How dangerous is it really?

Is LSD really as bad as they say it is in school? I've been hearing about 'microdosing' and the benefits it provides. Is this shit really that bad for you?

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>in school
The thing they never teach you in school is 'everything in moderation'
Too much of a good thing etc.

I won't say 'nobody died' from one time use or microdosage of LSD, but I will say most people who do it enjoy it

Its not that bad I've done it like 10 times

Don't let people tell you it's harmless though

Well what all does it do to you that's harmful? Like are there physical symptoms or what?

I wouldn't do it 10 times

Try it once

Ah ok

I learned a variation of "everything in moderation" in chemistry class: "The dosage is the real poison".

It's not possible to overdose if that's your concern, but you can have psychological problems if you go overboard.
>I've been hearing about microdosing and the benefits it provides
Yeah that's of load shit, just take a real dose and trip

Everything they say about lsd is true. From the hallucinations to flashbacks to nirvanna to bas trips to strong hallchinations. Everything the good and bad are all true. Even today sometimes i feel like i am stuck in a permenant trip but waa ir worth it? I cannot say I once urinated over my parents carpet in front of them while I was delusional.

Take it with a grain of salt.

Nothing is as bad as they tell you in school. It's not harmless, and doing too much will fuck you up, but schools just tell you nightmare scenarios to scare you into staying away from everything.

>as bad
what do you mean

Try 1 tab and see how you are. I'd recommend being with the closest person as possible to you, as being alone might freak you out. It's not necessarily "bad", but it can come with consequences. Also, be prepared to deal with shit you might've repressed. It can/will come up, so be ready to face it.

Did you not go through public education? They tell you that it'llruin your life, be scarred for life and blah blah blah

How much is one tab usually? Because I've heard of people taking a 100ug and a 250ug tab before so which one is the standard?

I tried to jump out the window becuasr I convinced myself I had already done it and I am just having a flash back of the moment I died so I had to jump out the window in order to end the flash back and move on.

Was that at that MKUltra party? Those guys are wild.

It's just as good as they describe it
Imagine some shit so awesome that just one time permanently changes your life

Sounds good then, is that why there aren't many people addicted to acid?

Long story short; the detriments far out number the benefits. Scientists and enthusiasts alike have been testing the effects of LSD for many years and the results are... dubious.

Here is what we do know; hallucinogens alter brain chemistry in ways that we don't fully understand yet but over the years we have documented a lot of observable consequences such as mood disturbances, personality changes, anxiety, paranoia and in some cases can induce psychosis or complete mental breakdowns/deterioration in people who are predisposed to mental illness. These side effects we've seen and documented over many decades of research and addiction medicine. The positives, in my experience, are few and far between and mostly anecdotal in nature. These negative side effects, by the way, are extremely prevelant among young people under 20 because we have a severe lack of understanding how prolonged use to chemistry altering substances like LSD affect growing brains.

I guess my point is there are far more responsible, safer and legal ways to alter your perception and thinking patterns than prolonged self medicating with a powerful brain chemistry altering compound.

Any examples of the legal things you're talking about? I wanna know more

Firstly, addiction and dependence are two different things. Just because a substance is not chemically addicting does not mean you can't become dependent on it. Further more, the next time you talk to someone who touts LSD as a "life changing" experience ask them three things; if LSD is the only drug they use, if they have any history of mental illness in their family or if they have any history of addiction in their family. I'll bet you all the money in my wallet that they hit at least 2 of those 3 things. People rarely stop at just one drug, you see. Its typically a pattern of usage and LSD is merely another appendage of a greater issue of addiction and dependence.

Also, issues of addiction and dependence aside, really truly contemplate being in a place in your life where using drugs is the only way you can exercise any control over your mind and mental health? Really ask yourself whether this is the road you want to travel down.

I used LSD twice and have been in a constant state of depersonalization since. That was 8 years ago.

Great post, and I'll remeber to ask this next time I think of it


>I'll remeber to ask this next time I think of it
Seriously. Ask how many of them habitually drink alcohol, smoke marijuana, use mushrooms or any other kind of substances on a regular basis. I guarantee you the answer will almost always be yes. Once they say yes then the chances that they have an addict in their family are significant. Predisposition to substance abuse and addiction is genetic. People talk about "gateway" drugs but the reality is that people who are predisposed to addiction will always find a gateway no matter what it is.

