Which race would you deport from your country?
Which race would you deport from your country?
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none, everyone gets to stay
Can I only pick one? If so then niggers. Otherwise all nonwhites.
Oooo that's tricky. It's between blacks and spics. Blacks are less compatible with American whites, but spics are more dangerous in terms of long term replacement by outbreeding us.
I'd say deport the spics, since they are more dangerous to our existence in the long term.
Yeah but niggers aren't the ones breeding us out of existence, at least not to the extent that the spics are. It's tricky, we have too many problems to just pick one :/
>we have too many problems to just pick one
Imagine if you could solve all of those problems at once by removing one (((particular))) race.
Jews out
Asians. Abo's are fucked sure, but at least most of them make an effort to integrate into Australian society. Asians just come through, jack up the price of everything, and then move on to the next suburb, I would say a good 25% of them in Sydney would even know basic English either.
then kill all jews
yeah, jews are the root, but their damage has already been done and removing them now would not solve anything.
Not to say they don't deserve a real holocaust, just that picking them if they're your only choice is just stupid.
Niggers. Literally everyone else is fine
Without them everything else can be dealt with in time. You're unwilling to grasp the bigger picture.
Yeah, true. We still have so many spics and niggers already in our country that even removing the heebs won't be enough. We're so fucked, bongbro. Send help
You’re all wrong. Deport the Jews and you’ve solved 90% of this country’s problems.
You're unwilling to grasp the current damage. Jews already did their deed decades ago. We're 56% white for Christ's sake
*56% is actually outdated by now, 54% would be more accurate, and dropping incredibly fast
Pakistanis and Indians and Muslims.
I just know its not gonna happen though.
Your sisters panties from her ass
I'd take cop killing niggers over Jews.
>sexual response
Never going to change. Stay buttraped shlomo..
it's the opposite, everything stays in place because jews insist we not progress and instead (((progress)))
Jews are faggots, but they dindu nuthin wrong.
I say with all fairness and truth.
They have some pretty young women tho.
Never buttraped, I like panties remember, so I don't let faggots get too close. One tried to kiss me once.