Men prefer debt free virgins without tattoos

Why does this trigger Arby's workers so much? As if they have ever valued virginity in a man. It's shuttle, but (((feminism))) lied to women that
>They fuck guys
False, women get fucked by guys
>There is enherent value to being a "bad bitch"
Literally the opposite. Being "good in bed" is up to the man, he's setting the tempo. All being "experienced" for you will fuck up your pair bonding and your cunt
>They should date their same age
This is perhaps the greatest lie, and it results in the general population getting married at 32-34. A woman should take her age, minus 7, and double it for an appropriate man. Women in their early to mid 30's are the WORST and will still be as naieve as 20 somethings without their fertility (genes why so many autistic and sick kids in the US/ Canada) and are irl 40 year olds that just haven't given up yet.

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That's random. Arby's? I mean why Arby's lol

Because they have the beef

>arby's workers
fukken lol

micro dick ultra virgin talking about what kind of women he prefers... keep dreaming honey... you're never going to get pussy if you talk like that.

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Search the "blue waffle" and then more faggot

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Arby’s sell roast beef user

Debunked as bullshit.
How dusty was that thing when you posted it anyways?
I haven't seen it in a few weeks cause you faggots stopped posting it. is over that way.

I actually vastly started improving my stats when's I realized that women usually tell you the opposite of what they I usually date lefties because they like my casual racism as it's "bad, taboo" and they are usually smart but deluded (indoctrinated) right wing women don't like me because most are down low whores LARPing as trad to try and met who they perceive to be an archtype husband (conservative, career, clean cut etc) but these again usually want the opposite of what is "the norm" so are probably the biggest coal burners and cheaters; lefties (once you unplug them) are usually the most loyal...tldr look up the law of attraction, and clean your cat litter your overpriced 1 bedroom apartment you will never own is starting to smell...tits with time stamp or gtfo

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Arby’s (((punchline)))

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I know it's too hard to understand for you

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I’ll be honest, I miss this jew

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Hard to understand that it's been debunked?
So why repost false shit?

It is real

Obvious pilpul

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The part about epigenetic changes from womb environment is true though. Your first kida genes can impact the second etc. So abortions are bad in this regard, and in fact this is the leading theory on how homosexuality develops. Tldr: if shes been pregnant with another man, it will impact your children and she isn't worth it.

Agreed other than the autism. Autism the the result of a lack of pair bonding with the mother. It's not that women are having children later, it's that they are continuing their careers after having them allowing them to be raised by daycare and schools.

Kikes and chicks are stupid dude
Don't reason just brow beat, they're animals

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lurk more

Yeah it mosquito. Where said experiment was conducted. Had nothing to do with humans.
You need to go outside i think.

How many shekels an hour?

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I dont really care about debt as long as it's reasonable and I could maybe forgive a tattoo but finding a woman who's a virgin is literally not even possible. Its just not. That ship has sailed.

I dont even think its necessary that all women who have premarital sex are whores, but of the women who are whores, they ALL pressure their female friends to fuck and suck like they did. Its really quite disgusting.


Then why, since I got my tatts, do you cucks keep hitting on me. I happen to like tattoos, it doesn't mean I ride the cc

everyone that refutes my bullshit posts is a kike the post ladies and gentlemen.
I'll give you a tip.
You can post infographs all day.
The thing is when you're posting shit that's exactly that....shit.
Not only do you make yourself look like a mouthbreathing mong you're also hurting your own narrative.
Pointing your finger and yelling kike! kike! kike! isn't doing anything.
People like you are what brings the movement down.
You're the broken wheel on the wagon.
>Posts bullshit
>Yells kike at the first person that refutes their bullshit
>Posting shareblue tier bullshit strait out of the shareblue manual
>yells kike.....strait out of the shareblue manual
>Clogs up what's left of this shithole with more shit.....just like it instructs to do strait out of the shareblue manual....
Look I can yell kike too.
Do you have anything constructive to bring to the table aside from hurr durr nice try rabbi?
And since you're such an authority on the female sex.
Out of curiosity how old are you and how many relationships with females have you had?
Not girls in your WoW guild.
We're talking real life relationships.
If 16> and 0....I have some bad news for you user. It's not them (women) it's you.
I'm willing to bet you flat out repulse a vast majority of women.

Notice no more responses ladies and gentlemen.
I either hit the nail on the head with


Really makes you think

No you're misunderstanding. The telegenic experiment in fruit flies is what you're referring to. There are actual cases in humans where PREGNANCY (not just sperm like the telegenic case) have epigenetic effects on subsequent children. It's not the same thing as all sexual partners (I'm agreeing with you here). But actually carrying a child or even aborting does have downstream effect on children (this is nuance I'm explaining). It's not the same thing as telegenetics, just more information to consider.