Cognitive behavioral therapy. If you really want to change your thinking patterns then its going to require practice and an objective party like counselor or therapist who can help you take an unbiased look at yourself and steer you in the right direction. There are thousands of mindfulness practices like yoga, meditation, therapy, exercise, journaling etc., Every little bit helps and holds no risk of things like this happening. Its far more common than you think. Messing with your brain chemistry is dangerous, user, and can cause permanent damage. Even if there are positive benefits floating around somewhere do you think its worth the risk?

How intense is cognitive behavioral therapy? And is it a common thing for psychologists to offer?

You can't die from real LSD, all "LSD" deaths are from fake LSD.
Also Real LSD is hard to find nowadays, assume everything on the street is fake.
OP, erowind is your friend

Didn't know there was that much fake shit running around now

Holy shit Dr. Drew is here, fuck yeah

Yeah just stay away from drugs you obviously don't do enough research

Good thing I aint OP then

It's even less harmful than weed. The only harm is to become blue/blackpilled after.

I can't speak to its "intensity" but it is a prolonged process. Its safe to say, user, that something as massively influential as changing your life and perception is not as easy as popping a sheet of acid. There is no easy way to becoming a better person. If taking drugs were even a remotely reliable way of reprogramming yourself and developing healthier thinking patterns then psychiatry wouldn't exist and millions of people everywhere would be taking LSD everyday. I think the reality speaks for itself.

CBT is fairly common, yes. Its as easy as scheduling an appointment with a psychologist and either seeing them long term or getting a referral for someone they think better suits your needs.

I think this may be an exaggeration and a bit of out of date information. Back in about 2010 or so I'd say that this was true. Back then it was easier to get your hands on research chems like 2C-E, its cousins and the NBOMe versions of them. Now that those are scheduled and considered legal analogues there's less incentive to sell those as acid. It's just as illegal now and equally difficult to get your hands on (as a dealer).

True acid can be attained, you just need to be friends with hippies and in certain circles. If you're dealing with a random drug dealer, maybe but you should always try to connect with dealers through friends as they won't rip you off or lie to you.

LSD is really fun and definitely worth trying. Just do research on Erowid and what not like others suggested. Good luck!

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To add to my comment. Even in the event that you do receive something else, it's probably still going to be fun. All of those drugs are. It's just better if it's acid because you'll have a better idea what you're getting into and possibly better dosage information. Some of the chems which are sold as acid you can overdose on so don't take too many tabs if you don't know the source.

Why not just go on the Dark Web to get your illicit materials? Seems easier.

Thanks user, I think I'll go and schedule something soon

How many tabs are you taking??

I would advise you stay away if you're gonna cure cancer or go to Mars.
If you're an average shmuck whose goal in life is a Boat and 2 kids dose away, one of the smartest guys I know does it

I've maxed out at 4 tabs (of acid) in college. Haven't taken it for years, I'm more a fan of mescaline. It's the best psychedelic drug. You can also easily obtain it legally.

Other analogues have weird potency curves due to how they're metabolized and can become toxic if used (with mutliple tabs, hits etc) in the way that people use acid.

Education is the best thing for drugs. Understand what potentiates them, side effects, after effects, warnings, etc. Erowid is alright but when it comes down to it 75% of their trip reports are just high people liking to talk about that one time they got really high rather than providing good hard details as to the effects, when it kicks in etc.

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>The positives, in my experience
You clearly don't have experience taking lsd

Onenof the worst things you can do. No wisdom or knowledge can be gained from it. At best you'll be normal after you do it again. But it can really mess up your brain chemistry for the worse and alter thinking habits for the worse that can take years to correct

Retards take a incredibly mood dependant drug in a unstable state then wonder why said drug fucked them up. Anyone whos done only a little lsd and claimed it fucked them up hard are all fags who were mentally unstable to begin with.

