Can you supply me with some effective lines to ask out that girl I saw yesterday? Never done this before and when I come up with my own lines or translate from english they sound retarded.
Please keep the trolling in this thread to a minumum
*Scream* Hail Hitler! Its a great opener,and a test to see if she is worth your time. If you are a nazi,and she likes it,shes good to steal. If she doesn't like it ,and you are a commie,same. But if I ever see you scream жить Cтaлиным. I will bash your head in the pavement.
Jason Collins
Fucking trots
Joseph Gomez
What lines did you try to translate? I'll try to help make them sound better but I have no lines of my own besides troll ones (ich will deine Mushie lecken - I want to lick your pussy)
Juan Morgan
Wolst du fukfuk?
Eli James
The usual stuff - Would you like to go out with me? Würdest du mit mir ausgehen wollen? Wanna go out sometimes..? / grab a cup of coffee? Hast du Lust ne Tasse Kaffee zu trinken? Ich weiß ja nicht. So aus heiterem Himmel klingt das verdammt seltsam.
It all sounds very forced in german. Idk how you guys do it.
Hab das aber auch noch nie gemacht. Erscheint mir einfach unüblich jemandem so nen Spruch an den Kopf zu werfen.
Ayden Phillips
How do you know the girl? Have you talked at all yet? If not I'd probably just say something along the lines of: Hey Ich bin user, hab dich öfter hier gesehen und fand dich echt nett. Hast du Lust was trinken zu gehen? My experience is pretty limited and I'm a beta but you should not end up with a sexual harassment charge at least.
Michael Nelson
Kenne die schon eine Weile flüchtig. Die Situation ist eher erweiterter Freundeskreis.
Known her for a while.
Lincoln Williams
You know anything about her interests? If you have talked before I'd just ask her for a coffee or if you know her interests invite her to something related.
Chase Walker
Here's a good one:
Hey, du Drecksnutte. Ja du mit dem geilen Arsch. Am liebsten würd ich dich wie Achmed vergewaltigen und deine Leiche an einem Pfahl binden, damit alle sehen was für ein Luder du wirklich bist.
It's quite long but very effective. Women will get wet if you say this. But in the end it all depends how and in what tone you say it.
Andrew Cook
>Please keep the trolling in this thread to a minumum >Hey, du Drecksnutte. Ja du mit dem geilen Arsch. Am liebsten würd ich dich wie Achmed vergewaltigen und deine Leiche an einem Pfahl binden, damit alle sehen was für ein Luder du wirklich bist. >loosely translates to "Hey, you bastard. Yes you with the great ass. I'd love to rape you like Achmed and tie your body to a stake so everyone can see what a bitch you really are."
Ich will Fucken groBe Bruste In all seriousness, don't use "lines" just talk to her, for example ask "Was studierst du denn so?" or maybe "Duhm? Bin der joscher"
Ian Nelson
>flüchtig große bruste fucken
Kayden Reyes
Alter feuerball JUNGE
Nathan King
Here's a good one:
Meine Mama hat immer gesagt, das Leben ist wie eine Schachtel Pralinen, man weiss nie was man kriegt. Sie hat mir auch bis zum zwanzigsten Lebensjahr die Windeln gewechselt. Willst du auch meine Windeln wechseln? Dann wärst du meine neue Mama.
I mean in all honesty. Picking up German women is really easy. Say this in a little shy and nervous tone and she'll start kissing you lovingly. Girls love this shit.
Jaxson Morgan
>I mean in all honesty. Picking up German women is really easy.
Not my experience so far.
Also: This thread has not worked out well.
Nolan Bailey
You didn't do my nazi/commie suggestion. Get back in the sea and do it.
James Wood
but I just gave you a good pickup line
Zachary Hughes
What did you expect?
Gabriel Edwards
Yesterday a bunch of German girls where all over my dick while I was fishing from a dock. And I was too focused on catching this big bass that kept chasing bream out of the water to focus on all the hotties.