>Annual Food Stamps cost $115 billion
>Annual obesity-related illness costs $200 billion
>Food Stamp recipients are more likely to be obese
Should fat people be barred from receiving food stamps?
>Annual Food Stamps cost $115 billion
>Annual obesity-related illness costs $200 billion
>Food Stamp recipients are more likely to be obese
Should fat people be barred from receiving food stamps?
This is more about making fun of poor people. It's Huffington post way of calling them fat & poor. It's about shaming them.
as usual the answer is corn industry and corn syrup, literally ruining the world
no, but it's a good argument for changing the foodstamp program into a direct food assistance. Government delivers you a box of groceries. Only nutritious food meant to feed the intended family.
They didn't do the studies. They're just reporting on them. Here's another outlet.
Nothing wrong with corn or sugar if you aren't gluttonous about it.
>Government delivers you a box of groceries.
An empty box would be better.
I never got why the government allows this. Its all shit like frozen meals and ramen no shit they are obese. Do stores offer healthy food for EBT? I wouldn't know I have never seen it
>Do stores offer healthy food for EBT?
You can buy just about anything with it. Veggies, lean meat. Or sodas, chips, etc.
>I don't feel bad at all
No reason to. You're paying for it with all the withdrawals from your paycheck anyway.
Well, maybe if they didn't give people $600 to spend on any food they want without ristrictions, they wouldn't be having this problem.
This. Corn syrup is one of the worst things you can consume, almost as bad as onions.
You can buy almost anything with ebt. Including steaks and lobsters. They eat like kings while we suffer and starve.
im still waiting for someone to explain to me why I am forced at gun point to feed other fully functional adults, feelsslaveman
It's because most of them buy crap like soda and chips, and lots of it.
I work in retail and don't make much money, so I applied for and received food stamps. I live with my parents so I can really splurge with my stamps.
I buy primo shit like Broguiere's eggnog and sushi.
I don't feel bad at all taking advantage of the system.
I worked hard, went to college, graduated with honors, and I can't find anything except part time retail jobs.
wouldnt even have that big of a problem with it if it wasn't literally to feed niggers and our replacement (spics)
Food stamps can be used for produce or even seeds to grow produce. Many farmers markets sell produce at 50% for food stamp users. Beyond that, even processed food varies greatly in quality and nutritional value. I've been on food stamps and used them to mostly buy raw chicken and frozen vegetables with a bit of dairy. If you're truly poor you get about $6.50 per person per day. That's plenty of money if you're buying food to cook into a meal but shitty money if you're buying sodas, fruit juices, pop tarts, and microwave dinners.
Roped and deadpilled
We need to overthrow the government and disappear all people dependent on the govt. Those on welfare, food stamps, SS, SSI, Medicare/caid, prisoners, government employees, contractors. All of them and their entire bloodlines.
Food stamp recipients are more likely to illegally sell there food stamps for drug money.
Why food stamps to buy crackers and chips?
Wouldn't a delivery of rice, oats, lentils, eggs, onions, garlic, canned foods, some vegetables and maybe a bit of meat be way better?
If you wanna be socialist about it this would be more effective and cheaper. Just provide essential foods and have volunteer run community cooking classes.
I volunteered at a food bank and it made no sense how we weren't giving these people rice.
>Wouldn't a delivery of rice, oats, lentils, eggs, onions, garlic, canned foods, some vegetables and maybe a bit of meat be way better?
Not everyone enjoys bland white people food you fucking racist nazi!
they mostly buy food that is shitty low quality with ingredients designed to destroy the gut's ability to properly regulate eating
not to take off blame for fat fucks being fat but if you have limited resources, you buy the cheap shit, and the cheap shit is effectively food drugs
>voting for democrats or republicans
>believing in a 2 party system
>mad when they fk you with no grease
you're not understanding how the american food industry works if you think it's as simple as PICK WHAT YOU LIKE XD
they deliberately hide all the good shit on the fucking ends of the store and annoy the shit out of you, guaranteeing that if you didn't already know what to pick you'd inevitably try something that will lead you on a path of hamplanetdom
why the fuck do you think americans are so fat and only other europeans are even remotely catching up?
we're really fucking good at hiding good food away from people and lowering the quality of it to absolute shit while putting bright lights and good reviews on everything dogshit
for every lbs. over weight..
reduce the foodstamp amount by $1.00
if they underweight, increase the foodstamp amount +$1.00 for every lbs under weight.
