What is it about him that has triggered everyone for the past two years? Is it simply because he beat Hillary? I mean...

What is it about him that has triggered everyone for the past two years? Is it simply because he beat Hillary? I mean, you hear people going on acting like he's going around killing anyone with brown skin, when it's clearly obvious he's not.

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Other urls found in this thread:



The man cannot speak a coherent sentence, and he is the president of your country.

The man cannot formulate a coherent sentence, and he is the president of your country.

Just like Obama did

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It's several things.. his braggadocio style that some find arrogant and offensive, his many shady and failed business deals, his secrecy about this taxes, his utterly ridiculous hair, and just his overall buffoon personality. I find him offensive and I also find the people that voted for him offensive. He is everything that Obama was not, and he disgusts me.


Ohbumma did that too

It's several things.. his braggadocio style that some find arrogant and offensive, his many shady and failed business deals, his secrecy about this taxes, his utterly ridiculous hair, and just his overall buffoon personality. I find him offensive and I also find the people that voted for him offensive. He is everything that Obama was not, and he disgusts me.

all democrats hate him
all republicans hate him
all media hates him, including fox news

he would win election again if it happened today.

you figure it out

The fuck is going on?

That's part of it. Another part of it is that he doesn't fit the cute little idealistic model of what "everyone" thinks a president should be. His persona goes against everything people have been conditioned to accept, and it shorted them all out.

Trump is anything but perfect, and he has fucked up on a lot of occasions, but one thing he HAS done that is beneficial is kickstarting the public discourse into high gear and exposing a lot of the elephants in the room everyone has been quiet about or ignoring, simply by being there. He's kind of an anti-hero.

>can someone explain politics to me?
he's gonna put you dipshit zoomers in cages next i hope

He broke (((their))) chain of custody over the fate of the country. Hillary was supposed to finish what Obama started and turn this country into a full blown liberal dictatorship. They all wanted white slavery and Haitian revenge lynchings. Now they have to wait until orange man is out of power to try again.

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>can someone explain politics to me
nah cunt. you zoomers get the cages next

Fix your fucking bots

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Hes a straight white male and loves pussy.. nuff said..

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The Pharisees have been attacking him nonstop.

Donald Trump was born exactly 700 days before the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, and on his first full day in office he was exactly 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old. (Confirm)
He was elected on Prime Minister Netanyahu's 7th year, 7th month and 7th full day in office! (Prime Minister of Israel) Netanyahu was sworn in just before midnight on March 31, 2009, and his first full day in office was April 1, 2009. (Confirm)
He even beat Hillary Clinton by 77 votes in the Electoral College because of 7 "faithless" electors. (Two voted against Donald Trump, while five voted against Hillary Clinton, bringing the final tally to 304-227 votes.)
Exactly 7 months later from his first full day in office on January 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse occurred - the first since before the nation was formed in 1776 to be seen exclusively in the United States.
All these most recent events occurred in the Hebrew year 5777.
On July 7, 2017 (7/7/17), Donald Trump met with Vladimir Putin for the first time face-to-face when Vladimir Putin was exactly 777 months old - to the day - in the Hebrew year, 5777. (Confirm)
On July 11, 2018, in the 77th week since Donald Trump's inauguration, he was the 777th richest person in the world, according to Forbes.
>7 hours into presidency, Trump turned 7 decades, 7 months and 7 days old.
>7th US President from New York
>Skipped the 7th debate
>Has 7 family members
>First conference after becoming president was 77 minutes long
>Mother's name is Mary
>Father's middle name is Christ
>The name Donald Trump means "the ruler of the world, graced by God and a descendant of a drummer."
>Hillary fell deathly ill while running against him
>Everyone who goes against him has bad fortune
>Works with a global private intelligence agency and has Tesla's technology
>His predictions always come true

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NPCs are completely susceptible to the media's propaganda, and the media is composed primarily of Leftist swine

It's less about Trump and more about how a third of our country is inbred, hateful retards

I like the way he refuses to dance to the beltway tune.
But I feel like he could have been a great president if he were disciplined, serious, and most of all - cared more about the country than he cares about his ego

>Trump is a moron!
>Trump is such an idiot!
>Trump is running for President lol what a fucking joke
>Trump won the Republican primaries the Republicans elected a moron!
>Trump is a racist!
>Trump is evil!
>Trump bad!
>Hillary will win!
>Trump supporters are idiots!
>Trump is a moron!
>Trump wins US Presidency
Then they short circuited and had two options, face the reality that everything they heard was absolute bullshit and take a look at their lives or take the crazy to the next level. Guess which one they chose.

