>Be male
>Work your ass in a month for 3k dollars of income
>Get taxed

>Be female
>Make 10k of income in a single night out of your highly profitable activity
>No tax


Attached: 1545310192560.jpg (1024x576, 60K)

How about nobody get taxed

30% is serious money if you score one thats not paying any taxes at all

Attached: 1543193990878m.jpg (1024x975, 101K)

then how would we get the 22 trillion dollars in debt we owe you, master

Those videos are fakes. And these people are supposed to report this as income, and pay taxes.

It really is telling how the left likes to raise taxes and complain about "rich people" not paying enough, and then thots make huge money and think it's ok to not pay taxes.

These fucking marxists/socialists/commies really do have a sick, diseased mind

Just print 22 trillion dollars, easy

It's kinda grey area the thot don't recive the same benefits other workers receive should they still be taxed?

It’s a tax on income, so yes, because that is income. See how it works Jew?

They don't actually make that much, retard. These people can cancel the payments and they do, all the time, they just want their message meme thing to show up on the stream.