And when confronted with this, the progressives will tell you that it is because they are poor so they buy "low quality food" that has "little nutritional value" and only gets them fat. So they argue that the government must invest more money on food stamps, but the cost will negative because if they stop being obese they will need less treatment, reducing medical costs and saving money.
They literally believe this.
Reminds me of a girl I met on shore leave.
>spends 115 million feeding own citizens
>hey let's let more poor mestizos in
christ. the usa is so finished. the jews literally just sucking every shekel they can from you goys.
Crackers and chips?
If I had food stamps of buy fucking live lobsters
its a shame that Whole Foods doesnt accept EBT
that's straight up discrimination
can we meme whole foods into accepting them?
t. poorfag
End food stamps and welfare.
Problem solved.
Maybe, it could be saying, "Look how stupid these poor people are, doesn't this validate that we need to help them!"
But my guess is that it actually says, "We just got a small grant from a large AgriBusiness who has a new set of products and ingredients they want to sell, and they'd like a push from the FDA to approve their product, so we're going to make previous products look dangerous!"
It's just as possible that these people are fat because they live and work in chemical cesspools, which really is a problem.
I am not progressive and that is mostly what I argue, but I don't argue that solution.
It's not because they are poor that they buy low quality food, it's because they have absolutely no education on what good food is and grow up eating fast food so that's what they buy.
The solution is to educate people on what good food is and ban people from using food stamps on shit quality food that is scientifically proven to make you turn into fat lumbering retard
that'll never happen though
>Whole Foods doesnt accept EBT
no, that's the reason of progress and our existence
Right, nothing wrong with corn or sugar, but there may be things wrong with the other ingredients added in these two shelf-stable products.
Honeycrisp apples $2.49#
Little Debbie snack cakes $1.49/box
1 gallon of cheap soda @ .69/2ltr $1.40
1 gallon of orange juice @$5.69
SNAP needs to exist, but it needs to be spent on a nutritional point system opposed to a dollar amount. Possibly even 1.5 or 2.0x value if spent at a local farmer's market.
Say they get 1000 pts concurrent with the $ amount every month. Ex.: Kale, raw oats, fish, dried rice beans are 2 pts. Box of Cheerios 10, but that Cap'n Crunch'll cost them 50. Grape Nuts .5 pt. Cheese is 50, that 2 ltr is of Mountain Dew is 100 and the Good Humor bars 200.
When you're out of points, the $ balance doesn't matter, you're done.
It'd work, but the niggers would raise immortal hell over Cheetos
>1 gallon of orange juice @$5.69
Orange juice and damn near every other "juice" is fucking terrible for you.
150 dollars in food stamps equates to 32 (12 packs) of cola.
A single coke can has 138 calories, a single pack has 1656, altogether that's 54992 calories.
That's 26 days worth of calories with no nutritional value other than pure fucking energy that usually gets converted to fat.
Cola is about the cheapest form of calorie amount per dollar with the least amount of work involved in ingesting (since no cooking involved).
Now add in all the junk food, regular meals, etc.
>1 gallon of cheap soda @ .69/2ltr $1.40
>1 gallon of orange juice @$5.69
>Fruit juice is healthy
>forced at gun point
how so? i don't think wageslaves have guns pointed at their heads.
People get fat because they overeat. Simple as that. First principle of thermodynamics.
>The solution is to educate people
The solution id to let them starve and shoot them when they chimp out.
I mean, I don't like any form of welfare, but I guess, no. Have you ever been near a person using food stamps? It's infuriating. All they buy is a truckload of chips and soda and cookies, it's fucking ridiculous. The grocery nearest my house was pretty ghetto, and I used to get so fucking pissed looking at what these people are buying on food stamps. Then pull their regular cash out to buy booze. I got so mad about it, I started driving further and paying more at a nicer grocery store, just to see them there as well. Here I am, budgeting, and only buying essentials, like some sort of asshole, and these fuckers are getting whatever they want. Shit, now that I live in Michigan, all the party stores sell groceries so they can just use their food stamps on booze directly. It's fucking insane.
