Does Jow Forums agree or disagree with the bump stock ban?
Does Jow Forums agree or disagree with the bump stock ban?
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Yep! I'ma hand over my bump stocks willingly! The ATF are one of the last good agencies we have. Pretty based and inspiring triple-letter folks. Unlike the FBI lol
disagree, here in california ive already had my rights violated for years i dont need another cock shoves up my ass
They managed to classify a piece of plastic as a machine gun.
Which means that they can easily ban ar15s as well.
no, the ban is unconstitutional and there are other alternatives to bump stocks out there.
I agree with you, as someone unlucky enough to have been born in NY. I think ANY amount of gun control is evil, no matter how small.
Ehh bump stocks are a meme that serve no real functional purpose except to mag dump for the sake of being annoying and to piss off gun grabbers. They are easy to make as are actual full auto conversions. So its basically a toothless law to placate people. As is the dems universal background check bill with some exceptions.
That being said, all gun laws are definitively unconstitutional. "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" is pretty simple, straightforward, and absolute.
Disagree, but it's not a big deal desu. Bumpstocks are stupid, and ineffective. Anyone using them is an idiot.
Yeah, the Constitution doesn't say "the right to bear SOME arms." This probably cost Trump my vote in 2020. I thought Trump said when he was campaigning that he'd protect the 2A. Guess not.
i know what you mean, there is a regulation here on everything except for shotguns and lever actions, i pray our faggot dems dont find out about them
they are even raising the long gun age from 18 to 21
Our shitty governor, Cuomo, wanted to ban any magazines with over SEVEN rounds. Luckily it got struck down. I can't wait to move to a state with less gun laws.
It doesn't placate anyone, though. The left are absolutists.They want guns banned, period. Which means that in order to preserve our gun rights, we need to be absolutists as well and refuse to enact any form of gun control.
Banning bump stocks seems small, but gun control is a very slippery slope. Give gun grabbers an inch and they think they can take a foot.
This is 1000% accurate. We can't compromise any more with the gun grabbers, not even a little.
We don't, having said that we also aren't going to forfeit the War like the shills want.
Couldn't care less. Gave mine to a friend years ago.
Totally disagree, the way they have done this gives them the ability to come after more of your firearms parts and customized parts. How they can change the words and turn a plastic stock into a machine gun is something to be worried about, The ATF simply have the ability to change the meaning of things and rewrite and do whatever they feel like ding and if you don't like it and don't abide by what they tell you, you will be fined, sent to prison for at least ten years and perhaps shot dead " because they enjoy shooting the head off of mothers holding babies and such "
Basically Trump called for this and because of trump Florida went ahead and fucked over the 2nd, and ATF does this will full reign and in agreement with the President.
Keep watching your Rights be chiseled away slowly over time until your great grand children aren't able to bear arms.
It starts off with a "small" ban, but gun grabbers keep banning and banning and banning and banning, until before you know it, you're left with a single shot .22. I don't believe in compromising on the 2A.
Last paragraph is so true. Your freedom doesn't get killed with one quick blow, but instead wuth a thousand small cuts.
There is ZERO compromise. The second amendment allows all arms to be kept and bore. Any "compromise" isn't one and is taking away the natural rights of freemen.
Hugely opposed and it has nothing to do with the bump stocks themselves. Alphabet agencies handing down edicts that turn people into felons is not a good thing regardless of what the edict says.
Yeah, the majority of those agencies are unconstitutional. Big government can fuck right off.
I can make your rifle bump-fire with a shoelace and your pant loop.
I’m not hot and bothered about it.
I'm ok with it. Anything with a auto fire rate like that is just unnecessary. Now if this civil war really does start I'll probably change my mind.
Just gonna reply to my own post to say I didnt like that it wasn't grandfathered.
1488% this. I want my cake back.
Against because I love mass shootings and killing Americans is great for the environment.
Wrong proxy fagbot
Bump stocks don't contribute to mass shootings which by themselves aren't as common as the media wants you to think.
not in Alaska, but that's my wet dream right there
>Disagree, but it's not a big deal desu. Bumpstocks are stupid, and ineffective.
What is stupid? Anyone believing a bump stock in the hands of a novice used one in LV.
1. A bumpstock loaded down with a 100 round twin snail drum pointed downward will not cycle beyond one discharge. There is too much weight on the weapon.
2. Alphabets have been paranoid about having their stack entry teams mowed down. If bumpstocks were crap ineffective garbage why would they go through the effort to demonize and eliminate them?
disagree but doesnt really matter
Everyone should disagree with laws that solve nothing.
doesn't matter
"you can't savor their last moments with a gun, thats why I use a knife"
Full auto has been illegal for awhile, bump stocks are just a way to skirt the 86 ban. And someone dedicated to converting a semi to auto isn’t going to give a fuck about the law anyway. This debate has always been retarded for both sides but at least it keeps gun grabbers occupied with inconsequential bullshit.
Prohibition of anything has worked well in the past.
I agree with that.
>Full auto has been illegal for awhile
Not for the rich and well connected politically.
The 1986 ban has come close to being lifted a few times. The ones keeping it in place are faggot boomer collectors who don’t want their $25,000 AK to drop to $2,000 overnight.
bump stocks are gay. get a real assault rifle already
Full auto isn't banned, you have to find a pre ban for sale and then pay the government fee. It is de facto banned for most people. Bump firing is nowhere near full auto levels of fire rate either, so this ban is just some bullshit pushed by idiots who don't understand the facts beyond some preconcieved notion of "safe" rates of fire.
This. 1986 ban should be lifted.
Rate of fire has nothing to do with it, “Automatic weapon” is defined as any firearm capable of firing more than one round when the trigger is depressed. Bump stocks and other such devices are just a loophole the government decided to close, it’s not some exotic new law.
I know what full auto is, I was just expanding on what he said about them technically not being fully banned. The part about rate of fire was that semi autos with a bump stock don't fire as fast as most (most not all) full autos and this would scare gun grabbers. Regardless, I'm against the bump stock ban and the 1986 ban.