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He has revealed himself to be a true Jeffersonian

Oh Trump really speaking my language. I'm semi erect. And I'm talking about my penis.

That’s very unusual for an American president! I like it

I wonder Who will help Israel steal golean heights?



Half staff only?
I can only get so erect

He just said ISIS was defeated. Fuck this guy and his tweets



Trump is the greatest man to have ever lived.

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Finally some sanity in Washington

He's not wrong.

Jow Forumstards must feel like retards for making those Based Graham memes with laser eyes.

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As a Brit, let me tell you, you have a very special President there. One of a kind and a true living legend.

So much truth. Graham is a paid operative of the Jew State

It is good but he still saying
>muh enemy Syria, Russia, Iran

if ever you needed evidence of trump derangement syndrome just look at the comments
fucking libs are pro-war now

What kind of name is Lindsay what was his father thinking

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Do you remember how quickly trumptards backstabbed Bannon? They just suck up whatever Trump says.

They should feel like retards for ever supporting this sorry excuse for a leader. What a fucking joke

We will of course. Trump will pull an Obama and say he’ll pull the troops out but actually just take a few and claim he kept his word

Remember when you guys made this? Lmao, so much for that!

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You will be occupying Syria and Afghanistan for decades to come.

This is just a move to save general Flynn, he will threaten to bring back the troops if they don't leave Flynn alone.
Here is what will happen:
- GOP and Dems want more war, so they spare general Flynn.
- Magically their will be a new chemical attack even in Syria which makes Trump keep his troops there indefinitely.

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Are the shills trying to reserve and now act like they love Trump so much? What happened to the non-stop posts about how he loves Israel too much?

Fucking americans man!! Fuck! I hate this shit sometimes. Like naming your kid blake or tyler. Why just why

Russia wants us out of Syria so they get to keep their strategic port. Trump is giving Putin exactly what he wants. Trump is his bitch

>What happened to the non-stop posts about how he loves Israel too much?
Everybody is Israel-first. The president, the congress, the supreme court.

The only exception I see is Rand Paul.

>- Magically their will be a new chemical attack even in Syria which makes Trump keep his troops there indefinitely.
Almost guaranteed.

When they do something good, you reward them. When they do something bad, you mock them.

This is objectively the correct way to do it. You've not really made a point, you're just cringeposting because you have no argument against the positive nature of what is actually happening here.

So why is Syria an "enemy" of the US?
WTF did little Syria do to the mighty US.
Seems Syria was minding its own business until Obama sent 60,000 ISIS there with the aim of partitioning the country.

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Good- a step in the right direction. Graham is a hardcore neocon war hawk (he's chair of ASC, big surprise). Graham rarely does anything I agree with, and in this case, he needs to be slapped down a peg.

>When they do something good, you reward them. When they do something bad, you mock them.
Except if is Trump of course.

Toyota made a lot of money out of that tragedy.

They definitely had the money support from Israel+ the west.
Their whole salary system + welfare to their citizen hostages were from western money.

Truth. I'm leaving to Afghanistan soon.

Giving Putin exactly what he wants is never good for the United States. Wake up retard

Every 6 months he talks about leaving Syria. After some (((consultation))) he will flip again

I want the sand niggers to fight each other to the last man.

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I hope our troops are all out of Syria and home safe with their families by Christmas.

t. Iraq/Afghan 7 times vet

777D CHESS. Trump reveals Mossad killed Khashoggi. Entire Congress disavows Israel.

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Heil Trump!

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>implying the dozen or so duel citizens will ever disavow greatest ally
at least Rand is taking a Stand. he keeps pushing at AIPAC like this and he has my vote when trump is gone


What costs more, a dead soldier or a live soldier?

considering most are white, clearly a dead one brings more social cost with it. we need all of these white guys back home getting white women pregnant with strong white men for the upcoming race war


They are seething.

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Opium guardsmen.

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Israeli botnet

>it's le 4D chess
No it's just saving face because he knows his base is dwindling. He knows nothing will come of it and will continue sending Americans to die for Israel as is their purpose.


Da...I mean yes this is so based

He's gonna piss off a lot of people in the military industrial complex with this move.

That final form has a Star of David on it. KEK?

Lmao sit the fuck down faerywolf and shut the fuck up too


Do you know what chakras are?

Jews steal their symbols but you're low IQ.

He can tell them time to start nuking the Chinese, instead.

The Left is now Pro-war.

Basically proves they are tools who can be dictated to believe anything.

who could possibly be against that tweet though?
what the fuck?

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they basically painted Assad the same way their painted Sadam; an evil dictator of an evil state that had to be stopped. ignoring the fact that the alternative for that area is ISIS lol

This. You're a massive faggot if you don't think Trump is the greatest of all time.

Best timeline.

Also he stopped funding Isis.

He is funding the Kurds instead though.

PKK is still a terrorist organization who harass Turkey.
Or should I say (((Tyrkey)))... I'm not sure these days.

Indeed very based FUCK NEOCONS

>literal normie tier understanding of esoterica
Ask me how I know you’re new?
It’s truly incredible, people who have just “woken up” are like new born babies.
Son you have a lot of pain and learning ahead of you.
Just be thankful you’re white, your journey would twice as difficult

The sun shines on every dog's ass

But that's fucking retarded

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I hope not, Jefferson was a pro-immigrant son of a bitch.


dont worry. somebody else soon will. dumbass brainlet



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By a mile

Kek. Trump derangement has taken some lives

Didn't some poor bastard have company logo still on the truck when it showed up with isis faggots riding it? I think it's weird a used truck from texas or something could end up in syria and no one knows how it got there

How gay do you have to be to go by "storm faerywolf"? I think you have to be at least as gay as the shills that have infested Jow Forums.
Faggot is probably here now, in this thread

yes pro-WASP immigrant

Pro european immigration with zero welfare, yes. Welfare was completely unheard of.

If he builds the wall those are two promises he can campaign on fulfilling.
I'll believe it when i see it.

his agenda items are almost identical to Reagan with some Abe Lincoln to confuse

this is real interesting to compare if youre so inclined -

Why are Syria and Russia our enemy?

ecause clintons and their globalist buddies did lots of shady business and now they have to delete it all.

mueller deleted over sixteen million phone calls from the NSA

watch the bill browder deposition - they asset stripped the soviets when the wall came down