Boyfriend being humilliated

Im an anigirl and its my business to be a digital influencer. That basically means I do cosplays and post some "raunchy" pictures and I also sell intimate photos for supporters who choose to pay for them. Im also nearly married and living with my bf
This has never been a problem in the past since its very normal and everyone in this lifestyle is very open minded about it, but recently some unpleasant people have gotten ahold of this and now my bf is being harrassed, called a cuckold, and even some of my paid photos have been leaked
I never cheated on him, its a business, but hes getting depressed about it now and its affecting everything. I dont know what to do to stop them. Please help

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consider if doing this is actually hurting him? how okay is he really with this? other than that, virgins who pay for nudes shouldn't be taken seriously

If this isn't bait then I suggest talking to him.

This, is he okay with it or is he 'okay with it because that's expected of him and even though he's emotionally attached to you it wounds him greatly that you spend your time using your body as a marketable asset'?

Hes already told me he doesnt care if I bring good money and honestly I dont see why that should matter at all, its my body and my business
What is affecting him recently is the harassment hes getting and being called names

>If this isn't bait.

How old are you? At some point it's time to grow up and stop with the little girl antics. How about recruiting and managing other girls to do this and you earn your money as an anipimp.

>he's okay with everything
>except the thing he's not okay with
Do you see where we're coming from? This is part of you, it's part of your reputation. You know why you're popular and it isn't your fucking personality and opinions on the modern political doings of the European Union. Is it?

So I ask again: does he not care about it because he's expected to not care as """everyone in this lifestyle is very open minded""", or does he 'not care but actually it wounds him that you're making choices that could come down on both him and you in the future?' As, demonstrably, they already have.

i get offended when called fat because im self conscious about my weight
i don't get offended when called a fag because i love being gay

he might be self conscious about what you're doing if these types of insults are getting to him. you have to really make sure that he's okay with it and not just pretending to be for your sake

its your body and your decision 100%, but things like this matter in a relationship and at one point you're going to have to consider what's more important to you

>act like a whore
>surprised that this affects your bf

Again WHY SHOULD HE HAVE A SAY at all, you are basically giving him right to control what I do with my body which is wrong as fuck
The only part that ever needs to stop is people calling him names period

Because you two are supposed to be in it together.

how would you feel if he starts selling dick pics for other girls? is it so hard for you to understand that he supports you and understands its your choice, but it can still hurt him that you're doing this. if you're planning on staying together you need to communicate more and consider eachothers feelings

you don't have to get defensive. we're trying to help

You are so fucking ignorant. If he was really okay with it, why would people calling him names make him depressed and insecure. You just want to justify what you're doing without taking his feelings into consideration. You aren't really even upset that he is depressed you only care that your relationship isnt going the way you liked it.

Bait revealed, nice try.
If you are serious and are in fact just this emotionally stunted, then you shouldn't be with a person
He doesn't deserve someone who doesn't respect him

Forget him, I want to call you names because you're a braindead whore

In the relationship yes in my profession no, I was already a digital influencer when we started dating and he knew it

But this is a useless subject to get into, like I said he already told me he doesnt care about it and I take his word for it, what IM saying is even if he had a problem there was nothing I could do, Im not gonna stop working and getting paid
This will solve nothing

how exactly are we supposed to stop virgins from making fun of him? if he feels offended its because he's sensitive about something. if it's such a bother tell him to make his social media accounts more private

Your problem is that you're just mad that things aren't obeying your structure because using your body to get what you want is exactly who you are and what you do.
He's being made fun of because of you, what the fuck do you want US to advise you on? Go fucking kill them? How to poison fat white kids? How to kill a man with two strokes of your bare hand? Fucksakes, watch Kill Bill or something if you want gayass shit like that.
You're the cause of your own problems here. Either nut the fuck up and realize that or take your soiled, used-up whore ass to fucking /b/ and sell some nudes for answers because those kids will do anything for a spare titty.

When you act like you want advice and not just a magical solution as payment for being a vapid, featureless whore so bottomed-out that your body is your only marketable talent, you can sit here and face the music, that you're causing him this grief directly by doing what you do.

