this is Lauren southern.
She is a jew who had sex with black guys
yet she claims to be trad and white nationalists beta orbit her
Friendly reminder that right wing women are whores
This is Lauren southern
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah I mean ok. It's not like I'm ever going to meet this chick, so who cares? Why do you people stalk E celebs and personalities? It's fucking pathetic
don't you mean he mate
I’ve met her. She’s not that hot, nor smart. Never had any influence over my life. I’m also not a 16 year old Nazi larping queer.
>She is a jew who had sex with black guys
We shouldn't judge then.
That kind of thing is for greater good.
From river to the sea ...
>She is a Jew
Prove it
>She slept with blacks guys
Prove it. And not that light skinned middle eastern dude or whatever that she dated in HS. Not black.
All you can show are her hanging out with people, you can't prove she slept with any of them. And the Jewish claim is just absurd.
Leftypol, please go back to your lairs.
It is over.
That’s great, dear.
It truly is.
Despite that she reported about the bullshit in the Calais jungle, white victims in South Africa and no go zones in Australia, etc.
While the majority of white women should be traditional and have kids and not concern themselves with this stuff, someone woman have to bridge that transition in editorial roles to make it more socially acceptable.
The message she says coming from a blonde in her 20s is bound to attract orbiters, sure but also women that can't outright strawman her and put her in the evil mansplainer category.
This no true Scotsman from the right mentality is going to kill any vehicle for discussion.
So she is into beastiality? Everyone k ows that niggers are a subspecies of gorilla. Niggers are inferior animals. They are not people.
Niggers stink like shit
It’s actually pathetic how many thirsty faggots give her money just for regurgitating right leaning libertarian tier shit
She is the same age as me. I know more than her. Gimme thirsty orbiter bux
>Slept with dune koon
“That’s totally fine, r-right g-guys?”
Checked and thott
A whore who fucks niggers renders herself worthless. Any self respecting superior white man will reject her like the nigger loving pile of STD garbage that she is.
Or "sand nigger."
She's a Libertarian. That's not Conservative.
Bet she burned the whole coal mine.
Hey buddy, you probably don’t know this, but not everyone on the right-wing side of politics is a greasy, women-hating, neo-nazi.
Some of us actually put penis into vagina
Why are you lying though? Is it because you're a kike shill?
Finnknight you fucking loser cuck, stop posting shopped garbage
I thought you left. Here's your reminder that she will never fuck you. Ever. No matter how much you defend this retarded bimbo bitch, she will not sleep with you ever in your life
By the way, even if this isn't shopped. it proves nothing. She looks jewish and has a jewish surname (((simosen)))
Even if she was white (her father is jewish though) that would just mean she was a race traitor
She is christian but with half jewish blood
You do realize people can use the search function on twitter you despicable kike faggot?
I did start posting less frequently when I realized how low IQ and hopeless this place is. The truth has no value here, you imbeciles are almost as easily shepherded by these kike shills as normies. It is pathetic.
Is Lauren looking to star in another Murdoch Murdoch vid.
>I did start posting less frequently when I realized how low IQ and hopeless this place is. The truth has no value here, you imbeciles are almost as easily shepherded by these kike shills as normies. It is pathetic.
You realized this only because people are mean to your favorite camwhore? You've been here for years but never noticed that it's mostly lies and falseflagging?
She hooked up with 2 black guys down here who were working on the lodge she and her crew were staying at. Not sure if they had sex, they were just caught kissing.
Things have gotten progressively worse since 2015. The shilling has increased 5x since (((they))) noticed how influential Jow Forums was during the election.
you are a shill mate clearly
that is not shopped
and finn knight isnt a shill
just an over zealous guy
i repsect his efforts though
This goy again...
Make me.
This is the thot betas orbit. All women "activists" should be shunned.
Imagine what kind of uneducated subhuman you would have to be to have this picture work on you.
No need to imagine, you are the prime example.
Controlled opposition doesn't work unless they fame fag the shit out of them, then reveal truths about them that make their followers puke in disgust. Serves 2 purposes:
1. Demoralization
2. Acceptance of new "norms"
Divide and conquer. They are always doing it. Stop following thots/chads, and do your own thing instead.