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Its perfectly fine that you make the personal choice to do drugs but you're beyond deluded if you honestly think that you can spin massively altering your brain chemistry with homemade psychedelics whilst risking unknown and possibly permanent consequences as some kind of beneficial experience. There's no universe in which saturating your brain with foreign chemical compounds cooked up in some asshole's Winnebago underneath a bridge is the best option. I've only taken LSD once as a kid but mostly my experience is in working with addicts. I'm a mental health counselor and the bulk of my experience is working with addiction medicine specialists to create support plans for the kind of people that are in this thread; fly by night users who maybe do a little bit of coke, little bit of weed, little bit of alcohol and LSD on special occasions who conveniently have a nicely packaged justification for every substance. They smoke weed to relax and it helps them think better. They do LSD to "kill their egos" and gain perspective. They only do coke at parties when someone offers and the only drink on the weekends. Blah blah blah. The list of excuses goes on. At the end of the day it all adds up, little by little, to contribute to a greater addiction; doing whatever it is you can to get out of your head and be someone other than you for just a moment at a time. I'm not saying that there aren't people out there who can use recreational drugs and then go about their day without any long lasting effects. All I'm saying is that the risk is not worth the reward, especially when dealing with people who insist on asserting that their drug use is somehow a positive aspect of their life. Those are the ones, in my experience, that are typically the worse off.

>Anyone whos done only a little lsd and claimed it fucked them up hard are all fags who were mentally unstable to begin with.
Not even remotely true. Illicit substances that alter the brain chemistry can have a multitude of permanent effects. Mood disturbances, visual disturbances, personality changes, insomnia, paranoia, depersonalization and in some cases complete psychosis. The truth is that substances cooked up in someone's basement that physically alter the brain's natural state are extremely unpredictable. Some people can take it dozens of times and be fine and some people will have permanent damage. Your opinion isn't based on any observable science.

>All I'm saying is that the risk is not worth the reward
There's basically no risk involved. Additction with LSD is none existent, because everyone who isn't already completely fucked in the head, would probably not be capable of maintaining a very exhausting state of mind that you have while tripping. So that part's pretty much a none-issue.
Then there's the risk of the substance being not pure. That's why you buy drug tests, especially for chemicals. That way you can at least indicate if you are taking shit or the real deal. 100% assurance you only get from professional labs and i'm pretty sure most of them would call the cops if you'd ask them to check your stuff. Regardless, any regant or erlich test costs like 5$, it's worth the investment to reduce health risks.
Then there's also HPPD which can not really be explained why it occurs in some people and why it doesn't. Most forms that i've heard and read about are very mild, like identifying objects from a distance as things which they are not, fractal patterns when you are looking at bright lights, etc.
Lastly there's the issue on a psychological level. If your family has a history of schizoid personality disorders, schizophreni or you yourself have chronic depression or anxiety, it's probably not a good idea to use these drugs as they can amplify or lead to an initial breakout of these conditions. Apart from that LSD is a very safe drug with, with manageable side effects.

I know streetworkers of your kind. They talk about having taken drugs and trying to get kids away from. But in the end you don't have any experience and just want to put yourself on the moral highground so kids don't do something stupid and get lost in their discovery of a drug which then can lead to addiction.

If you intend to talk about LSD like you know it, either take it or read about it. You seem to have absolutely no fucking idea, which is no qualification to talk about a subject from a first hand experience

>The truth is that substances cooked up in someone's basement
Look, most LSD on the market is actually laboratory grade stuff, because believe it or not, no junky can make it. It requires advanced understanding of chemistry and it requires a lot of conditions, like a sterile and dark room, ergot itself is difficult to acquire, and even if opting out for ipomea tricolor or hawaiian babywood rose to synthesize from LSA to LSD, it still requires you to know wtf you are doing.

>that physically alter the brain's natural state are extremely unpredictable
It's actually pretty predictable. The drug has been used for over 70 years on humans, which is actually a lot of time for a drug to be tested. And the possible consequences are outweigh by the fact that most people will not have them.

>Some people can take it dozens of times and be fine and some people will have permanent damage.
While you aren't entirely wrong, most people will figure out relatively, actually directly after the first time taking it,if they are the type of person that can continue taking psychedelics. Most people that do this drug responsibly plan this days or even months ahead so negativity itself doesn't influence the trip and leading to psychosis because of anxiety during the trip.

