This is it boys. You can go tippless when eating at ihop because they are taking a political stance. Just tell them that you are protesting their boycott of of Tucker Carlson by holding onto your their tip and sending it to Tucker and his family. This will generate discussion and controversy and an exchange of ideas. If it catches on then the execs at ihop will have to make a call and statement


Attached: Boycott-The-Detroit-IHOP-Crime-Empowerment-Zone.jpg (300x174, 11K)

>You can go tippless when eating at ihop because they are taking a political stance.
Punishing the wait staff by stiffing tips, but rewarding the owners by buying your meal there, is the possibly the stupidest plan ever.

Wouldn't the much much much smarter thing to do is not eat at IHOP.

> If it catches on then the execs at ihop will have to make a call and statement
No you idiot, they'll still be raking in the profits from the meal you ate there.

The servers have nothing to do with this you absolute nincompoop.

t. works at IHOP

You still have a conversation with the manager and the waitress and if enough people to it there will be complaints.

The waitress will complain too and blacks will join in on the fun cause they don't tip anyway. Well that or you can post pictures of tuck on all IHOP signs. Either way we have to do some sort of activism

Fuck off that single mom who is raising tyrones son meeds that tip

My family and I won't be eating there until they publicly apologize to Tucker.

>eating at ihop in the first place
fuck off poorfag

Attached: 1543836863500.png (125x125, 3K)

If you actually go to fucking IHOP you deserve to be exterminated. Who wants to eat food prepared by IHOP "cooks"

How about you just don’t eat there at all. You’re still giving corporate money if you eat there.

What an absolute piece of shit loser you are


Maybe the better thing to do would be to not eat there at all.

Just go to Denny’s, or even better, a local family owned diner

Attached: E7ADD4CE-EDE9-44CA-93AF-4BAB815A6F79.jpg (600x337, 42K)

Just don't fucking eat there you fat sack of lard.

Shut up spic and get me my burrito.

>get back at corporation by fucking waitresses
user i

I'll just not eat at IHOP instead.

this. they won't give a fuck as long as you are giving them your money.

Ihop is for trailer trash

how about just not going to ihop

The servers are already paid... why do I need to tip them for bringing food to my table... its literally their job.

Or how about you just don't go to IHOP and make your own damn food like every other well adjusted adult?

like 3 bucks an hour you Mongoloid! you could make more money recycling cans you find on the side of the road than waiting without tips

I wrote a letter to the main corporation. I won't be dining at IHOP or Applebees anymore. I wouldn't want to accidentally have a conversation at their establishment that management doesn't approve of.

Better idea, just dine in and dash. Win win right?

found the ______

best idea, that is if you cant cook yourself

So you know when you tip, that pretty much exclusively goes to your server. Who might support their company's decision but might also, have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on, are not politically conscious, or just not care or agree because they carry pancakes to a table for living.
But when you still order food the profits from that go exclusively to the company, who probably doesn't really care what their servers make because if they did they probably would pay them more.
What you're encouraging is like some in the street whipping out a gun and shooting you, so you whip out your gun shoot the innocent bistandard next him. And then walk up to the guy that shot you fist bump him and tell him, good shot.

t. CIA nigger shill

I didn't know who Tucker Carlson or what iHop was, but after reading up on it. I agree with Carlson

T. Skilled automation engineer

Dine Brands Global
450 N. Brand Blvd., 7th Floor
Glendale, CA 91203

[email protected]

Tfw skilled automation engineer

>waffle house is better anyways

support companies that support /ourguy/.

To much of a moralfag to use their own tactics against them. Wanna know how I know you're a normie?

Just don't spend your money at IHOP. It would be more effective.

Are you a fucking idiot? You're going to punish the workers, who have nothing to do with the decisions made by the company, while continuing to support the company itself?

here's a tip: they should work for a company that isn't a piece of shit

>being this retarded
Are you serious? You really think they are legally allowed to pay employees $3 an hour? Look up tipped wage faggot, then don't talk about shit you obviously know nothing about.

Why would you eat at IHOP? Pancakes take 5 minutes to make at home and taste the exact same.

>Punish the wait staff for corporate's decision making
This makes no sense to me

I take it you've never had their cinnamon roll french toast.