Not me tardo.
this is very bad bait. expect better from your country.
same crew
he made all your memes
dont speak
Daily reminder that all "Lauren Southern is a whore" threads are DaC false flags. She is, and has always been, top tier optics, and is a primary agent in the fact that
>Muh ecelebs
have acted as gateway redpills in the first place. Having high-profile personalities making the transition from naive lolbertarianism to nationalism in real time, as an honest response to the events that unfold before us is one of the powerful means of forging community and ethnic awareness available, bringing hundreds of thousands of followers with them. The fact that she is a young, well adjusted women also acts to dispel the
>Muh nationalism is entitled virgin incel manchild temper tantrums
narrative, which is practically a cornerstone of Leftist social control - even successfully gaslighting many on "the right".
Only controlled ops would even consider throwing that away, and the fact that (((they))) have already been so successful in that regard is far more worrying and relevant than
>Muh Trump no build wall
>Muh Patreon bans
>Muh Moroccan mountain roasties
The internet took the global elite by surprise, but they're learning, and faggots falling for shit like this is why 2016 level success seems so distant. Leftists infiltrate. Leftists subvert. This applies here as much as (if not more) than anywhere else.
None of your pics have any of my posted pics.
>I'm a white nationalist
>BBC only silly boys
yeah the other guy in this thread probably stopped using the same photo set as i use to stalk his threads
this is the picture she sent that indian nigger
dont forget.....
As to prove that you have no arguments... Go stalk him and stop wasting my time.
who gives a shit? post her nudes or post her sisters nudes and stop wasting my time.
stop trying to discredit LS with no merit for it
>no merit for it
>what is BBC
>what is thot
Basically breaks her whole charade of being an ethno nationalist trad e-slot. She uses trickery to fool gullible betas to pay for her decadence.
where is the documentaries youve created?
did you make one about SA?
or did you expose Ariel Ricker teaching muzzies how to pretend to be christians?
If you are too retarded that you need an documentary to know what is going on in SA, then you are a lost cause. Also most of Jow Forums was spreading that far and wide before she even thought about making what some cuck lurker pleaded her to make.
>Ariel Ricker
Did steak up an bosniak migrant trafficker on our border if that counts. Did far more damage to muh globalism than she ever can or will.
And again, you strafe from my argument, she is a paid slut, while you could find and pay someone else who is aligned with our morals, not some cam whore coal burner.
are you trying to say that the average person can empathize with something they dont see?
are you also proposing no educational docos should be made to wake people up?
you sound like you are against the alt right
i also redpilled a friend on jews after the ariel ricker video came out as he is alt lite and was easy to slip in
>that the average person can empathize with something they dont see
Yes. Pic related.
>wake people up
If they need docos to wake up and if plain facts/studies and reports don't work, then docos won't do shit.
>i also redpilled a friend
then let me redpill you off to reddit faggot.
She's literally taking advantage of people who think she's conviced about what she says.
Target the goyim, steal shekels, that's all what she does.
>Betas orbit this one woman in particular
>Eliminate her, eliminate beta orbiters
Betas will orbit women and women will orbit chads regardless. Remove the woman, the betas orbit someone else. Remove the chad, the women orbit someone else. You cant stop this. The flow of power from betas to women to chads is likewise unavoidable. All that this type of shunning accomplishes is to redirect the flow of power through Leftist women into the hands of "Leftist" (cynical, not internalized) chads.
Betas lose by definition. Until they wake up, the best case scenarios are that it's "our" women gaining from their loss. and that these women are orbiting "our" chads. This is how the game of power politics is played, and refusing to play is agreeing to lose.
how does pic related suggest people can empathize with things they dont see???
>If they need docos to wake up and if plain facts/studies and reports don't work, then docos won't do shit.
docos are a lot more easily digestable to retards
think of the difference between a power point presentation over just reading it yourself
context can be given
>then let me redpill you off to reddit faggot.
no argument found
The eternal do you always end up in these threads
Youll need to show bobs and vagene to get that
Nice pink bra kek
SIMONSEN......not Jewish...
t. Schlomo
She's at least 50% Jewish
JIDF should BTFO
fake news
based lauren
You missed my point. She should be replaced with a more suitable woman.
