Evening lads.

>Scott Morrison meets Australian troops in pre-Christmas visit to Iraq

>Darling River water quality declines with 10,000 native fish found dead from blue-green algae bloom

>Coalition's divide exposed at COAG energy meeting in Adelaide

>As banks become stricter with lending, could your HELP debt get in the way of getting a home loan?

>Stuart Robert contacted 'multiple' times since 2016 over massive home internet bill

>Liberal powerbrokers should quit over racist, homophobic texts: Kennett, Baillieu

>Mitsubishi exits thermal coal sector, sells stakes in Australia mines

> James Ashby’s company convicted for failing to provide details of One Nation’s use of plane

> Victorian human rights commission says racism complaints are up 90%

>Unemployment edges higher as more people look for work

>>Middle Eastern Hoons Attack Oz Family.(Roxburgh Park) Seve News Exclusive [WATCH]

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Other urls found in this thread:


what's for din dins?
Reminder cunts that one nation is controlled opposition to make all anti globalists in Australia look like spastics i think Australian sustainable party is the only good party or i could be wrong

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between 1 and second emu war how fucked is Australia?

>honey you're bleeding
>yeah nah she's alright
based cunt 8v1ing mudslimes
I've been 3v1'd by mudslimes on a train in south sydney

Lads Soc in MW

>be Australian
>have kids eaten by dingos
>lose war to Emus
>country started by Britians criminals
>Aborigine ppl are the actual owners of your country
>get kicked by kangaroos

6 pack of iron jack for a tenner down at the local grog shop

santa thinks I've been good this year

What country you from

at least they have cool criminals

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Literally bulletproof

From the Empire of the Sun of May my dear child

Attached: The kike fears the sun.jpg (283x397, 79K)

>fuck off we're fu--

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reduce the price of your export beef you faggit.
i cant afford it

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Looks full to me

hows your summer going? I still find it crazy that your Christmases are hot as fuck. Granted I'm a Floridian so it's not entirely crazy to me

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Reduce the price of your boi puccy

It's actually been raining for the past few days

free space doen't count when 80% of the country is a fucking wasteland the other 20% is full of venomous things and aussies

Invade China and we'll give you all the beef you want for free.

>country built by white criminals
>more prosperous than any black or brown country

really makes you think

What are your gun laws like

>free space doesn't count when 80% of the country is a fucking wasteland the other 20% is full of venomous things and aussies
>and aussies

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fucking aye, when in Thailand fucking beef mince is about $20 Australian a kilo made spaghetti once and thought fuck it ima just live off pad see ew and squid fry rie the rest of the holiday

guns are legal but are so fucking expensive and you need a lot of paperwork so few people have guns

how about if I wanted to move to Argentina and bring my guns there?

good deal
i'll pay the vietnamese to do that for me with a million street dog

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even more paperwork but you can do it as long as you use them to shoot niggers and abbos

good idea

viets will literally do anything for you if the price is right

Yeah you can get guns here really with out to much hassle. Our gun Lobby groups are getting bigger and are getting political so that's good. Australia is basically better then the rest of Europe as far as being cucked but where certainly following that route it's not good

got it

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Some dumb gook slut does a strip tease on a bus and no one stops her

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We've been moving a shit-ton of factories from ChinkLand to Vietnam lately. Fuck Chinks.


Pretty good performance desu, much better than that dude from IA

Im on the dole.

Shit, I've been eating shit all week

Arabs were a mistake.

I love Woesy, but this year's Millenniyule is like a rogue's gallery of people who were forcibly moved back to the lunatic fringe. Fuck the Lads. They're a bunch of tryhard faggots with no time preference or understanding of the nature of power.

shut up nigger

Guys whats are we gona do about the current state of aussie women?

Attached: south cross station slut.webm (1080x1860, 2.28M)

that's so fucking awesome, i wish we had those in here
Our only hope is that the lolbertarian party wins the next year so we can buy guns with ease

Attached: Espert 2019.jpg (540x546, 34K)

Argh, I'm listening to it now.
>Trying to frame the 'alt right' as a yesterday movement to put necessary distance
>Talking about the safety of children when you wouldn't let one of those dirty cunts babysit
>They're five mins in and have already admitted they need to start their own Job Network, they're so fucked

Before you accuse me of being a shill, these guys went full retard without achieving anything.

they are top blokes, whats your alternative shitpost on Jow Forums all day?


you sure that she's Australian? I only see chinks

sydney or melbourne

No, that's even worse.

But they've been purged from Libs and Nats (which was indicative that ideologically, they are moribund) and are now formulating how to create a parallel society of "race realists." This listen is top kek

>Asians have a body like that
They're aussies, check the other video.

its too fucking HOT

It's not too bad today

>tfw AC and beer

umm ok sweaty

what are you talking about its snowing, like every christmas

>He doesn't know how Seasons work south of the equator

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Good argument, faggot.

