why is the pedo strip club in Brooklyn that sanctioned this shit listed in NYC business licenses as "home improvement business"? with a liquor license. pic related.
"Amazing Desmond"
Other urls found in this thread:
pic 2, with address highlighted
honestly? gay Jew York/DC pedos are above the law
Also something to look into is her (((Managment))) company, "Producer Entertainment Group", and the guy who runs it.
how much do you want to know? I have found a lot on this little search. but can't do anything with it other than bitch b/c NYC and state would never do a thing about a complaint. fuck, de Blasio was prob there jacking off to it. have you seen the video of Desmond IMMEDIATELY mimicking snorting shit off his wrist as soon as the drag bitch next to him mentioned ketamine?????
to say I'm reeee'ing after finding all this shit would be an understatement.
look into the main business and it's registration. did the same shit with Comet. amazing they are so stupid to file their shit this was. guess they didn't count on our autism.
pic related. someone email this AOL account, lol.
if they just gave the kid a drug test heads could roll but would they order one? No
Because it’s in Bushwick in a giant industrial building that’s primarily warehouses. The bar only takes up about 10,000 square feet in a million square foot building.
you disgusting shill, a very quick google street view proves you're a goddamn liar. I swear to GOD, you will get yours soon enough.
That’s not the owner’s email address. The bar is owned by an older Irish lesbian named Brenda.
it's NYS. not shit would happen even if a video came out of de Blasio raping him with his lesbo commie wife.
so you're saying their business filing is fraudulent? yet another crime.
Idk know what this is or want to know. fuck bess and fuck you.
I guess the API that generates spook IDs does it across multiple social media platforms for that "organic" feel. Defense contractors are the worst.
Someone, search the files on their website if they have one. Find the dirt, and expose it like Comet.
so that make's this even worse, actually. thanks for digging. it's all so tiresome. i fucking hope NYC, SF, LA, etc get nuked into the ground bc that's the only thing that will change this.
You mean the building that takes up the entire block, you fucking moron? You’re looking at 246–not 260. It definitely makes sense to not believe the person who lives 4 blocks away from the building as opposed to...ummm Google Maps...which is notoriously off anyhow, especially in Bushwick where all the streets are on a major angle.
>pedo strip club in Brooklyn
just the dirt I've cited is enough evidence for child abuse on the parents on multiple felonies on the business. you think reporting it to the relevant NYC/NYS authorities will change anything???
look at pics and story stuff
Because you can't file a business license under Biker, Indian, or Police Officer silly
No. No wonder people think /Pol is so full of shit. It’s the contractor’s email address.
1) why would google show me 246 when I ask for 260?
2) I know how to manipulate the camera to 260 you fucking dipshit. the gay bar's website list their address. there's no unit numbers or whatever. so legally that means they own the whole address. you think a faggot bar takes up a million sq feet in what's clearly old brick buildings? when you shit your pants hanging, remember your shilling here motherfucker bc it just motivates us more.
why does a "home improvement contractor" license also need a liquor license? goddamn your day is coming you sick fuck.
keep fighting the good fight, OP, but know they are going to try to "discourage" you, if I didn't still have little kids at home I think I'd go off on a crusade like this too
It says that place is owned by a Jooish person, you know in America its illegal to question Jooish people right because their so brainwashed by them?
Thats why dumb americans send Israhell 10 million of their tax dollars a day.
This is the ONE time where you actually use the ATF. You know, the "A"
if NYC refuses to do something and even allowed a bar that serves alcohol to be listed as a home improvement business, the ATF will be kicking in doors
contact them
I mean I already know there is no point in following up with any NYC authority, even tho I can document multiple felonies with a late night drunk search, on jewgle even. just keep securing the home front until it's time.
ps: have 1 white baby, and just found out today another is on the way. so just fantasizing about the day "they" try and pull this shit in my kids. lol at that thought.
ATF....never thought about that user.....b/c state actors won't do SHIT in NYS.
You really have no clue. There are over a dozen businesses listed in NY.gov at 260–three of which are bars. Also take a little trip on Google Maps to get an idea of the neighborhood. It’s an industrial part of town. Finally, instead of being a half ass Nancy Drew, take a little extra time to search the BBPL for New York. You’ll see the building doesn’t just have the #260 building number—it has a half dozen numbers attached to the structure. So, again, go fuck yourself and get a clue.
so why does my search of that specific address only return 1 result? you are a fucking pathetic shill. and that one result has a fraudulent email contact, and has a "home improvement contractor" has a liquor license. ENJOY THE ROPE FAGGOT.
exactly right
lol. you suck at shilling.
Thanks, I’ll buy this book.
My pleasure. I tried posting these in a similar thread yesterday but I couldn't find them 'til after it archived.
>wah wah why are my google results inaccurate?
Don't they teach you kids proper web search techniques anymore?
Try different phrases and try different search engines and always doubt the results.
And not everything can be found using google.
Wew geezer sick gif is that real?