Am I being an asshole? What am I supposed to say to shit like this?
Am I being an asshole? What am I supposed to say to shit like this?
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It sounds like you're a specific type of guy and this is not your type of girl
Keep lookin', hoss
Kind of. You didn't even explain when she asked you. Why did you say "cute?"
Why do I have to explain? It's self explanatory. I find it cute that she trains dogs.
Being a bit of an autist DESU, "that's cute" sound like you're trying to put her down. Act more interested in her, actually ask questions.
Fuck man, how does she continue the conversation after that anyways. You've given her nothing, just "that's cute."
I'd go with something like "Oh shit! Do you ever get to groom any (whatever dog you want), they're adorable." You've given her something about yourself, acted actually interested in what she has to say, and given her a question to follow up on.
Yeah, sort of.
dog training is cute. a pretty simple compliment but she seems like the type of person that is turned off by compliments like that. you're incompatible and this wont go anywhere. also getting upset at her question is understandable but that was a pretty rude reply
My supposition here is that talking about jobs is not what OP interacts with girls for-- hence her not really being his type, she seems way more casually-involved than him
Fuck you, this shit doesn't have to be complicated. I'm not going to force a conversation.
Because she asked you. Because it sounds like you're being dismissive/patronizing or her profession.
Yes nigga you need to explain [laughing emoji]. It’s a conversation starter. Don’t act righteous either, you’re asking this question cause you regret it.
You should have just said “I like a girl who’s into animals” or something dude not fucking “just take the compliment” LOOOL
Why do women think like this? All i did was say it was cute. Nothing more or less. People need to not take shit so seriously.
You're last message to her makes it sound like you have anger issues which you are only reinforcing here. I'm guessing she bailed after that.
>Am I being an asshole?
>What am I supposed to say to shit like this?
Literally anything else than what you said you autistic fuck.
I'm not a women. This isn't that hard. If someone said "You work in a warehouse. That's cute." How would you feel?
You can't use punctuation like that when texting with people. In your eyes you are being proper but it always comes across like you are angry. The
>That's cute.
came off very belittling. Not like you were telling her that she or her job is cute.
Another thing op real life is not fucking Jow Forums you fuming fucking autist. Dudes in real life do NOT use the word “cute” as casually as they do here. It’s still bizarre reading grown ass men throw that word around so much.
My advice is to lay of the anime and video game boards + random for a few weeks.
Right, so she's not your type bruv
Keep looking-- the problem here is that you want someone who's going to be on your level from the get-go, not someone who needs to pussyfoot by talking about your job as a fucking warehouse box-pusher. It's a job, that's why you do it, if you were passionate about it it'd be a music or arts occupation and would have birthed from a hobby most likely
Find girls who are better for an opener that isn't about how you or they make money, that's my advice. Some chicks are gonna open real hard or be receptive to a real hard open and you need to find them, not try to play at this metal-face's game of talking about your job.
Woo, that's the first thing I want to talk about on my time off-- my god damned job
You sound like you very insecure if you think a man can't say cute. I will talk how I want faggot.
I know you won't get it through your thick skull, but I'll take a crack at it.
We call things cute dimunutively. Kids are cute. Puppies are cute. Kittens are cute. When a kid sells lemonade on the corner it's cute. Basically, things are cute when it's adorable how below us they are.
By calling her job cute, even if you didn't intend it, it sounded like you think of it the same way you might think of the little girl down the road selling lemonade. You sound like an ass.
Holy shit that's a weird thing to get mad at. If you're flying off the handle at that you must be a pain in the ass to date.
You patronize people, use dismissive language to diminish someone's entire profession as "cute" and then get all fucking huffy when the person asks you to clarify exactly what about their profession you find "cute"? Get fucked, dude. These are the conversation mechanics that you're supposed to learn when you're like 12. I think if you stop being an asshole then people will respond to you better.
>real life is not Jow Forums
>proceeds to beak off Jow Forums incel prattling
Dudes say cute all the time, leave your house you sexless failure
Force a conversation? The fuck do you want then? Her to instantly say "Man just plow me now."
