Girlfriend stopped talking to me

Hi Jow Forums, my gf of 7 years has suddenly stopped talking to me. We don't live together, so the last time I saw her was Saturday night. Things were fine then. We watched cartoons with her nephew until midnight and then I left. Sunday we texted back and forth but didn't see each other. I live an hour away from her to be close to work and she lives with her parents, so we usually only see each other on the weekends and on random days I take off.

Monday morning we sent our good morning texts to each other and then after that I didn't hear from her. She had to work on Monday so I assumed she just got busy which often happens. I texted her goodnight but never got a response.

Tuesday I texted her and she never responded. That evening I called her when I got off work and she never answered.

This is pretty rare so this morning I got paranoid. I texted her good morning like usual but got no response. I finally ended up asking her if she could just send me a text back so I know she's okay and she did and then that was it.

I tried calling her again this evening and no response.

I don't know what to do. I don't know if I'm over reacting but it seems weird. We text each other every day and talk on the phone most days. I see her most weekends. Now seemingly out of nowhere she is ghosting me. We haven't had any arguments or anything and everything seemed pretty good when I last saw her.

What's happening? Am I about to get dumped? Am I just over reacting? Is three days of almost no contact not a cause for concern?

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A girl not responding to her phone does not happen by accident, she is ghosting you.

Who knows why, but she probably doesn't have the guts to break up with you and doesn't know how to do it.

>What's happening?
No clue
>Am I about to get dumped?
No clue
>Am I just over reacting?
Probably not
>Is three days of almost no contact not a cause for concern?
Probably. We don't know anything about you or her. All we know about your relationship is that something concerning and out of the ordinary is happening. Please, leave this thread immediately. Sticking around and listening to a bunch of random people project their wild speculations about what she may or may not be doing or planning is the opposite of helpful. As soon as she is available you HAVE to talk to her. Hanging out here and getting all riled up by our random guesses about what could be happening is only going to make things worse. Close your fucking computer and go talk to her, no matter what it takes. That's what you do.

>being with the same girl for 7 years

Whata cuck!

Straight up ask her wtf is going on.

Let us know OP

Asked her parents or friends if they've heard from them?

If they have block her number, grieve, and move on. If not file a missing persons report.

Tell her it looks like she's ghosting you and she's making you wonder what the fuck is wrong and you'd just like a minute of her time to be warranted an explanation
I fucking tell my girl when I'ma be 15 minutes late off work and she tells me when she'll be late coming home from the grocery store or whatever. Honestly no reason not to, we live in a kinda shady part of town too though

She is definitely deliberately putting off answering you though, there is no question that this is a choice unless she's worked ragged to the clock and has done nothing but sleep and work

On that note I could ask my girlfriend but she'll probably tell you She's ill at ease and can't communicate it

>my gf of 7 years has suddenly stopped talking to me
> Is three days of almost no contact not a cause for concern?

Yes. It's called the 7 year itch.

>girlfriend of 7 years
>we don't live together
How old are you, OP?

She couldn't gotten into an accident or something, but usually you would've heard about that by now, I'm on board with the idea of contacting her family or friends to see if she's okay.

you should unironically propose i have no clue why people date more than three years without getting married you're wasting your liVES

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In all my years on this board, this is the single greatest post of all time. It's advice is sound and all encompassing, and straight to the point.

I'm going to copy this, rewrite it for general use, and turn it in to a new pasta...

Bravo, user.

>go talk to her, no matter what it takes
lol way to promote him looking like a fucking psycho.
I'd get in touch with her parents and seem genuinely concerned for her well being. If you just show up or some shit though she might just unfairly label you as crazy.

Try email? Maybe something is up with her phone, like she lost it...

>I'd get in touch with her parents
OP and gf are obviously adults so this isn't adult behaviour unless it ws matter of her safety.

>go talk to her, no matter what it takes
This is adult behaviour. If she is ignoring you then she owes you the decency of an explanation and you make that clear.

If her parent(s) answer the door, that's the opportunity to briefly say "she's stopped talking to me and I want to make sure she's ok and find out why"

If her parents are decent people then they'd expect their daughter to respect someone she's been with for 7 years is owed an explanation.