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He is working against a global


If you look into this you're guaraneed 6-9 months of catatonic despair, crippling depression and existentI'll madness

He is the first president since JFK who is not OWNED by the child fucking cabal

I address OP only

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>What is it about him that has triggered everyone for the past two years?
people have hated his ass forever

>his braggadocio style that some find arrogant and offensive
this, to the elites he is typical new money

Kim Clement:
The Name and the Word "Gold" - Remember That
Kim Clement February 22, 2014


The Precious Sons of Zion

The Spirit of God says, "My people have cried. My people have cried out for an answer, and this is what I have to say," says the Spirit of Life.

"A veil has been placed upon this nation, and I did it. I did it so that for a season My people would wonder and faith would increase, for in darkness faith grows. In despair, faith grows. I did it. But now My fury has ended. Hear Me, for I have found a man after My own heart. I have found a man after My own heart, and he is amongst you. He is one of the brothers, but singled out for Presidency of the United States of America.

"But hear the transcription of God upon the heart of His prophet – how the gold has become dim, the stones of the sanctuary are scattered at the head of every street. The precious sons of Zion, valuable as fine gold, are now regarded as clay pots; and those who ate delicacies are desolate in the streets; and those who were brought up in royal scarlet now embrace ash heaps.

"Is this what I wanted? My people were brighter than snow, whiter than milk. They were like sapphire in their appearance, and now they are stricken for lack of fruits in the field. The hands of once-compassionate women have cooked their own children, and their children have become food for them. Your children have become food for you who were once compassionate women.

"But My fury is fulfilled," says the Lord, "and I have now kindled a fire in Zion. I have kindled a fire in Zion, in America, in nations throughout the earth, and My fist is about to smack down on Russia; for out of the rebellion of the Ukraine, which was seen by My prophet, shall come out of those ashes, beauty – shall come out of that sadness, joy – shall come out of those garments, praise," says the Lord.

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>He is the first president since JFK who is not OWNED by the child fucking cabal
all that time with Roy Cohn though

When you have faggots like Comey going around saying how honorable the FBI is and how they NEED to be trusted, while reports like this come out should make you think
>Gee, maybe the guy who fired him is right

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Fortunes of Zion

"I have searched for a man and a woman who would stand in the Oval Office and pray and call for the restoration of the fortunes of Zion. I have looked for a man who would pray for the restoration of the fortunes of Zion. Therefore, if you hear My heart," says the Lord, "today, I will take you on a journey.

"I will first take you to Israel, whom they would give Jerusalem to his enemies. Why would they give half of Jerusalem away? This will not happen," says the Lord, "for I will take you on a journey today into Jerusalem, where it shall be prophesied through song by My prophet what I intend doing in Jerusalem and in the United States of America at the same time," says the Lord.

"I am restoring the fortunes of Zion. I am restoring the fortunes that were the inheritance of My people. I am restoring the fortunes of those that are the elect of God and have been stolen from. You shall eat your delicacies again, and your children will no longer be your food. You shall not use them and take them out of the womb anymore," says the Lord.

"Watch how I change everything, for there shall be those who are in justice. There are those who are in a strong position" – I'm just hearing this now – "in the highest court in the land – the Supreme Court. Two shall step down for the embarrassment of what shall take place, for I wish to place in the highest court in the land, righteousness. And they shall attempt to put others in to endeavor to reach their endeavors, but," God says, "hear Me tonight. Hear Me today – I have this whole thing planned out according to My will, for it is now time for Me to restore the fortunes of Zion – the fortunes to those that had it once, you are going to get it back. This is My promise," says the Lord of Hosts.

