Friend and her autistic bf

>be friends with girl for 13 years
>me and girl both find bf's at the same time
>my bf is an OK guy, always avoids fights best he can
>her bf is some mutt who is always insecure about his relationship or his IT skills, has short temper and acts like a girl on a period
>friendship goes fine for a while between us 4
>play autism minecraft together one day
>my bf makes a painfully obvious joke about mutt being kind of poor at building things, was very light hearted
>el 56%er gets offended anyway as he can't sense humor so he leaves the game
>next day we go on call again but all he does is keeps insulting my bf and me, passive aggressively
>get annoyed after a long while of this, call him out
>a month of drama begins due to this
>mutt constantly saying our relationship is shit and insulting us as people for no reason
>whenever I call him out on toxic behaviour, he just cries to his gf and then she writes me long paragraphs about how I should stop being a "mean bully because some men can be sensitive too"
>finally get annoyed and point out how mutt is so bad that even his gf doesn't trust him and hides a lot from him due to even her knowing he's too emotionally unstable to handle her
>she literally on day 1 after meeting my bf and a freind of mine told them she had made out with girls and guys she barely knew at school for fun
>yet 6 months in, never told her bf any of this or other secrets about herself, so the fact she trusted this info with complete strangers should tell you how bad her relationship and trust is with him
>her bf then began shit talking me about things I never did and said to make her hate me
>she then literally dropped a 13 yr old friendship for her 6 month bf
>haven't talked to her for a year but recently sent her a pm asking to make up
>still no response
Is there any hope left or are most women just that shallow and retarded? While we're on the topic, are women generally just shit at being friends, or is that a made stereotype?

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I read your story and noticed you said you and her had a bf that means your gay? since you still describe women as less than male? or are you just extremly redpilled?

Anyways all 4 of you have autism for still playing minecraft

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Just say nigger, you dumb cunt

>Racist towards her boyfriend
>Think women are less
>Still being mean

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You don't know how humans work that well do you? The reason she could tell strangers something like that and not her boyfriend is because she's afraid that he will judge her and not be with her and she wants to be with him probably for who knows what reason she could have all kinds of insecurities she could f****** be having him around until she finds someone better she could really really really like him should be manipulating him who the f*** knows. Also apparently your boyfriend can make fun of this dude and it's alright with you. But when the other dude gives a couple punches back cry like a little bitch. Who knows your story could be 100% accurate but kind of sounds like we're just hearing your side. Have fun.

We played minecraft as a joke, not really seriously.

No, I'm not a gay man. I don't hate women either, and I especially don't ever say they are lesser anywhere besides physical strength, IT topics or i am talking on Jow Forums with anons.

I get banned for being "racist" if I do.

Back when we all talked, I never used terms like mutt back then nor implied women are lesser beings. Who the hell would talk like like a Jow Forumstard in public, in real life? I know that's social suicide.

My bf never made fun of the guy. He literally just once said, in an obvious friendly jokey tone, "damn dude, you do a poor job at mining, step up your game, noobie"

If that's enough to make him butthurt and go rampage mode for months then he's already failed to be a man. All men I've met didn't mind a little bit of banter. That's the point of being a man. To top it off, me and my bf literally apologized to him several times and asked to make up, but he still kept raging at us the very next day. A little over kill, no?

>but when he gives a couple punches you cry
You... Mixed it up, that's what the muttie did. Saying you're not doing you're best in a game vs spending hours on a call shaming someone are two very different things. Even after several apologies and trying to calm him down, he kept on going with acting pissy, but we just tried to avoid talking to him since he was mad no matter what we did.

If your not a gay man that means you are female other ways you won't have a BF? why are you talking less about yourself? seems like you get redpilled and it rubbed off in your life.

Well it seems like someone has already caught on your racist/sexist shit so don't try to salvage a relationship you fucked up.

What makes you think I hate women?

How is one sexist against their own sex? If I was sexist against women, I would be a transsexual by now, which I am not. And again, I never used "racist/sexist" terms around anyone ever, that's only a thing I use over Jow Forums. Sorry... But am I in reddit or something?

