Please explain. I saw that video of those Scandinavian girls being decapitated on and I got so angry. I never come here, but I thought you guys would know.
Why do liberals want this to go extinct?
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They're Commies
i want her to hug me
made for bbc
They have to destroy what they can't become, they must be the most beautiful people of all.
>Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who is the prettiest, of them all?
She is a very nice girl. Somewhat vapid though.
It’s not liberals it’s the natural order of things. People are more than just pictures. People are the way they behave and the way they interact. If she’s gonna act like a huge bitch she’s going to get ostracized no matter where.
Liberals are the group that are most influenced by the Jewish cabal that pushes globalism. A major part of their plan revolves around destroying the white race. Liberals are the lowest iq NPCs and the most impressionable by the Jewish-run mainstream media, which they consume religiously.
Those Scandinavians voted for it. Just be happy they're getting what they wanted
Nobody on the left with the exception of a few crazies is advocating that. The left isn’t this big monolith that you righties make it out to be
Capitalism and consumerism doesn't favor aesthetics. It's all about maximizing profits.
Buildings looking like big gray piles of concrete shit is that fault of commie modernists
Yes it really is , you are cultists devoid of free though
Liberals hate diversity in general.
Never trust the opinion of someone with a high verbal IQ. They're not human.
Can someone post the link to the video?
Both of these are correct.
dude shes beat... look at that nose... White boys are crying over this? Lol let me tell you a secret fags. Those genes will never go extinct. You are mutated apes whose ancestors came from africa. Thats why your white faces including forehead are covered in the tiniest nearly invisible blonde hairs, you larping monkeys. Whites live in the fucking matrix. Raised on television. Mk Ultra neo estorics. Youre so far removed from the truth simian brehren. I pity you and wish you the best.
hey faggot, i know you got this pic from me on Jow Forums
take it down.
t. Retarded Nigger
Because they're literally psychopaths, brainwashed into self-hate which they're projecting since they are too pussy to kill themselves.
plz respond frens
shes not a 10 but shes still hotter than 99% of blacks lmao
liberals don't want that to go extinct. OP is racist and delusional
>Why do liberals want this to go extinct?
Because liberals don't value race or culture. They are mentally blinded, godless degenerates. They will feel the fires of hell for all eternity.
betas just want a 10/10 white girl. Real men seek a harem of 10/10 beauties from all over the world.
you’re just mad because you’re the ugliest type of bald monkey. I’m sorry user :(
t. larping monkey
I've spoken to this girl before.
this makes a lot of sense. but I don't think they burned all of those books
I mean there are conspiracy theories of them keeping the nazi scientists alive for their info
Can someone post the link to the video?
Thye have this idiotic idea that the only way to end racism is to make every a shade of brown
Except even today the darker brown Mexicans get what on by the lighter ones, so nothing will change
Why would I be mad, im proud of who i am and my ancestors. I have a gf and will probably fuck her tomorrow but nice try.
thot patrolled
lower IQ so they elite can control them easier
Africa is their goldmine for 1000+ years of rule
man i love girls with soft facial features
lel im going to tell her you're posting her on Jow Forums.
False, monkey.
Ain't larping nigger
This picture, uploaded to the internet, on a public image board, is solely the property of said spic.
Nice strawman faggot
Everything that is beautiful must die. Also I think they may just be jealous.
I'm still telling her some canadian faggot is posting her on Jow Forums
She's been posted on Jow Forums for a long time.
Easiest way to end racism is to wake up the world to the truth. You are all being played.
Im not black so I dont see your point. Nice one track mind, you jump to conclusions like a woman.
They did.
Why do you think most of ((education)) focus on sports today, rather than physical performance and training.
Kek. Yeah, some Mexican faggot definitely knows and has spoken to this girl that has been posted here for years.
Whites are killing there people in the middle east in the millions, who knows how many untold countless acts of random rape and murder soldiers have committed over there on civilians, you'd be a retard to not expect them to retaliate any chance they can get.
Could someone post a link to the video?
>Why do liberals want this to go extinct?
because the owners of the world said so.
the future has been chosen, there is no changing course.
Lol shut up leaf. The thots deserved it.
Who will the niggers boast about fucking once whitey is eliminated?
That is a rare beast, Mr. Finn
The Mexikikes.
Dude i've spoken to her but ok
She's so inclusive!
I bet.
