here people rot in jail like it should be. Down the south, they get released in less than 24 hours.

Guess that too good to be real deal wasn't real after all OP.

I Will, in fact that's how i got his addrees, he has no criminal records so as user said it takes X times before legal system do anything.

Nigga, Chile has a lower murder rate than the US.

Cut off your ear and mail it to him. He'll think you're in love with him, and get all uncomfortable with the latent homosexual feelings that arise within him.

This motherfucker is bout it.

He's right, even though I would be too much of a pussy to do what he suggests if I were in your shoes.

OP so where is this guy? My suggestions would vary by country.

Also, who is this guy? With his address, you can find out his identity, and from there you can find his job, his friends, his habits, etc.

The more you know about your target, the more likely it will be that you will be able to identify the part of his life through which you can annihilate him.

No, it doesn't. You don't get One Free Theft.

Who the hell told you that?

I've seen it years ago, maybe now it's diferent

>Pull up at his house if you're a real one
Risking your life to take revenge so people don't think you're a pussy
>Do anything else if you're a bitch
Doing something sly and cunning not giving him a chance to fight back and taking your revenge without risking your life and not caring what people think cause you're not a slave to society.

you sound white af


Los chilenos estamos en todas partes :D

Chileans are everywhere :D

Gracias wacho, ahora tengo un RUT nuevo!
Fuck up with his rut.

Es de Recoleta.
Norte para ser exacto.
¿Eres del sur anón?