how do i get a girlfriend?
i'm really ugly and i've always been rejected
how do i get a girlfriend?
i'm really ugly and i've always been rejected
just go up to girls in the bar, ask them if their having a good night. Then just walk away.
buy them
why would I walk away?
Focus on yourself ever single day. Forget that you want a gf. Just keep bettering yourself until women start noticing you.
A very simple model: Let T be the length of time that, to you, represents a successful relationship.
We want to maximize N, where
N = (number of girls you interact with) * (base proportion of population who’d spend that time with you)
In this very simple model, to maximize a fixed T, you can either increase the second percentage, perhaps by working to become more charming, interesting, and a better person, or you can improve the first number and interact with more women.
(Incels and the pickup community try to maximize N by decreasing T, but it’s not like you forget you lowered T, and that’s willingly choosing to have lots of relationships you consider failures, or straight up saying “Any relationship is success” which I think is partially why these groups tend to be rather bitter, they know that they compromised on what they really wanted in a way society doesn’t respect)
lower your standards
I have made some big strides within the last year or so.
But now I'm already 25, a kissless virgin who never had a girlfriend.
Is it even possible to achieve normalcy at this point?
I feel like I have missed out on so much already, so many regrets...
You fell for meme advice.
It's too late at 25, sorry.
You need a more positive view of your situation. If asked, say “you’re (not in a religious way) saving it for someone special because it just never worked out in your 20s”, which is at this point more-or-less true.
The fuck, I'm not gonna openly admit to that shit
Date someone as ugly as you, lower your expectations.
Just buy an escort so you can get over yourself.
Age isn't a big deal for men. 40 or 25 it's literally the same.
I told you to focus on yourself because you refer to yourself as ugly. Get a better self image.
Also see
Get rich. Quick.
I've been asking myself this question lately and i think guys ask the wrong question. What we should be asking, is "How can i improve myself as a man to be more attractive to women and also be more confident in myself". I sat down one night and seriously considered what i could offer a woman over other men, and what would make me attractive. I came to the conclusion that to find a girlfriend, i would first need to invest in myself before spending time finding a woman. The obvious shit like wearing good clothes, working out, having a attractive smell, haircut etc. Then finding hobbies that would seem interesting. After all that, work on social skills. Only then, should you worry about getting a girlfriend, but by this point, you should already be getting attention from women
Have you considered getting an ugly GF?
26 user here. It's over dude.
im ded
Why not? To a lot of people, that’s attractive, even in a guy (knowably no STDs, ego boost that you got to take somebody’s virginity and be someone’s first, and rather wholesome to imagine that you’re the special someone they’ve been saving it for).
At any rate, you’ll be found out with near certainty. Pretty much every girl I know or dated ultimately asks, before they first have sex with someone, “How many people have you been with?”
Are you saying, if asked, you plan to lie?
Dear user, I actually assume that you do not want a real love - you simply want a body to hug, kiss and hold hands with, but as a woman I would recommend you these:
1. Take care of your apperance. You don’t need to be amazingly handsome to have a girlfriend, but at least try to be more stylish, do your hair, and please wash yourself sometimes. That’s enough.
2. Be enthusiastic at something.
I mean, have a hobby, have some intentions, do not sit still in your chair. Everyone would prefer a person who has something to share with them. Great if you find a girl with the same hobbies as you.
3. Be nice. You might think that women love bad guys, but this is bullshit. Do not ignore a girl you are in contact with, but don’t text her too often. It’s irritating. Do not make laugh of her, be polite, but not too much.
Good luck with your Jane!
To add on to this, this is the 21st century, casual sex is regularized, prostitution is legal in most european countries (and in several parts of the US), and people are more sexually open today than at any point, save maybe the free love period.
If your only goal was to have sex with someone, you could make that happen in literally a weekend, or in under three months if you’re cheap as fuck and want to save on airfare to Nevada. Total cost would be about 500 bucks for lodging in a hostel for a weekend, round trip plane tickets, and a weekend of sex, 800 if you can’t wait.
You’re not gonna do that, though, and as a 25 year old, it’s not because you don’t have the money to do that.
It’s because AS I STATED, “you’re (not in a religious way) saving it for someone special because it just never worked out in your 20s”
Guys have got to stop doing things just to get pussy
Girls know, guys know, and it's a horrible and ugly sight to see someone crawling up on their 30s and they're still posturing to crush some puss.