>There's basically no risk involved.
Unequivocally false.

>Additction with LSD is none existent
Addiction and dependence aren't the same thing.

>That way you can at least indicate if you are taking shit or the real deal.
If I had a nickel for every time some habitual drug abuser tried feeding me this excuse about how his/her drug use is cool because he/she knows where to get the real deal pure shit I'd live in a fucking mansion, user.

>Apart from that LSD is a very safe drug with, with manageable side effects.
Unequivocally false. Ostensibly, there is no such thing as a "safe" drug. It alters your brain chemistry with unknown and possibly permanent side effects. As I previously stated, some documented side effects are mood disturbances, visual disturbances, personality changes, insomnia, paranoia, depersonalization, recurrent flashbacks, disorganized thought patterns, persistent psychosis, persistent hallucinations etc.,

>But in the end you don't have any experience and just want to put yourself on the moral high ground
Not having extensive experience doing LSD has nothing to do with observable science and documented side effects. It has nothing to do with the moral high ground. It has everything to do with the fact that what you're saying is unequivocally false. Its cool that you take it and have no problems with it but your anecdotal experiences mean absolutely nothing.

>If you intend to talk about LSD like you know it, either take it or read about it. You seem to have absolutely no fucking idea, which is no qualification to talk about a subject from a first hand experience
I work with addicts every day for the past 10 years, child. I know more about addicts, dependence and the effects of prolonged drug use than you could possibly know. Your assertion that not being a regular LSD user somehow prohibits me from sharing my first hand experiences with the side effects of LSD use and the documented science behind it is plain retarded.

I think you misunderstand me. I'm not suggesting that no one ever do LSD ever again. I'm also not suggesting that taking precautions is a bad idea.

What I'm warning against is this persistent idea perpetuated by addicts and habitual drug users that any drug such as LSD can be rendered relatively "safe" and that LSD is some kind of beneficial substance that should be used to "widen horizons" and gain some kind of other worldly enlightenment. In my line of work, romanticizing drugs, their effects and the general culture surrounding drugs is one of the number one causes of severe burnout, user. It ruins people's lives. People are going to do what they want. I am not contesting that. What I am doing, however, is providing people with the information to make informed decisions and the information is this; LSD is not safe. Altering your brain chemistry with psychedelic substances will never be safe. Will it kill you dead on the spot? No. But there is a chance that you could suffer long term side effects and/or trigger latent psychosis.

Altering your perception and chemistry in such a drastic way can and does have consequences. If people are cautious and decide to make the decision for themselves to do it once at a music festival or every so often on special occasions I'm not preaching doom and gloom to them. All I'm doing is breaking this illusion that people have that nothing could possibly happen to them just because all their friends do it. The consequences are not "outweighed" by the fact that most people will not have them because doing LSD is a choice, user. Risking the chance of negative side effects for a few hours of pretty colors, giggles and fun hallucinations. I believe everyone should hear the facts before they make that choice; the objective facts, not the inane ramblings and encouragement of a bunch of morons who know nothing about the actual medical risks of the drugs they take.

This. Like a thousand times this.

The truth is that drugs, especially mind-altering ones like LSD, all affect people differently. If you have even the slightest family history with mental health issues, or have latent anxiety, there a good chance you'll have a bad trip, and bad trips suck, and they might keep sucking for the rest of your life in one way or another. Not that it will happen for sure, but it MIGHT happen.

I know I'll get jumped down my throat for saying this, but it's actually the same for even just weed. Some people, without having a super definite way to define who will be adversely affected, can wind up in the hospital for even mild hallucinogens (I did, twice in the ER, for marijuana). Yes, it's stupidly rare. No, even doctors can't really deduce who will for sure have a bad reaction to things like LSD (or even pot), and will be haunted by it forever or not ever think twice about it. There isn't enough information to determine that for all drugs that exist, but there is enough at least in the case of LSD that if you even THINK you might not like losing control of your mind for a little while you should steer clear. It's unlikely to damage your brain forever, but you do have to go in knowing that you can't know for certain how you will be affected. If you're willing to take that risk, then it's on you.

I support the hell out of this post, there's wisdom here.

