Anyone know wtf happened in NorCal today?

There was a rocket launch scheduled today to take off from Vandenburg Air Force Base but it was called off with about like 2 minutes remaining.

AT THE SAME EXACT TIME a phenomena happened in Northern California that could be seen from Nevada. Are the National Socialists from beyond Antarctica preparing their arrival?
>Southern Californians missed out on another colorful display in the sky Wednesday when a Delta IV rocket launch at Vandenberg Air Force Base was again cancelled minutes before liftoff.

>The rocket had been scheduled to launch at 5:44 p.m. from the military base in Santa Barbara County. Its mission is to carry a reconnaissance satellite into orbit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Also at the same time there were UFOs seen in England.

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That's a meteor

No it isn't Go fuck yourself kike.

I know what didn't happen, OP. You didn't kill yourself. Rectify this situation immediately

all weather balloons

The Elohim have returned.

Attached: 1534998242494.gif (896x478, 3.95M)

You can clearly see it's a meteor. Stop shilling for doomtards, schizo jew.

There is only doom for Israel. The Elohim will shut down the Samson Option and Israel will be wiped out.

Not a kike.

THis is a current event. Not Paranormal. You're scared shitless. You should be. The IDF has to fight a conventional war against the entire world.

Yooo I saw this happen too while visiting family out in San Luis Obispo
Very freaky in person. The cloud was vibrantly bright

Don't trust the media. IT IS NOT A METEOR.

Yeah I mean i wouldnt trust them regardless but its interesting because I just checked local news and they agree it wasnt a meteor. meganewsco sites say it is

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I would say I WANT TO BELIEVE but I've never had any doubt

Elon and the Military sure do love putting 4 leaf clovers on their badges.

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Are you a SLO user, user?

>SLO user
All Namefags are LARPs.

Theres a documentary that shows how almost every time something like this happens the intended test goes haywire and some mysterious “lights or phenomena” coincidently takes place

In a way I am now that my family has moved here. I live elsewhere but I'll be around these parts. This isn't the first otherworldly phenomena i've seen though. Third "ufo" and I've also seen a spectral apparition in norcal which threw glasses across a cabinet and turned the tv volume up in the other room simultaneously

No fucking way is that a meteor, I watch meteors shower all the time.

Meteors don't leave trails like that.

Attached: 1515750510230.jpg (406x364, 50K)

Same shit can be seen in this nuclear test footage

Attached: 1529552936644.webm (504x382, 2.94M)

Not seeing it.

In the distance. Those 3 or 4 lights...

A large enough meteor would, especially if it had a high water/ice content

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It's not a meteor and you're literally just echoing the mainstream narrative. If you wanna say it's a meteor go shill that shit on twitter.

Same here actually. Over in the area often. Even though it’s a nice place Trying to convince them to move as it turns into what I have coined as San Francisco South

Meteors dont' cause electricity anomalies in the sky.

Those are floats

>Cock crows
>Sun rises

I would, however, believe the AF could detect a small cloud of rocks and scrub a launch.
The not tell anyone why so as to not reveal their capabilities.


Fuck off faggot.

Flares used to examine the pressure created by the blast you dolt.

When the muslims start killing Israelis we'll be on Jow Forums watching you die.

Faggot, learn2history. They were there to warn off aircraft from the test site.

Learn to fuck off.

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The culture's a bit weird, yeah. Why SF South? Homeless / Shit on the streets?

How do you make webms, I can post the video I got of my view of it

Hey kike. No samson option for you.

Attached: 1526304206488.webm (1280x708, 2.66M)

Is that footage even done did real though?

They're present in-frame before the explosion dude, are you daft?

Oh of course they're watching us. They did a fairly good job of remaining hidden during the tests though, older cameras wouldn't have been able to pick them up easily anyway.

Attached: Israeli Satellite Amos 6 SpaceX Explosion.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

>Homeless, shit on the streets
Also check out their mayor she is an Agenda 2030 DSA cunt. Mark my words it will go downhill and get browned/blacked FAST the longer she’s mayor

Instead of derailing the thread you should contemplate suicide.

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Was that thing hit by something?

do you know why?

Oh man that's an oof for sure

For me there's only 1 explanation.

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I saw it. The trail it left behind was fluorescing without anything that could apparently light it.

Attached: China Oct 12 2018 UFO Pheomena.webm (1280x720, 1.69M)


secret 4channers

Same, apparently it was in outer atmosphere so it was high enough that the remaining sunlight could light it?? Ugh WHERES THE ALIENS IM READY

>Same, apparently it was in outer atmosphere so it was high enough that the remaining sunlight could light it?? Ugh WHERES THE ALIENS IM READY
Earth is flat and the UFOs come from beyond Antarctica. Space is a lie.

