Why is the German parliament so shit compared to the British parliament ?

Why is the German parliament so shit compared to the British parliament ?

Attached: 2018-12-20_20h43_38.jpg (2132x774, 645K)

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>wooden wall paneling
>In 2018

What's with the constant, weird standing up and sitting down in the british one. What system is that?

pretty good metaphor for the difference between the brittish and german people

Because a British architect designed the room on the right.

Because someone burned our Pairlament down and someone else bombed it to shit a few years later.

Because it is German. What other explanation do you need?

This happens during debates and Prime Minister's Questions. To participate in a debate in the House of Commons or at question time, MPs have to be called by the Speaker. MPs usually rise or half-rise from their seats in a bid to get the Speaker's attention - this is known as 'catching the Speaker's eye'.

those captions describe british and german culture pretty well

Wow. Thanks for the clear, concise explanation, user! Appreciated.

You're right Hans

If it's not a mural of some ethnic children why the fuck is it there tbqh

This is the future Europe has under the EU.

Europe is far better than this and used to have lovely aesthetics.

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I love watch PM’s question, there’s a medieval quality to the cat calling and shouting combined with quit wit and rhetoric. Our parliament is full of sperges, plus watching it gives me a headache because it’s so disgustingly flouroscently lit

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Jews burned down the original Reichstag building.

Love to* watch

it's made to be uninspiring by design

Attached: Reichstag-Jan30-1937.jpg (850x575, 95K)

The house of commons is more like the house of banter. A fancy monkey house


Absolutely. The uglier, the better.
Have seen how shitty the newest official redesign of our state crest is?
Looks like it has autism.

Attached: 2000px-Deutscher_Bundestag_logo.svg[1].png (2000x1740, 133K)

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The non-stop banter and drama is hilarious. Like the "Stupid woman" shit from yesterday. Only watchable politics in the world desu


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This clip basically sums it up

How does it feel as a german you will never have a parliment with a man going ORDAAAAAAAAAA

Mate have you seen how half these people act in there?

The German parliament is based on the washing machines that Germany loves to export.


hahah classic

Because the English parliament is a central and hugely significant institution in the framework of the United Kingdom. It has a very long and convoluted history that has seen it go from a kings advisory council to the ruling council of the worlds most powerful nation to head of the Caliphate. It's very existence as a permanent establishment saw a period called the 14 Years Tyranny, then the three English civil wars, then King Charles was trialled and executed, the monarchy overthrown and England made a republic during which parliament became what it is today, then it made the decision to initiate the Restoration, less than fifty years later it made the decision to overthrow another king and then chose the next two monarchs, Bill and Mary, and wrote up a fuckton of legal bullshit along with the Bill of Rights.

The German parliament is just ever evolving and out of place institute and its ugliness reflects that. Burn it.

I have to O'DUH O'DUH ask the honorable O'DUH O'DUH member of the house O'DUH to withdrah O'DUH



British Parliament was based on Catholic church design.

It’s designed that way to discourage nationalism. It just exists to sign off on boring paperwork on whether a tax rate should be 35.6% or 37.2% etc.

Didn't everything get burned down and replaced over and over from all the wars you lost

The British parliament is really cool but there aren't any others like it.

The saddest parliament is the European Union one.
There is nothing of substance in there, they cannot even propose any legislation themselves.
Very sad.

Based black man with a blurred out face top middle left

Germans are shit people thats why

literally Soul vs Soulless

ive never seen it from that angle, didn't know there were screens behind there

Theirs looks like a church cuckshed


Also GTFO, Inselaffe

Attached: Prince+Charles+Evelyn+de+Rothschild+Prince+Fe92XCZvAKcl.jpg (600x430, 69K)

How many people can you identify in this picture?



german parliament
>properly built using 21st century techniques
>Efficient (low cost yet sturdier) materials used instead of fucking wood (lol)
>Energy Efficient as fuck due to reason mentioned above
>properly secured against the environment and other threats like terrorism
>properly lit and networked

British Parliament
>Inefficient piece of medivial shit

Facts don’t care about your feelings. “But muh aesthetic” is not an argument.

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I don't know, since I don't live in South Africa, like you honoroba memba

>Inefficient piece of medivial shit

Yours would be too if we hadn't burned all your shit down to the ground and rebuilt your institutions from scratch.