I say go with the food boxes, delivered. I say if you get on stamps your bank account should be seized, and you should only be able to use stamps on certain items in the store. Cheap meat, cheap soap, veggies, beans, rice, bread, cheap cheese, fruit, and that's about it. But no one gives a fuck, and they will just game the system in some other way, or complain nonstop with the MSM backing them up, and get whatever they want.
Or they should be sent to a fucking labor camp.
Yup. Pure sugar with no fiber
Ever get stuck in line behind some scumbag with food stamps? They buy several cases of soda and a cartload of chips because they get $400+ a month in SNAP if they shit out some kids. They eat trash, of course they're going to be fat fucks.
>when ending food stamps is actually beneficial to the recipient
good article headline, end welfare and people will shape up or die.
stay ragie wagie
>It'd work, but the niggers
Dumb and ignorant people assume that if it's sold, it's safe.
Cheese is 50? People need fats, especially people who live and work in high-chemical exposure areas. Poor people may work in cleaning jobs that use chemicals that literally break down fats (wonderful since we outlawed Phosphates which could do the same thing with less danger), but they are poisons to your body, and the only way to deal with them is to have more fat.
Cheese is necessary, as is all fat.
Also, that you assume that malted cereal is healthier...
Imagine the money you could save if you kill all fat people in America
>we're really fucking good at hiding good food away from people
you're right. look how hidden away and unappealing all of this healthy fresh produce looks. YUCK!
Drink water, it’s good for you.
Post silhouette fatty
where oh where is all of the fresh produce at? I can't find anything in the dark like this.
Food desert concept. White Flight and Niggers means grocers who sell this cannot stay open. The local grocery near me has stopped allowing hand held baskets, because niggers fill them with goods and walk out. Alot of them also don't want to do the effort to cook, so they buy freezer or prepared foods, and the fresh foods section shrinks.
>somebody will have to pay
yeah you will pay, death by overeating.
>money is more important to me than my own health
fatty genocide. when?
at gun point is an expression meaning forced
Yes we are forced to pay taxes so these landwhales can feed on junk food
Would be easier to only give food stamps to people below 25 bmi.
thats horseshit user
walk your fat ass to the food
nice painting, btw, kudos to the stocking lady.
>Should fat people be barred from receiving food stamps?
You try finding cheap food that is also healthy cuck.
We're not taking into account how lazy these beasts are. It takes time and effort to prepare a meal so why do that when you can plop something in the microwave and wait a few minutes
Starvation is racist
You can buy coca cola and reese's cups with food stamps.
Body fat. 100% free.
What are you on about? Why can't you just accept that fatasses are fatasses because of themselves and stop trying so hard to blame anyone else?
The juice of fifty oranges grown on a tree costs five times as much as industrial chemical soup mix + water and carbonation. Shocker.
Doesn't work with some groups. 86 IQ is borderline retarded, you can teach them as adults, but they will literally forget why it's important.
i understand that. but no one is forcing people to work and pay taxes.
I've spent a bit of time in my life working at a food bank. DESU they should only give away fresh/slightly bruised produce and meat that needs to be cooked immediately. Food banks are a nice concept but most of the donations received are shitty canned vegetables that have almost no nutritional value and various boxed carb meals. That's great if you are in a bad spot and just need some food. Too many people become dependent on it. A lot of them are too fucking lazy to take the time to learn to cook a simple meal.
Go back to Jow Forums faggots, I don't eat honeycrisp apples either, just explaining economic factors for dietary choices.
Get your heads out of your asses.
This is Jow Forums, where the men drink bacon whisky with a turpentine back and smoke Cubans dusted in cordite. Go yoga elsewhere, you're stinkin' up the joint with your assfuckery.
$6.50/day? Holy fuck, I eat like a king on $5/day with meat every meal. A fat sandwich loaded up with turkey or ham and a bunch of veggies and a portion of chips on the side runs me like 80 cents. This shit needs to be cut to the bone.