Sorry that was me. I live in norcal and was asleep at the time, I was tripping a bit too hard in my astral projection and accidentally manifested in reality.

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that is weird, never seen anything quite like that.

It happened last january too. Someone posted on Jow Forums 5 days before it happened saying it would. A Volkswagen commercial called meteor came out the same week as well.

Attached: 1530946944459.webm (852x480, 1.75M)

in michigan though

i have seen this during a meteor shower
some are large enough to look like an explosion in the sky

You're thinking of this

Attached: Screenshot_20181219-214603_Chrome.jpg (720x1280, 294K)

It would be best if you just killed yourself now shill.

No, I'm thinking of what I posted.

Hello there.

Are you ready?

Attached: 637444CC-ADAD-4F89-858F-867AADC17699.jpg (400x400, 69K)

Victory of the LARP you need to kys.

I meant to reply to this guy my bad

what are you saying? You tagged me twice. The video I posted has nothing to do with the article you did. 2 different phenomena as you can see.

Maybe I'm just retarded please be patient I have autism

>enters atmosphere expands and then looks like a massive sperm
What the fuck?


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Could a high altitude emp weapon of some sort cause the missile launch to be aborted? And if so, would an emp weapon leave a bright flare effect like that seen in the sky?

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Thanks for the more detailed images, user.
and apparently some type of exhaust or vapor trail

An EMP weapon as it stands is either a nuclear device or something else that probably is unknown to us.

So possibly but it would've fucked electronics around the area and not just the rocket.

It was the ayys from beyond Antarctica. They're not really ayys though. Just humans more advanced than us.

It depends how advanced it is. It may be possible that they are able to specifically target the rocket's electrical charge in it's circuitry somehow.

This rocket launch has been scrubbed 4 times

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and yet they keep trying it? Kek. Dumb kikes.

This isn't kikes. I think this is predictive programming before the ETs shut down Israel's nukes.

ULA is a joint venture between lockheed-martin and boeing so I remain unconvinced, but I hope you are correct.

They dropped smoke before bombs as part of visual targeting back in the day, lad.

I was wondering about a small scale emp weapon with limited range.
Something that could produce enough of a pulse to fuck up a missile guidance system in the atmosphere without causing much of an effect at ground surface distance.

Alternately, would the missile launch location have a laser or other system in place capable of vaporizing a high altitude surveillance drone of some type meant to spy on or sabotage the missile launch?
Mil calls of launch while taking out unknown item in sky.

Does anyone think this logo looks a little bit like a rocket piercing through the firmament?

Attached: 1543406900845.png (2560x1404, 160K)

Those are flares that are shot up before the explosion. Scientists measure the smoke trail's disturbance from the shockwave to determine power of the bomb.

Any of these are Hebrews?
Scientists can suck my dick because they don't tell the truth about anything.

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The Panel's report concluded that UFOs were not a direct threat to national security, but could pose an indirect threat by overwhelming standard military coms due to public interest in the subject.

In summarizing this discussion, I would restate that on three of the main theories in explanation of these phenomena, a US development, a Russian development, and space ships, the evidence either of fact or of logic is so against them that they warrant at present no more than speculative consideration...This whole affair has demonstrated that there is a fair proportion of our population which is mentally conditioned to acceptance of the incredible. Thus we arrive at two danger points which, in a situation of international tension, seem to have National Security implications

Project Sign's final report, published in early '49, stated that while some UFOs appeared to represent actual aircraft, there was not enough data to determine their origin.

Air Force Captain Edward J. Ruppelt wrote, In doing this, standard intelligence procedures would be used. This normally means an unbiased evaluation of intelligence data. But it doesn't take a great deal of study of the old UFO files to see that standard intelligence procedures were not being followed by P.G. Everything was being evaluated on the premise that UFOs couldn't exist. No matter what you see or hear, don't believe it.

As an immediate consequence of the Robertson Panel recommendations, in February '53, the Air Force issued Regulation 200-2, ordering air base officers to publicly discuss UFO incidents only if they were solved, and to classify all the unsolved cases to keep them out of the public eye.

The same month, investigative duties started to be taken on by the Air Defense Command... investigating only the most important UFO cases

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its swamp gas you retards.

yawn... getting sleepy, arent you guys sleepy too? just go to bed you will realize how silly it is in the morning

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Kys IDF shill. You'll be dead soon anyways.


rocket is rescheduled for tomorrow at 5:31pm pst, idk if these two events are related though. sure is weird.