Really activates the neurons

Really activates the neurons

Attached: Capture.png (780x506, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is going to unite America. I'm so happy.

>trump ends war
>autistic screeching from both sides
>give trump his wall so they can have war again
all according to keikaku

That's my President right there.

everyone but trump argues that, wtf is this guy talking about

>Autistic screeching from neocons commences

>He thinks Democrats ever wanted us out of there to begin with
Hmm I wonder why all these congress people are democrats?

Attached: Jews in Congress infograph 2018.jpg (4500x9700, 2.49M)

kek at least he's honest
God willing, he even legalised Hemp i think theres some shellshock

neocons are just neodems in disguise

Remember in 2002 Democrats hated Bush for invading Afghanistan and Iraq for no reason, they said he was using it as a ploy for Haliburton to get no bid contracts. And that we should only use the military for domestic protection.

Now in 2018 Democrats hate Trump for wanting to pull out of Syria and use the troops to protect the border. Thats pretty funny, right

Attached: 1545352881670.jpg (647x620, 35K)

You can Jew all of the goyim some of the time and some of the goyim all of the time, but you cannot Jew all the goyim all of the time.

>Remember in 2002 Democrats hated Bush for invading Afghanistan and Iraq for no reason

The Dems voted for the invasion and gave the president a blank check to go after countries harboring terrorists.
Read up on link related

In all seriousness, can we just make Trump a dictator already? His instincts on most matters are better than anyone else obviously available. The Republicans are shit, but Trump is good.

>God willing, he even legalised Hemp i think theres some shellshock
Trump is Jesus Christ returned.

365D non-stop daily interdimensional Chinese checkers

Attached: trumpcheers.gif (325x216, 2.7M)


Remember the scene in 1984 where "We were always at war with Eastasia - Eurasia is an ally"?
A good number of people are like this.

Attached: 1474781216611.jpg (330x549, 34K)

Yes they authorized it then cried 'Rumsfield lied to us' to get us into war. 2yrs later and used every casualty against the Bush admin.

Trump did thing.
Thing is bad.
We are against trump.
We are against thing.
I am a conscious and non-programmed human being.

>At least half
They'll all be demanding Trump invade half the Middle East while accusing him of being Islamaphobic.

>Mfw this timeline has the left arguing against leaving a war and the right celebrating troops coming
Lads what the actual fuck happened to the world.


I usually don't like Trump, but I find that the libtards tend to contradict him even when he does something right.

… especially the fucking Clintons.

Don't be ridiculous. You cannot unite existential enemies.

I'm so glad that Trump supporters still hate neocons.

>He thinks Democrats ever wanted us out of there to begin with

Some Democrats are anti-war … but the anti-war Democrats aren't the ones who control the Party.

Holy fuck. Trump pulls out of Syria, Trump utilizes the extra 30B in Defense budget for the wall with military engineers, what the fuck. These two go through he wins reelection in a landslide.

Democrats are now an oppositlist.

>still won't have the war
>zionists die by the thousands
>deport everyone in pic and everyone related next
>america's problems are now suddenly much smaller

Attached: dualcitizen.jpg (878x881, 264K)

Based Kyle. He's a massive libshit, but never a hypocrite.

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hey kraut a lot has happened in 7 months... things have... changed?

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>neocons are just neodems in disguise

Well … this is true of the political leaders. It's important to make the distinction between political leaders and everyday people with opinions.

The average Democrat voter is very different from the average Republican voter in terms of worldview. Republican and Democrat political leaders are different from one another in terms of rhetorical style, but similar in terms of policy decision-making.

Saluting you anons. Lived long enough to see Dem and Rep party flip roles. Dems are warmongers. Also millennials said Trump will lead us into wars but WTF I LOVE WAR WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL XD US MILLENNIALS

Wew 8’s full of 666 checkem

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>Now in 2018 Democrats hate Trump for wanting to pull out of Syria and use the troops to protect the border. Thats pretty funny, right

To be fair, a lot of the independent leftists and lower-class Democrats aren't taking this bait.

