I can't use Tinder because I would lose my job if I do. Anybody else in this situation...

I can't use Tinder because I would lose my job if I do. Anybody else in this situation? Any ideas how else I could tind a girl, I'm a pretty boy with no girlfriend ever

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Not enough info, guy. You're either gotta go to social gatherings & meet new people, get a new job & meet new people, or deal with being alone for a while

Why would you lose your job, if I can ask? What's your job?

Eh? Make a fake facebook account without your job info then pussy

I work for a feminist organization.
They pay really well but if anyone ever finds me on tinder my career is over.

Lol how?

Girls are being “empowered” more than ever to be sluts. How can some feminazis get mad at you because you fucked so,e sluts?

She's cute.

She isn't 23 but she's cute.

>Entire field is filled with women
>Can't find a girl
The irony. Make one anyway and if they give you flak about it just make some shit up about how they're being judgemental and discriminatory

>wanting to date a feminist

Look I didn't came here to ask if I should open tinder or not.

I'm well known in my organization, some bitch will eventually find out and tell my boss. It's just a fucking rule, I don't know why they hate tinder.

I don't even want to fuck, I just want a girlfriend and someone to spend time with but how?!?!
I can't date ny co-workers it would get me fired and I don't know any other place.

>dating at work

1. What this guy said: 2. Dating at work can be risky enough as it is, but when surrounded by feminists? They would rip him to shreds if it didn't work out.

Do they have a rule against Tinder specifically or dating apps in general?

If it's the former then they should be fine with Bumble. Hell, that's an app marketed as being feminist. There women are the only ones who can initiate a conversation after a match, as if dating apps didn't favor women enough already.

Oh well if you want a gf then tinder is NOT the place to be anyways.

But I’m seriously confused. It’s an actual policy that you can’t use tinder? Also, if another girl found you on Tinder then she would be on there also... god I hate feminists.. they are such hypocritical and retarded creatures

Your career as a feminist.. how exciting... do your self a favor and gtfo and stop having people run your lives saying what you can or can not do..leave them then bang their husbands

>Also, if another girl found you on Tinder then she would be on there also... god I hate feminists.. they are such hypocritical and retarded creatures

They wouldn't be feminists if they weren't hypocritical and retarded, but to play devil's advocate here, you don't have to be on Tinder yourself to know that someone is on it.

I found out after the fact that me being on Tinder was actually a hot topic among some of my work colleagues and friends, when only 1-2 of them were actually on there. People like to gossip.

Or G/f's or Abcshdhrufgdrvrhz..

>Your career as a feminist..
I ended up here by accident.
It's paying the bills really well.

But I'm fucking depressed and lonely because can't find a way to meet girls.
Don't have many friends..

Answer the question tho. It’s a real work policy?

I'm not him but yes


Answer this then:

>Do they have a rule against Tinder specifically or dating apps in general?

>If it's the former then they should be fine with Bumble.

This guy is probably on point, but I'm still curious.

>I work for a feminist organization.


I used to work at a preschool, and got new pussy there all the time. Start fucking your coworkers. Worked for me.

"a feminist organization" as in you hate feminists and your company has a policy you don't like, or like some sort of women's advocacy organization?

>I used to work at a preschool, and got new pussy there all the time.
poorly worded

Sounds kind if illegal to dictate your home life.. dare I say... Sexually repressive? Feminist organization huh?

Lol that makes no sense. Even feminists need to get laid. I'm pretty sure it's not legal, ethical, or normal for a job to expect you not to have a personal or sex life. You're not a nun or a priest just because you work for the vagina people.

I can understand you might be "embarrassed" for putting an ad on a personal site but these days online dating is extremely commonplace.

If a girl has her snapchat in her tinder bio what do?

The absolute state. And you still can't fuck them?
Enjoy fapping off, you deserves it

How can they restrict what you do in your free time? It's none of their business. If they fire you for this sue their ass.

heh I'm in Camarillo (if this really is your screenshot)

You've already put yourself in a precarious position by assuming that if you would be using a dating app for your own sake that it would be a violation of some sort of rule in your workplace.

You using means of finding an intimate relationship outside of your hours should have very little to do with your career or works perception on your own reputation. Do not let them make you doubt your own actions. You only have the ability to do so.

The only time I heard of this, it was an unwritten rule thing though, was like if you worked at a college.

There was this one guy who worked it the dorms (at my college) and he would match with girls at the college and obviously his bosses got pissed about it and long story short, he quit the day after graduation and went Connecticut or Pennsylvania or wherever he’s from.

Just use pics of someone similar /10 and get talking about sex within a day or two then once they're in tell them the reason you used fake pics, send your pics, fuck them, enjoy!