> I finally ended up asking her if she could just send me a text back so I know she's okay and she did and then that was it.

this is the most scary part, since that confirms that she still is in possession of her phone and alive and all and yet is not making the effort to text you back otherwise.

Once a girl starts loosing interest, its in 99.9% of relationships only going downhill from that point on, with no chance of recovery.

>lol way to promote him looking like a fucking psycho.
In what universe is a boyfriend of 7 years going to talk to his girlfriend who has inexplicably cut contact for 3 days looking psycho? Do you understand how relationships work?

That's a rhetorical question right

This is good advice. I think I will go to my mom's this weekend (she lives near my gf) and see if I can catch my gf when she is home. I feel weird involving her parents. There is a language barrier between them and myself so I feel weird trying to explain this to them.

I am 24 and so is she. I have asked her to move in with me before but she said she wasn't ready. I got tired of living with my mom and driving over an hour to work so I finally decided to just move without her about 6 months ago.

As mentioned in OP she did text when I asked if she was okay but then hasn't responded to anything sense. Also in the past when something has happened with her phone she would text me from somebody else's phone or contact me on facebook to let me know what was going on.

Honestly the fact that she's dodging my texts and calls is kind of frustrating. If this was normal I wouldn't have worried as much but this morning I was legitimately starting to worry that something had happened to her and that her family had either neglected to contact me or just assumed she was staying with me or something so didn't think anything was wrong. It seems wrong to me to put someone through this, be they your close friend, family member, or significant other.

Looks like the receptacle is ready to run.

When a Derpina loves her Derp, Derpina will be clingy, loving and probably making you run away with how many times she wants to chain you with 2-5 anchors.

Listen to your guts OP. If Derpina never bahved that way in the past, then something is totally fishy.

By 2-4 years your gf shoulda been your wife

I see
This is clearly the only relationship either of you have been in
That is not good user

shes either about to leave you or just cheated on you
no other option
sorry bro

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I don't want to cause you anxiety, but I will be blunt. When I was in a similar position(8 years, 1 hour drive, refusal to move in on her part), it eventually ended with a breakup which she orchestrated me into starting. I found out much later that immediately after we broke up she started a relationship and moved in with a coworker.

My guess is, as horrifying as it is, that your girlfriend is doing the same thing. She's attempting to strain the relationship so that you both will break up, so she can "be free" and do her own thing. She has probably been cheating on you recently, and has gotten tired of trying to keep up the charade. Confront her and be ready to face the worst.

Even though its a one hour drive, you also want to make sure that Derpina is no longer wasting your energy, future and especially your time.

Borrow a relative's or friend's car, rent on if you have to and pass by her house, drive by it different hourd of the day. You can get a pretty good idea from there what Derpina has been up to. If she's not depressed and being a disloyal bitch in the hots. Dump her and get find yourself and Overly Attached Girlfriend. They're wife and mothermaterial.

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She's either ghosting you, or cheated, or just want to broke up.
Go to her place and confront her.
Did you fuck up by doing anything? If not, chances are above.
Think carefully, remember it what you did with her together last time. Your convos, or something.
Girls can mask their opinion entirely by pretending that they're fine while they're fucking not.
At the end of the day girls are girls. They can do unpredictable turns as their heart wish.

I mean that's the thing. The last time I saw her I felt like everything was great. We sat and watched cartoons with her 5 year old nephew. Everything seemed good. We did not leave things on a bad note at all and even texted per usual on Sunday.

On Monday she just started ghosting me. Idk what it means but most of the stuff posted in this thread has crossed my mind already. Usually when she has to work we will have pretty minimal contact as she usually doesn't get off until 7:30 or 8 but we still will at least text each other and she often calls me on her drive home.

She's fucking Chad user just forget about her and move on

Look up how to cope with heart break.

Take up a new hobby , start lifting , make new friends, spend time with the ones you have now, talk to a therapist.

You need to build a new life.

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Act like you don't give a fuck.
It drives bitches crazy. She'll come running back

Dude call the fucking cops or her mom she could be in danger. Are you stupid?

THIS. user give her space, women are like cats. If you chase them.they will run away but if you stay put they end up coming back. Shes shit testing you