Absolute fucking mad lad


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Other urls found in this thread:


Trump is the greatest man to have ever lived.

I concur. The leader of the free world. Shitposter in chief.
Couldn’t love him anymore than I do right now.

>a fence

This fucking timeline

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Haha just EPIC my fellow pede xD

country and farmpilled

Greatest time to be alive.

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>those blue checkmark replies
Even though I know they're there always, I'm still amazed.

That no one has managed to climb

>not sure if sarcasm

The caravan managed to scale it in under 30 seconds.

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if it stops people from getting in, fine, call it a wall, call it a fence, I don't care

>causes confiscations
>causes the red flag law confiscations
>even says to disarm people and worry about due process after
this is pretty fucked up. he's doing good, but you fucking know better than to fuck with peoples rights

Fucking leftists have no sense of humour.
Butthurt is off the scale


fucking retarded manchild

It is supposed the have the concrete part up top so they can't do that.

>all these assblasted niggers in the comments

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twitter comments aren't even fun anymore since most of them are from an Israeli botnet and algorithms don't display anything organic.

what the fuck are those comments is everyone taking the piss or insane

So long as he pisses off SJW's you're happy huh?


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>what the fuck are those comments is everyone taking the piss or insane
Israeli botnet. Not real.

I unironically wish we had leaders as based as Trump

Imagine just picking them off one by one like the good ol' days with cans for targets out in the back 40'

Please. Let this happen.


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The very top reply is a Jew, so what do you think

Fuck the wall fuck tax cuts fuck fuck Korea fuck it alllll ! I’m in this timeline and it’s truly great. Also checkem.

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Hahaha so based he triggers so many people good lad.

I have never seen anything like this in my life and I have been around since Ford. This man has reached a singularity unheard of in modern times. Soak it in boys.

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How can people not just laugh at this? It's funny. Their hate is so fucking strong that they can't even laugh at something silly like this.


>its real

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>Trump is so far up Jewish ass that he developed a Jewfro

Peak MAGA.

>Trump doing something stupid for a laugh
Had it been literally any other president it would be seen as LOL so random XD

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This is a picture of the OLD wall where it reaches the beach.
The new one is tall as fuck

Why is everyone so mad in the comments? What did he do to the farmers?

>those replies

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>supporting someone for literally no other reason than their tweets
(((Trump))) supporters are the goodest goys

Nothing. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.

one of the comments

>Yeha the only thing the loved was to make fun of trump, he has always and will always be the laughing stock of the world.

Israel will burn.

They're always mad, f.am

best timeline confirmed

Freezeframe at 49 sec, /ourguy/

disrespect bob ross again, i dare you hans

>trump pumping le epic twitter posts to distract his base about having conned them about the WALL

>couldn’t find post about “if I was a farmer I would be offended you are promoting stereotypes”

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This man gives absolutely 0 fucks.

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Fucking Serb

We would love to have a president like yours.
Grats USA.


So many things are happening all at once with the internet. Things are finally habbening.

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new one has a huge concrete cap

It's on.

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I mean, he's an idiot but I don't know why they're so fucking obsessed, it's creepy.


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Yeah, he's such an idiot.
I mean, yeah, he became a billionaire and won the White House on his first try, and with only the entire Democrat party, the rinos in his own party, virtually the entire msm, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the Globalist NWO, including the Vatican, against him.
What a rube.

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trump doesnt personally pay for the wall, the citizens do instead. trump good? wtf

>that's not how farmers look
But that IS how farmers look.

He should have worn a sombrero and put on brown makeup to me more accurate

What's that serb? You like fucking retarded men/children?

Shareblue has a dedicated team to ensure the first hundred or so replies to any of Trump's tweets are liberal rage.


But tumblr told me they look like this

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woah how fucking old are you

Greatest US president. Period.

Well most wont but the idea that they give a shit would actually be offended by trump dressed at a stereotypical farmer singing is laughable

Its intentional. The twitter algorithm will always put comments from known never trumpers at the very top of the replies.

I don't get the joke. What is context of the tweet?

He's a fat balding old man who wears makeup lol

This is the greatest President ever

Great man to ever walk this Earth.


he said nobody would believe it when he did. The Pharisees attack him nonstop.

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thank god for this man. Amen

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He's signing an agriculture and food law. Throwback Thursday is about nostalgic photos and videos.

Well I sure won't be needing this, lads.

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A lot of the outrage on the Internet is manufactured. Read this, it's long but it will bump you up in redpilldom: medium.com/@HarrisonYamamoto/how-the-21st-century-plantation-works-and-rampant-global-blowjobs-d218b0bc995b

When I was a kid and Ford was campaigning, he came to the airport of our small town. (small as in no jetways!) When he was reaching his hand out to shake random hands in the crowds, I got to brush his sleeve. To be fair, that's about all he was worth, but Jimmeh was worse.

Trump is the best president since TR.

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Do you remember anything Ford said when you saw him?

I was a fucking kid at the time. I just remember him shaking hands.

It's still so hard to believe this man is the president of the US. If Trump kills the FED and arrests all the traitors, he will become the greatest man who ever lived.