Your a closet sexist/racist only a matter of time before you slip out and it seems like you already did hence the reason why your friend broke the relationship. As for how can you be sexist against your own sex simple you just decide you do cmon user I am sure you are educated somewhat.

Also your at an advicefags board, so people aren't as racist or sexist like the other boards you visit most likey pol and r9

You are an actually female turning my question into an argument.

Again, stop making claims without showing proof or examples. How am I "racist" or let alone "sexist" against my own sex if I'm a semi feminist? This is beyond ridiculous to make such claims.
Stop with these vague explanations because I know you lack actual arguments or reasoning.

Jow Forums is for sexist incels, so no i don't like their community. Jow Forums is 90% cringe as well and full of edgy people under 18. So you're rather wrong again. I jokingly called the guy a mutt because how else do I seperate him? Heck, I call myself a mutt jokingly as well, words only have as much meaning as you give them. It's like when someone calls a transgender person a "transphobe " for using the word "tranny" on themselves.

Girl, so what advice do you need after all?

How to talk to another female and try to make up or it there is any possibility to do so.

So... you're a natural female?

Calls someone a mutt do seperate him? Have you tried calling him by his name if you want to speak to him? words only have a meaning if you give them? Just because it doesn't have a meaning for you doesn't mean the other person didn't get hurt.

Just read this entire conversation. 5 Anons call you racist yet you are still in denial. You must have fucked up when people on Jow Forums call you racists.

Yes, my ID and birth certificate say so. Albeit sometimes I don't understand women, but I also sometimes don't understand men. And I think it's retarded people think I'm sexist even though men irl call me a feminist. No one can ever be pleased.

>call him by name
So I can reveal his personal identity? Yeah, no, that's worse. And stop being an illiterate, i never called him a mutt in person.

I never once did anything racist, I just jokingly called someone a mutt... Even though... I often call myself that as well. Wow, sooooo racist. Even though blacks call each other the n word as well.

To add, I literally am dating a foreigner and almsot all my friends are from different countries than me. God, you people are retarded.

People have different opinions?
>No that can't be they all just can't be pleased KEK your like one of those redditfags that puts people in groups.
Anyways you clearly say you dont understand women so you probably don't even understand yourself.

>Yes, my ID and birth certificate say so.
OK, girl. Do you have female relatives? How old are you? Are you older than your "Friend and her autistic bf"?

>Dates foreigner and has colored friends
Cmon they made a bunch of memes about this already but your probably way too young to know these.

>be softcore feminist and spread the word that you want men to stop viewing women as sex objects
>date foreigner
>all your friends are foreigners
>but you're a racist if you say the word "mutt" once
Is this tumblr?

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>Wants men to stop
In her posts she says why females are dumber and physically weaker than men. I haven't keked this long in a while, thanks user.

Also you don't have to lie to me I am sure you said more than mutt towards colored people in your life.

I deal with racism often from others since I'm an immigrant, doubt I'd be racist even when an entire country hates me due to their propaganda media saying my race is evil. You're just silly and assume things wildly. I've also dealt with sexism as my home country was incredibly sexist towards women, hence why I left.

No female relatives, grew up around brother and boys mostly because they're the only ones who liked video games like I did. I'm in my 20s. I'm a year older than my (ex) friend... I think?

Why are people so mad at you? kek
You're just shitposting a little, but it seems fairly obvious at least to me that you are mostly joking.

Also if anyone is a tumblr fag it's you because you fit right in with your femnazi shit.

Females aren't dumber, it's just statistically harder for women to get Into IT but some can make it well, just rarer. How is it sexist to deny biology? Women are good at some things men aren't good at too.

Also did you just fucking say
>women are not physically weaker than me
user... What the fuck is wrong with you? You seriously think women also have testosterone that turns them equally as physically strong as men?

Matter of time baby.

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Aah like I assumed you didn't defend my second statement anyways name one thing females are better at than men, oh don't mention baby's because soon we only need your eggs (;

Not really. Men and women are equal in terms of jobs and all, the only thing I ever ever agreed with feminism was that women often are viewed as sex things, and get treated different but it depends what country. My homeland made rules that you cannot be friends with a woman unless you want to fuck her. Current country i am doesn't have that and therefor has no need for feminism.