Make the Bundestag Reichstag again


Get out, Jude

Attached: Eddie Murphy Hitler.jpg (845x853, 150K)

Gtfo, shill

Fucking hell Hans, why the fuck did they go with that design?

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>Democracy is the dictatorship of retards.

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Pretty sure the German parliament has a glass ceiling with a giant hole in it.

The theory was that anyone could get on the roof and listen to what was going on, so there couldn't be evil nazis anymore.

In reality I had to wait 2 hours in line and then go through a heavily armed security check before being allowed on the elevator. It was full of cops.
If the nazis were plotting a takeover, no one would be anywhere near that roof

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please don't use that, sounds gay and boomerish as fuck.
Refer to their teeth or something instead, please.

Attached: Eternal Pole.jpg (330x460, 97K)

compared to this

Attached: Nazi_Party_Eagle.png (800x522, 44K)

The British parliament is built on traditions going back centuries, the EU parliament is post-modernist and gay.

Yes, how could the the destruction of all aesthetics happen? One has to wonder.

>le epic drunkman discussion

I would be with the germans on this one if their politics weren't so high on centralism, more regulations and to overall create a neo fascist regime in Europe.

because the british is old and expensive. and the german parliament from the same time got burned and bombed. since then they only build cheap for the next 50 years with ikea shit, because they know that everything goes away in the end

Sprich Deutsch, Inselaffen-Verteidiger

Attached: British 10.jpg (573x768, 139K)

The Allied bombers were better than the German bombers.

Was the Reichstag fire the original False Flag or was that Nero burning Rome?

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If the Brits build a new one it will also be a postmodernist, brutalist shithole.

It gets fun when someone gets pissed off and tries to steal the mace.

>Implying the EU parliament doesn’t look like an imperial galactic council from a sci-fi movie
This is why traditionalists are brainlets and hinder progress. No facts, only feeling.

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Was Austria flattened by the Ruskis at the end of WW2 as well as Germany?

I've been there several times. Nothing to defend there.
Thanks for sharing that smile with me.


reichstag couldnt stand the test of time and the numerous germanic chimpouts

Yours looks like a crappy movie set.

I think ruthless would be more fitting, germans were bombing London for a good time in the begining of the war, they surely could have aimmed big ass historical buildings if they wanted to.

Looks dystopian and post-modernistic.

and dont forget the b52s

That's because it is. We all know who really runs the government.

Attached: 洞-beware-the-eternal-anglo-9365794.png (500x351, 44K)

mein gott

>germans in charge of respecting history and tradition

there is a reason this country is going down

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Australia's parliament is a lot like Britain's, except the aesthetics are stuck in 1989 and bantz are not allowed by the eternally miserable sourpuss speaker.

The first 40 seconds are fucking hilarious.

It's a building with no sense of history or culture. If not for the flags, this building could be literally anywhere. This is what an imperial structure looks like.

Attached: buckinghampalace.jpg (1600x1244, 831K)

He obviously is not a German, you pleb

Attached: wehrmacht ernie.png (500x518, 132K)

>everyone on Cameron's bench execpt Maybot smiling

that woman is no fun

Because it was destroyed during world war 2. Also, that is the house of Lords, not the house of commons for our elected representatives. I kind of like the circular shape of the bundestag, but I don't like the materials or style.

because it burned down

Attached: reichstag2.jpg (280x369, 51K)

>why is German _____ so shit compared to _____ _____?
I made an easy template for future use.

...fucking wow that his hideous. That does look like an autistic 3rd grader did that shit. Im sorry Hans, the hell never ends for you guys.

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>In Vienna, Hitler learned to be DISGUSTED by Democracy. The shouting, the petty quarrels, adults behaving like petulant children. And his believe was formed that a determined, selfless man of great conviction to take over control of the country.
Oh how could he only believe that.

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You are no croat

the old one burned down in 1933

Cry me a river, bitch nigga

This how it looked like before the fire

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Looks much better than the British. Democracy is still dogshit

My problem with the british one is that it's so narrow for the MPs

It's fitting for slaves of Jews to sit in their little cuckshed

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>*muffled desert flute playing in the background*

Whiter than you, Muhammad.

LOL so the bird gotten fat and not angry. Man you guys should just migrate and find a different land. I pity you guys but you guys brought this to yourselves.

>Looks at flag

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