If you weren't prepared to question your career for your partner, maybe your career is more important to you and this discussion should have been had a while ago. It hurts him because it's true and he knows it's true, he's not in a relationship with you, he's a business partner. And that sucks for a man who's probably invested emotion and feeling into you, where your response to your whore-ass pasttime bringing the heat on him is "oh well, his problem"

I mean if you weren't into approaching things as a couple, you shouldn't have gotten into a relationship. It's on him for dating a whore but he's not here to take a strip off so we get to make do with your vapid ass.

If he doesn't have a problem shut the fuck up. You supposedly came here because he HAS A PROBLEM but are ignoring everything said to you, it seems like there's no point in your even making this thread because all you're doing is being a defensive whiny little shit

There's no point justifying this to a bunch of people who don't care about your personal relationship, you should be talking to your boyfriend about this. If you already have and have settled everything why make this thread.

Seems pretty obvious that your boyfriend is not okay with your anigirl lifestyle and simply says he is because he loves you and wants to support you to maintain the relationship.

A relationship by its nature has sacrifices, it seems he has sacrificed quite a bit for you in this regard, and it doesn't seem like you are appreciating that enough.

My suggestion is, if you are unwilling to sacrifice this facet of your life, sit down with him and tell him how much you appreciate his commitment and assure him these comments are not representative of how you view him.

He is in a relationship with you, he is a person too. He may not have any control over what you do, but he does have input that, as a good relationship partner, you should seriously consider.

If you don't take into account your partner's feelings regarding your actions, the relationship will fall apart sooner or later, and it sounds like feelings haven't been aired.

Perhaps he is afraid to tell you it bothers him because he sees it as "If I tell her I don't like what she does, she'll break up with me." Your comments here seem to suggest you openly suggest such things (even if you may not be aware of it).

In conclusion, he is afraid to tell you it bothers him because he loves you and doesn't want to lose you. Comments like these are making him sad because now his gaping insecurity is being exploited, he doesn't really have you all to himself like he (well, pretty much any man) wants of his girlfriend.

Open communication is key, he seems to be taking your feelings into account but it doesn't seem like the reverse is true.

this. just because he entered the relationship knowing you're an anigirl doesn't make this any less important

Why do you call yourself a digital influencer? You sound more like a sex model than anything.

So you're an e-whore and people call your bf a cuck?
>I dont know what to do to stop them.
Stop being a whore and get a normal job instead?

>paid photos have been leaked
Unless they have a contract that they signed when purchasing the photo that it can't be reproduced, shared, reposted etc youre screwed.

I'm afraid you don't have a ton of options. I would focus my efforts on the individuals giving you trouble. Specifically you referred to the behavior in question as harassment.

Why don't you treat it as such and talk to that boyfriend of yours about tackling it as such?
Harassment. Threaten legal action if necessary. Seems to me like a decent deterrent at least.

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Well you're a whore but he signed up for that so he's not really in a position to complain. The only point I think he could make is about the private photos. How bad are the private photos?
If the leaked private photos are way more pornographic than what he was already aware of then the people harassing him have a point.

I detect bias.

>bias against a whore

I created the thread because pics and videos of me have been leaked and my partner is being called names. THAT IS WHY
Now whether he is ok with my profession or not literally does *not* matter because it is my business that I built and I will not stop working, he knew about this from the getgo. I do not want nor need to have a conversation about if its right or not, and even if he is bothered now HE AGREED TO IT
And yes they are nude pictures and videos for intimate purposes. HE KNOWS THIS and even took some of them.

then he should honestly get over himself. of course he gets called a cuck if he takes nudes of his partner to sell to virgins

This hardly fits the definition, I'm afraid.

>HE KNOWS THIS and even took some of them.
Then he is a cuck and he made an informed choice to be a cuck, tell him to fuck off and leave you alone
Also kek at you acting like your e-whore scheme a serious business


Then he is a cuck, the people calling him names are 100% right.

The only way for them to stop calling him names if he dumps you. The more pressing matter is why you are putting business ahead of your boyfriend? Is he not worth giving up a lets be honest here a whore job to make sure you two stay together? There are more ways to make money than just taking nude photos you know.

All I am hearing from you is "ME ME ME".