>There's basically no risk involved.
>Unequivocally false.
In comparison to every other hard drug that results in addiction, some sort of health issue, or complete loss of sense, it is basically a walk through the park.

>If I had a nickel for every time some habitual drug abuser tried feeding me this excuse about how his/her drug use is cool because he/she knows where to get the real deal pure shit I'd live in a fucking mansion, user.
It's not an excuse. And i'm not talking about your trusted drug dealer, i'm talking about chemical tests. You have absolutely no clue.

>As I previously stated, some documented side effects are mood disturbances, visual disturbances, personality changes, insomnia, paranoia, depersonalization, recurrent flashbacks, disorganized thought patterns, persistent psychosis, persistent hallucination
You get these also from weed, with exception to hppd. You are just blindly listing the side effects that affect you phase when you are tripping. There's no data on people having life long insomnia after taking the drug or paranoia.

>Not having extensive experience doing LSD has nothing to do with observable science and documented side effects. It has nothing to do with the moral high ground. It has everything to do with the fact that what you're saying is unequivocally false. Its cool that you take it and have no problems with it but your anecdotal experiences mean absolutely nothing.
It does because you don't understand anything about the drug itself. It's like you are talking about war and how horrible it must have been while not being remotely capable of the bond that men in war share with another and the horrors and soul crushing sadness they experience.

> It has everything to do with the fact that what you're saying is unequivocally false
No it has everything to do with that you are stating things out of context and do not related to the little but solid scientific research there is.

I'm one of the people that overused LSD and now has HPPD, IE constant LSD flashbacks. They don't really bother me as much as they used to, none of them are bad enough to affect my vision while driving or anything, but it's still kind of a pain. No drug is harmless, but LSD isn't something I'd do just for fun. I'd only do it if you think you're gonna meditate and get something out of it.

>In comparison to every other hard drug that results in addiction, some sort of health issue, or complete loss of sense, it is basically a walk through the park.
We're not using comparisons here, user. That's ridiculous. Getting shot by a bb gun is a "walk in the park" in comparison to getting shot by a .45 caliber handgun but that still doesn't make it safe or risk free.

>It's not an excuse. And i'm not talking about your trusted drug dealer, i'm talking about chemical tests. You have absolutely no clue.
I've heard every excuse and justification in the book. I don't care how pure your drugs are, user. They aren't safe. They will never be safe.

>There's no data on people having life long insomnia after taking the drug or paranoia.
There is. Just google it.

>It does because you don't understand anything about the drug itself. It's like you are talking about war and how horrible it must have been while not being remotely capable of the bond that men in war share with another and the horrors and soul crushing sadness they experience.
For the second time, your assertion that not being a habitual drug user prohibits me from sharing my knowledge about working with drug users and the objective data that has been collected concerning side effects is retarded, plain and simple.

>No it has everything to do with that you are stating things out of context and do not related to the little but solid scientific research there is.
This sentence doesn't even make any sense, user. What things am I stating out of context? What are you even talking about? If you and your capacity for intellect and reading comprehension are supposed to be the poster child for how safe drugs are for your brain you have failed miserably.

In addition because 2k word limit:

>Your assertion that not being a regular LSD user
I never said that. One experience at 100µg is enough once in your life. I personally have taken it 3 times and i don't want to take it again because neither my mind or body are ready for it and forcing it will most definitely lead to negative long term side effects. To me you make the impression that you are talking with a bias that every user of LSD can slip down the same road as a heroin addict and that the side effects are so profound that the ruin you, like crack. They are not. If you'd care to learn something about the drug itself i'd recommend you read some of the stuff from Leary

>LSD is some kind of beneficial substance that should be used to "widen horizons"
But it does. It can even be proven if you look at the brain activity in an MRI. It changes your perception of reality, not only while high and not only in ways like "wew everything's fluid, there's no static, everything feels like it's an oil painting". It can be used against PTSD and depression same as Psylocibin. There are even tests in the states again after almost 50 years of research ban regarding the benefit of MDMA, Psylocibin and LSD in psychotherapy.