The independent leftists always distrusted the Democratic Party, but nowadays the Democrats are losing their own voter base. That's precisely why Sanders almost won.


I'm not a big fan of Assad, but I'd rather have him in power than an Islamist or a Western-backed puppet regime.

>at least half
>not all


Like I said, war has always been a decisive issue among Democrats. Some Democrats are actually hypocritical, but some of the "hypocrisy" in the Democratic Party is actually a conflict between Democrats.

hog is the anti-christ confirmed

Appointing a dictator is like Russian roulette.

Definitely. And they will come up with the most hilarious reasons to justify it.

Attached: hillary-crying-but-i-wanted-to-bomb-syria.jpg (750x501, 41K)

It's easier to say that Trump has changed his mind because he doesn't want his voters to abandon him.

To be fair, the independent leftists (like Chomsky) were always aware of the Democrat hypocrisy here.

I'm bringing this up because some people on Jow Forums falsely believe that every American liberal is a devout Democrat.

>Implying that Democrats and the left are the same thing.


do you feel good about yourself LEAF?

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I'm waiting for Trump to support legalization of marijuana on the federal level, then we'll see Dem's heads explode.

Is rule by the CIA, Foundations, donors and judges any better? It's like Russian Roulette but with a bullet in every chamber.

Didn't they claim Obama pulled us out of Afghanistan and Iraq? Yet there were still tons of troops there as he left office.


Clinton is an absolute piece of shit.

Trump derangement syndrome . jpeg


America, in its current state, is an unenlightened democracy. The government structure is technically democratic, but, in practice, the people seldom make good decisions because misleading propaganda is absolutely everywhere.

America could fix itself if the masses learned how to think critically … but there is only hope for this if the system retains its democratic core.

Do you think Bernie will run again in 2020? He's a Jew, so everybody will believe him when he wants to invade Syria again to fight for Isra- erm... for Freedom and Democracy!

Attached: bernie-millenial-with-atheist-laptop-stickers-and-bernie-ultracringe-socks.jpg (862x1018, 95K)

>Didn't they claim Obama pulled us out of Afghanistan and Iraq?

Hypocritical Clinton supporters made this claim.

This is disinfo. Update the list

It's not democratic at all. Democracy literally does not exist. If you had mob rule you would've avoided WW1, WW2, Hart-Celler and other things. The reality is that the USG is set up so that donors can purchase whatever laws are most favorable to them, it does not matter what you vote for whatsoever. Separation of powers exists primarily today to prevent someone like Trump from doing something like reducing immigration. The entire US governmental system is evil, and should be abolished as soon as possible.


>Do you think Bernie will run again in 2020?


>He's a Jew, so everybody will believe him when he wants to invade Syria again to fight for Isra- erm... for Freedom and Democracy!

I doubt that Sanders would propose that.

begone reddit fag

>I doubt that Sanders would propose that.

Hahahaha. You think he will promise pacifism during the primaries campaign and then sell out again at the DNC?

Attached: bernie-what-he-did-in-2016.png (825x631, 40K)

I witnessed this. What did Kek mean by this?

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If I was Trump I'd criminalize pot and hemp and make possession and use a felony. Liberals love pot and hemp. I'd spitefully remove it just to punish, torture and derange them.

> If you had mob rule you would've avoided WW1, WW2, Hart-Celler and other things.

To be fair, America was even less enlightened back in those days.

>The reality is that the USG is set up so that donors can purchase whatever laws are most favorable to them

It seems to me that corporate donors "buy laws" by convincing the public who to vote for.

>it does not matter what you vote for whatsoever.


America could solve a lot of problems by supporting a third party.

This isn't happening because not enough Americans are well-informed.

>The entire US governmental system is evil, and should be abolished as soon as possible.

What will replace it?

If anti-intellectual culture persists, then the masses will just create another awful system.

>that spacing
What is this? Where did you come from? How did you find out about this board?

Sanders only supported Clinton only after he had no chance of becoming president. He supported Clinton because he saw Trump as the greater evil.

"Reddit spacing" is a stupid meme. My formatting is easier to read.