That shit passes in high school but once you're out of high school, you have to be real; there's sudden death, grievous sickness and people who have been wounded and are weak. The real world does not exist in this stupid fucking microcosm of puerile posturing Like do any of these people realize they act like they're in high school? Do they realize how idiotic they look as soon as they're not surrounded by parrots on Jow Forums? (or anywhere, for that matter, or how they look without parrots)
People have got to grow the fuck up if they expect to be treated like an adult, I don't understand why they think they can act like actual children and be treated like a proper adult.
>t. beats it to shadbase and still enjoys success with women
What you missed is they ARE in high school. A huge number of people here are underage roleplayers
I have trouble with this because even in high school I had my head out of my ass, but that wasn't really voluntary or a work of my effort either. Hooray for things I guess
I figure it's 18-19 year olds fresh out of high school who don't get why the rest of the world doesn't operate like a retarded micro-culture of everything wrong with teenagers
Find an ugly girlfriend. Done and done.
Yes, I plan to lie.
Have fun being alone, you fucking spineless liar
Maybe if you practice running you can not only lie about, but also run away from your problems
Who am I kidding. Your fat ass won't do a fucking thing besides bitch on Jow Forums, will it? Will it, Jell-O?
I am actually in pretty good physical shape.
24 minute 5k.
I will still never admit to being a virgin for so long, I will take that fact to my grave.
Sorry if that makes you mad, but this seems like a very harmless lie.
>how do i get a girlfriend?
Understand basic social interactions, this means you have to leave the house regularly for things that aren't work/school and talk to people, talking to people on Jow Forums/xbox live/discord doesn't count as you aren't learning anything of value from foreign losers.
Understand basic hygiene, use body wash, wash your hair, scrub yourself (water running over you doesn't clean you), floss, brush your teeth, use deodorant and aftershave if applicable.
Dress smart casual for anything that isn't going to the gym/running, get a smart hair cut and style your hair (this takes less than 2 minutes).
If you're being rejected all the time, the above are probably your downfall, failing that consider if your approach works, if your approach is suitable for the person/place/situation, or if you are trying for people out of your league.
Talking to women isn't actually difficult, you talk to them like you would a random guy you've met in a social setting.
Don't ask out everyone in one place, granted you could ask every woman in a night club if they would sleep with you and eventually a drunk, fat barefoot angel at 4am will take you back to hers, but everyone will know what you are doing and it won't work in your favour.
Learn to cope with rejection, you won't die of it. Learn the signs, an outright "no" means "stay the fuck away from me", learn when you are being let down gently, learn when you are being fobbed off with things like "I'm really busy for the rest of this month".
>I'm in good shape
No you're not, you lie about your virginity
You're anything but
You're like one of those restaurants that got a face lift but didn't change out any of the cooking equipment
You're one of those chicks who slathers on makeup to hide every single flaw you can because you think that's how it works
Like I said, have fun being alone
And it's not about the 'harm' of the lie. It's that you're a liar to begin with
Once and always, y'know.
Lying about something so trivial. Enjoy your meaningless relationships.
Why? You’re acting like it’s a shameful thing when that other user gave you like 5 good reasons why it works out to your personal benefit, separate from “honesty is a good thing”.
Do you really believe someone interested enough in you that’d they’d presently sleep with you is going to say “because you told me you’re saving it for someone special, all my previous interest has disappeared”?
Would you even want to be dating someone who thinks like that?
It’s a dumb lie, because it opens a web of further lies that WILL ultimately come up in any relationship that lasts longer than, say, a month or two.
You ultimately WILL be exposed by followup questions. They don’t come all at once, but they all come up eventually:
>How many people did you say you slept with again?
>What were their names?
>When were you together, and for how long?
>Can I see some photos of them? Can I see some photos of you and her, together?
>How did you meet, and in what context?
>Tell me about them. What attracted you to them?
>How long did you date them? Were they just hookups? What makes me different from those hookups?
>What were they into, and what, from them, did you learn you were into?
>Where do I stack up among them, and what were they better at that I could improve on?
And so on, each one being new lies which are disprovable, and over a long enough time scale with a perceptive partner, will be exposed.