>Altering your brain chemistry with psychedelic substances will never be safe.
Your brain chemistry changes with every day you continue to love, it's changed by the type of work you do and the stress it causes, the foods you eat with artificial flavors, you do it when you smoke a cigarette or even drink coffee, it even changes when you are going for a jog. Every interaction with another object in life can change perspective, LSD is just a very crass form of change. And as mentioned before the psychological impact is manageable. It's not like crack or heroin where you try to chase something that will never bet

this image captcha is killing me ...

I can't begin to cover the amount of cognitive dissonance and false equivalence you'd laid fourth in this post.

>To me you make the impression that you are talking with a bias that every user of LSD can slip down the same road as a heroin addict and that the side effects are so profound that the ruin you
Stop running on your impressions and read my actual words, user. Read this Firstly, I'm not denying that hallucinogens haven't been reported as useful in a therapeutic environment. However, buying LSD from a drug dealer and taking it with some friends in the woods or at a festival is not equivalent to being administered the substance by a doctor in a therapeutic environment under the care of a professional.

Secondly, your whole "well other things change your brain chemistry too" is the opposite of an argument. "At least its not crack or heroin" is also not an argument. Both points completely lack substance. The brain chemistry that happens when you drink coffee is not equivalent to saturating your brain with hallucinogens, user. I'm concerned that I actually have to tell you that.

How can you say something's dangerous if you don't have any context to reference danger to? Are you stupid?

>There is. Just google it.
That's not how a discussion works. You want to prove your point, you bring the evidence.

>For the second time, your assertion that not being a habitual drug user prohibits me from sharing my knowledge about working with drug users and the objective data that has been collected concerning side effects is retarded, plain and simple.
See >What things am I stating out of context?
The "side effects" you list them as if they were all a permanent fact after you induced the drug. You are not putting the side effects into context which doesn't really improve the stance you put yourself in.

> If you and your capacity for intellect and reading comprehension are supposed to be the poster child for how safe drugs are for your brain you have failed miserably.
Your ignorance and bias are the reason why stree tworkers that haven't had real life experience are full of shit and useless at what they are supposed to do as a job. If you'd actually had first hand experience, like a real street worker and not some pseudo intellectual that abstracts psychedelic drugs based on shit he learned in a fucking 2 day work shop sponsored by the government.

LSD mimics other neurotransmitters but doesn't fit the slots right, which causes the LSD molecule to get stuck.

These molecules can take years to dislodge from the receptors, and potentially never dislodge. This is why people talk about experiencing "trips" well after having taken LSD. Their brain is literally clogged up.

Don't fucking do LSD, it doesn't have directly harmful physiological effects but it absolutely FUCKS your brain raw.

>Secondly, your whole "well other things change your brain chemistry too" is the opposite of an argument. "At least its not crack or heroin" is also not an argument. Both points completely lack substance. The brain chemistry that happens when you drink coffee is not equivalent to saturating your brain with hallucinogens, user. I'm concerned that I actually have to tell you that.

What is trauma? Trauma is an alteration of brain activity and chemistry with the possibility of being permanent. You don't even attempt to compare other psychological or health issues that occur outside the world of a drug user, with those of one that take psychedelics. The impact and gravity of psychological conditions vary dramatically and in comparison to a trauma caused by rape, loss of a loved one, etc has by far more impact than the use of an illicit drug.

And i never said it's at least not crack. You are just twisting the conversation into a direction so it fits your own narrative. Thanks for proving my point

>he thinks it's possible to make LSD in anything other than a real lab
You've reached the point of 0 (zero) credibility senpai. You sound like a high school teacher trying to spread propaganda.

Sounds like mum science, chemicals naturally degrade it has nothing to do with "dislodging"

I don't do drugs, but my friends do, and I've been around them on acid a few times. They just seem to get more giggly then usual, they didn't get full on visuals, but often talk about seeing colour trails and shit when things move.

All in all it doesn't come across to me as being that strong. But as I said, I've just watched others do it.

chemical half life is different from bonding to receptors

LSD wouldn't do anything if it just floated around your bloodstream, it has to actually attach itself to shit.

Maybe if you did some fucking research you'd have read and learned what I have.

What part of my post makes you think I haven't done my research? You're making up bullshit then mentioning other irrelevant info to try and make yourself seem credible.
>spouting bullshit about chemicals "dislodging"
>telling others to do research

>Thanks for proving my point
Not that user but this line always compromises your authority no matter what point your trying to prove.