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Because it's like like slut bullseye.
Your mistake is thinking that any man wants to fuck you AND take you seriously. Ever again. Lel

Tldr all single mothers deserve to be thrown out of helicopters because they produce
>Nigger Felon League players
Literally nothing else

>Reddit spacing

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They also fail to see the wedding ring, incel.

Abortion yes. But I wanna see some sources on your other claim. Not being dickish. I'd like to know if I'm in the wrong here and correct it.






Have any more genius retorts there? That's your response....hurr durr go home lebbit. On a side note never posted there or browsed even.
fuck reddit posting looksey.
Oh shit helicopter posting now.
You didn't answer my questions btw.

>Because they have the beef

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I'm divorced I know a thing or two, roastie; they assume you're a whore because you gave yourself the mark of the Jew. Maybe if you read your BIBLE you would know that

I'm going to marry into the masterrace, the jews

Well gotta go boys.
Oh damn a bibble poster. Nvm I hit the nail on the head with mouthbreather.
Remember Israel are gods chosen and whatnot. Insert flag waving webm or whatever.

>maymay flag
>mra/mgtow buzzwords and catchphrases
>phone posting txt replacement
>whiney hypocritical manchild whinging about how fucked women are while shitposting on an anonymous Mykonosian Guillotine Sharpening imageboard...


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I don't get why I as an 18 year old should date a 29 year old. That's just creepy.

I'm not religious; hence why I'm divorced. You're not religious; genes why you have whore markings and degenerates are paying you more attention. Nice logic, HPV tunnel

You know what it is kinda weird; what you should do instead is go get a 4 year degree in something stupid like English, work a job you hate to pay that off for 5 years after and then wait till you're about 34 you should lock down a beta and fuck up your body (because as a degenerate that's fucked my share of single moms your body does NOT recover the same in your 30's as in your late teens/ early 20's; say good bye to your tits and cunt) and make one autistic potato who will get a lot of allergies and probably be cluster b at best, and autistic or downsyndrome at, you've got your head on right, I clearly don't know what I'm talkin about

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Or how about I go to university, meet someone there and marry a 25 year old when I'm 25?

Because you're not going to age at the same rate, eventually you're gonna be 30 and hit the wall and he's going to be in his prime. I'm not trying to be an asshole, this is just what I've seen through experience

Why are 25 and still in university?

That shouldn't be a problem if I marry a girl or a guy that cares about me. It's also not like I'm dead at 30, my mom lived up and got more energy after she turned 40 and my grandmothers are still very active

After I've been together with him/her for a few years out of university and we've both got jobs

25 is the LATEST you should get married. All of the good women do it by 21, and smart men know not to take women any older than 25 seriously. If you're 18 your age minus 7x 2 is 22 not 29. It's a good rule of thumb, look up women's and men's sexual market value. By 23 it's really what you should go by (now you sort of have the world at your finger tips so you don't worry about this) but the thing is women 26+ still are attractive enough to get laid, they just don't understand they are mommy girlfriends. You can push this tittle till MAYBe 30 but every single woman 30+ is a mommy girlfriend for life, weather they want to be or not. Men have a chance to redeem themselves because a 30 year old man who has learned from his past and can still produce healthy babies, a 30 year old woman has to get a cat. I've fucked a hundred women and my cock looks the same, your cunt isn't going to be an attribute after 100 dicks. Also, me having experience means I'm actually good in bed. There is no benefit to women getting "experience" aka stretched out...tldr learn what cagles are and remember there is actual math to sexual "chemistry"'re probably not even still reading, but I tried

>living together before you are married
dont do this

>still are attractive enough to get laid,
women are not trying to get laid

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OP is an actual fucking retard.
I am guaranteeing you this is a kid writing this. Not older than 22.

I didn't say I was going to but what's so bad about it?

True I didn't read the post correctly, but it still feels like people older than 19 year olds are from a different generation. Feels wrong I don't know why though

>I didn't say I was going to but what's so bad about it?
because you are not married
you shouldn't even be having sex

>you shouldn't even be having sex
You won't be if you have self control

>If I marry a girl or a guy
Roastie opinion discarded

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then why are you living together

You haven't refuted shit. He even posted a lib source and you're still saying it's not true.

How can you tell the difference between a virgin and non virgin? I lost my hymen when I was 14 before I even had sex yet. I don't think women should be slutty for moral reasons but there's no real physical difference between virgin and non virgin.

Because I would like being around them

Atheist Liberal is telling a woman how to be modest.

then why not marry her so you can have sex and children?

Basically everything he said is the hard truth except where he thinks "experience" in bed matters.

