Roasty splatted while leaning out of train

>Beth Ropper Bristol England
>worked helping refugees into England for a shitbag charity
>was “chairman” of Cardiff socialist retards society
>goes Christmas shopping
>sticks head out of window like literal dogo
>Thwack! The tree branch of fate oh so cruel yet so hilarious cuts short our suffering.

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Other urls found in this thread:

toll status: paid

God has smiled upon us :)

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Nice to see a heartwarming story on here every now and then.

great news


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All non-racially conscious subhumans deserve to be culled

I’d fuck the Beth in the OP pic.
Maybe I’d fuck the thicc/thick Beth in this pic.
But the tree branch beat me to it, it fucked Beth in the face first.

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Modern women of this world really do not like head it seems

that's a pretty stupid way to die

*crickets chirping*

"Do not lean out of the window, I wonder why?"

They must’ve been riding near Hogwarts and that must’ve been the Whomping Willow! This is all so exciting!

Great song but too soon.

She lived in Penarth, S Wales. Not far from me. Penarth is an upmarket suburb of Cardiff. Some v expensive homes and overwhelmingly white. Just the type of area that libtards like this girl inhabit. Multi culturalism for them is a curry on a Saturday night, cheap labour and a cushy non job. They don't live by the fuckers.

Just hope the other passengers weren't delayed too long.

no footage?

God has a sense of humor

They are fucking idiots aren’t they?
They are all determined to loose their heads in the most stupid ways possible.
Listen, drop all your anxiety and have a good fuck and kind of remember it, get some sexual aggression going so you just want to fuck them your way - that’s all they want too, that’s the big secret to girls they want me to take control of them and make them cum by defiling them - and use it to take control of these pretty yet stupid creatures.
They need the cock of discipline to keep them safe this Christmas. Tell them that Santa can’t really replace their heads and if they don’t obey their man they are statistically likely to lose it.

I saw this happen in the movie Hereditary

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The conductor that put that sign there was a white male so she was sticking it to the patriarchy. So brave.

what the fuck is up with these horrible eyebrows these women are drawing on their face?

I had to strike while the iron was hot

Another roasty dead. Thank you, God.

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if theres a vid, post link

there is always dogs, Leaf.

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i understand this, user. it's the same here too. i also hope human lives were not impacted by her surprise beheading.

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god that woman is attractive

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Little kids on the internet celebrate a woman’s death because they are virgins. Jow Forums summed up

The media has tought her to hate her natural looks so they can sell her a bunch of bullshit.

Was she an eyebrow donor?

wait... didnt u die?

my fuggin sides

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ask her parents on facebook senpai

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post the gif of the topless girl who got decapitated by a pole


while looking for her parents I saw this
Beth Roper
Riverhead, New York

This will give you an idea of how it went down

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S, and that is for shit, not spit.

Glad scum like that has been taken out. How many rapes, murders, thefts, and other crimes have her actions caused, whilst she simultaneously complains about the patriarchy?

How much has this self-proclaimed socialist aided in the suppressed of labout value for low-income workers?

Fucking glad. Really happy that Arriva Trains Wales still have those little windows!

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>ankle tattoo

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what is the cancer that is causing these bitches.. I was at target shopping for Christmas earlier, and this European woman, maybe scandanavian, I dunno how you euro fags live, I just know that accent when I hear it, and she was clearly visiting here and not living here.. is paling around with this trashy nigger, and this is a well to do area, there is no public transportation except our version of the tube, which prevents niggers from getting here from inner cities.. so what gives. what the fuck is causing this utter hatred of true white heritage. don't tell me white men treat their women bad so they left for another version that's even worse and dips after the first fucking kid.

>The incident was reported to the Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB).
Is it just me?

Did she happen to survive some life-ending event by chance prior to that?

eh, dad died just after Thanksgiving

2/10 would not bang

sure Bruce. your standards are whats keeping you from fucking her.

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“Miss Roper worked for the Welsh Refugee Council, having graduated from Cardiff Metropolitan University in 2013.

The charity, a sister organisation to the UK-wide Refugee Council, works to help asylum seekers and refugees in Wales.

She was also a campaigner and was chairman of Young Socialists Cardiff.“

Repeat after me:


She missed the tree 100 meters back

her mom? got a sister?
link that FB senpai

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I’m dead

she must of been a fan of this show


I guess she wasn't HEADing home that night


Nigga you gay

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That wasn't a joke



fuck Sierra Skye is so hot

Your post is righteously true re "what women really want"!

That's why they have rape fantasies (which aren't about violence, rather about being dominated oh-so-willingly by a man who takes control!).

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Stop spamming this shit on every thread, you utter tool

Wait, Op. Im a brit. Where on earth do you find a train with windows fhat open? They only had those when I was like 9 years old.

Briefly..Westen media promotes that 'white=dork, black=coolest guys)

God exists and will destroy roasties with their own stupidity

it's her only flaw, he isn't saying that she is gross but that the tat ruins perfection.

like a small scratch on a perfectly clear lens

>Giving a shit about an anglocuck
Nah I'm good, enjoy your Muslim shithole like you and your ancestors deserve

and nothing of value was lost.


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Guy's dad died last november and now his daugther dies too
He's a leftie so that serves him right

wow i'm surprised it's physically possible to stick your head out the window of public transportation in the uk nanny state, you can't do that here because many people lost lives or limbs

Before anyone asked: dumb Russian chick on holiday. Yes, she is dead.

fake and gay

>liking nasty skanks
Checks out

You are correct. They realize the white man as their only true, capable threat, so they have made emasculating us their top priority (like Tokyo Rose telling us, "You can't win- you're alone, just give up the fight"). They are lieing-ass commies working for their masters.

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I'll bet you'd be a blast at parties, except all your imaginary friends know better than to invite you to one because you'd just shit it all up. Again. Try not to be such a fuckhead in future.

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The bristol pistol back at it again

I thought the same thing. Creepy movie. That little autist was ugly af.

if i get digits it means white girls are degenerates and should be genocided off the face of the earth

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notice her herpes bumps?

yeast falls out of her cunt at 13 seconds

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aryan goddesses coming through
make way

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asian girls aint got booty like stacy

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i like to white knight online because it makes me feel like a real man. even tho irl im a fat neckbeard

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white girls are best

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Can't tell if troll or an incel.

Oi, you've a loicense for that accident?

haha, hello ashley

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so feminine. such grace. such class. truly superior

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Can I get a retard whisperer in here to tell me what this downy cunt is trying to convey?


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God's that's hot.