>ducking the question
I detect two X chromosomes. I guess you care so much about your boyfriend that someone saying words that hurt your fee fees is all the excuse you need to not try to think about anything for him.

Your bf is a cuck.

Okay, in this case, there isn't a problem. He is happy being a cuck and actively pursues that lifestyle.

If you didn't have a contract or terms of use for your pictures when you sold them, than you have no ability to have them removed. If you did, than contact the host and (wait a looooooong while) they will be removed.

You are shit out of luck, porn gets leaked just like brick and mortar stores have shop lifters. Get over it, continue e-whoring and do your best to make content people want to pay money for.

Regarding the comments, if your boyfriend really is upset about it being public knowledge that he enjoys a cuck lifestyle, than he needs to make himself less visible. Shut down social media accounts, or at least (obviously I might add) disassociate his online self with your online self.

he's getting called a cuck because you're actively cucking him for money. if he has no problem with it then why get offended when people say it? is he ashamed of your work?

I'm not even OP, you actual retard.

Yeah your boyfriend is right. He signed up for you being a thot but you're actually doing porn which I'm sure he found out after he was in the relationship, not before.
You can either stop doing porn if you love him enough, break up with him and keep doing your job as it stands right now, or you can pretend it's not one or the other and slowly experience your relationship dying in a long drawn out fashion.
You can cry about how this is just my bias but I'm really looking at this from your boyfriends perspective. If this were my bias I wouldn't touch your with a ten foot pole the second I saw your thot instagram.

>I never cheated on him

what is a photograph of you naked or scandally dressed? It's essentially a filter away from the real thing. It is really only for your boyfriend/husband to see you naked. You are essentially a prostitute. You are giving make sor half naked pictures to strangers for money. You can call it whatever you would like, justify it in whatever way you feel, but the simple truth remains that you are. Your boyfriend was probably always affected by it but did not want to say anything. Now that he is being harassed because of it he has probably made his feelings more readily known.

Say what you will but this is the truth. Stopping these people who are herrassimg your boyfriend should not be your worries. You need to worry about your current state in life and make some serious changes

Hey, sweetheart..your bf is secretly not okay with this. No sane mentally healthy man would accept this of his gf and soon-to-be wife. Judging from your posts you're just an e-whore who only cares about herself and doesn't consider the opinions of her bf. Deep down, your bf is against this

>its my body and my business

thats going to change when you get married. Or should. Otherwise, why get married.


A cuckold enjoys being cheated on, first off I never cheated on him and second off guys jacking off to pictures is literally meaningless, if they werent nude pictures theyd just do the same to me wearing a completely christian dress on facebook, I know how it works Im not dumb
He already demanded too much when this relationship was taken from open to exclusive, I made him promise never to tell me to quit my job either and he agreed, so its not gonna happen now

Then it's time to break up. Full stop.

>He already demanded too much when this relationship was taken from open to exclusive
wow. Just wow

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>demanded too much when he wanted to be exclusive

just do you both a favour and break it off. you're clearly more interested in being a thot than being in a relationship, and he's clearly too much of a spineless coward or just delusional to finish it

do you really think you have a future here?? you'd have such an easier time if you were single and he wouldn't have to suffer getting cucked and getting called a cuck by people who pay for nudes

He should dump your ass, I don't even see why he bothers. That guy must be horribly desperate or moronic.

Are you for real? I'm surprised you haven't been smacked across the face yet with that attitude of yours.

A relationship is both partners on equal grounds and taking on the ups and downs while compromising along the way, the way you are acting is no different from the men in olden times who treated women like objects.

Your boyfriend isn't the problem here, you are.

Don't draw this out any longer than it needs to be, you and your bf are done.

Like I said Im open minded, I do not believe in labels or exclusivity, I dont label anything in me and NO ONE ever should either, its just dumb
You love to talk about him sacrificing but I also sacrificed this part of me to be into this

You two are pretty evidently incompatible.

Tme to break up. The relationship is over, at this point you're just torturing each other.

An open relationship was out of the question for him, so obviously ewhoring is as well. It's a shame he fell in love with someone who doesn't want what he needs in life.

The least you could do is give him a chance to find someone who actually suites him well.