From the experience of my friends who tried this, I promise you that being cagey or answering inconsistently is the worst poison to a good long term relationship because those are built on trust. Start from a place of honesty or you WILL regret it when you finally find someone you love but one year later she doesn’t trust you.
And if all you want to do is have sex, go do what the legal prostitution guy recommended and save yourself the trouble.
What about self deprecating humour?
I fucked 5 other people, two of them were random sluts on festivals, 3 ONS I picked up in clubs and bars, I hardly remember any of them and I don't know their names, I never had a real relationship.
I'll stick to that story until I die.
>Wow user, that’s a lot of girls
>What club?
>What festival?
>When did you meet these women?
>What did they look like?
>What were their names?
>What makes me different from them, and how do I know you’re not using me just for sex too and when you’re done with me you’ll pretend you forgot my name like all the other women you fucked?
People don’t forget the name of the people they have sex with, nor the locations, events, and time periods you did. You won’t have plausible deniability if she suspects you’re lying, because you DIDN’T go to those clubs and bars.
Basically, your story makes it sound like you’re either hiding something or don’t give a shit about women and both are a bad look, far worse than “I just haven’t had sex yet, and I’m waiting to find someone special”
Can't tell if this might actually work or not. I mean I'm wondering if there is absolutely zero chance for some guys to get a girl, or if they have to resort to some unconventional way like this just to score.
I'm not that user but I would also lie, why the fuck should someone know a secret that makes me look pathetic? It's already hard enough to keep a high self esteem and a positive attitude, I don't want to switch to extreme expert mode. It's not like it's a huge deal if you lie and say you've had sex but it IS a huge deal if you say you are a virgin. Don't deny it or I'll assume you are delusional.
You are extremely autistic. I'm not that user and the other day I lied about not being a virgin and it worked out just fine.
Are you new to life? It's not a thought people control. Even if you are the most open minded person in the planet, if someone tells you they are a virgin you instantly change your idea of that person, subconsciously. It automatically marks that person as "less than normal", as inexperienced, as not fit. People talk about "incels" for a reason.
Congrats. If you liked that relationship, your lies ultimately will catch up to you if she's at all perceptive, and when they do, I guarantee it's destined for the rocks.
And even if you don't give a shit about that, you get the added benefit of knowing you're a shitty person who lies for sex.
I think you're projecting your insecurities about virginity onto the general populace, most people couldn't care less.
Incels are talked about like "incels" because they quite literally are "less than normal": they've formed identity communities around being inexperienced sexually, unfit, and resenting women enough that they they shoot up schools and offices because of it.
Their being a virgin isn't their problem so much as their expressions of impotent rage and shitty furry-tier "I define myself based on my sexual hangups" personality.
user, women have options. You do not, so be a better option. The first step would be to identify what kind of improvement YOU would like to see in yourself. If you are/feel fat and/or weak, start working out. If you don't like your clothes, talk to people who know how to dress. Always wanted to learn an instrument? Now is the time. There is nothing that drives women away faster than a man who lives to be what women claim to want.
I'm sure every woman is a detective that will not sleep until she uncovers the truth about that one time a guy lied about not being a virgin.
You literally said yourself that incels are less than human yet you are telling incels to come out as incels or to make up some LIE about how they are saving it for someone special.
>less than normal is the same as less than human
Learn to read, then we'll talk.
>women aren't detectives
its not that we're detectives, it's that basic factual questioning we lead with to check if someone's just an asshole who wants to get laid is generally good at filtering assholes who just want to get laid.
Lying about having had sex is pretty transparent because it's like pretending you went to Australia. Yeah, people behind their computer screen here can say they'd be cool if asked about their "vacation", but in practice most liars I met stammer something about kangaroos and proceed to forgot what cities they visited and quickly change the subject.
I also don't date and break up with people who play games or I find out lie to me. No one needs that in their life.
this is so dumb, why do other adult virgins even want a relationship wtf
I just want sex with an attractive woman
like once
>im a girl tee hee
>Sexistly claiming there are no girls online
I'm sure you are in a happy relationship, user.
Everyone lies at some point to their couple, if you think you can have a 100% honest relationship you are ironically more immature. Lying about things like these doesn't make anyone an asshole. It's not just wanting to get laid by the way. You can get laid easier by saying you are a virgin, ironically.
Also make up your mind already.
