>goal of $1Billion
>$2M raised in 2 days
I d0nated for the meme, imagine libturd faces if we can get it over $1B. Trump is a bitch for caving in to the RINO stop-gap spending bill
Triple-amputee Vet has raised $2M for border wall
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Jow Forums doesnt let me link the GoFundMe page. Just search "Brian Kolfage wall gofundme"
>Trump is a bitch for caving in to the RINO stop-gap spending bill
"Wall could cost as much as $70 billion dollars"
call me when you get within 1% of your goal.
sounds like another HELP THE HOMELESS SCAM
Does it say Trump signed it?
kek, hope it happens
no and the house probably wont pass it
Why do we have to pay twice? Trump just gave 40 billion dollars worth of taxpayer money away to Israel, a country surrounded by a 28 ft. tall, steel-reinforced concrete wall. Now we have to dig through our lint-filled pockets and pull out whatever scraps we have left to pay for a measly fence constructed out of "artistically designed slats".
I'm ready to check out of this life.
republicucks are now paying for the wall themselves instead of mexico
[ √ ] gullible cuckservatives getting their wallets drained
[ √ ] Can't build public structure on federal land without congressional budgeting approval.
[ √ ] imagine conservaturd faces when you don't raise nearly enough
[ √ ] sorry, no refunds suckers!
Government is useless, are you really surprised we have to do everything ourselves? This is the only way its ever going to get done
building up so quickly
2 million in two days??!!? At this rate, we’ll have one fifth of the wall funded by 2021!!!!!
Based migapedes!!!
You know, I almost hope this effort actually works in a way. The sheer shame of it would further open the eyes of people to the fact that government is fucking useless, and not needed. There would be very little justification for them if this is actually successful. "We did it ourselves- why the fuck do we need you?"
>"We did it ourselves- why the fuck do we need you?"
expect the shills in force
this thought terrifies the more than anything
It's ok Mexico will pay
Trump is supposedly worth many billions, he could pay it himself
God I hope it’s some scam lmao.
As long as I don’t have to pay for it and you retards do go for it.
Great, you get it. Now bake your own cake faggot.
It would be similar to the donation of the Statue of Liberty. Only reason the government made a stink about it because they didn't want to pay for the pedestal. In this case the government isn't paying shit and they aren't giving any land to anyone. The president already approved of what they've done already. So permission isn't a problem. Thrown this money on the pile and keep "repairing" it and adding miles. Donations over time could keep it moving.
Based amputee vet Semper Fidelis
>not realizing this faggot just wants to get on tv to shill for his missing limbs
let me know when you realize we need 25B to do a proper wall.
let me know how much that would be per trump voter.
let me know when you break 70 per donation average.
let me know when you denounce the president for being a massive cuck on basically everything.
let me know how you feel about prison reform.
let me know what would've been different if jeb was in.
and then kys twice.
Oh I can imagine it does. They've managed to trick everyone into thinking they are the boss for a long time, and if something like this crowdfunding the wall puts them all to shame, every fucker on the hill would NOT be able to justify their positions any longer. My only concern now is that if this does become a successful endeavor, Congress will find a way to derail it and steal the money, and I'm willing to bet that if this continues to garner support, it WILL get the Hill's attention and they'll find a way.
Are you going to go to the border and help build it too?
I gave 100 because I am not on food stamps
then please do
He made a legitimate point. I do not like that he is spending more than $0.01 on anything other than the wall. This combined with the $10b he's sending to South America, you would have to be a brain dead retard to not lob some criticism at him.
at this rate even if we actually built a wall right on top of the actual southern border, some federal judge would rule that merely touching the wall bestowed constitutional rights.
and then even if we built a wall a mile inside of mexico or ceded mexico the land the wall was built on, some judge would rule that both sides of the wall are de facto american soil and thus constitutionally protected.
before i die kids who may have been conceived in the US will get citizenship.
>tfw they said we were lucky to be born here
>tfw it took me so long to realize why my dad used to say he wishes he were born amish
i wish i was born on north sentinel island
what's the point of this?
what are taxes?
>what's the point of this?
to get some israeli soldier on tv
How does it feel to be a retard?
The point of this is that the people donating are speaking with their wallet and personally putting their money where THEY want it spent instead of government taking your money and putting it wherever the fuck they please (usually their own pockets, or that of foreign interests).
If this project is successful and gains steam and support, how in the HELL can government justify itself after that? The people doing it themselves would prove that government is just a thief and a leech, and needs to GTFO.
Why do we expect some incompetent Buffon like trump to build a wall when we can fund it ourselves. Trump will always backtrack no matter what.
i gav $3.50 becaus i am on food stamps
t. mexican
sheldon adelson likes trump's little hands FROM WHAT I HEAR WAHAHAHHA
Lmao at a rate of 2/3 million per day, only 5 more years until a small portion of the wall is funded.
this is why i actually donated
i don't expect to make it to 1billion
but even 100million is a demonstration that the American public is not fucking playing around with a wall if hundreds of thousands/millions of people are donating to it
petitions are shit, this is real
>If this project is successful and gains steam and support
1 billion doesn't cover the initial costs of the wall, let alone maintenance and ecology damage. They haven't even raised 1% of what they would need.
