
A country beyond parody.

If you're not a fat, disgusting, illiterate Christcuck slob Burger, do you ever wake up and say fuck, thank fuck I'm not a walking meme country?

Reminder: the only good American is a dead one.

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He is right you know. Repent.

Wanted for questioning

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But he's correct. Heathens get the rope.


i wanna eat where the white folks eat,
cause im white on the bottom of my feet

>Satan doesn't exist

Lel ok faggot

>But the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation says police in the town of 6,500 people are wrongly promoting religion with the social media message.
I wonder who is behind this group. Any guesses?

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Hey now thats in the bible belt, most of us arent that retarded. The south is like our slow friend. Our slow, fat racist friend.

Repent you Godless heathen or be damned to hell. You know God is real but you turn your back on him anyways.

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Based Bammers

the jews are satan's emissaries on earth and responsible for most of the world's ills

Everyone hates canada including canadians



K nigger lover

Go fuck yourself you worthless piece of American dogshit. After I finish wiping my ass with your flag, I'll clean the bowl-splatter with your Bible. You're a Christian American. A dog's bark carries more value.

Remember that when you arrive in hell you were given the chance many times throughout your life to change your course but you didn't, you chose instead to embrace the devil and his wicked followers.

Eat my ass faggot. Go back to sharing that big veiny cut Jew cock with Trump.

sup Kyle

Shut up dogfucker. You know the goys right. The Synagogue of Satan is the problem.

Watch a faggot pride parade and tell me demonic activity isn't on the rise.

All I see is American degeneracy spreading around the world as usual. Whatever it is. Clueless Trump-groupies, pedo faggots, Christcucks, femcunts. America is ground zero and patient zero for all the subhuman behaviour on earth. Fuckin neck yourselves already. You're zombies who died decades ago and refuse to lay down. You're not special. There is no exceptionalism. I can't wait until the next 9/11 so I can laugh at dead Americans. You're a cancer on earth.


>DOTR when?

Sounds like Satan has you by the nutsack.

Even though you're already in Hell, be prepared for what is to come.

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Eat more

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Meme flag and rainbow faggot Satan. You sure showed me Yank.

the trump people are the same ones that "monster voted" in reagan...

They may look beautiful at first glance, but they have the ultimate power of keeping you from not knowing--the greatest fear of any entity is not knowing, as it leads to fear, then to anger, then to violence. That is how they control your behavior. They keep you from not knowing and then inject you with fear, making you a slave to Satan.

Good luck, because that is all you have. No one is out there to help you. It is just you now. But like I said, it sounds like you've been defeated so there's no use in you trying anyways.

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See how the Jew recoils when the thought of Christ comes to his mind. See how he turns to the most vile language immediately.

>The south shall ri

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Post the in store prices le 49% chink Somali mutt

What’s your explanation? Economic disparity?

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Bet you've never ridiculed a Muslim nation for their belief in Islam even one time.
Canada: The Thread

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Vile language for vile people. You expect me to talk to you like you're human? You're an American Christian. Lmfao. You're a plague of history. So fuckin lazy and useless you blame imaginary phantoms for your problems.

They can lick my shitter as well as any other religion.

False Equivalancy: Murica, The Thread.

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And to think, making that gif will be the highlight of your existence.

They've spent decades ridding Opp of snakes. You'd think Satan would be gone by now.

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Tooooooo funny!
Do Alabama Police have a plan to capture Satan the crime boss?

"Satan" is an antisemitic dogwhistle. Everyone knows white people are the root of all evil