>it's a trivial matter, don't lie about it
>it's very important, don't lie about it
My mind is made up, you figured it out:
>Don't lie
You can have an 100% honest relationship and if you don't feel that way, I encourage you to seek out better partners.
I think you're hung up believing saying "you're waiting for someone special" to be a lie when you just want someone to fuck, or something.
I'm recommending he see the world differently, because he CAN have sex right now, but he isn't. 800 bucks buys a plane tickets to legal brothels this weekend, and 500 buys that in 3 months from any point in the US. It's even cheaper in other countries.
The fact that he ISN'T doing that despite being a 25 year old who almost certainly can afford that means he is, in fact, waiting for someone more special then a prostitute to be his first.
What advice is there if you want a gf, but are already attractive?
women as ugly as him can date people more attractive
or maybe he wants someone to be attracted to him, who wants to have sex with him. Unfortunately if he's not attractive enough it's impossible.
get out of your house. Hell you don't even need to do that, have a girl come over.
Right but lying about something they'll blow the top on themselves, about something demonstrably contrary to the lie, is how you get your ass handed to you for being a shitty person
I've lied about things like surprise parties and cute shit like that, and about how I've spent my night which resulted in a conversation and us coming past the problem that led to the lie. So I'll grant you that 'no relationship' is really, truly, "100%" honest.
But being honest and living by the principle of honesty are important to a relationship and starting out by lying about something blatantly, flagrantly untrue is how you paint yourself as the shitty idiot you are
Op should just fuck some whores so he's at least semi-competent at sex and then say yeah I was with a few people casually but it's been awhile blah blah. What's difficult or immoral about that?
Not everyone you fuck is entitled to know every detail of your life. If you just generally keep things to yourself like a grown-ass man then it's not out of character at all.
Here's a question: why are women so obsessed with knowing a man's sexual history?
To me, it seems very impolite to inquire about someone's past relationships, especially early on in the dating process. However, every girl that I've tried to date has asked me about this, almost as though they were evaluating a resume. It's a lot like applying for a job in that you need experience to get experience. Because their worldview is so based on social approval, if a woman perceives that a man is not desired by other women, she concludes that there must be something wrong with him. Research has shown that if a man is in a relationship, women will automatically evaluate him as being more attractive. I think that to some extent, there must be a vicarious aspect to female sexuality. They 'get off' on the knowledge of their man's past sexual conquests, the fact that he deems her worthy, and the potential that she could be the one to lock him down.
What a naive view of human interaction. Everyone has secrets and everyone lies. You have been traipsing through this thread disparaging the dishonest like their willingness to deceive is a personal affront to your ideals, but you've never even tried to consider that your ideals are not the only ones at stake.
Trust is the worst of foundations, and anyone who says as much is either trying to doom your claim from the start or too stupid to listen to. You cannot walk across good intention nor stand firm upon faith. Trust belongs as the roof overhead, the final page of construction, to protect the furnishing within.
Not every potential partner is going to care about the same things, ask the same questions, or experience the same emotions. Just as there are those that would easily detect the lies there are those that would never doubt them. If you actually wanted to help these people you'd get off your soapbox and resume the learning process you've obviously abandoned. Wise words do not beget wisdom.
Not OP but I'll take this to heart
It’s fine, but again - don’t do it too much unless your girl acts the same way. There are few girls who like humour about suicide and self-humiliating (if you mean this type of humour), other may not understand you
I've never had anyone ask. What kind of trash girls are you hanging out with?
If you're ugly you should forget about it. Unless you're very rich but I doubt you'd want a gf loving your money and not you.
guess i'll just off myself then
Honestly I joke about everything. From holocaust to rape to pedophilia. Nothing is off limits. Obviously not on the first date or before i can judge their own humour.
But what I mean about self deprecating is more like not taking yourself to seriously and laughing about stupid shit I've done.
The first one was a date from tinder. My interaction with her was pretty funny in a cringe sort of way. She didn't believe me when I said I'd never had sex before and genuinely took some convincing.
The second one was a random girl who wrote her number on a napkin and left it on my table at a restaurant. She was smart, but a complete slut. Worked as a stripper and had banged twenty-five guys in the last year. I wish that I had met her a year earlier because prior to that, she had been a virgin.
She would have left you to ride the carousel user.