>almost 2.5 million in 3 days
lads, this could be an immense fuck you to the democrats and media, ordinary people donating their money after being raped by taxes for something that should have been built with their tax dollars. if you can donate, throw some freedom dollars in the hat, share on social media and keep these threads bumped. good luck mates.
>fuck me dead it took me over 10 times to bypass the spam filters, what has become of this place.
Almost 2.5 million in 3 days
go fund me /TheTrumpWall
right on time shill, thanks for the bumps mate feel free to make a dick of yourself here.
Hope this embarrasses Trump. It should. Stupid cunt.
I am all for it, gave $220... but at this rate it will take 13 years to get 5 billion.
how could this embarrass trump, he wants the wall and has been trying to push it through but is fought every step of the way
based good work mate
Yep that's a cause I'll waste 80 bucks on.
The guy can even steal my money if he's a scammer. 10/10 would do again.
Build that fucking wall.
haha oath
Donated 50$ just for the lulz.
Enjoy your wall burgers, god bless America!
I can't believe you retards are falling for this obvious scam
This will never reach the amount needed. The right is truly full of intellectually stunted retards.
Scam or not it's bad optics for the government in general which I'm all about. All politicians need to hang, except Trump, who isn't a politician.
You guys are honorary citizens as declared by me.
Thanks frens.
kek, thanks sven. we'll get pics of sad beaners on the other side of it in a few years for you.
>getting scammed to own the libs
you might end up having to come over here once the hajis officially declare Sweden theirs
man I hope the Russians get behind this and start funding too, it would be a hilarious fuck you to the Dems
I bet it's gonna be donated to Amnesty international, Refugees welcome or some shit. I swear these fundraisers always end up being subverted
based collusion.
the message is more important than the money, which won’t be able to be misappropriated. 2.5 mil in its first 3 days, it’s just getting warmed up.
Can someone post the link to the gofundme page?
not sure if there are deposit limits but maybe some companies might donate some substantial amounts, maybe trump will put in a large amount himself after this picks up wind
Go fund me/TheTrumpWall
It comes up as spam as a complete link sorry mate
All who send money there are getting scammed.
>1 Billion
fucking lol
fuck off shareblue shill
Where's the proof shill
Search “we the people wall”. Click on the link with the dude in the wheelchair with the 11/10 milf wife.
well I did warned you.
Obvious scam. You have a to be a retard to donate to this, which the right is full of so the scam will work brilliantly.
might have lost $100 but at least i can boycott israel. the money isn’t the big picture, it’s the fact the people are willing to pay for it and the politicians carry on like the kikes they are
can you link mate?
The comparison of Trump to hitlers is truly absurd. There’s no correlation policy-wise, character-wise, or even personality-wise.
wasn't mexico going to pay for it?what happened?
>might have lost $100 but at least i can boycott israel.
I donated $1000.
>can you match me #berniebros? :D
Wew, lad.
I feel second-hand embarrassment from this crowdfunding. The government fucked you in the ass for decades and now you're ponying up your own money to fix it and this money will get sent to Israel too.
>we know it's a scam
>we will send our money anyway
boomers are the best goys
>mexico will pay for it!
>congress will pay for it!
>nah we will pay for it!
Its one thing to have your opinions on trump good or bad, but this is fucking reddit tier. Any person on this board who donates to this nonsense needs to end up like those roasties who just got fickid. Fuck you dumb reddit niggers for spreading this
Last 3 hours it has gone up $300k
keep gargling kike semen mate
>christian nation btw
It's would only take each trump voter 75 buckaroos to get that wall funded.
How can we guarantee this money would be used to build the wall, and not simply enrich the guy who made the fundraiser?
This money is going to straight to israel you dumb kike. Just think...with the 38 billion given to them...5b couldnt be taken for our own interests and a wall here. Only people defending this are kikes
Good to see that Mexicans are donating for the wall.
Since most of them are mutts, it is as if Mexico were paying.
I'm gonna be broke till Christmas, but fuck it, I'll help pay for the wall. Gofundme better not jew me on this.
They pay for it indirectly through their Mexican maids giving handjobs
38 billion is over 10 years, take a deep breath mate and put some oxygen back in that fucken brain
This kurva speaks probably the truth
Just like most South and Central american governments ours lied to us and is too corrupt.
Until some new (((bill))) speeds things up. Whatever man its your money. You wanna waste it for a dumb faggot who promised us good things and hasnt delivered anything but redone taxes, you be my guest
How do you know for sure if you’re a moron????? Donate to this scam.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
Didn't Rand Paul block that shit?
>Literally begging for cash
>MAGA 2020
Trump’s a con man like Bernie Madoff and I suspect he and his kids are behind this con too. Prepare to see the money disappear into the void.
Yeah but the goal is 5 BILLION!! Don't act like 1 Million is a lot. I'd love to see the wall, I'd love for the American people to stick it to the dems, but let's be real, this wotn reach it's goal
>until a new bill speeds things up
cmon m8. trump is fought every step of the way with the wall, hasn’t forgot or given up
Yeah, don’t know how long it will last though but god bless him for it
Isn't your tax money supposed to go towards building the wall? Actually, wasn't Mexico supposed to pay for it? Why are you paying for it now, mutts? Are you seriously so retarded that, after being fucked in the ass, you ask for more?
Yeah cuz after all that’s what’s really important...saying fuck you to the Dems.
If it gets enough exposure you might start seeing big organizations and weathy donors dropping in large sums. 1b is not impossible that way.
Saying "fuck it, if you want something right you do it yourself" is one of the most American of traditions.
It would be great if I could donate my time and labor too.
>30+ billion given to Israel
>5+ billion given to 3rd world Latin American shitholes
>Amerifats are compelled to give even more of their money to the government, instead of rioting to have current globalist handouts reappropriated
I can't stand this retardation anymore
since i made this thread its gone up 400k, it’s just the beginning mate. the message is more important than the money.
Trump used his fraud of a charity to pay a $7 membership fee to the Boyscouts of America...he’s not going to donate jack shit...well...maybe he’ll donate one orange turd.
Still couldnt happen when things were full republican in congress and senate. Loves to praise israel and support them. Loves to praise blacks and mexicans. Does nothing to help white south africans getting mowed down. We mutts only vote republican because well they are the only thing thats not democrat and has a chance at winning.
Sure you did larper.
Worse than that, Trump just approved 10 billion in aid to Mexico, should change 0 to -10 billion
Trump just gave $38 billion of your tax dollars to Israel...I think that would have paid for it in full?
goodnight mates, thanks all the shills bumping this threads with your poor quality trolling, your helping spread the message to get the cunt built.
The Trump Org started it. :)
that was destined over 10 years and rand paul blocked it. eat shit mate keep the thread alive
this is a scam
Whoever made this GoFundMe is a liberal and they are going to take the money and run
Screen cap this
Only a german would care about 100 this much. I spend at least a hundred every day for food
To late...
The $38 billion is for a period of 10 years, so $3.8 billion per year. The wall needs to happen in less than 2 years.
I'm foreign. Why would I pay for an American wall?
Because after America falls to the hordes you are literally next on the list and there will be noone left to defend you.
The wall will never happen because it’s a waste of money and won’t do jack shit. We’ve given Israel hundreds of billions of dollars over the years and will do so for decades to come. Have the Jews pay for it.
Threw in £150 I'm not sure we have enough momentum to raise the billions needed.