>How did you find out about this board?

I learned about the existence of Jow Forums from Know Your Meme … though I was aware of the existence of Jow Forums back in the 2000s.

The second headline is photoshopped- still funny tho

>thinking the US entering WW1 was good
>It seems to me that corporate donors "buy laws" by convincing the public who to vote for.
No, they offer Congressmen jobs on corporate boards, charities, and universities.
>America could solve a lot of problems by supporting a third party.
No, they couldn't, because donors decide policy.
>What will replace it?
Absolute monarchy.
If anti-intellectual culture persists, then the masses will just create another awful system.
Anti-intellectualism is good, since American intellectuals are more or less a bunch of Communists who have gradually squandered the best strategic position you could possibly have in the world.

do you need emotional support user? is it the wall? the jew abandonment? do you hate hemp?

Attached: youllbeok.jpg (960x960, 101K)

cmon leaf just stop

Attached: soundlogic.jpg (480x480, 24K)

Dems 2020:
>Higher taxes
>Open borders
>More wars wouldn't hurt either

They will still win the election on demographics desu, we don't have long to end democracy.

>My formatting is easier to read.

Attached: blame canada.png (1422x948, 1.82M)

I was the same kind of Democrat as you at one time. Stay here with us for awhile newfren, and visit often. Welcome aboard.

Attached: welcome.jpg (4950x3003, 2.21M)

>Absolute monarchy.

Absolute monarchy is even worse than the American system. Look at Saudi Arabia.

>Anti-intellectualism is good, since American intellectuals are more or less a bunch of Communists


Do you seriously believe that American intellectuals are communists or are you implying that liberals and communists are the same?

American liberals always acknowledged the problems with the Soviet Union. That's why literal communists (like the people on r/fullcommunism) distance themselves from liberals and social democrats.

even satan cant deny the Truth behind Trump

Attached: 1543640764155.png (1222x1177, 241K)

Fucking globalists

>hey guys, let's imagine a scenario in the future because we have nothing to be proud of in the present

>Implying that a site full of softcore porn is gay.

Are you implying that all porn is gay (like Henry Makow) or are you just being dense on purpose?

What? Saudi Arabia is wealthy as hell and managed to get the world's most powerful state to serve as its protector. No one's forcing you to have Wahhabism as the state religion.

>Do you seriously believe that American intellectuals are communists or are you implying that liberals and communists are the same?
They are all the same shit, yes. Let's just call Progressivism "Communism with American Characteristics". You are all Communists.

>American liberals always acknowledged the problems with the Soviet Union. That's why literal communists (like the people on r/fullcommunism) distance themselves from liberals and social democrats.
Yeah, until Progressive foundations pay them to engage in activism to astroturf whatever retarded policy they want to get implemented. See: the entire 1960s, basically.

Obviously everything has to happen as a result of Civil Society (tm) rising up to voice their views on things.

You know that the South Park movie was satirical right?

Also, Kyle's Mom is supposed to be the villain.

>You know that the South Park movie was satirical right?
>South Park
weak bait 2/10

Attached: b8.jpg (474x474, 15K)

I love that guy

You've underestimated me.

I've actually been using this site regularly for years. I come here because, as bad as Jow Forumslacks are, you guys still aren't as bad as the feminists and Steven Universe fans that have ruined the rest of the internet.

Every single person on Jow Forumsfullcommunism holds their noses and votes Democratic. By 30 they become exhausted with radicalism and become woke liberals. This is the foundation-university activism industry operating as intended.

Attached: gWlcJOU3_400x400.jpg (378x378, 20K)

Are Jews an alien race or something?
They have the most strange facial and head shapes.

I like when the media calls Assad our “enemy”, as though he’s staying up at night trying to figure out how to destroy America.

This from the party that does a 180 on muh deficit depending on who is president every single time.

Democracy is just a long, slow, steady, unstoppable slide towards the left, into rot and destruction. It’s power with no responsibility, no accountability. Sure, you can vote one of them out, and into a cushy deep state job or working for an (((NGO)))

Once you have a Parliament or Congress, whether it is popularly elected or not, you're going to become Communist. It's just a matter of how quickly. This is surprisingly obvious, imo.

