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>browse Jow Forums
>see depictions of jews with big hooked noses
>develop complex about my nose
>considering plastic surgery to fix it
Should I do it?

pic related: not me, but basically what I look like on the left

Attached: before_after.jpg (663x354, 39K)

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don't be so oversensitive on things you have no control over

in the same boat. Mines not as bad. Im thinking of getting the surgery tho.

this is an invaluable opportunity to pretend to be jewish

I think nose surgeries are the most common.
I personally think healthy self image is really important but it's your choice of you think it affects you that much

Idiot. He *does* have control over it. That's why we're here. And you foolishly trying to lie to him and convince him it's wisdom is naive as fuck.

fucking shitalian cunt
australia is for anglos only

Are you guys really considering surgery to impress drunken retards on Jow Forums?
>t. drunken retard on Jow Forums

No I want to stop staring at my god damn nose whenever I get a glance at it from a piece of metal. Because it just reminds me that I hate the way it looks.

The Semitic/Middle-Eastern nose isn't like that. Look at the angle of the nostrils in profile. Europeans nostrils are horizontal and Middle-Eastern nostrils are angled downward.

But I do have control over it. It costs like $6000 to fix it, which is not nothing, but not that much.

Did you want it before or after you came to Jow Forums?

Lold. That might be the best alternative course of action

I dont have a healthy self image, only self hatred

Ive had people in real life mention how big it is a few times, including girls, which is soul destroying. Nobody has ever called me jewish IRL though

I would think it would be easier to just learn to live with it rather than piss money away on needless surgery like some instagram attention-whore. That's just me though.

Get rid of your acne that your children wont have cause u had it

You could always join a Synagogue by pretending to be a Jew and report back to us on what really goes on in there.

meant for

Mine is big too, but plastic surgery is gay

Jtg transnasals are mentally ill and suffer from nasal dysphoria

Just accept your self as the Hebrew you were born as

I have a similar nose as the one on the left but I'm not Jewish. Not changing it though cause it could come in handy if I ever need to pretend I'm Jewish.

Attached: 09-roll-safe.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 66K)

Guy in OP's pic looks Scandinavian, not Jewish.

It's not hooked shaped but it's thin and kinda big. From the front it looks fine.

Shalom goyim!

*shekels in hebrew

haha look at the size of that nose

OY VEY!!!!!!!!

Your genes are still going to have you coded as the hooked nose. You're still going to be ugly because of your weak charisma and your insecurities. Your children will have hooked nose.
You're that way, you have focused all your weakness over a body defect, once you fix it you will feel like your problems are over, just to realize later on you're still the same, weak person.

Attached: 1516197822293.jpg (472x472, 27K)

Fuck off shlomo. All the surgery in the world wont stop your clans hook nose from going to your kids

Did you just learn how to use a tripcode or something?

Neither of my parents have the hook, only 1 of my grandparents had it, so theres a chance that my kids wont have it either. Fuck, even If they do, I'll pay for the surgery myself

Get the surgery then if it affects your confidence and self worth that much, it’s objectively a waste of money though.

Isn't that just a Roman nose shape?

>did you JUST learn

lol, goy! stay new!


yes you should fix it and you should run analysis on any nascent embryos to make sure they don't inherit it.

Getting cosmetic surgery you don't need is the most gay, low test shit ever.

Don't confuse an aquiline Roman nose with a Hebe hook. If the you have Italian ancestry, wear that glorious Chadliator nose with pride. If you have Jewish ancestry, don't do get plastic surgery and instead go straight to the gas chamber please.

Attached: heres-what-the-shape-of-your-nose-reveals-about-your-personality-.png (800x420, 416K)

this, when I lost weight I was still a virgin, when I lifted I was still a virgin now I'm suicidal

Attached: fire place.png (1000x742, 1.11M)

It's in our nature to be overly self-critical.
Chances are it's not as bad as you think it is.
Unless it prevents you from going about a normal life, you should leave it alone. It's what make you you. Embrace your uniqueness.

The aquiline nose is not exclusive to Jews, nor is it all that common amoung Jews. Don’t let merchant memes affect your self image.

