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I mean yeah. I'm all for the market crashing. But Down 1200 isn't that bad when you're still up 2000.
You know we took a 1900 dip back in February and everybody was screaming it was the end. I just invested, average out with 12% return four months later.
Long story short, OP is a faggot.

>it-its just a correction!

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Markets BTFO.
Dow headed to 18,000 by January.

>Dow headed to 18,000 by January.
why not 200?

Roll under this post how low it will fall and by when. Digits confirm.

Also, ignore non-happening shills.

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Glad I pulled out about a week ago. And some anons here laughed at me calling it just a correction. I feel like the fed Jew games are catching up

panic selling has begun

This. Putting money into CDs while Feds jacking up rates is going to balloon the payoff. If the market ever tanks, I'm buying everything in sight and retire a millionaire

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my last 2 digits are how much it will fall on monday

Reminder if this happened under Obama that you'd blame him
But you aren't blaming trump
Explain pls

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19k by Brexit.

markets are for niggers

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Great shareblue. You are a broken record over a one percent loss.
The tragedy.

The fed has been propping upthe economy by bailing out their friends and racking up debt since the past recession.Only a bandaid

>Glad I pulled out about a week ago.
That's what I said to your mom.

The Federal Reserve has such a low opinion of blacks they dropped the interest rate to near zero and now they have faith in the country again since a black guy isnt running it so the rates can go back up.

no one cares, it's just a simulation and these numbers mean nothing.

Hello, my name is poorlack and today I will be your host featuring "The world is fucking crumbling apart in front of our eyes". Stay comfy and relaxed and wait for my updates.

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bitcoin bruh. its all manipulated by junk bonds

If you look at a graph on dow on All timeline it does look like ~18k is next major support level.

It is a correction you fucking retards

>Trump wins and says he'll cut taxes
>market go up
>Pelosi wins and says she'll raise taxes
>market go down



>Thinking CDs are worthwhile in the modern day with 0.0015% interest rates
>Giving any money to banksters

You have to go back.


Lads, as long as it doesn't dip below Obama's level, George Soros loses.

Shit day

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I wouldn’t blame either but I’ll agree Trump is a retard for trying to take credit for the Stock market going up I bet you won’t hear him ever take credit when it’s on it’s way down just a narcissistic douche

No one makes money if the market stays flat, goy. We need the ups and down to steal your shekels.

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If this keeps up it will go below that (about 20k) before the end of the year.

Well it is a correction. But what most kikes will understate is how severe it will be.
Take this guy, for example. He doesn't actually grasp the severity of the situation. He thinks it's a simple issue of taxes.

It's not. Fed is raising rates that have been near ZERO for a decade now. The US economy has been propped up on free money handed out to big banks. The bulk of this money was invested in derivatives markets and swirled around the equity market. They've been pumping up another bubble since the last one burst in 2008.

The issue is that this time there will be no public support for bail outs. The US government is already far too much in debt and running a large deficit. The next correction will be a massive downturn and could very easily crash the global economy.

Let's not forget that China is heading towards a recession as well. The whole world is about to be consumed by economic collapse.

He'll do what he always does when something bad happens on his watch, pretend it isn't happening and say everything's fine.

interesting. what does the 5 year look like?

*checks portfolio*

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hey faggot, they don't sign legislation, and they don't control both houses, there's no chance of this happening and every investor out there understands this.

Sorry but this recession is 100% trump and mostly a domino effect from his tariffs.

Bulltrap up to 23

Nah the Obama years saw it climb from 8000 to 20k as the economy recovered from the 2008 recession. If anything trump basically stopped the recovery.

A bear market is a decline of 20% from the peak. We aren't there yet.

>Drumpf did the economy concession
Nigger what? This one has been years in the making. Our only hope is that this time, instead of giving those responsible a stern tongue lashing and a blank check for them to start it all over again, we make them kneel in the street and shoot them one by one. (((They))) have known this one is coming (mostly because they engineered it) which is the reason for the muh open borders pontificating by all of the media, they need more people to prop up their giant Ponzi scheme.
Read this this user gets it

> investing with the jew casino

Trump didnt do anything other than accelerate economic train to mach 2. Now we crash with no survivors so we can finally start rebuilding a fucking manufacturing base thats not half way around the world in a country that is actively working against us.


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2.8% yield is better than the S&P? It's not a bad idea.

>jews crashing the economy to attempt a publicly accepted coup against Trump

You got 11 days Jews.

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>DOW crashes as jews flock to random lew end crypto to try to get enough market share to control it.
>they end up loosing everything as crypto has no set value and it doesnt matter how many pay in
>banker jews dont know what to do
>every bank in the west dies the same day in 2019
>usury becomes a thing of the past because the credit system died with the banks
>hundreds of bank and lending company CEOs rot in prison

maybe trump is trying to make america great again

>The whole world is about to be consumed by economic collapse
I'm gonna jump with joy when the final happening is upon us but just to be sure there is no way our economy can survive this right? 2008 never got fixed and was only pushed aside for a decade correct? Once our economy takes a shit we'll go even lower than 1929 right?

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Below 6 grand March

deep state + elites trying to collapse the system. Spend 2 years pumping it, building peoples confidence that everything is okay. Then take ur money out planned together, the aim would be to take peoples confidence away that the system is working.

its risk vs reward, America is pretty tough. I think we survive. the dirty tricks wont work

Same, I think I’ll set up a little shop selling food, water, weapons, drugs and toiletries. Will be comfy to be free of taxes and regulations when SHTF.

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Yes, the bubble of 08 never really burst. It let out some air, but they bailed themselves out of that hole and never let it really hit the floor.
This drop will be worldwide and it's going to be insane. It's going to be a repetition of what happened in the 20sopportunities.
Economy will always climb back up as long as we have a civilization going on, so it's not going to be a doomsday that ends the planet.
Silver lining is that anyone who has any wealth when it hits the floor, they're going to make an absolute killing because there are going to be retarded buying
We had a bank recession like this for the exact same reason of cheap money in Finland back in 92 and it fucked over the country unlike anything we've seen before.
People bought themselves all kinds of properties for a fraction of their cost. This incoming drop is going to create many new millionaires and billionaires, while it will also decimate many of the existing ones.

Bear trap. Buy the Jan low. Support at 22,400 - 21,600 area.

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It's been up for 9 years. At what point does it become a trend, in your opinion?

It's the fed reserve you fucking goon. This happens every time they raise the interest rate, Obama economy grew unchecked by the federal reserve and now trump has brought it to a level that they no longer need to make money free to borrow.

You cant buy DJIA u fucking retard

>What is futures
Don't talk about something you obviously know nothing about.

buy antibiotics and other durable goods