Social media is cancer and has ruined everything, you can't even have a face to face conversation with anyone any more...

Social media is cancer and has ruined everything, you can't even have a face to face conversation with anyone any more, you can't go a fucking day without someone youre talking to gets out their phone and starts looking through the feed for more dopamine, they can't go a second without it like addicts, and worse is you cant be sure if the person uses it to escape from the instance with you or if its seriously something they need to check, its rude its disrespectful. If you dont fucking look a person in the eye, use body language its not even a social interaction its more like conversing with a zombie.

Social media should get the same stigma as what we did to smoking, its bound to happen.

What do you think?

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People said the same thing about television. It's the people in charge that are the problem.

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Who cares. Conversations over text are much better because you can articulate your thought better when you have a reference for everything you're saying in your hands. There's time to consider what you want to say and there's no room for awkward conflict. Texting is way Superior than actually physically being there spewing saliva all over your sad pathetic Brown Norwegian face

I completely agree.
It is directly impacting our society as a whole in a negative way.
Facenigger and Instafaggot are the main cancers.
I have Snapshit on my phone but I only use it to talk shit and fuck with literally only 1 of my friends.

One can get addicted to anything.

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Don't be a bitch, call your "friends" out for hanging out with you and being buried in their phone.
I straight up won't date any women with social media, tinder, or ass loads of make up. It's not easy but believe it or not they're out there, you just have to have confidence in yourself and know what you're bringing to the table. If it's not enough, work on it.
Good things come to those who wait - in due time you can find people grounded in reality, it's just sad that it's getting harder and harder to do that.

I think you are a paranoid boomer.

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Exactly. People who blame tech do not understand the root of the problem.

Depends on who you're talking to.
Even though I had a phone I had no friends, so I was basically on Jow Forums or listening to music. I don't use social media outside of Jow Forums, and Jow Forums is not that interesting.

Most of the people I text now are people who live in different states, I do not text my coworkers or speak to them outside of work.

It's da jooz amiright

Usually sluts are on those sites so it's smart.


Part of being human is dealing with that awkwardness, I mean I know I'm on a forum for spergy autists who have it hard conversing with people out in the real world but for people who need human face to face contact, its kind of alienating when someone is staring at their phone while youre trying to have a conversation with them.

Lol Well I blame the rejection of Christianity and the Liberalism of Silicone Valley powerhouses like Zucc and Dorsay

I've been told I'm very good at social interaction. However my job keeps me away from face to face encounters so I'm thankful for tech that connects me to others.

Good post, have a bump.

PIC RELATED: Exists in Stockholm

yes, it is the jews you faggot


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Jews make up less than 1% of the population and not all are bad. They aren't killing us like Muslims.

kek must have missed that one, when did they put that up?

Who do you think pump muslims into our countries?? Even israel deport their africans into europe

2015 i think

It is the Jews. Unironically.

I don't think people will listen to it tho, its like jaywalking and we know we harldy follow that rule.

Well the jews did create and run social media that's a fact

Accelerate even more
Give everyone a whoring account, let toddlers have patreons, pay retired people with shitcoins. Fast isn't fast enough

All this can easily be applied to internet use in general

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Exactly, social media goes hand in hand with dating apps because it essentially conditions them for it. They get on social media and see how easy it is to get attention. They feed off of it and when presented with the opportunity to select from a smorgasbord of Chads and Dereks, it's like they're in heaven.
They don't realize that letting dudes run through them for most of their late teens and 20's makes their stock value seriously drop, which is why they typically end up with the betas when they're done riding the dick carousel.
The last woman I rejected flipped the fuck out on me, she straight asked me why I was to good for her, I tried telling her that I wasn't, just not into social media girls, and she filled in all the blanks for herself. She started talking about how I must just think she's some dumb slut. I didn't tell her that I 100% agreed, just found it funny she said that.
Social media sluts crave attention, they're vapid and can't stand when they don't get it.
Not all of them, but you can usually tell by their profile pictures - the amount of makeup and filters.

i was in the first traincar, when a train ran over a kid who was to busy listening to music and watching his phone to notice that a train was head straight for him.

social media will claim a huge part of the worlds population, and we can do very little about it sadly.

Theres a difference between scrolling through endless garbage on a feed , than say watching lectures, taking in valuable information.

The problem is censorship and AI and glowniggers manipulating the discussion or everyone would have found out by now that He was telling the truth.

Every free forum becomes Christian conservative for a reason.

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Muslims come at you directly, Jews brainwash the youth to cut their dicks off and hat their own people. As bad as Muslims are at least you can respect them.

Double edged sword. Social media has returned humanity to a state where the older Plebs can easily and safely share information with the younger Plebs. This means the younger Plebs learn (((who))) really rules the world from a younger age, and they learn that they are not alone in their disgust with the situation.

your proposal makes you even lonelier, i don't use my phone nor have social media account.
Before phones you asked to meet people in certain place at certain hour, then phones came and people started being unreliable they canceled meetings last moment or never appeared, now days if you don't own social media they wont even bother with you... you like a ghost for them.

social media was LITERALLY DESIGNED to be compulsive and anxiety inducing. Toxic.

t. zoomer
fuck you, you are literally worse than your parents.

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capitalists with no morals.

How could it not be? Check it out:

I've been thinking about this, accelerationism is interesting, we don't know what we are headed towards with all this technology advancing faster and faster, but regulation is not catching up, boy will it be a shitshow.

Thanks for the trigger words

And does this statement somehow exonerate TV?
TV is cancer.


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Television is a satanic tool of global destruction