Pic related motivated most of the world and still does and they did not have to see shit.
>docos are a lot more easily digestable to retards
Exactly my point, those should be shunned and removed from the gene pool, not advised to reproduce.
>no argument found
No shit, it's an command and an observation at once, not every single statement must be an argument for me to make an argument, you retard.
Watch your fucking pronouns you bigot! Laura is legally a man.
how can you say they didnt see shit?
they saw plenty of fake accounts of what happened
so its not comparable at all clearly
>Exactly my point, those should be shunned and removed from the gene pool, not advised to reproduce.
i can somewhat agree yet we are already losing enough population, we cant afford to be picky as of yet
>Exactly my point, those should be shunned and removed from the gene pool, not advised to reproduce.
yes it should, faggot
nice meme fren
>how can you say they didnt see shit?they saw plenty of fake accounts of what happenedso its not comparable at all clearly
How the fuck did people see hitler in 1939? And again, people do not need documentaries to love the guy.
>losing enough population
And enlightening the cram de la crem and the intelligentsia would benefit us far more, the sheep will follow no matter what. How come the jews understand this but you cannot even grasp it, are you one of the sheep? This is why they are winning.
And stop with the reddit spacing, you already seem like an uber autist as it is.
We should not have (((roasties))) in our movement. Women should stay in the kitchen and making babies, not trying to a political eceleb
They are always whores begging for betabux and they don't give a shit about our race or right wing politics
Look at what the cat brought in.
i thought you meant how people view him now
you know the war was on very different terms in those days
people didnt think he was that crazy then
20% of america were pro war in 42
so people didnt see him as a war criminal clearly
>And enlightening the cram de la crem and the intelligentsia would benefit us far more, the sheep will follow no matter what. How come the jews understand this but you cannot even grasp it, are you one of the sheep? This is why they are winning.
And stop with the reddit spacing, you already seem like an uber autist as it is
STFU and dont tell me how to post faggot
and the only way we would survive as an enlightened minority would be acting like kikes
i say no thanks faggot
free our lands and let people live
Lmao, I remember this. He literally posted this a couple years ago or so
birds of a feather flock together
Look at that degenerate necklace. And she claims to be a Christian
Ultimate threesome right there
user she only likes slavic guys
God, I would hate fuck he jewish puss so hard
A piece of obsidian and Thor’s hammer. Wicca crap.
She's rubbing her breasts on him, that's a sign they fucked.
>how people view him now
Not a single person loves him due to documentaries and if they do, they are beyond help.
And back then, people were not in need of seeing things to empathize, humans never have to see anything to do that, you dolt. "Education" is what made him look like an war criminal.
Post like it's meant to be posted you idiot, I know you're gonna screencap this and post it somewhere.
>the only way we would survive as an enlightened minority would be acting like kikes
We no longer live in despotic times you imbecile and even then, gobbles is a thing, as is propaganda, that is how the intelligentsia was swayed in those times into hitlers arms. Now the jews control the means of propaganda yet again. You are a true waste of resources.
Yup or that she's attracted to him, thinks he's alpha and wants to turn him on
whores and horrible people
Go assassinate someone else's character, you fucking kike faggot. There is zero fucking evidence of her ever fucking a anigger. And there's even less evidence of her being a Jew. A tweet about fleeing world war is NOT evidence.
ffs mate im talking about hating him
people liked him at the time for his actions and people disliked him because of what they heard
not sure why we are arguing this
i think we agree
>Post like it's meant to be posted you idiot, I know you're gonna screencap this and post it somewhere.
i dont get it
>We no longer live in despotic times you imbecile and even then, gobbles is a thing, as is propaganda, that is how the intelligentsia was swayed in those times into hitlers arms. Now the jews control the means of propaganda yet again. You are a true waste of resources.
whats this got to do with making our population smaller and being better for it?
She literally admitted to fucking a half black half Irish nigger
She claims he was a trump supporter even though he was clearly Canadian and the pictures were old then the election