>strongest military in the world
>can’t even defend our southern border

What the FUCK is wrong with us?

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America is a nation of immigrants.

I bet $20 Op seriously believes what he just posted.

From Europe. WHITE immigrants.

>America is a nation of immigrants.

America was founded and sustained by White settlers.


No we are not, we are a nation of settlers, conquerors and inventors.

Fuck off SJW faggot.

We're a people OF the Government, BY the Government and FOR the Government. That military doesn't serve your interests, it serves (((theirs))).

*and conquered.

Whites built the country. Shitskins come to feed on it.

Half our population are treasonous scumbags that want to see our country destroyed.

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>what the fuck is wrong with (((us)))?

Sound familiar?

Gas yourself you fucking kike motherfucker.

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Republicunts and Demonrats need their little dead Mexicans and Guatemalans for political games baby.

Oh look...there's no horde.

We have six entire divisions stationed in the US and they don’t do a SINGLE GOD DAMN THING. What the fuck is the purpose of this all mighty military when all they do is FUCKING NOTHING.
Defend our border you fucking retarded fucks

For fucks sake we defended West Germany more than we defend ourselves!
Pic related is American and Soviet tanks facing off.

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Jews want to continue their white ethnic cleansing program with open borders and still have control of our Govt.

Almost no nation in history has had more reason to invade another country than the USA does with Mexico. And yet we only ever invade the Middle East, which has nothing to do with us.

It's just further proof that your government doesn't represent your interests, but the interests of the highest bidder. This is the nature of democracy

Most of your government and most of your military dont want the border defended.

Your border is undefended by design.

The whole point is to bring in as many people as possible. Every possible conceivable government apparatus and bureaucracy is designed to prevent the border from being defended. To change this you would need to do mass arrests and executions and thats pretty much in the realm of impossibility

Silly goy. All that money to is for defending Israel, not America!
Rabbi Trumpstein is making very sure of that.

Fuck the constitution and the bill of rights!

posse comitatus you tard

The easiest way to make more money is to sell something and customer buying it again, because it doesn't works, but not complaining.

What kind of immigrants demand entry and then don't assimilate the culture and even go as so far to dogmatically stick to their previous countries culture?

Not the kind of immigrants that made America great.

at a time period when the phrase "white European" did not exist as a single collective ethnic group. This white nationalist argument has been de-bunked a million times, either only allow land-owning wasps to vote or stop using "muh American heritage" as an argument

Why would they want drug dealers and human traffickers coming in?


>8-4-4-4-12 pic id
based jewish poster


Proof? This is a highly arbitrary charge

Juden mein schwarzein!

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because that dude blew air into his camelbak instead of actually getting water

Don’t tell me what to do faggot

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it took you 10 minutes to come up with that?

why do whites chimp out being called immigrants? or a nation of immigrants? does the word immigrant mean bad?
why is being asian or mexican bad?

we should bring all the troops home, have them build fobs and outposts on the border, and do 3-6 month rotations. Not only do we protect the border but its good practice for future wars. its like half deployment half NTC.

Under an actual government we would have this, too bad it’s controlled by kikes, corporations, and the highest bidder.

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It's because some people deliberately blur the line between "immigrants" and "illegal immigrants" in discussions. (Mostly) No one minds legal immigrants who become naturalized citizens and proud Americans.

Maybe even a new branch of service. Instead of a Coast Guard, there could be a Border Guard.

Republican faggot, your part of the reason for the demographic change in the US
>Flood is with shitskins! As long as it’s legal!

I'm not sure which side you're arguing here. I support the legal immigration process. Like when Scottish-born Craig Ferguson went through the process to become an American citizen.

Attached: Craig_Ferguson.png (536x303, 395K)

>flood america with shitskins capitalism demands it!!!
>durp sounds great! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

>ordered to shoot mudshits abroad
>ordered to cease fire and never ever open fire at the home border
>"wow why are our soldiers so shit"

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A nation of R1a immigrants.
Anglo, Nordic, Germanic. All covered.

Enroll to fight in the Middle East!

Attached: enrolledtofightinme.png (998x858, 1001K)

yeah maybe we could call it something like the "Border patrol".
Fuckin dumbass.

buy decent drones, follow sjw caravan fags, find these large groups. crash m80 power fentynal drones into these people. problem solved.

You also support the US being flooded with non-whites legally?

That wasn't the question though. The questions was:
>why do whites chimp out being called immigrants? or a nation of immigrants? does the word immigrant mean bad?
why is being asian or mexican bad?
And that was the narrow topic I was trying to address. I think your question/position is about whether the current legal immigration paths (amnesty, anchor babies, asylum, allowing non-citizens voting status in California etc etc) are too weak, and are being abused. That would be a different thread for me.

America has not southern border. It believes it owns the world.

Remember the Alamo.

Oh that’s simple. This is a country conquered, founded, and raised by Europeans. Mexicans belong in Mexico, and Asians belong in Asia. If they come here, they should leave back to their homeland.

AND Ellis Island was crawling with TB and lice before those motherfuckers got sent out into the world to scratch a living off the land.
quit acting like nation of immigrants means nation of free shit, you fucking nigger.

More goyim to feed la creatura.