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for me it's just that he's a piece of shit person and I can't stand his incoherent rambling

Enemies of Israel and the West

Let us go to Israel. Let us now go to ISRAHELL. Let us go to IsraHELL, where there is a single woman crying out and praying for the peace, for the prosperity of her land. Listen to her as she prays out, for this is happening now, and I am hearing her prayer from the hills outside of Jerusalem. This is actually happening in the Spirit. (Hannah sings)

This man has stood in Jerusalem. This man that I saw in the vision, a man that came out of a vision, please hear me. I was standing in my garden. Suddenly the Spirit came and removed from my eyes, scales. I was praying for America, and I was praying for Israel – nothing unusual. Suddenly behind me, starting behind my back, going in the form of an arrow, were hundreds of thousands of people. And I turned around and I was stunned at what I saw. This was not just a mere dream, but this was a vision.

And so I raised my hand like this and every one of them raised their hands. I looked back and they were doing the same thing. I shouted and they all shouted. They were one. They were one, one party. One party of people. It continued until I realized that in the unity of these, amongst them stood one that God had set aside to be the leader of this nation. I said, "Why am I hearing this so soon? Surely You would show me a little bit of it closer to the time." And the Spirit of God said to me, "This man has a humble stature, but he is a genius."










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You live in Croatia, how the fuck has it effected you? We don't even care about you

The Giant of Debt

"And then," God says, "highly embarrassing moments when another Snowden arises, and people will become very afraid. They'll say, 'We have no protection.'" And then, God says, "Am I impressed with your weapons of war? Am I impressed with the strength of your men's legs? Ha! I have said I will bring this nation to its knees, and," God said, "you have been humbled, and yet some more, and then you shall hear the sounds of great victory. For where are the people gathered? Where are My people gathered? Where is the sound of unity from My people?

"In this next week, this man shall begin to emerge, and in the following two weeks, which is a three-week period, he shall slowly come to the fore. For they are saying, 'How do we kill the giant? How do we kill the giant of debt? How do we kill the giant of socialism? How do we kill the giant of human secularism?'

"I have placed that man amongst you, a humble man. And as Samuel stood before the brothers, and they had rejected David to come because of his age" – take all these little remarks I'm giving you – they are gems. The name and the word "gold" – remember that. A man that is amongst them, but is young. And God says, "These that shall reject him shall be shocked at how he takes the giant down."

Now hear me, please. The giant of debt, the giants that have come, the brothers of Goliath, stand in glee watching America. "We will cripple you. You will lose your credit." But God said, "Watch. I said 20,000. Look not to Wall Street; however, observe. And they shall say, 'What is your plan for this giant?' And he will take a simple stone," (remember the name), "and he will hold it up and they will laugh at him, but the plan is so brilliant," says the Lord. "It could only have been given by Me.

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He is giving Putin anything he wants on a silver plate. Trump is a weakling. When we were doing shit in the 90s, Clinton at least had the balls to intervene. This guy is pussy.

Sorry that you lack the intelligence to understand the beautiful sentences that the best president of the United States say to the public.

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I hope you're including niggers in that as well

Look. He and his base hate me for no other reason than I don’t agree with them, care about my planet, and believe ignorance is not as valuable as education. He won, and then spent two years spitefully grinding my nose in it while laboring to kill the things I love. I disliked him before. Now I actively oppose everything he does. Maybe this is spite. Maybe disgust. I have now seen conservatism’s heart though, and it is as dumb, backwards, rotten, and foolish as we ever imagined. Does that help?

>Is it simply because he beat Hillary?
It's because he's a rich, republican asshole. He's everything the left hates. They would hate him for conservative policies, as they do any conservative republican. But what's unique about Trump is that he isn't PC. Doesn't even try to be. And he's rich and proud of it.