>LSD mimics other neurotransmitters but doesn't fit the slots righ
Stop using words that you don't understand.

LSD binds to most serotonin receptor subtypes except for the 5-HT3 and 5-HT4 receptors.

Maybe you should stop talking about pharmacology of the substance if you can't even bother to have a look at a wikipage before talking shit.

I would say it would make you look like a dick, but he indeed proved my point of him being uninformed, biased and having a very narrow and unenlightened (not sure if that's the right word) understanding of the substance, it's chemical composition and functionality and the way it manifests itself in its users.

It can put your mind on the torture rack and you can be thinking bad/dark/negative thoughts 8 hours in a row, LSD won't let you sleep as long as you are tripping.

I can also give very introspective insights and experiences that can and will change your life going forward.

I have tried it 5 times, 2 of which were with small doses that were quite pleasant, and 3 really really heavy experiences.
First time I had something like a depression for months, it was really strong and really deep for me.

So take caution, and always be 3 people doing it together, so there's less chance of you starting to fuck shit up in your tripping state of mind.

read up on it as much as you can

talk to more experienced people

get your life together to prepare for it

do it as many times as you like, usually people say 1/year is best

I would only allow a person to take lsd if they're capable of making their own decisions in life, think about the consequences of their actions and aren't easily manipulated. If you trust yourself and your mind then go ahead, you might even benefit from it, but if you are easily influenced by outside sources and lose control of yourself in every situation then avoid it as you may end up having a bad trip.

I've dropped acid multiple times and even when shit got weird I was still able to control it because I knew I was under the influence of lsd and things aren't actually happening. It only fries your brain if you keep taking it despite your tolerance going up, if you space it out and take it every 3-4 months you should be fine. Even one experience could be beneficial too

Man you can't be serious.

I'd warrant that sure ... they try other drugs, but they're saying it's a positive experience for a reason. Only idiots go into it with predisposed mental conditions, LSD is not addictive. It is a learning experience. It's like any drug, dumb people get burned.

Obviously you're going to assume it's risky because the people you surround yourself with at work fucked themselves because of 0 control.

Not an argument. I've met many who do drugs occasionally and don't think otherwise. I'd say there's always another side and if you have control it's a beneficial thing to experience.

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Do you think it will go away?

I use it around once a month.
It unironically cured my suicidal depression.

Read up on CBT to become aware that it's always deep down you who's in control of your thoughts, your behaviours, your life.

Nothing is real, enjoyourself.

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i've done it 2 times. the first time i took about 100mcg, it was okay but nothing special really. my mood was elevated and i was having laughter fits with my friend. we were just walking around town, so i didn't really give a shit about proper setting or any of that stuff. the second time i took a sugar cube with 100-200mcg (most likely ~150) and the first half of the trip that i stayed home went wonderfully, but after that when i went to see my friends i felt paranoid, awkward and dumb, as if i was being laughed at by my friends the entire time (i'm quite sure i was not only imagining all that, although sometimes i might've overanalyzed some things). i felt like i embarrassed myself

so you can do lower doses with friends (and even go somewhere public perhaps). higher doses alone at home or with a really good friend as a sitter. that's my advice

Holy fuck. This is dumb and totally incorrect. I can't even begin on the misinformation of this thread. LSD is metabolized and leaves the body entirely within 36 hours. That's when you'll stop feeling its effects. Please don't give any further advice because your information is borderline dangerous because of how incorrect it is.

Pro LSD folks: No LSD is not enlightenment or therapy on a tab. True HPPD is only attained through persistent use of hallucinogens (like frequent dependent use). Having a memory of your trip will always be intense, but so is a memory of sky diving. That does not qualify as a flashback.

