Brit/pol/: Dalston Cock Destroyers Edition

Country shut down till 8pm tomorrow till drone stops flying or we formally surrender.

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my time is here

and im making it clear


oh i love you my dear but im gone

How many fucking batteries does this drone guy have, he'd need like 200 to keep this drone flying all day and all night long. There's something really weird about this

Also why do they need the army to bring a drone down they don't have any anti-drone equipment

cunty cunty noncey noncey

they're so rude
how is that sexy

i might come back when the benz all black

10 racks in my lap

Russia is based

if i dont relapse and i stay strong i could do anything i want to

Holy fuck I thought this would be a minor story, with delays of about 30 minutes tops. This is absolutely fucking insane.

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bump lil P' when i die imma haunt you

What if the next step is to fly around spraying novichok?

i could live forever if i want to

I hate the Conservative Party and if you even consider voting for them I hate you too.

i could stop time but i never wanna do that again

nothin worse than losin a friend

I see the batty boy drunk is still on about his emo shit. Also the surrender has to be read by the queen over the radio, world service, by 0100 britain.

lil' c

and the feelin you get when everybody that you love aint around

I'm nothing special, in fact I'm a bit of a mong
If I have a point, you probably know that i'm wrong
But I have a talent, that I like to show
'Cos on every position I get BTFO
I'm so greasy and sharted
All I want is to stop getting rarted...

So I say
Thank you for the noodles, from pots I'm eating
A fuel for when the dead horse I'm beating
Who can live without them, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a Bombay bad boy what are we?
So I say thank you for the noodles
For bringing them to me

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i really gotta get away from this town


>drone sighting within last hour

madman is still at it

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im just waitin for a wave and ill drown


>There's something really weird about this
Ikr ? some user in the earlier threads suggested that maybe the intelligence agencies have caught wind of extremist groups looking into how industrial specification drones could aid in future attacks and need a reason to make them illegal

satan letting me down

I once went to kill my Tory MP with a B&Q axe an got sectioned
and now I redflagged like a paki bomber kek
Im not allowed out after 6pm , an Not given a pssport ,

You’ve never had one

i just wanna help you see you should run away from me

baby im a drug and i dont wanna hurt you

no im not gonna hurt you clara not at all

try harder with the shit posts ok they are just tired an boring tbqfh

tell us why eddie

there is no way this is true, wish it was though

i aint gonna set you free

He graduated to mumble rap. Fantastic

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Tell me why not?

all you gonna get from me is a little bit of love and a little virtue

if I hurt you ill end it all

Why am i Scottish lads, fucking why

awrite bawbag y u seething

Why am i not Scottish lads, fucking why

Shit hands prints on a wall

That is all

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no u said it first so tell us why
im not saying they are or they arent


stop pretending to be in dundee

Part and parcel of whiping with your hand.

naww haha

Numbers have been done

Because they are Sovereign

Tell me Scotlands going to make it, please


ill make it dont worry bro

It’s already dead

Cheers m8, bevy is on me when you do


is it REALLY a drone though

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Fucking scotch people are a scourge

ur already dead u worfless cunt

aye mate get us some mare voodoo

Fellas we gotta not drink over the Christmas period as atonement for watching Chinese porn

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“Scotch”. Fat yank detected

nah its me i cast a magic spell and now an entity is gucking with the airport

who do you do

Aren’t we all?

im drinking n ur no cos ur maws oota desperados haha

So is the drone entering Gatwick airport from different locations each visit, that would mean the operator is moving around in a car while charging the multiple batteries in his car? Doesn't make any sense lads

When I mount an invasion for our renewed Empire can I play this during the inevitable onslaught and subjugation of our enemies?

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aye but ur the biggest loser aw them aw

not as sovereign as the sentinelise

id bang her



>BBC finally acknowledge UN Global Migration Pact

Join the Marines instead

Is anybody?

The Empire is the driving force of the cucky liberalism that is fucking us, let it go

last Christmas I got drunk
my sisters boyfriend was reading 'sapiens'
so i forced him to take G.k. Chestertons the everlasting man
I was acting like a right superior cunt too

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after my tracks are played maybe

last christmas i gave ur sister my heart


jk i gave her my diccccccckkkkkkk


Once fingered a burds arse outside Marco polo in dundee

Aye. I would bang her after winning victories for Empire.

Not this one I am thinking of.

Rock paper scissors, lad?

YOU KNOW I speak , look archives back then at me with the 10.80 axe B&Q , I was at my tory cunts door an was going Cunt to Bits , an then clean self pour petriol on his rooms an kills DNa ..after eating eyes an his tongue , I was ambushed in the recption , an locked in an with axe I smashed my way out , they knew I killed so No coppers came at me , they fumbling with tazers I was in a busy street full shoppers an they werent my target , I dropped to my knees an raised my hands , TSG turned up raised guns to shoot me .. ffs I was treated well im Custurdy to tbqh
Got sectioned ashworth 12 months
that was my last do with cops . have had them here though .. look at archives I not shitposting
sad fuck ok

Nah we call them scotch because we know it pisses them off

wtf!? really???

Drone still operating

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Have you seen the Ballard of Buster Scrubs

The gold digger made me sad

Some 'interesting' stuff has been deployed at Gatwick, doesn't look military...

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ave shagged coelbrens sister ahahahaha


>Meanwhile, in Scouseland....

>tfw 535 quid is arriving tomorrow through universal credit
>tfw took out 850 quids worth of advanced payments I will never pay off as well

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you need to be sectioned again mate you type like a fuking loony

The regiment