Can you marry someone you’re not (that) physically attracted to?

>meets girl, don’t think anything of it at first
>she is cute, but not as hot as exes or has model body
>realize we have same hobbies, interests, personalities
>she is average, doesn’t have high expectations, likely virgin, has basic loving friends, doesn’t party, dresses modestly, etc
>realizes she is straight up wifey material

I find her to be ‘cute’ not ‘god damn she is hot as fuck’. My question is, in marriage, will the personality match be so overbearing that the look attraction won’t matter? I feel so shallow even bringing this up, because my ‘type’ is hot ass chicks. But I know they ain’t wifey material.

How do I go about changing my mentality when it comes to a woman’s physical appearance?

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Have you dated her? Fucked her?

Maybe you have amazingly good sex together, maybe with time you'll grow more attracted to her, maybe whatever.

I look average but my bf is hard 3/4 of the time he is around me because we have crazy good chemistry sexually.

How do you think middle aged couples stay married? Honestly if you really love her for her personality that's the best reason to get married.

I think you just have to listen within.
We all know somewhere in our conciousness what really matters and what does not...
We can be ignorant about that voice or listen

No we haven't done either. We've been friends for awhile, and it literally just caught my attention that she's been interested in me the entire time and I haven't realized it. I would love to give it a shot with her and she is the type of girl I'd wife up. It's that physical attraction part I'm trying to [not] let cloud my thinking.

I completely agree. Two voices in your head battling it out.

you can marry anyone you really love
dont think appereance matters all that much after the initial attraction if its not actually bothering you

>getting married

>because my ‘type’ is hot ass chicks
You sound like a dumbass under 25yo.
This and don't fuc*k anyone's brain.

>My question is, in marriage, will the personality match be so overbearing that the look attraction won’t matter?
It can
>Can you marry someone you’re not (that) physically attracted to?
You ever heard of the saying “Alpha fucks Beta bux”? Women do this all the time

never heard of it breh. im not a reddit dweller. explain to me

>im not a reddit dweller
And you’re not a Jow Forums oldfag either since this been around on here for a couple of years
>explain to me
Pretty much women will fuck alphas (“chads”) but will marry and settle down for betas (like some people on here, soi bois, people they’re not attracted to etc.) for financial support and maybe child rearing


If you both of you have amazing chemistry when your with each other like:
>Talking for hrs and never getting tired of one another
>No awkward silence
>Even shopping for groceries and buying furniture is fun
>Have the same hobbies and interests mostly
Because the way I see it if all of that's the case just wife her up. Anyone can fuck each other but having that strong emotional connection is what is really special

These are exactly the non-wifey material women I mentioned in the post. Nobody wants to be a rebound bruh, that's why alphas just fuck them and don't put rings on them. There are solid women out there.

Completely agree, thanks for the advice. More to life than just good sex.

In my experience, physical attraction can grow. I thought my current gf of 3 years was ugly when we first met. As our chemistry grew, so did my physical attraction to her. I think she's adorable now.

Exactly, what separates us and animals is the ability to find a mate with a similar personality to us. Animals just fuck, humans try to find something more.

Nice man. That makes me super happy to hear.

I wasn't that physically attracted to my last girlfriend. Despite what people tell you, it matters. Because you are going to see opportunities to cheat, and if it doesn't feel like you're getting your sexual fix from your girl, it's going to be hella tempting.

It's possible that if you have good sexual chemistry, you'll stop caring, but this wasn't my experience.

Are you retarded? If your dick can get hard to her she is attractive enough.

Ignore this post OP.

Well, was there an emotional chemistry? You two broke up, so obviously it didn't work out. But did your lack of attraction to her play a role in the split?

how do i find them? not OP but i could use some pointers

Show her face

OP here. This one I actually met at a local church event (figures) where we just talk, hang out, play games, have bonfires, etc. I have a burning desire to see where this goes with her so I won't let my small shallowness of looks stop me from pursuing. One in a million if you ask me.

Almost every other girl I know in my area is mentally unstable / an attention seeker / or childish (although they are good looking)

lol no.

aww man, church isnt an option for me
good luck with this girl though op, she sounds like a keeper

My wife’s personality sucks so bad it wouldn’t matter if she were hot. Maybe she is, hell I don’t know - she’s such a bitch all the time.

dump her brah

Sorry to hear man

>got married
you asked for it.

Marry the girl that mkes you smile when you see naked, and makes you happy to come home to.

Just because you don’t agree with marriage doesn’t mean others don’t have to.

Don't marry. Ever.

It's no different to a long term relationship except at the end you lose half your shit and pay alimony.

Honestly, my wife's personality is the best and I will love her no matter what.
OP, personality > everything else for marriage. While looks, drive or tastes may change, personality tends to not change that much and that is one of the pillars of marriage.


Thanks for your input brother, much appreciated

Is she actually ugly or just not "bombshell hot" like other personality-less thots?

OP, you'd be dumb not to take your chance with her if it's the latter. While physical attractiveness is important at first, having someone you enjoy being around with is MUCH more important for the long term. Stuff like life values, hobbies and interests, just the way you interact with each other really. Looks fade, personality doesn't. Besides, you might be surprised how good sex can be if you actually care about the person you're with. Sex with an average chick you care for >> sex with a dumb thot that just looks good. Not to mention she might actually be better in bed than some attractive chick who doesn't put any effort when it comes to sex ("I'm hot, so I can just lay around like a dead fish!").

Yeah it’s the latter. I completely agree and I’m definitely going to take a shot at it.