PS: the definition of cheating can be debated, I think ewhoring is cheating as many others would agree. But the reverse point of view is valid, what matters is what is considered cheating in the relationship between two people, not just your own definition.

I'm not talking about anything in regards to label or whatever. I'm saying it's time to break up.

you sacrificed sleeping with other people to just sending nudes. this isn't what he wants, its kind of pathetic that he didnt leave but I genuinely dont want either of you to suffer and this relationship is going to lead to nothing but suffrage

A relationship IS exclusivity, that is what you sign up for bloody hell, am I speaking to a child?

Look if you want to end up washed up and unloved that is entirely up to you but what you seek is not a relationship, you seek the single life.

You're a cheap whore. I hope your bf can find someone who really respects herself as a woman and as a loyal gf. I hope he realises it sooner before making you the mother of his children.

That being said: BEGONE THOT!

Yes, you sacrificed, he did as well.

Unfortunately, he needs more than you are willing to give. The relationship will fail of it's own volition due to this, but it is easier to end it now.

Since you know there's no difference with those pictures why don't you sell ones of you in a Christian dress then? It seems like you truly know the minds of men after all

I'm sorry, but your bf is a closet cuck holy shit haha.

people like you are just more evidence for why all women are terrible people

she cares so little about him she'd rather argue with anons online

Ofc it's probably just bait and none of this is true and it's all a larp

What are the things you have sacrificed for him ? And what has he taken from you that you would call selfish on his part?

Back to r*ddit with your "open minded" cuckoldry garbage, thot.

Thot meets ultimate beta cuck.

The dude is weak as shit, probaby mopes around crying and wanting hugs all day so he can feel affirmed he has a girl when he doesn't.

After the hug she goes and gets the camera so he can film her saying "Hey mikey, I want to feel you cum in me soooo bad." hell he probably sends it to the guys HAHAHA!

what a fucking cuck lmfao

>A relationship IS exclusivity

A relationship is being together and being lovingly, sex is just pleasure and desire and he KNOWS Im pan and I feel desire for other men, women, all types of people and I never hid this from him because its *just* sex, but since he cared I agreed to not act on it since I care

We already signed a contract to live together and thats not going to happen, you can go somewhere now
Honestly this fucking mentality makes me sick, Ive already been judged enough even by my boyfriend on my sexual past and content I made with other people before I dated him, you have no idea how it is to have a life where self expression is cause for people to be fucking dicks to you for no reason
If you dont like it you dont have to see it, he agreed once again as I said and he TELLS ME he doesnt care, I have no reason to challenge him on that

Obviously he is not okay with it because he doesn't want to be associated with someone that a group of people are referring to as essentially an e-prostitute. Whatever he told you, he is feeling incredibly insecure and is seeing you as less valuable because of it.
It is your body, but if you two are a team (in a relationship) he is entitled to feel how he feels, regardless if you two agree on the topic.
>Why should he have a say at all
See the above reply. He has no right to control your body, but he DOES have the right to feel how he feels. He has his own views. Admittedly yes it sucks since he knew you did stuff like this when you two were dating. He was just hoping it wouldn't come to bite him in the ass, and is feeling self conscious now because it has.

I'm going to agree with here because if you aren't willing to give up your career (Which is understandable) you need to break it off with him. He is NOT going to feel any better about the situation unless if you find another career path. Honestly I think he's an idiot for thinking he could go without insecurity when dating essentially an e-prostitute (Not even saying that to be shitty, that's just what you are doing) but the only two options you have are breaking up or choose another job.

Your lifestyle is one that not a lot of men are going to be comfortable being in a relationship with you for. Not that your lifestyle is a bad one, but it sure is incompatible with how the male brain works. It's hard to settle down with someone who sells their body. It'd be different if you were a model, but you aren't. You sell nudes to bitter virgins on the internet who are now bullying your boyfriend.

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I know this might be an inappropriate time, but could you uhh...hit me up

Men should be lucky that women even pay attention to them!
Her body, her rules!
Women are superior to men after all...

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Things regarding my sexual expression, period
A partner ideally should add and not restrict anything in your life, ANYTHING, understand this, so there are some hangups I disagree with but since I love him I try to understand

Seconding. Hopefully she's not a fucking whale.


