Why does it seem like they think they are the superior, best people, at least among whites/Europeans?
Are Nordic people(s) really superior?
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They are ok, they have nice aesthetics, but they didn't accomplish 1/100th that the French, Anglos, Germans etc did
Cuz they live(d) in homogeneous societies built pillars of strong family oriented cultures that made people happy and united, and the diverse societies envied them
You expect the people who have more faith in the government than their own family, to be grounded in reality?
Some of their women look pretty and that's it.
white people only have looks, nothing else. they are massive cucks and betas.
They are self-effacing faggots.
I have a big dick and I high IQ as well. Sorry Chang.
Anglos, Germans and proper Frenchmen are Nordic too
t. low IQ armenoid subhuman whose nation is filled with sandwich priced whores
read plato
Not really, their history is not the most notable, and most of Europe has the same genetics anyways.
Also I think it's a myth that they're best looking, I've been to both Italy and Sweden and I think women in Italy are best looking