You gotta do actual work to get there, even if she seems uninterested at first. Fuck, I've banged multiple girls by simply ending off a dead conversation with "(assorted bullshit), good luck with the tinder game man, hope you manage to swerve the creeps.", they come back in a few days surprised by somebody not being a complete cucklord after a conversation dies, things kick back off with her renewed interest, and then I fuck them.
You're immature and don't understand that you'll need to do more than just say hey. You need to make an effort to continue a conversation so she feels valued and like you're actually interested. Don't fucking swamp her with texts, just shoot off messages at a normal rate, but put some actual effort into it.
Anyways, you ending off with "Just take the compliment" is shiiiitty, she saw that you can't take any resistance at all, and will most likely blow up at larger issues. If I was her, I'd bail.
This is the only good post ITT
How the fuck am I patronizing her? I can't say something is cute without people shitting there pants and taking shit the wrong way? Fuck off.
Jesus, do you regularly talk to people you just met like those last 2 messages?
You're a red flag machine man. I don't know if you intend to be caustic, but you really are.
This is terrible advice, it sounds like he opened with a line about his job or took the conversation there and didn't know what to do.
Go nap on some train tracks, fuck face. We've only been speaking to you for 10 minutes and you've already proven yourself absolutely unbearable to communicate with. You're a shit person and deserve to be treated as such.
Hey man I’m not telling you NOT to say cute just know it sounds real weird when a dude wants to call a dress, job, picture or something cute. You’ll fuck yourself over using the wrong vocab in the wrong area.
You picked the only post that reinforced what you already wanted to hear - that you did nothing wrong and that she was the problem. You didn't come here for advice, you came here to hear that you're a perfect little boy. You're weak, you can't take criticism.
You're probably gonna bitch and moan or ignore this, but you're the problem. Change your personality.
>How the fuck am I patronizing her?
By referring to the profession she has dedicated her time and energy to being good at the same way you would refer to a child's finger painting. You're so fucking stupid it hurts.
>I can't say something is cute without people shitting there pants and taking shit the wrong way?
Firstly, you're extremely aggressive and patronizing. Secondly, you had an opportunity to explain to her that she took it the wrong way but instead you decided to be a sack of shit, get angry and lash out like a petulant child instead of just clarifying your words like an intelligent adult. You're an asshole. End of story.
It's not a good compliment itself but you could have kept talking and having fun. You weren't nice or fun though, you just turned defensive and abrasive. It's a bit of an asshole thing since she started off happy to talk to you and you quickly ended the conversation of a not-happy tone.
Also, you say "why do I need to explain a lot" so consider the irony of other people having to explain these basic things to you in such excruciating detail.
lol bro you are fucked if you can't even handle this basic of a conversation. You have 0 game. Absolutely 0.
There were so many ways to respond without being a total asshat. It's honestly hilarious that's how you chose to seriously respond.
So get out of the thread, man, you realize the rest of these guys have about as much experience dating as they do getting laid, which is to say they've not any
I know your type, so well that I figured you were cooked from your very first reply pictured; she's pussyfooting with this 'small talk' shit about a job you don't fucking care to sit there and rant about, and shut down when you said it was cute that she worked with dogs.
You're too pragmatic for someone like that-- in the future bro, avoid chicks who look like they ran their faces through one of those pin art toys. They're typically more airy and floaty, if that makes sense, and are concerned with things like small talk which you surely aren't.
Chicks on your level exist, but my very fair guess is you'll be meeting them in person. Online is where frivolous people go almost by default, because it's so much easier to pussyfoot conversations like this, with a full hour between replies.
You're breaking down at the communication level before you've even gotten into a conversation, so you're coming off rude and she's coming off sanctimonious by the end of it.
You need to search through different avenues, at least so log as you're going to stick to your guns.
And get off Jow Forums and don't feed the trolls, god damn dude
God damn dude you sound like a failed pickup artist, the rest of us are, y'know, actual real people who have no real problem finding casual sex. You sound like you've read a bunch of how-to books on how to date.
I hope you two enjoy having girls constantly stolen by those of us who can actually hold a conversation.
Christ knows you two are too thick to change.
I've been in a relationship for 7 years but I'll happily hear your contrived rebuttal to that too
Leave your house you fucking turd, and don't brag about sex you got eight months ago.