If it wasn't clear that these were the ravings of an attention-whoring insecure retard who can't deal with relationships, it should be now.
You don't deserve him.

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You're replying to b8, m8


That is why you are acting entitled and shit, nevermind anons we know now why she acts this way, enjoy the short relationships and wondering why you are alone at age 40.

There is nothing wrong with being a whore or a prostitute, your problem is that you don't own it.

You instead get offended when people mention your career because you think there is a resentment towards you for it.

There isn't a resentment towards you being an e-prostitute, there is a resentment towards you thinking it is irrelevant to a relationship.

Clearly, it is relevant, this whole thread exists because of the prostitution you do.

You're a prostitute, own it. If I ask you "how much for you to bend over naked and say fuck me jackson" and you say "$50" than you're a prostitute.

Sure, it's not sex, but yes it is sexual. Sexual activity with another is cheating, yes you cheat on your boyfriend.

Reminder that even LGBTs hate your non-existent ass. Normal ones, anyway.

What is wrong with pan?
Make an actual logical response please

Reminder, you guys are replying to bait
If it weren't bait it wouldn't last 70 posts

>meme sexuality
And there it is.
Pansexuality is not real. It is made up by needy attention-seeking faggots who found out, after being coddled, that they are not special.
t. Bisexual

user, it may be 2018 but for most people, even relatively open minded ones, a whore is a whore. No matter how many glamorous you put on yourself (a pansexual, an influencer) and how badly you try to be a special snowflake, an empowered hippie, a sexual revolutionist, most people will promptly see that under this fancy veneer is a talentless whore, a woman who can't or doesn't want to control her sexuality, and who doesn't have strong morals either. For me interacting with whores is disgusting for obvious reasons, so I can see why your bf feels uncomfortable but heh, it was his choice to date you after all. All anons saying that your relationship won't last are correct. It won't. He's already getting antsy, but too beta to do anything. In some time his frustration will reach the breaking point and he will leave you. Until that happens though, he will bother you a lot about your "profession" and cause you a lot of grief, so it's in your best interest to dump his ass.

even if you stop he's still going to get harassed, but if you continue its definitely going to eat away at him and he'll eventually just start believing it himself whether its true or not. This is the price you pay for leaking your information along with your body

You cant call yourself part of the community by beind bi and be dismissive about someones sexuality like that, that is disgusting seriously
Im still waiting for legitimate reasons for pan not being 'real'

>it's a "gender=/=sex" episode

Why do some men even bother with women like OP? I gladly take being a khv over dealing with this crazy whorish shit every time

I can't stop taking this bait, lads. I know it's bait, but I just can't.

They get lured in by the easy sex and open sexuality and then realize way too late that they're like that with everyone.

Because it is a meme sexuality to have, Bisexuals already prefer both sexes so what is pansexual mean't to be different about in this context?

Pansexual means they fuck dogs I guess.

But then they don't have enough self respect to walk out?
Dang and I thought I'm a beta loser

They think sex!= gender.

>both sexes

Same bullshit labeling that is put on relationships and put in everything, yeah bi prefers 'both'
Pan recognizes there are much more than two and you are attracted to all of them without discrimination, it means simply loving and having an open sexuality
You should study more before talking crap

Me neither, it's fucking hilarious.

Perfect setup, a ridiculously beta cuck and dense overconfident whore, I wish I could take credit for crafting it myself hahaha

Stopping cucking your pussy bf and dump him for his own sake

They're probably (rightly, often) that they won't get a girl this attractive again. So they want to hang onto the whore because they're still in "a 9/10 whore is better than a 5/10 housewife," mode.



Let it go lad, let it go

Yeah good job trying to discredit people the minute they challenge what you know, basically gaslighting
Its really sad that in some places like Tumblr these opinions would be the tamest and safest ones ever because everyone KNOWS they are correct but in Jow Forums they are considered controversial and jokes

Listen there has always been historical evidence of gay, bisexual, lesbian, mtf/ftm etc. but there has not been one lick of mention of genders anymore than 3 in history which are:

1. Male
2. Female
3. Neither/Both

If it the genders you mention are not the above then they have only been recently invented in the past 10 - 20 years for no other reason than to be special.