The fact this icon of everything they despise is the president completes fucks up their view of what America really is and in their attempt to shift reality to match their views, they believe any conspiracy and want to destroy him.

he doesn't effect me directly, but US politics always affect the rest of the world in some way. especially a shitty little country like mine

but either way, I still think he's a garbage person

Niggers and Jews

Stop paying attention to him then, focus on your own local politics instead of drowning yourself in hate. Are you balding?

> shitty little country like mine
Yeah, you're pretty shitty.

it's time for donnie to neck himself. mattis was the only sane guy left. now your country is run by Zognald, Jewanka, jewred and Donnie Jr.

what a fucking shitshow

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love to see serbs and croats fighting in this site

fuck off jungle boy

> It's good he acts un presidential he's like Steve jobs when he broke the CEO mold and wore casual clothes!

He's not a hero of anything dude has been making the world unstable which isn't good.

I don't hate trump. I just don't like him. also, I can't ignore him since he's always in the news.

>Yeah, you're pretty shitty.

at least I don't live in Srbija

fuck off monkey

You can't, what America does effects the world dummy. No one would care if his bullshit was just contained to america

It’s more because he is a literal reality tv show star who has no experience As a statesman.

what's the jungle like this time of year?

He’s a successful alpha male. Leftists hate strong male energy, because they are commies, and communism is satanism, which strives for inversion of the natural order.

Canada is a shithole and deserves to be burned down

>alpha male
>litteraly has a break down about being made fun of daily

Pick one

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> One of largest deposits of oil in the world
> 80%+ of worlds freshwater
> People like Canada so much and hate America so much America's put Canadian flags on their bags when they travel

Wew lad

Why are Eastern Europeans so susceptible to propaganda? It's well known that leftist shills have been pushing the idea that Trump is a kike-shill to fracture his support. But I notice that it's mostly Eastern Europeans falling for this shit.

Are you guys really that fucking retarded?

I like Canada, but I’m a new englander so we are basically closer in culture to you than most southerners.

That stunt they pulled when they had his favorite daughter marry a Jew was pretty impressive

World war is upon us. In Trump’s puerile perception, China is a “bad guy” who must be opposed. He has already promised to declare China a “currency manipulator”, which will subject China to trade penalties. China will of course retaliate, which in turn will anger Mr. Trump, causing him to escalate the confrontation. It will appear to be nothing more than a nasty trade dispute, but meanwhile, China will seize the opportunity to establish suzerainty over East Asia. Trump’s idiotic rhetoric about making allies pay for their defense will, of course, undermine their confidence in American security assurances.

There will be much danger during this shit phase. Trump will figure out — too late — that he has been taken for a chump, and react with his typical temper tantrum. He’ll shove an American aircraft carrier group right into the middle of the South China Sea, the Chinese will nuke it, and then he might well launch an all-out nuclear war.

Trump is a fucking retard. If enyone believe that Trump can handle this:

Then you are fucking retards too.

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>Is it simply because he beat Hillary?
What you and other magatards fail to understand is that a huge number of Democrats hated Hillary and would have supported Bernie as a third-party candidate. A lot of Democrats I know were so pissed at the way Hillary and the DNC ran the campaign that they left the party and are now Independent.

We dont hate Trump because of Hillary, we hate Trump because he is a malignant narcissist who is selling out the country to enrich his business empire.

It just amuses me that despite the numerous and monumental failures that keep adding up, most of the nazi LARPers here will always and continually defend him to the death

From my external perspective, he's a cool guy.

I think nobody really expected him to become president. For most people he was the mean/funny/weird old guy from The Apprentice. For others, he was that businessman from New York that everyone loved and once in a while did cameos in new york filmed movies. He was a public figure but not that public, or not that pinpointable.

I think the problem begun around 2012 when he started publically doubting Obama's birthplace. Obama was quite popular, specially in places like New York and California.
Then, it really got bad in 2015 when he started campaigning, and attracking other candidates, etc. It become a meme for the media, and then when they started getting worried they attacked with everything they had.

And liberals being absolute retards, just started copying what everybody else in their group was thinking and having confirmation bias.