I voted Trump and give him the benefit of the doubt, but remember that most /ptg/ fags and reddit-influx are braindead, regardless of how they vote. It's terminal and you give them too much credit. At least they are blind to their retardation and vote in a semi-useful manner
$100 million dollars is not enough money to count as ANYTHING meaningful. You could probably get that much money out of people that want to ban guns entirely from your country. Would it make sense to bother listening to them?
How it may end if the guy who made this hasnt ironproofeed the shit out of his gofundme.
>Msm attacks
>idea.exe lets give the sum to the minorities.
>nice try.miss
the fact that trump is being compelled not to fund the wall and is wasting money on other shit is precisely why we must do this
i don't give a fuck about trump, he can go die in a fucking fire if he doesn't do what i actually wanted. and i want the fucking wall. and america wants the wall. and if congress won't pay for it with our taxes and trump won't force the government to pay for it and even openly mock us by throwing money everywhere else, literally the only solution is to pay for it ourselves or at least demonstrate how much it matters
>kid insists on occupying only good limb
selfish little shit
Of course he did. Did you think Trump has balls or something?
The Navy’s newest aircraft carrier costs $26.8 billion. It will add to a historically smaller U.S. fleet. Our newest aircraft carrier requires a smaller crew but still takes big bucks to build. Its total cost, including personnel, is $26.8 billion.
Oh so less then 3 aircraft carriers and we have 20 of them
fuck you
You can't even catch everyone that goes through actual border checkpoints. How the fuck is 2000 miles of shitty wall going to make a difference?
How about get single payer health care first.
The message it sends alone is worth more, and if it continues to grow, it will scare the living shit out of the Hill- the message is going to be seen as a direct challenge to their power.
This drive represents a lot of people willing to pitch in, and don't think they won't take notice. If the push begins raking in serious donations from the people to fund the project, the political class is going to start sweating bullets.
I could have sworn he said mexico would pay for it
>If this project is successful and gains steam and support, how in the HELL can government justify itself after that? The people doing it themselves would prove that government is just a thief and a leech, and needs to GTFO.
imagine believing this matters at all. you read like a naive little bitch. we voted for a wall. we got early release niggers. no one is even trying to justify this. the government, congress, trump, don't give a fuck. if you think giving a fuck means contributing to the most expensive meme ever and nothing more, go for it. but it was never a money issue. if you don't realize this you're too dumb to vote.
You're making a mistake by equating a sum of money to the will of the people. You have some weird views of how a democracy works.
A single person could fund 100 million in one day if they wanted. Does that mean we should listen to what Elon Musk has to say about fucking anything?
first of all, die leaf faggot
secondly, no you couldn't they are dirty jobless liberals, only the corporations could ever do that
third, this will go further than 100million, but your retarded theories are irrelevent because if they were true they'd have tried to do that and that's why all they do is censor speech on normie channels
fourth, the end game of this is to bring back government financial support for the wall as they realize the people putting their money to this are all votes that will not be for them if they don't support the wall you dumb nigger
don't samefag me leaf go fucking suck a dogs dick and get raped by chink debt
>we voted in a guy that all of DC hates
>but the message will be sent when we raise a few million dollars for a 30 billion dollar project
i really can't tell if you're this naive, a literal retard, or being ironic
>votes for a guy who claims he can make mexico pay for the wall
>pay for the wall yourself
you sound like a cuck
On a board with poster IDs. Are you retarded?
Face it, you aren't getting your stupid fucking wall. The Great Wall of China didn't work, why would the shitty wall of USA work?
>didnt vote for trump because he was an unreliable retard
i've been calling almost everything correctly from the start newfag very little has surprised me so far
>pay taxes that still go to planned parenthood
>pay more $ to go fund me that will never go to a wall
This is what winning is to boomerpedes and this is why our nation is a shithole.
you forgot:
>waits two years for literally anything
>realizes no wall a week before congress is split
>thinks raising a few million means shit to anybody
>doesn't realize 5B is a quintuple cuck
>muh message from the people n sheeit
because china's wall was for defending thousands of mongols charging and they only had swords you fucking moron good luck charging a military grade wall through an open field with AR15s pointed at you and trying to overrun it in 2018
if walls didn't work the mudslimes would have killed the kikes by now, they have them completely surrounded and outnumbered and always have from the beginning
just fuck off leaf concern yourself with your own country oh wait no one ever talks about it here because it's a piece of shit cucknation subservient to superpowers
>still arguing the merits of a wall
you're why this country is a failed state
This is a stunt brainlet.
haha hillary
the current fence when it is there is about 100 or 200 yards from the actual border that is sometimes the center of the river. When the wall is built a few American homes will be trapped on the Mexican side
>good luck charging a military grade wall through an open field with AR15s pointed at you and trying to overrun it in 2018
That's the point. You don't need to over run the wall. You just need to sneak individuals past it in areas that are unwatched.