They dont. They want to enslave it. They want you to think they want that extinct. So that that tries its hardest to preserve itself. Which really just preserves welfare. See. Basically what im saying is. Niggers say fuck america to make white people more patriotisc so the welfare keeps flowing in. They dont want to exterminate us. We are already slaves.
real talk: most whites arent that attractive
most age real fast due to no melanin leading to damage by the sun much more easily. And most are beet red in the south.
To look appropriate whites need skincare and spf. I like whwite women. My fiance is white.
But lets be honest here. Its always the models and cute ones posted, never the mobility scooters. Go to the UK, they all have potato heads and no eyebrows
Soon as the white man learns how to say fuck america. And mean it. He’ll be free
Whites can never, ever, go extinct outside an apocolypse threatening all life.. "Whitesy" are a native terrans that came from the earth. You are bipedal great apes so enamored by your own looks, youve forgotten you are bipedal great apes.
Who cares, if this doesn't redpill them, they deserve their fate.
The final stage is to become akin to dogs
Begging food and a pat on the head from a cruel master that whips them for fun. But they will keep being mindlessly happy until euthanized.
Ultimate subservience as an answer to nihilism
Forgive your white brother, they say some dumb things here but theyre all raised in the belly of the beast. The great nations controlled by satan. They cant help but reflect a culture that is centered on self. Their lives are filled with tragedy. Betrayed by their governments and leaders who only think for themselves. The retirement homes of today are filled by abandoned whites left in a state of decay. Their dramatic hate is a call for help. Theyve forgotten who they are. Theyre natural world has been replaced by slavery in comfort.
Link? Sounds hot
British ones are ugly as fuck, and most americans come from british blood. You're seeing the ugliest possible white people most of the time
She sure includes a lot of blubber.
the unholy jews hate everything beautiful
It's not a conspiracy if actually happened you fucking retard. Operation Paperclip is proven real by first party documents. Who do you think led NASA?
The actual state of npc posting.
Seems like everyone hates Jews; can't all be for nothing right. Is the muzzie that strong to buy propaganda to sway us over time... Hmm
Show us the video.
Because an average liberal female knows she cannot compete.
There are plenty of german, sweedish, italian, and irish origin americans as well.
British people are fucking uggo tho
w-what video?
It's shit
You can hear the despair when she's about to die. I wonder what were her thoughts and what would she say to Europeans if in that exact moment she could by some miracle have escaped.
Sometimes I just get so angry with this kinda shit that I can't avoid but feel like they deserve it. I mean, how can you build civilization from the ground up, languages, culture, science, ethics. Live the life that people all around the world envy and admire and in a couple decades let everything go to waste because of some sentimental bullshit, "welcome refugees" kinda shit. Makes me wanna kill myself.
Once you grow up you realise there's a lot more to life than beauty.
Which is why I don't respect a race that thinks it's everything.
You're going extinct, and we're all going to make sure that of that.
Some danish user said she's screaming in pain and then for her mother.
You're just as bad as them. Racism does not solve racism.
post video faggot
Ffs, at least use a different image for the OP, OP. Try some variety while still being relevant. Don't be stale and repetitive like the enemy.
Here it is. Fair warning; it's dark. Watching it made me feel sick. I hate refugee loving whores, but her fate, while justly deserved, was cruel.
>she's screaming in pain and then for her mother.
fuck that's sad. I'm an only child I just cant even imagine what her brothers/parents feel like. damn
You don't have to. Believe me, I wish I hadn't. I've seen a lot of fucked up shit since I came to Jow Forums. I've lived through a lot of fucked up shit. I'm convinced that the majority of the human race is absolute scum. I sincerely believe that whites would be doing the world a favor by exterminating nearly all of the other races. I hope it happens.
Can't you post it as a webm or some option where I don't have to click on a sketchy link?
I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I think my final thoughts as I lay dying would be of my mother. Poor girl manifested my thoughts.
Hope her mom never sees the video.
what is the context for the video? does it happen in Scandinavia land or in africa?
> strong independent woman
Seen one, you've seen em all.
Blame the media for it's brainwashing, making the young believe these people are even remotely salvageable.
Did everyone fucking forget 9/11?
Half naked blonde white women getting head chopped off in a green tent, while begging and crying for mom. I just watched a bit of it, it was very unpleasant.
The link is fine and webm has no sound on Jow Forums. You need sound for this to really understand the reality of these savages