What year??!!

>What? Saudi Arabia is wealthy as hell and managed to get the world's most powerful state to serve as its protector.

They also execute people for "sorcery" … even though only retards believe that sorcery is even real.

>No one's forcing you to have Wahhabism as the state religion.

You think I give a shit? Totalitarianism is totalitarianism.

>They are all the same shit, yes.

Seriously? You're full of shit.

American liberals have always acknowledged that the Holodomor killed millions of people. Communists have persistently tried to either justify or deny the Holodomor ever since it occurred. Also, liberals and communists disagree on whether democracy is good.

These are huge differences.

>You are all Communists.

… and you openly support absolute monarchy, which is just as bad as Soviet communism.

>Implying that the 1960s were just like communism.

How many people did the US government starve to death during the 60s?

… or are you implying that the sexual revolution was just as bad as a state-engineered famine?

>Obviously everything has to happen as a result of Civil Society (tm) rising up to voice their views on things.

Polls have shown that most Americans don't think that homosexual intercourse is inherently wrong nowadays.

Why are you trying to "defend" the American masses with accusations of astroturfing? You've already condemned democracy, so you might as well condemn the fruits of it.

This makes no sense.

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The KKK overwhelmingly supported John McCain when he was running for president. Does this mean that John McCain was a Klan member? Of course not.

A lot of those pictures have obviously been stretched.

>You think I give a shit? Totalitarianism is totalitarianism.

Totalitarianism doens't mean anything. Executing people for "sorcery" = totalitarian. Sponsoring gender-communism to encourage parents to get their 5 year olds' dicks cut off so you can sell them hormones = enlightened liberty, civil society just magically discovered this marginalized group whose rights needed recognition.

>Seriously? You're full of shit.
See . Parliaments, Congresses, etc. are just the prototype of the Communist party.

>American liberals have always acknowledged that the Holodomor killed millions of people. Communists have persistently tried to either justify or deny the Holodomor ever since it occurred. Also, liberals and communists disagree on whether democracy is good.
Communists just claim democracy is exercised via the will of the people as a dictatorshop of the proletariat vested in the vanguard party. Under Communism with Anglo-American characteristics, we call this "civil society mobilized in the face of injustice", except actually a bunch of student activists were paid by philanthropic foundations to do it, but whatever.

>…and you openly support absolute monarchy, which is just as bad as Soviet communism.
Soviet Communism is the logical conclusion of liberal democracy.

60s activists were literal Communists, who identified as Communists and were members of Communist parties in the US. They grew up to become civil servants, NGO employees, judges, lawyers, and professors.

>Polls have shown that most Americans don't think that homosexual intercourse is inherently wrong nowadays.
Now, why might that be? It couldn't be that power dictates culture and that homosexuality was normalized through decades of persistent activism supported by wealthy donors, no, it was all Civil Society becoming more Enlightened. Right.

There is literally no difference between the Party telling people what to think via Pravda and a bunch of Progressive elites meeting at the Open Society Foundation's annual dinner party and deciding that they will be sponsoring (insert cause) through student activism, journalism, etc. this year. It is all the same shit.

>Democracy is just a long, slow, steady, unstoppable slide towards the left, into rot and destruction.


From what I have seen, most people are still not fond of SJW hypersensitivity.

People are starting to agree with social democrats on other issues … but who cares? Social democrats never really say anything wrong except when they give into sensitivity censorship.

>It’s power with no responsibility, no accountability.

That's the exact opposite of what democracy is.

>Sure, you can vote one of them out, and into a cushy deep state job or working for an (((NGO)))

Baseless conspiracy nonsense.

This. The brainless shitskins and NPC whites will vote democrat quite literally no matter what.

It's amazing watching the progressive mental gymanstics. Every msm channel and deep state bureaucrats is shilling hard for war. NPR comment sections continue to be an echo chamber of "orange man bad" and they simply repeat the jew tongue lies. Trump says something and they've got to spin it 360 degrees.