I don't live in americuck land, also trump is a tool and is being controlled lowkey by libs anyway.

>Claims to be femenist
Keeps changing her opinion to try to win an argument with a random stranger online
What are my morals, guess I just throw them away.

Ah I assumed you came by boat in Europe with the other refugees. Seems like they already brainwashed you. In land of the free we are kicking your kind out.

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I never said I'm a full blown feminist, just a "softcore", as in I believe very very few countries don't treat women fairly. Most countries by now treat women fairly but for some reason still have sexist feminist demand to fuck men over.

Extremely less violent, less likely to commit crimes, do better in school, graduate more, much better socially speaking, live longer, less obese.
Just off the top of my head.

Oh and better at driving, kek. Women are a lot less likely to cause accidents.

Did I mention "full blown" guess you just had to pretend that I typed something I didn't that's what happens when your brain is smaller, I guess. Also last time I checked the only countries left with those sexists things are non white countries? you should be happy to us.

I'm not a rapefugee, alt-right faggot.

>do better in school
Depends on the person, not sex.
>less obese
In rich countries, they're very fat. In my homeland no one was fat, in the current country I'm in, it's always women who are obese. Next time say "not same user" by the way.

lmao this bitch is retarded

>I'm in my 20s. I'm a year older than my (ex) friend... I think?
Great... One more time, via different platforms, sincerely, not during her PMS, send "her a pm asking to make up". If it won't work - you can think you've done what you could.

My homeland is white. It isn't ultra sexist but still have shallow images of what a woman should do and look like. Even for men they force them to achieve things almost no one can.

Less violent: We didn't have women in battle for a reason if we did then you wouldn't be here typing in your home provided by the white goverment.
Crimes: Those do get commited the most by your kind anyways
Better in school: Pretty sure everything your using is invented and made by a white male
Socially: Oh honey you just tried to fix a relationship with your friend and failed
Live longer: By medicine designed by the white male
Obese: Go to tumblr I see plenty of you female whales
Driving: OMEGA KEK Do I really have to link the video of a female driver livestreaming to facebook her dead cousin that she caused?

Thanks for being the only user who... Actually tried to give advice. In a giant thread that's being shat all over, filled with anons pretending to be me. Heh.

Op here, that user wasn't me. Hell, half of the anons here are larping as the Op. I don't fucking know why, but enjoy arguing with 20 people pretending to be one person, I guess.

What is this answer to my statement you are just bringing on different topics. I don't give a shit about your country typical female bringing extra bullshit. Didn't even defend herself.

I am not the same user, as OP pointed out.

But no, men commit crimes a lot more than women, they are infinitely more violent even outside of war contexts.
And no - women tend to do better in school and graduate more often, most college graduates are women nowadays and by far most college dropouts are men.
Women live longer because they pay more attention to their health. Yes, there are obese women, but less than obese or overweight men.

And I am glad you found a video of that, but it is far less likely for a woman to cause an accident than for a man.

KEK COULDN'T win with my supreme answer have fun staying awake at night knowing you lost.

You're welcome, girl. Good luck and run away from Jow Forums.

If it wasn't for us males that fought wars for you. you would just be a sex object.
Tell me what did a women invent that is usefull?

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70% of "my" responses aren't even from me, this whole thread is just anons larping as the Op for whatever reason. Have fun continuing to argue with several imposters.

There's very few boards on Jow Forums that are still OK, but 90% of them have turned into a cesspool. Makes me miss the older days, ah well. Thanks again, have a good day, user.

MEGAKEK When OP finds out that I was the one that posted everything even the advicefag.


>spams kek
Go back to reddt

I mean, if it wasn't for you males no one would use me as a sex object. I don't really get the point.

I am not even a feminist, I am a very happy right wing housewife. You're just retarded.

Anyway, off the top of my head, the dishwasher, fire escapes, and a lot of things to do with programming. Like the first algorithm intended to be carried out by a computer was written by a woman.