Pro anti-drug folks: LSD has a proclivity outside of therapy to cause drug addicts to stop using drugs, the same is true for things like DMT and ibogaine. Most psychiatric serotonin agonists or MAOI's have stronger more permanent effects on a persons brain chemistry than drugs like LSD, they are also more likely to cause suicide and self destructive behavior. Yes, it's true that many drug addicts will have tried LSD. But that does not mean that most people who try LSD become drug addicts or have drug dependence issues. That's a separate issue of an individual craving an escape from reality, they will do that with any drug, LSD is circumstantial. There's also tons of know research on how LSD works, from when it was originally legal and new experiments. Yes, it's not therapeutic on its own. No, it doesn't require drug dependence and almost always has no latent effects unless the person already had latent mental illness. The only difference between mentally ill people and their sane counterparts is that they struggle hiding their internal dialogue and coping with it rather than having a radically different internal dialogue. That's only present in uncommon mental illness like schizophrenia. And what others have already pointed out, LSD is hard to make. Nobody is cooking it up in an RV under a bridge.

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You can get HPPD from just a single use. It's rare but it's been documented before.

Then please link us to that qualified documented source. You should not accept an anecdotal post by a person claiming they have it.

Thank you very much for these posts. Finally someone who isn't retarded.

LSD is quite the drug, but the LD-50 rate is so high it's virtually inconceivable to overdose. That said, this is a powerful drug that should be treated with caution.

A lot goes into preparing for an LSD trip. You need to be in the right mindset, which is something only you will know. You need to have a friend trip sit you, perhaps just to check in every hour and be chilling in the room next door. You need a comfortable environment and to set aside at least a day.

As for the trip, everyone has their stories. Whatever happens, remember you will be sober in x amount of hours and everything will go back to normal. Most importantly, have fun.

Microdosing has shown promising benefits for me, but I only recently started so it's too early to tell.

Forgot to mention, I adore LSD. It helped me overcome a lot of personal anguish and fears. I'd be a more timid and bitter person without it. That said, LSD is almost a sacred experience. As such, it would defeat the purpose to trip every weekend, only doing it to get fucked up etc. Again, have fun :)

Funny enough I'm in the same predicament been offered but I don't know if I should try it but off of this thread I say fuck it I'll do it

Lol you're such a fucking pussy if you managed to get into the ER TWICE for weed. You're literally an incredible pussy. An "overdose" of weed fucks your perspective of space and time, sure, but your body isn't even giving a single indication of toxins being in your system. After being laughed out of the hospital the first time, how did you decide calling the ER the SECOND time was a good idea.

>I'd be a more timid and bitter person without it
Same for me and i stopped smoking after 14 years, basically from one day to another. I'm glad i did it but i won't do it any time soon again. It's to exhausting and i don't have the strength to endure such a demand of self control. And i'm really thankful to have been able to experience love and be part of the universe.

Check if your family has a history of schizoid personality disorders or something in that direction. Most of them can be inherited and that can end pretty badly.

After you know there are 2 options. You research it and make your choice based on the information you read about what it does, how it works and so on. Or you don't give a shit and hope for the best. Then i can only recommend that you have a good friend with you that would die for you, to babysit you. Do it when you feel good, aren't depressed, don't have stress coming up like tests or presentations at work, etc. Prepare yourself to crying, laughing and being afraid. Don't mix substances, like weed, or alcohol, etc. Again of course you can go ahead and do that if you are irresponsible and don't give a shit.

A retention rate of YEARS. Holy shit, the binding energy for such an interaction must cause every LSD molecule being bound to make an audible sound, if not rupturing cells by the sheer energy being released.

You're a fool that should never again pretend to understand science.
>Fun fact, LSD receptors actually have a lid on the bound LSD that lowers the transition state entropy. This causes the bound-receptor lifetime to be significantly longer (hours) than any other known receptor-ligand pair.

Back of the envelope calculation for binding energy for RETARDED OP CLAIM:

kT log(24*3600*365)=1000 joule/mol

Forgot to mention. Do it when you don't work or have at least 2 days off. It will take around 6-12 hours until your trip ends, while tripping you can't sleep and you will probably have difficulties sleeping for the next 24 hours. If you have trouble sleeping for more than 24 hours you should probably go to the hospital and ask them for a benzo to knock you out. And you'd probably have to tell them what happened (which can be pretty bad depending in which country you live in). It's pretty uncommon for people to be awake for longer periods but of those cases i heard, they had to get knocked it with tranquilizers.

You do realize THC is a paralytic agent, right?

Don't fall for classic chad bait m8, it's to fucking obvious