Why do you hate New York City, Jow Forums? It's the cradle of civilization

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new wtc is so fucking gross holy shit

bring back bin laden

NYC would be a shining city of the future of it weren't for the Browns and blacks.

>Jew York is the cradle of civilization
What did he mean by this?

I hate all city's. Cities were a mistake. Too many people. Love living in the country where everything is normal

>rural retard

I love it. My dream is to visit it someday. It's a place of movie scenes.

> Love living in the country where there's nothing

It's really nothing special. I live here. Yes if you go to Times Square you will see where a lot of movies were shot, but once you get past the giant billboards of ads and movies, there is really nothing else here. Unless you are into museums.


It stinks of piss

New York is gross, if you want the big city vibe, DC,Chicago, Seattle and San Francisco are all nicer and feel just as big and important as nyc

I really don’t get the appeal to New York


It's full of kikes, niggers, and faggots. Nuke that shithole.

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City dwelling cucks


Go make moonshine or something.

It's a festering sewer that serves as a breeding ground for Jewish Marxism.

Frankly everything above the Mason-Dixon Line should be vaporized with nuclear missiles.

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>San Francisco

It's a sewer pit of AIDs and faggots

t. work there

It’s unironically nicer than nyc

Maybe becuase it’s prettier and less crowded and has decent weather but I’d rather live in San Francisco over New York if those were my choices

But I’m a western boy so I naturally find east coast culture off putting

Dude it's literally niggers and kikes

never been there so idk

Go get mugged by the homeless

>cradle of civilisation
>meaning where civilisation emerged from

Pretty sure civilisation was around long before the US even existed.

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Im not a fan of crowds. Unless theyre crowds of white people.

how many % white is NYC ?

It's also like the second most Jewish place on earth.

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mayor just announced his full support for completely legal marijuana

Idk. I probably still wouldnt go there even if they were mostly white. I prefer isolation. I need to scream and i dont like my neighbors calling the cops on me.

>Why do you hate New York City
commie gun laws, criminal enterprise headquartered at Wall Street


And the birds fly away

Theres a beast in them woods.

We don't hate jew york. Just the jews who own it.

They should have just rebuilt the twin towers

What did they mean by this?

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I watched a documentary about them and they were miserable places to work. Tens of thousands of people all crammed into a building. There were multiple agencies or departments or whatever sharing these two buildings. Which is why they built multiple buildings this time. So they werent so overcrowded.

Jew York is 75% non white. Hoards of brown people everywhere. Many of the (((whites))) you see are actually kikes.
European tourists are shocked when they visit NYC because of all the brown people.
>Jew Hollywood lied to them about New York City
>coincides with a filthy smelly subway system, which is a make work program for brown people with jewish overlords.

Jew York is the capital of the globohomo complex, it needs to be Bin-Laden’d

>sperg detected

Man i was so disappoint with nyc. Buncha pussies.

this. and make them better.
krauts killed 99% of Warsaw yet we rebuilt it, it's a shame some sandpeople (or not) destroyed iconinc twin towers and got away with it


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Those giant towers are condos for the global Uber elite

Grew up there. Upper east side. Don't miss it, it's a cess pool.

Its the giant ANUS of the underworld spewing its poo all over the rest of the planet.

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they should have rebuild the WTC exactly like it was, one story higher.

>soulless pls no bully i will just stand there alone heh

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>Jew York is the cradle of civilization
No it isn't.

It's dirty, and over-crowded with Jews, Negro, and other mongrel atrocidads. At least it's not San Fransisco though.

Go back.

Holy shit, the city's skyline is becoming uglier and uglier each day.

you can make a lot of money in NYC and that's basically it. That money is going to be gouged from you but your career will advance faster than your peers.
I can't think of any other advantage that NYC offers compared to the world's other cities.
Its fairly easy to get laid if you're not a total retard but then the women are 99.99999% not marriage material.

Why should I?


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Other than the fact knowingly giving you aids is no longer a federal offense there. Let alone every street corner is covered in shit.

nahh it would be a shit hole and poor.. have u noticed that all the successful city has a diverse population while the all whites are just shit holes i mean populations that are too black are bad look at detroit

Are you implying your yuropoor cities are older than the big apple?

>> Chicago

In the movies you can't smell the hot, humid, human feces steaming out of the sewers.