Not even close man.
I believe you 100%
Anyways, regarding OP; change how you talk to people/girls or you'll only be able to land people who respond to what game you seem to have, which honestly, isn't much.
Seems like she was just looking for something to say, and you're getting mad at her for no reason. You don't know the tone in which she asked that question. She could have meant "how so?", out of benign curiosity, instead of the accusation you took it as.
>fags like this have grills messaging them and I can't even get a text back
Fuck this gay earth
Ohhh boy.
What's so hard about saying "a cutie like you training cute puppy's is cute"
Gotta put some effort into it big fella
Some women think asking dumb questions like that counts as flirting. It's truly baffling.
Alright, fair enough
Not OP, but I'd probably say "cute? What's cute about that?"
I don't want to play games. I'm past that bullshit.
Little bit. But do you really care?
It's very different. Dogs are cute, hence why OP said a dog trainer profession is cute. Warehouses are not cute in the slightest.
She sounds like a bitch to me. You're not even dating and she's picking a fight.
That's what I was thinking. Why even have an argument over something so harmless?
She hasn't learned the lesson which is "choose your battles". The fact is I can see why she might think it's condescending but I personally wouldn't. Dogs are cute, I'm sure that's what you meant. Maybe we're both wrong but she seems to have chip on her shoulder. I'm a female, btw, and not easily offended. I'm short and I once told a guy that I might want to be a nurse and he said "you'd make a cute little nurse" and I liked it lol Everyone is different, she may not have liked to be told that.
Looks like a crazy bitch anyway
I was running on 32 straight hours awake and trying to chat up some girl. I was trying to explain something and when I looked at it, I actually chucked at myself and told her, "Sorry, that doesn't look like it makes much sense. My brain isn't all there today, I'm real tired."
And she told me that offended her, like I was assuming she was dumb.
My answer then was to ghost her because it was already going nowhere. I didn't need to justify that; I hadn't even labelled her in that.
Some chicks are just high on themselves and want guys to play to their rules only.
Whether OP's girl was or wasn't my original stance is that they were incompatible from the beginning and that was painfully evident right at the beginning for me
OP should ditch and ditch chicks like that, because his approach is far different. I suggested he needs a chick who starts in with a solid lead instead of small talk. OP does not strike me as the type who wants to talk about his job.
Also yeah why the fuck do you have to explain that dogs are cute like holy shit
"I know, right?! Dogs are so cute!" Perfect reply, 10/10, conversation would have galvanized like thunder.
Instead, 'cute' was taken at some weird offensive, demeaning value.
yeah but she is a bitch to
maybe you are both cunts and you were made for each other
"I bet the animals are adorable" Fixed your shitty conversation user.
she feels like its not a good enough job (probably not even a real job)
i got the vibe of "its cute you call that a job" too, but your answer isnt bad either
The fact that she chose to see the expression that way tells a lot about her attitude.
"That's cute" can either mean you don't believe dog training is a real profession, it can sound condescending and arrogant.
At face value "that's cute" means you find a cute girl training cute girls to be wholesome and, well, cute.
The fact that she actively chose to first instance tells that she has some personal issues, that maybe she doesn't even know herself, some subconscious hold-ups.
You fucked the goat.
Should have asked her how long shes been doing it and how she likes it and what her favorite breeds are.
Try not to be so self absorbed.
>Self absorbed
All of the assumptions ITT, I'm sorry if your delicate feelings get hurt by something as harmless as this. You and the other faggots can get fucked and shove your assumptions up your ass.
Lol, look at you, all butthurt over my opinion.
I can use some different descriptive words if you’d like.
Op is selfish, inconsiderate, uncaring, egotistical, self seeking, and pretentious.
He obviously doesnt see this girl as an equal and isn’t interested in who she is, op is only concerned with spouting off about himself and his life. Op has his head up his ass and doesn’t deserve love because he isnt willing to or sees the importance of giving love.
Feel better?
Working in a warehouse is job for fucking losers. You’re lucky she continued the conversation at all after that, dipshit. Take care of your hands hauling boxes - it’s the only sex you’re likely to ever get.
t. seething in his cubicle
Hes right though, warehouse work is not a career, it shows 0 character.
