Straight from his resignation letter: >"Because you have a right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position."
FOX just reported that Trump will be pulling troops from Afghanistan as well. He may also pull out from South Korea.
What did he mean by this?
Lincoln Roberts
> "steel slats (Wall)
Well, I feel vindicated. I predicted this. I said that at some point in the future, Donald Trump was going to outright point to a fence and insist you were all seeing a wall.
I would ask for recognition of my prescience except that it didn't really take a special mental gift to predict.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. The 2016 election was not the war cry of white people, it was the death rattle. Eight years of Trump could not have saved the US as we knew it, it would only have bought us time. We didn't even get 2 years, and we are right back to where we were.
The (((Federal Reserve))) is creating the recession that the rest are predicting, in much the same way the banks attacked the nation to sabotage the Jackson administration. We continue to play by the rules while the opposition breaks them regularly and flagrantly, and yet we expect to win this somehow by adhering to the rules. Illegal immigration persists, our money is still being looted by invaders and corrupt legislators for the benefit of other nations, and the left is simply waiting for the first wobble in unity to return to power and clamp down with brutality the likes we have not yet not even dared imagine in our white-washed naivete.
tl;dr- The United States is over. You need to start thinking about what to call the land you are living on in a short while and who/what you want running it, because the extraction is nearly complete. The parasites have predictably killed the host as they always do. Get past denial, anger, grief and bargaining. The American experiment in liberty has ended, the nation is dead. Collapse is now inevitable, it is only a matter of time, some trigger, the delegitimization of the dollar and the resulting cascading system failure.
They dont announce national collapse in the newspapers. It just happens until people can't deny it anymore.
He's really not at all bad, you're mischaracterizing him and I understand what his perspective on the matter is. It's a sad thing to see him go and I hope genuinely that the people of the thread are smarter than to attack every which person that decides to move on.
Jason King
This guy is probably addicted to finding accounting fraud in the agencies.
William Cox
>H-HAHA you got btfo a-america! >W-why don't you want to stay i-in a desert, its so n-nice and cozy
those sand niggers BTFO your kike controlled military so hard you just had your military decapitated.
Evan Lopez
NEW: Mattis's resignation letter, via @Elizabeth_McLau: "Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position."
In Mattis letter: "It is clear that China and Russia, for example, want to shape a world consistent with their authoritarian model...that is why we must use all the tools of American power to provide for the common defense"
Mattis: "My views on treating allies with respect & also being clear-eyed about both malign actors & strategic competitors are strongly held & informed over four decades of immersion in these issues.",
are the shills still here or are they all shook up from the cluster fuck bomb that just got dropped? do they need instructions from the mothership on the next talking point? steel slats?
>From "Neocon Don" to "Coward and Traitorous Don" in less than 30 seconds Reminder that if you reply to any of these posters you deserve to be the first on the day of the rope.
Camden Davis
"Get in, get it done, get it done right, and get out." - Donald J. Trump, The Art of the Deal, 1987
user, there is a reason you don't send a general to a paper pushing job. Mattis excelled on his task of fucking ISIS shot up, he has no time or inclination to be fighting legal issues or bureaucracy. They should just make Mulvaney the "SUPER SECRETARY OF ALL THINGS BUREAUCRATIC" and be done with it
He was really embattled against the constant waves of chaos in Afghanistan then threw his hands up after the cuts and need to suddenly draw up again. It was sad to watch.
Anthony Thomas
Today was my "rest" day so I only ran 3 miles, there's no excuse for being a skellington or skipping leg day.
>WE DON'T HAVE A GOY ON THE INSIDE ANYMORE And John McCain is still dead
So basically, he's pissed that Trump doesn't see Russia as literally Hitler and that he wants the UN and NATO to go fuck themselves and leaching off the US? Good Riddance. I like the dude generally, but he's wrong when it comes to alliances.
Fast forward 20 years, Russia will be the only Ethnically European country left in Europe. Demographcis are damning Western Europe to third world status. The EU is the Hegemon that poses the biggest threat to the US in 20 years. NOT Russia or even China.
You people watching this voting? I think they are gonna pass it! Am I understanding this right?
Aiden Rivera
As based as Mattis is in demeanor and his strategical mind...isn’t he the ultimate neocon Democrat policy wise? From torture to transgender troops to Syria to Russia to North Korea, etc... he disagrees with Trump on everything.
Thomas Walker
Exsqeeze me but how can a president be a great American and end wars in the middle east?