My first job was working a pizza joint, I made 2 a hour, plus tip plus, 1 dollar delivery. But it was a shitty pizza place so in a six hour shift I was lucky to make 14$.
I worked for Dennys after that. I made 4 a hour plus tip. But I could usualy make 150ish a night. If you're expected to make mininum wage you don't have to pay that much for the bottom line.
Don't talk about shit you obviously know nothing about.

read this leaf
rake yourself leaf
servers are paid TIPPED WAGE.If their TIPPED WAGE plus tips does not equal their hourly wage, THE BUSINESS PAYS THE DIFFERENCE.
How are all your people this retarded?

If everyone stops tipping, the employers will have to raise wages to compensate or their employees will quit and work somewhere else.
t. Econfag

Coworkers ex makes up to $300 a week (((tax free))) in tips.
Fuck you and get a real job.

I manage a payroll system, you delivered pizzas, and worked at Denny's.
Every state has a tipped wage and a minimum wage. The employer must pay tipped wage, if that plus tips is not minimum wage, they pay the difference. It's not my fault you are a fucking idiot and worked for less than minimum without knowing labor laws.

>If everyone stops tipping, the employers will have to raise wages to compensate or their employees will quit and work somewhere else.
and correct

user. Notice something about the people replying to your posts?

They have detected that you disagree and have generated the generic Jow Forums response (almost bot like, hmm?). There is no deep dive explanation of their stance, unlike your initial post, just calling you out as one of Jow Forums's enemies.

Jow Forums is being infiltrated by fakes that copy the language here, but use it to push non-Jow Forums agendas.

You and me know that the best way to say fuck you to IHOP is to not eat there. So don't, and remember OP is not only capable of being a fag, but might also be a saboteur wearing OP's clothing.

find coupons as well so you dont pay them full price

Gas yourself you fucking nigger

You aren't using their tactics against them you're giving money to the actual bad guys. That is not how a fucking boycott works you RETARD.

>Don't tip because of a Fox News host
HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHA You niggers are stupid.

someone post the Tucker is a rich fag copypasta that always triggers the boomers

Boycotting isn't as effective as it used to be. You can't get enough people to care about anything unless the media tells them to. This isn't a boycott. It's a PR shitstorm countermeasure that forces IHOPs hand, in response to their boycott of Tucka. I think the proposition has some merit but nobody cares to go spend money there anyways. However turning their employees against them so they can social media virtue signal may be fun.

Maybe if you weren't so retarded you wouldn't be delivering pizzas and waiting tables at shithole restaurants.

Attached: tipped wage.jpg (621x233, 51K)

>a local family owned diner


m8 I'll just stop going

Dumbass, you'd have to boycott eating there entirely for them to feel anything. Don't punish their (white) employees.

>Implying I ever tip shitskins, we've given you enough.

eat shit, taco bell nigger

Don't eat there at all, dummy.

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>withhold tips
Dude, don't be a dick.
The waitresses aren't responsible for ads.

I love this idea. The employees will complain and quit.

Attached: jewish princess.jpg (674x771, 154K)

Tipping is retarded and I would rather just see the price of the meal when they pay a worker a decent wage. If your margins are so shit you can't stay in business while paying an appropriate wage, you should not be in business. I've seen a "reasonable tip" expand from 13% to asking for 20% and there is no improvement in the quality of service. Not worth it, put em out of business and find a job that pays better

I'm not complaining about delivering pizzas. I was 16 I figured it out pretty quick and got the fuck out of there.
My point is the company can pay you only 3 dollars, which you said and the previous post they can't.
If you make 10 a hour, 7is tip and your company is 3 you're company is paying you three a hour.
That doesn't equal out over a hour or a day. Most legit places split payroll over a week, so the end of the roll over it Sunday but payroll come out wensday, so it's half a week and half a week, just to fuck you so unless you're making tips you don't make shit.
Then if you don't make mininum wage it's never as easy as the company going oh you didn't make enough, let's make it fair you usually have to go through the hastle of contesting it with a manager.
I don't know a payroll manager is, because thats done by just a manager, which means you're just full of shit or you manage a restaurant.
But you don't know what you're talking about and have already contradicted yourself.

Write Tucker on like 30 bricks and break all their windows.

Order a ton of food with a group of like ten and then just leave without eating it.

Call in tips to local health inspectors about sanitation violations or rodent infestations.