Cute hands

Because getting married costs a lot and it kills your youth

>getting married costs a lot
it doesnt have to
> it kills your youth

Church weddings aren't expensive and eloping is even more cheap.

Ok Jow Forums time to chime in, would you:
Take a debt-free none virgin without tattoos
Take a debt-ridden virgin with tattoos

You need a dress, cake, catering, decorations and so, also you should only get married once so it should be a memorable day

It kills your youth because you can't really leave them anymore if things don't work out so you're kinda stuck

If they were the same person, probably the first option

You do not NEED a dress, cake or decorations. Especially if you elope. I had a friend once who just had their wedding in their backyard and it was chill.

>It kills your youth because you can't really leave them anymore
you should be past that point when you decide to live together

To protect what is mine

As if this bunch of redneckbeards would be "the catch"...
Married 20 yrs, married in the registry office - $100 for the officiant and certificate, we wore our glad rags and had family and friends watch and witness, knees up at muh grandmother-in-laws (big house with pool etc.)

Sounds like you're just looking for reasons (excuses) not to tbqfhphamalama

>he doesn't know that most 1st world counties have had defacto laws in place for decades...

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What is yours?
What are you protecting it from?

I'm not a neckbeard, I'm a woman, but ok.

They will never respect you; my ex is of the long nosed tribe...great lays, but absolutely horrible mothers; mostly because of their Jew eggs

Muh comment was primarily aimed at the confederate meme flag poster who seems to be proud of saying he's in a relation ship but too afraid to commit to it.

>Feels why I don't know why though
Because you have been brainwashed by the media; so have men. Difference is they have a chance to learn from their ways and still be happily married with kids, if you're lost like I was at 30 you are in for a life of being a human cum dumpster. No good men deal with women older than 25 for anything besides sex, and the idiots who marry their own age and have kids mid 30's (majority of population) are unhappy because
>Wife's body fucked up (you don't recover from child birth same in 30's as 20's
>Don't age the same; 30's for guys is like their 20's. 30's for women is like their 40's.
Really think about this and realize I'm telling the truth and trying to help, not be an asshole

Every woman wants to ride the CC, and im not talking about the dindus either.

Hint: check my name

I mean you followed the statement: "this bunch of neckbeards," with a reference to my post so it would appear as though you were calling me one. But yeah you're right, that confederate meme poster seems afraid of commitment.

Read a book that isn't published by a lesbian and peer reviewed by trannies:

"Neocortical neuron number in humans: effect of sex and age" by Bente Pakkenberg and Hans Jorgen Gundersen, Neurological Research Library, Copenhagen, Denmark

"Gender differences in human cortical synaptic density" by Lidia Alonso-Nanclares, Jose-Rodrigo Rodriguez, Juncal Gonzalez-Soriano and Javier DeFelipe, Inituto Cajal, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain & Universidad Complutense of Madrid, Spain.

"Total number of Synapses in the Adult Human Neocortex" by Thai Nguyen, University of South Florida

No. I don't want to ride the cock carousel and none of my friends do either. That's mostly just propaganda from the media that wants to make women like that and make you believe that.

Because you’ve just branded yourself as the dollar store of women.
Tattoos on women are like neon signs of low effort sex.
It’s so much easier to disrespect a woman who holds no respect for her own body.

Nah faggot, it's real

Tattoos on women are gross. But women who dye their hair unnatural colors are even more terrible. At least tattoos show a bit of commitment, while women who constantly dye their hair a bunch of crazy colors demonstrate indecision as well as deviance ( and just looking ugly).

>debt ridden virgin with tattoos
sounds like fat women

I know, I'll think about it

Tattoos on women are gross. But women who dye their hair unnatural colors are even more terrible. At least tattoos show a bit of commitment, while women who constantly dye their hair a bunch of crazy colors demonstrate indecision as well as deviance ( and just looking ugly).

They see it, they just assume you don’t commit to it’s function.

This user knows. Not all tattoos are bad honestly, some are in good taste, require a lot of waiting time, dedication and come from established artists.

Tattoos are generally only a red flag if you can tell they wanted something really stupid immediately- and you CAN tell.

My sister's ex boyfriend had a tattoo of a hotdog. Shit like that just shows low self respect.

I agree, but the dye can wash out at least.

I watched a YouTube video where some Thot was triggered as hell over this. How can anyone be so out of touch with reality that they would think men DONT want that?

The term for it is Aposematism. Your distaste for them is a natural response.

Eh, the bleach causes damage to hair after a while though.

I am 6'1'' 2 years gym goer with 12% body fat with chad Aryan genes.
I don't drink and girls consider me incel. What is the solution to this brainwashing.

Damn right its a natural response lol. Whats ironic is that they do it to be unique yet every girl does it to be unique to where its not unique at all.

You're indian. You're incel by default.