I guarantee within 1 year of the wall being built, parts will be destroyed, rusted, broken, covered in ladders or pushed apart wide enough for people to just walk through.
oh nooo better let 'em all in then :)
landmines, they're cheap, easy, and nobody who doesn't deserve them gets hurt
>as they realize the people putting their money to this are all votes that will not be for them
and for every man who puts up a dollar, there are 10 men who support the idea who didn't/wouldn't/couldn't donate
if anything can light a fire under the asses of the masses of reps in DC, this is it
>does not believe physical impediments prevent movement
i am sorry for being so retarded and ignorant of basic physics
explain to me why the caravan has yet to pass through if not a big fucking wall with people with guns near it saying fuck off?
or are you going to say another shill non-answer?
NO they should relocate and compensate with funds taken from Mexico the home owners trapped on the wrong side so that the 100 or 200 yard area is open free fire zone
that works too
>tfw you can't get funding for your wall so your last hope becomes a go fund me campaign
and i am willing to guarantee that it will cut illegal immigration by 4 to 10 or more times and the lack of gibs paid to the spics will pay for the wall and even if it was partially destroyed without being repaired which it won't be because this is not a fucking el chapo fantasy that still heavily concentrates the movement of illegal immigrants to highly predictable pick up zones which is still a massive deterrent and way fucking better than what we're doing now
>that is sometimes the center of the river
if a person can swim across, we can wall it off.
i feel like i've reached peak blackpill. what now?
but he is also balding, have to take finasteride asap
cope, it made 2 million in 2 days and you don't even break $10 an hour
>$100 million dollars is not enough money to count as ANYTHING meaningful. You could probably get that much money out of people that want to ban guns entirely from your country. Would it make sense to bother listening to them?
Shit you could get that from one liberal billionaire
Make the politicians pay with their private money. Address them via (e)mail, twatter or facebook; as public as possible; and demand from them to contribute a bit of money.
The Reps basically have to contribute, just to safe their face. Once a few politicians have contributed, other reps will try to top them to shine brighter.
Burgers! You can pressure them into gifting money.
Why not just hire mexican's to patrol their side of the border and preemptively detain attempted illegals. Sun Tsu would be in favour of fighting the war in the enemy's territory. Shit, I bet mexico would even love the idea s it means sacks of money flowing southwards.
live in cali so my wage cuck ass is making $15 an hour. Take that cuckservatard
We don't have 20 carriers of this expense.
We have 10 big-ass fucking Island-sized ships that cost ~$20bil each.
Then another 10 slightly smaller Island-sized ships that cost $5bil each
Then about 7 or so in various states of mothball and scrapping that cost $5bil each
donate to me 50 euros please i need to buy food and pay electric bill
It is a fickle river and wadable a lot of the time, they should fill it with crockagators
now tell us your mortgage/rent
>not linking to the 38 billion going to israel
weird how congress.gov won't show me the vote
Donated $100. Will be interesting to see how far this goes.
>Not raising $1b for a private militia to personally round up and deport all illegals to Cuba
It's like they don't want to fix the country
>inb4 hurr durr, why did you deport the spics to Cuba? They're from X. hurr durr, the wall will stop more of them coming here
We need to deal with the ones currently in the United States and cleanse them all out of there. Sending them to Mexico and building a wall will permanently determine the US border and will only keep Mexicans are arms length from us, fuck them. That's prime real estate too.
Deport all illegals out of the US.
Deport all legals out of Mexico.
Annex everything from the US border to the Panama Canal.
i donated $100
Simpler to mount 1 gauge shotguns every 100 yards and have pirate LARPer pay to stand the wall and fire at any thing in that 100 yard dead zone between the wall and the river
>we the people will fund the wall
What the fuck do you think the governments money is? Fucking stooges.
We're going to build a wall, and Canada is going to pay for it!
I can't wait till the Russians donate the entire goal and it's used as proof of collusion, accepting Russian money for a specific policy.
A really sneaky lawyer could make a case (with a sympathetic media) that even one Russian donating to this would violate some corruption law.
I hope Trump isn't planning on actually using it to fund the wall. Although I can imagine that working if we put it to vote before laying a single brick. I bet people would vote for it if they knew it was already paid for exclusively by Trump supporters
fuck of degenerate
and as if illegal immigration is the biggest problem your country faces. How about you take care of your sick and elderly first before worrying about 1 border?
>Muh Russian/Blumpfff conspiracy
Go watch CNN faggot.
how about you liberal faggots stop advocating for de facto open borders by interfering with every measure available to us to control our border. it's plain as day what you guys want.
>Go watch CNN faggot.
Mfw the entire intelligence community and unaffiliated tech giants unanimously agree that russia interfered
You're leader is a sham and a cuck and every day more people are realizing this