>but no one is forcing people to work
There are very few ways to live without working in most of the US. And the places you can, you still must work, and if you're discovered, the local Cop will put you in front of the Prison Enrolling Board (aka court) who will use your response to the case, and your history, determine just how well you're going to perform your new slave labors in their private prison cooperative. Remember, passive defendants are worth more to the prison system, because they will do anything they can to get away from Rapy Homo Antwon who is 298 and likes little white assholes.
one of the best decisions ive ever made was splurging on real maple syrup one time. I dont have pancakes often to use it but with the real stuff i actually want to finish my meal instead of feeling sick 25% through it because of the fake corn syrup shit.
it comes down to calories, retards. theyre not gaining weight from just corn syrup and bad quality food. they get fat because they're stuffing their faces with an abundance of free tax money.
>fake corn syrup shit.
Farmers that grow (shit) corn and all elected officials responsible for their welfare should be rounded up and executed. It is more or less impossible to eat anything that isn't intertwined in big corn.
>taking food stamps makes you more obese
It's actually HuffPo's way of arguing for Whole Foods EBT cards.
fuck em
>niggers sell neetbux to wypipo
>wypipo get cheaper food
>nigger gets rims and hookers
Literally worse than our current system.
What happened to trumps ration boxes?
this fucking image makes me so irrationally angry. Yes, you fucking sheboon, billions of years of evolution was for the express purpose of feeding your fat worthless nigger ass and your spawn and not exploring the universe. Our mistake. We'll keep diverting humanity's resources to keeping the dead-ends like you alive so you can create more wastes of resources in a genetic death spiral until your ilk outnumbers the producers and we're set back 100,000 years.
I'll truly never understand the leftist mindset. How the fuck is this not obvious to the people who claim to "f*ckin love science!! xD"?
>How the fuck is this not obvious to the people who claim to "f*ckin love science!! xD"?
Becuse they are bleeding heart shitlibs who want to sound smart
This, or limit food stamps to dry rice, dry beans, evaporated milk, canned tuna and chicken, egg, and then a few frozen veggies.
retard that's Sagat
Fat people should be barred from all government assistance and all medical treatment they do not 100% pay for out of pocket. They are a blight on the world from a dozen different avenues and should be eradicated.
Perfectly said.
The prevailing logic is that poor people get fat because "healthy options don't exist at poverty levels of income," but they gloss over the fact that 75% of these "peoples" surplus income goes towards finding any and all ways to put a pound of sugar a day into their bodies, with another 25% going towards escapist hobbies to distract themselves from the fact they've become a melted candle of a person
No it's Balrog
Literally any food in a grocery store can be purchased with EBT, that's the problem. The majority of recipients spend their foodshare on soda, chips and slim jim's.
I agree with you, they can't afford good food thus they get fat then cause more financial damage.
Fat people are fat because they’re stupid and lazy. It just so happens that a lot of poor people are poor because they’re stupid and/or lazy. It’s like asking “why aren’t there more women in STEM?” or “Why do niggers not make as much money as whites or Asians?” The answer is right in front of their faces but instead of accepting it and trying to figure out how to deal with the root causes they come up with literally any and every “reason” but the actual answer and just try to treat the symptom instead. It’s fucking maddening.
They don't love science. They love the air of authority that claiming to love "science" gives them.
sorry leaf, I'll buy a steak in your honor on the 4th when I get my TendieCard or as you wagies call an EBT Card
Sardines are /ourfish/
Healthy food is cheaper than processed shit. Their problem is they’re stupid and lazy. In a perfect world they would have died off and the species would be stronger as a result. Instead we keep them alive on the backs of better people which has the effect of suppressing the capability of said better people to reproduce, while at the same time encouraging the lowest and most useless to reproduce more. All forms of welfare are dysgenic. They must be ended.
Why don't they just make food stamps for fresh and frozen fruit and veg, grain bread, whole milk, eggs and lean meat?
Corn and sugar make you glutinous though. They literally do as they don't send the signal to your brain to stop eating when you've had enough calories. Fat does. Take the carnivore pill