And, apparently everyday is garbage day, and since there is no separate compost collection ALL the trash smells like rotting anaerobic sour filth.

When that sewer and trash smell mixes with diesel exhaust ... you know you are in heaven.

>>Many are

You think that NYC is Sumer?

It's not even the cradle of the united states of america

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I love NYC
Redpills people

It's a fun city to visit, but not worth living there.

You'll be doing your part in making Canada great for once

and we should fucking sink it along with montreal

t. Libtard idiot

>I'm a lunatic
>I can't have anyone finding that out
Good, stay in your hills, freak


Don't forgot the mass amount of Polish that have infested our city. Every white person you see has a 85% chance to actually be polish.

came here to post this

You fail to understand that NYC is slowly turning East Asian. They are buying up all the properties faster than the Jews can, and creating high priced places to live that people in section 8 can't afford. There is still hope.

I love it. NYC’s continued mismanagement is driving more people and money back into Jersey

Many European cities are older than New York. Also not nearly as full of shit bags.

Agrarianfags pls go and stay go

The smell, if there is such a thing.

I hate New York State for confiscating my ancestors livestock, guns, tools & farms during the revolutionary war.

Fuck the Tyron county committee of safety....fucking thieves.

>new yoak

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.Flushing great place for asian food, safe too. not ur bs american chinese food at the neighborhood store.

asians areas not as bad as the rest of new yorks city trash hoods.

It smells worse than New Orleans, and that's saying something.

From what I have heard, Manhattan smells like fast food & garbage.

stay in serbia much better

Waste of productive coastal wetlands

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Admittedly, anyone whose family was not here in 1918 does not belong in Canada.

nyc smells like shit

NYC used to be a badass place, back before it got overly corporatized and policed. The idea of it was really cool before the internet and other social revolutions; it was the place where anything could be seen, done, or had at any time of day. Yeah, this is sort of degenerate, but it gets to the heart of the advantages of urbanization. In this way, New York has been a cool place; it was a venue for lots of badass music during several parts of the 20th century. Post punk-rock, tho, the only socially significant music out of NYC is generally Broadway (fags and chicks) and techno (rave "culture"/drug parties). This is probably because the "late stage" of NYC's urbanization has basically priced out normal folks from participating in the NYC music and art scenes, so now it's all yuppies and trust fund babies. This is one of the reasons why smaller and newer cities now have a lot more to offer (especially in terms of arts, food, and culture) than NYC; real people can afford to pursue their dreams/interests in other urban areas much more easily.


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Long Islander here. I went to NYC for news years in 84 under Dinkens.

saw a white guy get his face slashed by a negro as subway door was closing.

saw 5 black guys stomp a little guido and snatch his gold while his hot girlfriend watched. was like 8 of us we laughed at him after and said we would have jumped in if he just fought back a little.

things headed that way again, subways falling apart. I stuck here for 8 years cant wait to get out.

only go to city for events. 12$ beers suck user.

Well, looks like I'm trapped here.

NYC fag has to get out

rebuild the twin towers ffs

>bring back bin laden

>implying he's actually dead and not living lavishly in some estate in northern India

C'mon, he was a CIA pawn the whole time

>It's the cradle of civilization

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I actually liked this song


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Because hundreds of thousands of Jews are living there gaming the welfare system. They raise generations of heebs on the public dole and never get called on it or penalized for it. You have millionaire, property owning heebs living off of welfare. Only in NYC

I'm a chink born and raised in NYC and ive seen a lot of neighborhoods change and its the new east asians who are shitheads
in the 90s the area I lived in brooklyn was a mix of whites Chinese and middle Eastern people and then all the white people started to move out and chinese(primarily Cantonese) started to move in and the area was kept nice and pretty clean and then insectoid chinks(mando/fujianese) started to move in and the neighborhood shifted
it started to smell bad the primary language changed I didn't understand anyone because I only know English and cantonese the parents let kids just piss on buildings and in the streets (I've seen an old lady take a shit in between 2 parked cars before) and all the Cantonese people jumped ship to flushing instead
I miss the old school east asians that were here in the beginning during the 1900s when it was pretty much only cantonese

What you've heard is correct. I visited when Giuliani was still mayor, and it was still disgusting. Must be really vile now with that race-mixing communist faggot running things.