What is your honest opinion of Romanians?

All religions say it’s an abomination to be a Romanian. Old secular laws banned it too, they couldn't live in towns only at the countryside like the goatfucking shepherds that they were.
But now it’s a fucking trendy political thing to be a Romanian in the Western parts of Europe despite it still being deemed to be horrible.
What is your political position on this?
How do you explain the existence of Romanians:
>Is it genetic?
>Rape trauma?
>Toxoplasma infection?

Attached: rromanistani gryll.jpg (728x1147, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Good people, but the willingness of young Romanian girls to go into prostitution is very worrisome.

I wish I wasn't too much of a pussy to move to Romania or Bulgaria

>Toxoplasma infection
More cats plz.

How else you will earn money in this shithole?

It is over.

they are romanian nuff said

300eur for 168hrs of work per month. Heating and electricity bill alone is 200eur in the winter, rent starts at 400eur.
>West EU
Fuck only 2hrs every day and earn over 1,000eur in 8 days.

I don't know much about them. I just know Codreanu is really cool. Read "For My Legionaries."

Attached: marturisitorul-mucenic-corneliu-zelea-codreanu.jpg (422x640, 207K)

its not over fren your future is bright

If taht's your real flag then you're a dumb shit.

Yes, in fact it's so bright I don't need my eyes to see it.

He was a laughing stock in his era, still is. It's just hs kids sperging out because it's edgy to larp as nazi now as being hippie was a counter-culture too.

Aren't Romanians essentially a Latin Ethnicity like Italians or Spaniards? Some are white some are brown.

Дopoгoй тoвapищ, мы нaхoдимcя в Jow Forums, глyпocти и pacпpocтpaнeнии лoжнoй пpoпaгaнды - вoт для чeгo мы здecь. Mы дeлaeм этo, чтoбы зaпyтaть кaпитaлиcтичecких импepиaлиcтoв.

Attached: tumblr_pa2be3BdLp1vb9nczo1_1280.jpg (899x899, 97K)

Le 1% face:
>Proto-European of the stone age ancestral settlers
>there's a bit of Iranian-ish too but like the Abkhazia and Georgia region type

Attached: Genetic-map-Europe.png (743x764, 213K)

Worst shithole in Europe

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>All religions say it’s an abomination to be a Romanian.
Holy wisdom senpai

>A thread died for this shit
Could you stop the attention whoring for one single fucking day?

That's the cunt that's selling her virginity but didn't think of testing the man beforehand. less than human


He is your bozgor

Attached: 1545291053373.png (448x592, 765K)

A reminder this thread is made by the same subhuman that keeps posting trannies and got doxxed on discord a while ago because he's a degenerate retard. Anyone with an actual reply after this point is shilling for JIDF

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I agree bozgor bro it even pisses me off

Attached: image.jpg (580x631, 89K)

Itt a vég.

>Alexandra Krefren
Not Romanian, at least not 100%

Attached: 1544802780992.png (796x453, 502K)

>Alexandra Krefren
Khefren, arabic pentru:
Oana Răducu de fapt.
Copil prost handicapat ce ești, dă search în plm. Toate curvele au nume și date false în anunțuri dar nu o știi că ești un virgin adult impotent plin de pastile.

Every romanian I’ve ever met is brown. Kinda disgusting. Not sure if it’s just the romanian people I see here or you’re all like that.

How was Codreanu laughing stock you mentally ill trap posting self hating shitskin faggot

Indeed, I am brown as shit and stupid af too.
Did you know the Székely Hungarians came from Etelköz that's in modern day Ukraine now right in the middle of the former Khazaria, does that mean that I am a Jew myself?

Attached: 1545239880651.jpg (2075x3000, 1.32M)

He was riding the horse in town when people used the trams and cars.

Stop visiting Romania in the summertime Slavshite we love the sun and spend time under it while you sweat like shit in the house to remain pale yet your feats still say subhuman

I dunno, but one time a guy stopped me and I was sure he was a refugee from some arab nation or some shit. And he asked me the way to romania via vienna. Probably gypsies? Don’t know shit about romania tho

Shut up faggot you just hate him cause you love riding cock

I’ve never visited romania neither do I have any wish to do so. I just see romanians driving old cars from italy back home all the time through here.

I worked with a Romanian girl in NYC for a few months. She wasn't that hot but she was always flirty with me. I fucked her a couple times, was great. Picrelated is her and her brother.

Attached: romanian_siblings.jpg (1080x893, 114K)


>Riding dick legal constitutionally.
>Praising Codreanu illegal constitutionally.
But he wasn't even a fucking soldier irl. Ayy lmao. The cuckenning is real.

If you're white you can tell whose gypsy and whose not you're a subhuman sandnigger shitskin stuck in the house in Russia out of fear

We are all brown as shit. All Rromanistani are Gyppos.

>old cars
Ayy lmao.

Russia? What?

What a Chad.

Fugg. It is over. He sees through proxies.

That's what your flag looks like to me faggot

they should all go back to romania


You're just a sad bozgor,
You are like the nigger basketball player between Romanians in this video

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> I fucked her a couple times, was great.
user, did you leave out a step? Like holy matrimony maybe? What good is it to have sex with a woman if you do not intend to start a family and give her a dozen white children to continue your race?