It's really crazy because the guy is not extremist at all, he's pretty much a neocon who really loves America (which is shunned nowadays) but he doesn't want inmigrants (mean white guy) and is rich (mean white rich old) and is old (mean white rich old guy) so it makes sense libs and commies hate him. I'm pretty sure his speaking style, or smugness didn't help him with the people that already disliked him.

what he did in russia was fucking pathetic

>From my external perspective, he's a cool guy.
sure. for a fucking sitcom

>you hear people going on acting like he's going around killing anyone with brown skin, when it's clearly obvious he's not.

That's precisely why everyone is triggered. I voted for him because he promised to kill non-whites and make America white again. He hasn't delivered.

>you people are retards based on my retarded hypothetical

Dude just has a retarded fanbase. I mean look at the reddit tier non stop Trump general shit posted here.

He is awesome. I would follow him over the top 100% he disappoints me sometimes but who doesn't ?

I don't know man. I think he has this character, this external persona, but he is way intelligent than he seems superficially.
He knows how hard to push, he knows when to be funny, when to be mean, when to be civil and diplomatic. Otherwise he wouldn't have made it to president of the United States in an era when everything you do is scrutinized by millions in social media.

Just have patience, trump will deliver, there's no doubt about that

Mate the cunt can hardly spell

Shows how much they hate white americans. Very simple. Also i guess a lot of immigrants in USA have been used to pushing european americans around and just getting whatever they want if they complain about muh racism or whatever.


>As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.

That's why.
And that's just on top of him talking like a retard, hiring shitty people that leave or get fired or prosecuted.


>Dude just has a retarded fanbase. I mean look at the reddit tier non stop Trump general shit posted here.

Or they like Trump's policies and arent like idiot Canadians who voted for Trudeau because he'd make a great prom queen

Are you seriously sourcing the Washington times?
Fucking kek.

is there any source of retarded blatant lies he told you WOULD trust? No, because you are a Trump cultist. He even lied about the weather at his inauguration and you would still find a way to defend him.

The sources I get my news from aren't owned by (((them)))

Which are? the sources that lick his balls?

>giant, morbidly obese gaseous object with suspect red spots
I suppose you could say in that regard Trump is Jupiterian!

source on (((them)))

>What is it about him that has triggered everyone for the past two years?
First Commander in Chief who knows about the pedophile cabal and has made it clear on numerous levels he intends to take it down

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Funny how the thread is full of pedophiles now.
Question answers itself DOESN'T IT

nice argument.

Wow, you already played all your cards and we all know you are a fucking shill
You played yourself, go back to reeeeddit you fucking kike

This is the most delusional thing I've ever read. Revenge lynchings? Come the fuck on. These people can't get up to go to work in the morning for a fucking job.

They're mad because our president has a provably shady people and bankers padded all around him. Everything in that MI5 dossier proved right so far.

Why give a fuck about the election when we have an entire generation of young women being sucked into instagram/twitch prostitution and getting literally shit on by sand niggers in Dubai because our education system is so fucked and so fucking expensive. And our young boys are handing out their hard earned cash to these thots. This shit is far more important than orange man and the now-irrelevant Clintons.

Him and all of us are gonna keep rubbing your pathetic liberal nose in it until 2024 cuck

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It's because they can't control and force him to apologize like everybody else and their worried that others will become like him. Out of their control.

Alright calm down toothpaste, nobody cares what you faggots think.

I've made a killing from Trump decimating our domestic markets. Most of my puts are returning 300%+. Trump will destroy our economy and most of you poor cucks will get decimated. Whoever comes after Trump is going to be nightmare fuel for the average man - no matter which side wins the 2024 presidential election. Jow Forums cucked themselves by pushing authoritarian nationalists into power.

He brings all the tards to the yard because he is not a rehearsed globalist hubot, which for them means normalcy and safety. His personality is ultra divisive. A great catalyst. Love it.

Here's a newsflash, kid.
The world was always unstable.
It always will be.

California and New York media are insane. Worldwide allies in NATO don't find funny to be forced to pay equally for an allience that benefits Europe and European media realizes if they pay for NATO no more freebies to refugees.

Slave illegal immigrant labor working 50 cents for based California corporations. Based Democrats.