Australian NatSocs always end up being "Don't Tread on Me" types with a harddrive full of Hentai.

We need to aim higher.

Are you some kind of poof that posts all day about resistance but doesn't do jack shit? Are you even white cunt?

>Australian NatSocs always end up being "Don't Tread on Me" types with a harddrive full of Hentai


Needs more Dakka.

Jesus. It's so packed with chinamen that it's turned yellow.

At least you don't deny the truth.
Stay mad faggot.

Time for your Daily Reminder that Boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia


Car explosion -

So is it a terror attack?


Other video? Sauce it up nig

Lurkmoar ya lazy cunt.

Show it to me right now

Yeah and 100% of leftists have gay porn on their HDs

Its southern cross station. Just as you get up to the top of the escalators

oh you mean no seasons at all just either always hot or always raining?
yeah sorry about the pleb areas with pleb "seasons"
they have nothing

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I'm probably one of many who have the intellectual capacity to sugarcoat your ideas and make them stronger, but who don't want to associate with low IQ gym bros who don't understand economics or politics, let alone optics.

AusPol threads are cancer. When it's not Muh Coles shit it's AYY LADS I BOUGHT SOME FERTILISER WHAT DO

It’s been weird where I am, stinking hot and sunny, pissing down rain and hailing, hot and sunny again.

define leftist

We where never in the Libs, and we never joined the Nats because we liked them, we joined to take over them. This is how the labour party went from being a white nationalist party to a socialist party. If you want an example of a parallel go to lakemba, go to footscray, these communities will one day soon be the norm in Australia. If we do not do the same whites will be pushed further and further out until there are no whites left.

Their summer is our winter dumbass

As a former leftwinger, I can tell you they don't really have a sexuality, just a kind of manic desire to matter when they don't make the grade. But yes, there's a lot of poo involved.

Seriously, it all starts with you. Form your clubs, but do better than the Lad's Society.

>cars fucking combusting and exploding out of nowhere
>i-is it a terror attack?
nah son, just a normal day in aussieland

Yeah we have a libertarian party here and their growing. How dangerous is it over there and is farm land expensive

>Going to Thailand and cooking your own meals

You silly cunts should have joined Labor.

I live in an area with an Islamic concentration that makes Footscray look like Double Bay.

You're just not fucking smart enough to do what will count, and that's a massive shift in policy. Why? Because your dick stinks and you 1488 your way to the pub.

>be cleaner
>finally get the balls to ask what the bunnings door greeter is doing this weekend
>she says she's free, ask if she wants to go out for a drink
>gives me her number and adds me on normiebook
>mfw this was the lowest amount of effort i have ever put in for a girl
Holy shit, petrol wench btfo, im hitting the gym for some ego lifting

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Doing what Eric Butler tried to do.

so they dont get to build snowmen at christmas
gay as fuck but this was always just a test to check if you were a flat earth cultist
can never be too careful, i was merely pretending
no need to be rude

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>Eric Butler
The guy who thought John Curtin was a communist.

"We Australians have imperishable traditions. We shall maintain them. We shall vindicate them. We shall hold this country and keep it as a citadel for the British-speaking race and as a place where civilization will persist."

- John Curtain

You guys are niggin' all over the place

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whats up with your weird post spacing, like theres an empty line between each line of text
why are you posting

in this

type of


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it is pretty safe for a South American country just avoid the north and big cities
and it depends where do you want to buy because in the north were the land is super fertile it's not going to be cheap but if you want you can buy a fucking rock in our antarctic colonies for 2 shekels

>flat earth
I'm a fucking pilot I know for a fact that the Earth is round. I've seen the curvature of the Earth plenty of times on the cessna and as a passenger on a boeing or airbus


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okay, good

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That shit worries me just as much as mud flood. The internet has made a generation of semi-educated contrarians who have the IQ to quickly parse a screen of stuff they agree with but no grounding in basic concepts of science, Classical education and no critical thinking skills. But yet people still love critique.

Car's fucked lads. Mighty storm in Sydney with hail the size of tennis balls.

Who else /uninsured/?

>globe earth shills are now on /auspol/

better get insurance then before the next "hail storm"

t. flat head

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SkyKing is that you?

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/nogarage/ need not apply

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what do you mean the earth isn't a giant disk on a turtle shell

Come to Florida and crack open a cold beer with me for the next hurricane

John was a good man. Eric Butler wasn't stupid he just came across as a tin foil hat who spent to much time in the islands but as it turned out john and butler were right about all the things that would happen if we ditched the White Australia policy. My main reference was to how Butler tried to infiltrate the national party