Queue the Nihil sine deo retard in 3 2 1

Explain yourself leaf

Fuck you, that's my opinion. Thanks to your spamming I have romanians and homos more than ever.


I would like Romania more if they weren’t conquered by Turkic people and Magyars. Anyone ruled over by Muslims kind of disgusts me. Romania has a cool history and beautiful cities (as well as women) but just like Constantinople it bugs me.

Still better than Moldova, though.

>real romanian grills

Attached: ROMANIA.jpg (613x552, 67K)

Romanians make good aks

Attached: 6981894_02_romanian_wasr_10_63_akm_ak_47__640.jpg (640x480, 33K)

It's a great game

Attached: tein.jpg (1200x772, 171K)

Disznó is the vernacular and vulgar form. However in Latin there was an insult akin to "dog-fucking pig"

Yeah I heard, cheap and chrome plated barrel, but the guns are utter shit.

>bozgors did this!!!
>romanians are not gypsies
>romanians are white, believe me!!!!
Romanian threads in a nutshell

Attached: Romanians.png (578x638, 337K)

I know it from Svejk a book of a chez
Heh, you lost to that?

Attached: 1545135957496.jpg (1024x680, 172K)

Sad that the mushroom season ended?
Pic related, bozgors were conquered
>The Christian Hungarian population significantly shrank in the next decades, due to them fleeing to the Habsburg-ruled Royal Hungary. The number of Jewish and Gypsy immigrants became dominant during the Ottoman rule in Buda.

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unironically still better than your average butter-face whale

our only friends

not shit, they last forever here, and make u.s attempts ak Kalashnikovs look like garbage

Got it in Hungarian, tell me the page.

I said the AK is good, the Romanian pistols are the garbage.

I like them.

Romanian GEDmatch result

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent

1 Baltic 24.8
2 North_Atlantic 23.72
3 East_Med 18.42
4 West_Med 15.29
5 West_Asian 11.07
6 Red_Sea 2.95
7 Amerindian 1.28
8 Siberian 1.25
9 East_Asian 0.62
10 South_Asian 0.6

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance

1 Romanian 2.17
2 Bulgarian 3.79
3 Serbian 4.95
4 Moldavian 10.58
5 Greek_Thessaly 11.6
6 Hungarian 12.71
7 Croatian 13.4
8 Austrian 15.79
9 Tuscan 16.63
10 North_Italian 16.86
11 Italian_Abruzzo 17.45
12 East_German 17.67
13 Central_Greek 18.35
14 West_Sicilian 19.19
15 West_German 19.47
16 East_Sicilian 19.53
17 Ukrainian_Lviv 19.67
18 French 20.05
19 South_Polish 20.38
20 Ashkenazi 20.79

Nothing to do with Spaniards

O'rlly? Looks like a pile of autism to me.

They're like 80% of all whores here so there's that


understand yes pistols are just cz copy

Dude, I....


You MUST be Vee.
Hey Veeh ! :D

Even worse, got the Ruski chamber in the CZ body.

I like u fren

There is one chez guy that keeps saying "porc de caine" and some Hungarian too so I figured it may be a popular expression/word in ex Hungary countries

Post ur feet :3

Nah, doesn't exist in Hungarian and the Transylvanian dialect either. Some Gyppos that speak Hungarian might say "a kurva kutyaisten fasza bassza meg" but not really a thing, not even women are called "szuka".

love you SerbBro

market opportunity since nobody can tell german men and women apart. oh sorry Russian rapebaby. You aren't German

Romanians are too white for that Irish/Arab mix

K buddy you've never been here apparently. Good for you.

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Bazat în plm


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To me, as a black dude who has been living his whole life here, Romanian women are way too more beautiful and stunning than these pale roasties. I'd take a Romanian gypsy girl over Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and Finnish girl any time.

P.s Adriano Muttu is a fucking legend

>as a black dude
Jej I know your our diaspora,

Attached: 1545242882180.jpg (700x394, 56K)

Other Eastern European countries face similar conditions yet only Romanians are flooding the prostitution sector. There has to be another explanation

In other parts of the balkans the shame culture is much more ingrained into the society. That's why you only have hungarian and romanian pornstars and very few from other countries in the balkans. Same goes for prostitution.

So Hungary and Romania are far less religious and conservative as opposed to the Slavic countries in the Balkans?

Basically. There's an old saying here for a young promiscuous woman that goes"so young and already a hungairan(woman)". I guess the soviets fucked them over since communism wasn't so hardcore in other parts of the balkans when it comes to tradition and religion. Barring Albania of course but islam is a completely different beast.

we used to be masterrace till april 26 1986 when chernobyl happened,now this is what average romanian looks like

Attached: 1545223914538.jpg (750x1334, 190K)

Are we talking about Romanians or Gypsies? I don't have any opinion about Romanians. I don't know any, never met any. Gypsies on the other hand, well, my opinion about them isnt' great.


All Rromanistani are Gyppos.


Demonic dress. Slide thread. Sup Glownig?
How you feeling about the death of your organization?

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