Is an exit bag painless?

I want to commit suicide. If I use a helium bag will I feel anything before I die or is it totally painless?

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If youre scared of a little pain you wont manage to kill yourself. Youll ""accidentally"" fuck something up or stop halfway through.

I just want to know if it’ll knock me out and I’ll die while I’m unconscious.


why not just cut your throat or something so you can't go back

Too messy. I just want to slip off peacefully into sweet oblivion

Yes. You'll pass out before you asphyxiate. You'll still shit yourself when you die and you'll decompose. So, it'll be messy either way.

Thanks. That’s ok, I’ll be dead.

That being said please don't end your life, user. Seek help.

Tried it. I don’t believe a word my therapist says. All sounds like meaningless platitudes. I’m just tired of struggling uphill while everyone else has it made.

No one has it made. Stop focusing on fallacies to justify killing yourself.

It's an illusion. People show you what they want to see and puff their chest up for things that aren't that impressive. I have a house, car, well paying job, and a degree. I sound like I've made it right? What you don't know is that i have around $30k of credit debt, a $200k home loan, am morbidly obese, am 30 years old and never had a girlfriend, am addicted to strippers, lost my virginity to a whore, and wonder every single day if today will be the day I snap and finally hang myself with an extension cord.

Do you still think I've made it? Am I living the perfect life my first sentence made it out to be?

Read failed attempts

They add oxygen into helium because people used it to kys. These days you wont die from helium bag. All it will do is give you brain damage and "sleep" for ~15 hours.

Suicide is so fucking easy yet retards choose the most obscure methods and then they wonder where did they make the mistake. Same as with their life choices...

Attached: bee yourself.jpg (1260x1260, 344K)

What’s the easiest method then, o wise one?

jumping off a building
shooting self in heart

You think losers will ever manage to get their hands on guns? They are often too impatient to get licence, too poor to actually afford it and even then i bet they wont find their organ...

So why are you killing yourself anyway? No mysterious bullshit, just get straight to the point with what pushed you to do it.

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What about nitrogen? Not everyone's going to put oxygen in it because it has uses to prevent oxidation.

>Suicide is so fucking easy
>someone who's never done it

I hate myself. I’m lonely, bitter, going nowhere and nothing I seem to do makes any difference.

These are lame reasons to die if you ask me...

If you’re sick of living, why not end it?

because that's the end of everything.
there's a chance things can get better, those chances can improve by your actions.
Just like the lottery, you can't win if you don't play. So just play a little bit longer.

Jesus christ. The lottery is the worst example you could choose.

then kys I don't really care

Don't get an exit bag, you eill just end up as a vegetable. Look around on the internet and you will find medication that combined will kill you very softly.

>gambler's fallacy
Never, ever give people advice, user
I'm not for people killing themselves but seriously, this is the worst shit you can bring them in their time of need

Suicide is not painless
Use a gun or brace for impact, but don't act like killing yourself is somehow going to come 'easily'

Dude. Whichever way you might kill yourself in.
Don't throw yourself in front of a train or car, or do anything involving another person.

I highly suggest you try Ecstasy before you decide to end it all.

>They add oxygen into helium because people used it to kys.
Carbon monoxide is your best bet, i'd say.

Op suicide isn't the end of pain. Let me i try's concept to you. It's called the burden of eternity.

Close your eyes. Now imagine and pretend that you can never open them again and see how long you can keep them closed. Let it sink in. You won't keep them closed for the next hour. Not the next day, not next week. Forever. Just trapped in that void, unable to experience or do anything. Eventually you will start to feel this small sense of dread. Now if you really were stuck there, your dread would overwhelm you to the point of wanting to scream and scream and scream. You can't be silent when bearing the burden of eternity. It's only a matter of time before you snap and can't take it anymore only to realize that you do have to take it more. Forever.

Have you ever hear of a place called hell? The burden of eternity alone in hell is enough to make a man lose his mind. This doesn't include the unspeakable horrors of hell you have to endure ON TOP of the burden of eternity. The pain of hell is incredibly hard to imagine or relate to so that's why I chose the burden of eternity exercise. That's something you can relate to. You Here's how your suicide could play out. You go unconscious for half a second and then wake up to a demons that are so scary looking that you go into immediate fight or fight response, screaming in terror completely compulsively and unable to stop. Realizing they'll mangle your body and terrorize you forever. And hell is worse than my made up situation of the demons chasing you.

Do not kill your self. It does not end pain. It begins pain no mortal can bear. Get yourself right with God and Jesus. Find an online bible study site and learn what they want you to do to get into heaven. Change your life. Read Matthew/mark/Luke/John first. It is about Jesus. Make a list of everything they want you to do and one by one begin doing those things in your life. Pray to god to ask for help in making this personal transformation to follow him faithfully

>Never, ever give people advice, user
kek you and OP should make a pact. a suicide one.

Why is it that you want to commit suicide, anyhow?

I long for that endless void. To return to nothing that I came from. It's all I've wanted from life.

Keep your fairy tales to yourself.

Therapists are supposed to rehab you into entering society. Society can make life easier or more meaningful to some people but it isn't necessary by any means. Why don't you just embrace total freedom from it, from everything? Join a hippie cult off thailand and spend your days soaking up the sun and eating fresh fruit without a care in the world?

I never understood therapy either, user. You pay some Jew to talk about your fucking problems with. That's it. It's not like they fix the problems for you. It's not like they spend time around you and let you know which opportunities to capitalize on. Just talking, I don't get it. I guess they put you on SSRIs or something, doubt those help much either.

>I Iong for that endless void
No you fucking don't. Considering an eternity of nothingness causes any animal to freak the fuck out. It's in our DNA to not want to die.
>Keep your fairy tales to yourself.
Imagine insulting someone who actually just wants the best for you. I'm not religious either, but I can appreciate when someone puts forth the effort to, in their mind, save me from an eternity of torture and misery. Have a little empathy.

He's trying to give you true, thoughtful advice. Really think on what he said, it's the truth. Don't end it all. We've all had pain and yes most of us have even had those thoughts but that isn't the way out