At least that girl is doing something that she loves and is passionate about. But you said it was “cute.” Have you have fucking idea how deeply insulting that was? Do you even understand your mistake? you might as well be a gas station worker, or a burger flipper at burger king. You’re one step above meth addict/ homeless.
>Just take the compliment
The alpha that couldn’t get laid...
and he can still score while you are fapping to chinese cartoons
you fucked up, son. NEVER tell a person, especially a woman to "just take the compliment"
You literally could have said "dogs are great" at any point and that would have been a win for you
Your social skills have a long way to go.
Pretty sure its the reverse, bro. Enjoy your dating apps and entry level manual labor job.
says the guy on tinder
>pick me!!
Dear OP, i'm a girl and those type of girls are not cool to be with. Skip and find someone who you can get along with it.
I can smell the roast beef. Take your femenist bullshit out of here and know your place.
Oh boy OP.
She's walking around with a chip on her shoulder and that's not on you, but you sperged out when you didn't realize it as soon as she wrote "how is it cute?".
No wonder why your single, this is autism at it's finest.
Forklifts are cute
>mfw reading this
I think you pretty much forfeited your masculinity when you said the job she worked was "cute". Even if you were to take that approach you could have asked a follow-up question instead of just leaving it at "that's cute".
>Chick takes your compliment the wrong way, calmly asks you to explain
>You take her question the wrong way, sperg the fuck out
Can't you see the irony here OP?
>septum piercing
OP what the hell were you even thinking? The chances she'd be the type to have either a chip on her shoulder and/or be offended by everything was astronomically high
Cut your losses
t. autism
Dogs are cute. Dog training is a career. She isn’t an animal to fawn over. She takes pride in her work.
That bitch earns minimum wage as a helper at a kennel. She isn't a professional in some career. Also she's fat.
My conclusion is that op isnt worthy of the cute dog trainer.
Girls that love dogs are wild in bed...
Honestly it was a pretty shitty compliment to begin with though. "That's cute" isn't something people say about a career or something others are trying to get to know them by sharing. It shut down the conversation and was a low effort response that showed almost no care, in doing so coming across as incredibly belittling and insincere, but even if it was sincere it wasn't really a good reply.
lmao then why'd you swipe right you thirsty fuck
Watch out op. You might get whacked
Looks a little chunky
Still fucks like a champ, not that OP is going to get laid anytime soon.
Be too nice, and she'll get uninterested. This is the right amount of mystery that will keep them hooked. Don't change because some bunches of idiots tell you you're being to mean or direct, the world needs more of you.
Yeah that was rude because it came across as patronizing. I know you didn't mean to, but that 100% is how it comes off.
You should have made your sentiment clearer by saying something like "That sounds like a neat job! I think dogs are really cute. Do you see a lot of _insert breed_'s?"
Again, what you MEANT isn't offensive, but THE WAY IT CANE ACROSS is offensive
I agree with this. They always stick around when they feel like they have to work for it or you don't really care much. As soon as you start showing you're committed or how much you care about them they dry right up and move on. Their mission is accomplished.
I'm a 30 year old semiautist and that "cute" definitely came off as patronizing, then when she asked you about it you immediately got defensive and terse.
>Pussy closed for business
Then you come to Jow Forums to ask about it, and you double down the idiocy. People here explained in good detail how what you said could have been seen as patronizing. What's so hard to understand?
>It's terrible advice to suggest not immediately opening with topics where you don't know what to say
The advice user is giving is called cutting the Gordian knot and avoiding going into the work subject altogether you dumb fucking twat. Approaching the problem by trying to somehow make your shit job sound interesting is retarded.
Dude, I'm a dude and I felt it. Learn how to read a room.
Shit, I meant this for
>Again, what you MEANT isn't offensive, but THE WAY IT CANE ACROSS is offensive
Sounds like a personal problem if you get offended by shit like that. I would rather not deal with someone that uptight in the first place.
>People here explained in good detail how what you said could have been seen as patronizing. What's so hard to understand?
All I have seen is faggot white nights and femenistas, what I said wasn't patronizing. What is so hard to understand about that?