Attached: 80C81F18-B532-4009-8DF9-503CFD3EE0EE.jpg (1080x1920, 154K)

Attached: adolf hitler had a hook nose, not all big noses are jewish.jpg (538x489, 171K)

It's faggot tier to care what others think about your looks. It's extremely effeminate and it's prevalent amongst millennial boys because they're HUGE faggots

I was a fat kid, always insecure. I lost a ton of weight and was in fantastic shape all through my 20s. Got fat again in my 30s but this time around I just don't care. I'm more confident now than I was when I was in shape. It's all about how you see yourself, not how you look.

Can you show some real life examples of Roman nose vs Hebe hook?


Attached: ffa5f57d-6d03-41d1-9424-c091f50aa4ca_r646x823.jpg (646x823, 51K)

Once you delve into plastic surgery, it's hard to stop. That's why so many people end up looking like Bogdanoffs.

Fuck, what's it like to have a schnoz like that? The thought of reaching up and touching that huge protrusion on your face makes me want to vomit. I wouldn't fuck you with a beak like that. But If you got the surgery and didn't tell me and knocked me up and my kids came out looking like half bird mutants I would probably kill you.

>broke my nose when I was 7
>have asthma and mouthbreathed hard on top of it
>all my family has perfect noses, the kind of noses you see in models
>mine is big and skewed
Woe is me.
It's not that bad OP, unless you have a really fucked up nose you shouldn't care too much about it. Also, big noses give character. I've seen so many women who had ok noses which then got rhinoplasty and lost their unique look.

>considering plastic surgery to fix it

Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
Matthew 6:16


Lol. Baste

it probably looks fine. you shouldn't get unnecessary surgeries. look up something called empty nose syndrome and see what surgery can do to people. granted it's a different kind of surgery but still, god knows what can go wrong. there was also that woman last week who supposedly killed herself because of lasik.

I would avoid surgery unless it was absolutely necessary. you don't know what kind of shit can go wrong.

This is the honest, not ironic, no shitposting, real answer to OP's question. Thanks, Truthanon.

>killed herself because of lasik
Story please?

the word hell means to hide away
go to hell fake jew kike amalekite
go to hell hahahahahahahahhaa.

>pay jews money to chop up your nose
Ehhh if you hate it that much man
The one in OPs pic is pretty hooked
Roman noses are based through

Pain. She was a local Fox weathergirl or something. It's happened to other people too. I've also heard of pain and suicide due to vasectomies as well.

i fixed my nose and within 1 year got 5x as much pussy as before. mine was broken though from many fights now i look hansome af. i recommend doing it. but go to good doctor. dont cheap out. you only get 1 nose.

Oh yeah, I remember reading about that. How hard is it to just wear glasses?

do you mew?

What makes you believe that you deserve a better nose`?

Plastic surgery was invented to hide jews


how old were you when you got it done?

Yes, luckily I found out about the dangers of mouthbreathing when I was 16. Surprisingly, I managed to mitigate the damage and I even managed to fix my weak jaw.
Now a days it's unconscious though and don't mouthbreathe anymore.

Just grow a really big mustache.

I read in the comment section of one of the articles last week that some other possible side effects are migraines and vertigo - a good friend of mine had lasik in the 90's and gets those occasionally, it would be interesting if they were connected.

I was vaguely considering having it done but I'm only mildly nearsighted. Doesn't seem worth the risk when I really don't have a problem wearing contacts or glasses.

Attached: 1538000004046.gif (300x300, 1.5M)

I looked in to it and saw some of the side effects. I'm just lucky enough to have a natural condition that is similar to one of them. Even if there's a 0.5% chance of having to deal with it I'd run away fast and just wear glasses.

germans have alquiline noses. not the same thing as a big jew nose. not shaped the same way

Most nosejobs are done by Asians

Attached: pic.png (1062x2040, 219K)

for example japan drws lots of aryan anime characters with avian style noses cause its a white thing. european have high nose bridge

I rub my hands together unconsciously sometimes. I catch myself doing it, and I try to stop, but I can't. Should I get them removed?

Attached: jew.png (448x539, 117K)

Only the ring fingers
>you know why