Get a bunch of mice and let them out in the restaurants.

Do something to activate their sprinklers causing a bunch of water damage. Or just burn that bitch down.

>don't tip
Just don't fucking go there, brainlet.

Instead of being dumb goyim and still eating at the restaurant, organize a boycott. It worked during gamergate

>Going on a crusade for Cucker Tarlson

That's a no for me dawg.

I'm sure you're sooo successful. I was a teen dude, I did my time and worked shitty jobs. My point is that restaurants will fuck you over, and not tipping your server just fucks over the sever more, while the restaurant is fucking them over without really doing any damage to the company it self.

>fuck over the waitresses and waiters because corporate is being political
Great, so the workers get stiffed while the people taking the stance still get paid because retards like you think giving them business but not tipping a 3rd party is a protest. You know what's protesting them? Not eating there at all, you brainlet.

I dont like going there and this is a convenient excuse to never go

>tippins retarded

Stopped right there.
If youre so fucking concerned over a couple dollars than you have no right to post your dipshit opinion, faggot

Also you can get ihop corporate at eight six 6 444 5144 and bitch about them dropping Tucker. I talked to some mexican who said his name was Alfredo lol

OR dont eat at ihop at all. Dennys is better anyway.

>boycott ihop by eating at ihop
you are a fucking moron

why would i do that when i can just continue not eating at the international house of diarrhea

look at the responses you got for common fucking sense, it's almost like there's a campaign from a discord server to try to sell Jow Forums on this notion or something.

>I don't know a payroll manager is
I'm not surprised, it's above the waiter and delivery guy pay grade.
I am the guy who manages the payroll admin system for the entire company, sets labor laws and MINIMUM RATES.

I just showed you it is not legal to pay less than 7.25, so you pack up the goalposts and move.
>not tipping your server just fucks over the sever more, while the restaurant is fucking them over without really doing any damage to the company it self.
We just went over this. If you don't tip, the company has to make up the difference, so yes you kinda are.
Take the L dude, it's getting sad.

Waffle houses are almost exclusively in fucking ghettos filled with trash almost 24/7

It's not a boycott dipshit

you are putting way too much effort into nothing on an anonymous anime imageboard bro, there's no winners here

The real way to get ihop would be to inform their workers of local law requiring company to pay if waitress doesn't get enough tips. They'll all start claiming they didn't get any cash tips. Company labor expenses go way up.

Do not do vandalism! Do Positivism- put up cool, positive ads promoting Tucker's show on their property! "Tucker Carlson- Standing Up For Truth and Justice, Against the White People-hating Commies, M-F 8pm on Fox News- Can't Cuck the Tuck!"

Wow IHOP management is desperate, telling you to keep giving them business but fuck over our employees. Get fucked

300 a week in tips? Many waiters make that on a decent Saturday. Must work at a diner or dive.

Our side has been fighting against cultural Marxism for decades. It is astounding to me that retards can't understand what PR does to a company. Sure they will make some money initially, but with a demoralized staff service will drop, as will patronage. The left learned these tactics a hundred years ago, and we have shills, like you, on our side that say it doesn't work. Complete lack of understanding human nature and historical evidence. I hope this movement catches steam. That being said, stop being lazy and cook your own damn breakfast.

>Attacking people below the poverty line is somehow a victory against a giant restuarant chain.

Imagine being this retarded. We don't need you. GTFO.

This is state by state. Cali has no separate minimum, PA pays $2.83 to tipped employees. It varies vastly.

Don't waste your time right wing protests and boycotts never do shit we don't have the numbers the left does to make it work.

>still going to ihop
>stiffing waiters
You're an absolute faggot.

We can WIN with action coming out of here!

Power To We The People!


What state do you live in, Mississippi?

Because waiters have used this scam for decades. They do not make less than minimum wage, and they have been using this shit to guilt people into thinking they need to tip more.
It's amazing they have been able to keep up the lie for so long.

thanks for chiming in Tokyo Rose!

At least you make sense. The rest of these faggots don't understand this simple concept.
Go moralfag somewhere else boomer.

People have already begun brickimg Ihops in my area

This is either a scheme hatched by a total fucking retard or a shill who wants something to point at as proof the Right Wing hates poor people.

This is a terrible idea.