Jow Forums need your expertise

Jow Forums need your expertise.

>get laid off because they wanted someone with more experience in the role back in April
>go through interviews telling people it was due to budget cuts instead of my lack of experience
>get job offer
>employer wants an employee verification now even though I was already introduced to everyone
>gave them the hr lady's number and email
>Official reason for leaving is "institutional reorganization" on paper

So how fucked am I? Will the HR lady say some shit or will she only read directly from the paper that says it was a reorg?

If the whole story is told I am sort of fucked.

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>budget cuts, institutional reorganization
tomato, tomato

Right but what will HR tell my recruiter? What CAN HR tell my recruiter?

I don't think Susan will give a shit she'll just say yeah, yeah.

Damn, imagine wagie life, where a bunch of incompetent morons can make or break your life, possibly tripping a sequence of events that lose you your job, home and other things. Once you think about it, it's fucking terrible. You can be as much of an asset as you wish, but simple fuckups by retards who have no business outside of a tard unit can fuck you up. I hope I never have to work with people again and continue making my money work for me instead. I feel bad for you OP. I hope you're unaffected by this shit.

employee verification is pretty straightforward: yes, you worked there for [time period], reason for leaving is [instutional reorganization]

It's pretty terrible.

This. Anything else would open them up for a potential lawsuit.


There is literally nothing to worry about in this situation, if they say one thing you say "well they told me it was budget cuts, perhaps the real reason may be more complicated but I do not have any documentation other than what was given to me when I was laid off." If they mention that the reason was experience say "sounds more like they were trying to replace me with someone willing to take a pay cut, I had the experience and skills necessary for that job as well as other positions I have received job offers from, but I hope to add to my experience here at this company.."

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This has been a very helpful post. If they ask I will literally read this to them.

Thanks user.

wish this wasn't a photoshop

Beta fuck much?

Who gives a shit. You get the job because you "Fit in - Say it like Patrick Bateman" and skills. Nobody gives a shit if you fucking lie to get a job. Some people would admire it because it shows that you make it to break it.

All-in-all would you want to work for a company that does stuff like that? Seriously why would you like to work for Mr.Shekel if he doubts in your legitimacy. This already shows who you are dealing with. If something like this would pass through my hands i would just say fuck off. My mom has always said one thing "This is not the only company in the world". Go out there and search for others if you feel like the one you are in is shitty. Life is too short.

OP stop being a bitch!
'institutional reorganization' is the same thing a 'budget cuts'. you thinking way to deep about your slave job. No one cares, you shouldn't either!

Everyone is wrong in this thread recruiters are salespeople paid on commission and you are the product, the employer is the buyer.

The industry is full of scumbags so this women will say whatever it takes to sell you. Godspeed

Didn't read, fuck you for making me masturbate.

You act indifferent towards it, you're mr. coolguy, no big deal, whatevs. Even if she 'finds out', you just say some shit like 'they told you that? hmm, the bastards have some nerve... and stare at something uninteresting whilst appearing to be thinking about it for about 2-3 seconds whilst you pause, and then continue: ah whatever. Hey you're still single too right, do you wanna grab a coffee with me some time?' and bam got you a date too, no need to thank me OP. It's not a big deal regardless, and if you respond in such a way it shows you aren't hiding anything. If you spill your spaghetti everywhere and freak the fuck out they'll think you're some autistic fuck and think you have all kinds of problems. People are very easily manipulated. If you show them there is no problem and you have nothing to hide, they move on because they don't really care about it anyway.
So basically, it's cool, relax fren :)

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this is what you fapped to

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It's weird reading posts on here about those who work 9-5s. Thankfully I live off a trust fund worth millions and when I hit 25 it will be under my complete authority. Thanks for your story OP, it doesn't sound like you're fucked.

Your old hr won't fuck you for no reason, your current employer might push them on reasons but they have no leverage.

Nobody is unemployed for no reason, your old boss finding someone more qualified isn't so bad-it doesn't make you less qualified

He's not wrong about it all
if you take it in stride it'll look far better

What is it you do? How do you let money work for me

my instagram is @backwoodbandiit hmu