GF traveling alone in thailand for 2-3 weeks

GF traveling alone in thailand for 2-3 weeks.

Dump or no dump? I'm starting to feel like she's a feminist or something and needs "time alone".

We've been together for 1.5y.

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She will cheat on you.
Dump her.

Really? Just jump to conclusions?

Listen here you little shit.
Women can not hold responsibility over their actions.
If she feel like sleeping once,with someone from there.
She will do it.
In her mind,if she doesn't tell you,it didn't happen.
Also,she is "traveling".
Do you know why women travel to foreign countries?
The old ones go to see the wonders of those countries,the young ones go there to get fucked,because no one will know back in home.
Why hasn't she asked you to come with her?

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>Do you know why women travel to foreign countries?

I'm working and her trip is for far too long.

She's going to china + thailand, I can't take that much time off work. She's from there originally, and she just graduated so I thought she was just trying to travel before she starts working in Sept.

Just playing devil's advocate here. My friends were telling me the kind of shit they've seen of girls traveling alone/with their friends in other countries and now it has me worried.

She is an Asian?
Drop that gook faced nigger.
>My friends
Yeah and I am telling you the same.
Do not leave your woman without supervision.
Or things will go badly.
Yes,women are this bad with responsibility.
She will probably go to a bar too.
Ask her if she plans to visit places like this.
Are you white by any chance?

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Dude, not that guy but if you don't trust her just dump her now. Also, work on either your self-esteem or your taste in women after, because if you can't trust your girl to not fuck some dude the moment you're gone for longer than a day you're either dating the wrong women or your self-esteem is garbage. Also get better friends. Anyone who would make you worry like this over nothing is shitty "friend" that enjoys making the people close to them uncomfortable.

you think she's not going to be sleeping around in thailand because everyone's a manlet, and typically unattractive there? The only way she's not there to fuck around is if she's visiting family. If it's anything else she's going to be riding the marry go round of tourist chad cock that go to third wold countries to fuck vacationing women and local qts. The story of how she cucked the fuck out of you will be passed on to your daughters by her and to your grand daughters by your daughter and to your great grand daughters to their daughters as a tale of triumph and heroism, because that's how women are, have you ever been at a family reunion and heard those old ass skanks talk about their skanking days like they're fucking alexander the great for having fucked around, they see prestige in cucking you and keeping you in ignorance for years. tell the stupid bitch that you hope she gets hit by a tsunami while she's there and find yourself a woman that's not a filthy skank, user. I care for ya, so heed the warning, if she's not there for family, she's there to make one, with chad.

Okay also don't listen to the fucking moron who hates women holy shit, talk about garbage advice. I honestly don't know why these posts aren't moderated because anyone who holds this much vitriol for women is worthless for relationship advice.

>We've been together for 1.5y.
Then you know her better than we do. Does she seem loyal and trustworthy?
Are you posting here because she seems like the kind of person who would fuck around or because your friends are saying things that make you nervous?

Looks like something wrong with you after "1.5y.", since she's alone gonna on the sex-tour.

shut up homosexual or retarded gorilla brained lady. All advice in this thread has been solid.
this is a good question, if she's not the type to do something like that, it's likely she's probably just going out to visit family and old school buddies.

>Are you posting here because she seems like the kind of person who would fuck around or because your friends are saying things that make you nervous?

The latter. She is a little flirtatious but nothing out of life. We've already gotten into an argument about her going with a group of strangers (they were showing her around the city - a group of chinese natives), and I gave her shit for it.

So we aren't even speaking at the moment.

I'll never understand why white guys would go to Thailand of all places to fuck white girls. Why would you travel halfway across the world to one of the countries with the prettiest girls only to fuck some roastie you could also find in your own neighborhood?

She's gonna get fucked by ladyboys.

>She is a little flirtatious but nothing out of life.
Oh no no no.
She will get fucked.
You had this situation before,with the Insectoids.
Goddamn op,she might get pregnant and throw the baby at you.
Ditch her now.
But first.
Impregnate her.
Pop a needle or two in the condom and let her go.
When she comes back,tell her you are threw.
Tell her when she is there 2-3 days later.
She will go on a fucking spree.
And the rest is history.

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i dont think you should dump her.

It's over, my friend, she got railed by all of those guys, and if she hasn't, the last thing you want is your woman hanging around with a bunch of men while being a complete dismissive piece of shit to you, imagine being her, she's actively looking the other way when it comes to approaching the situation from your perspective, a lot of women do this, women whom should be avoided. They basically assume that any problem you have with what they're doing is oppressive, they refuse to look at the situation from your point of view and essentially ruin the relationship with their immature behavior. They refuse to communicate and then go off with some strangers, basically women who don't want to be in a serious relationship and aren't ready to commit to one individual, she may say she is ready for that, but her actions tell otherwise, her actions are that of a woman still looking for a partner. So i'd advice you quit wasting money and time and tell her to skidadle.
It's because the mentality that a girl who is "traveling" has makes them vulnerable to the strategy employed by tourist fuckers. They have it down to a science. Also the mentality of a guy engaging in such acts is a "the more the merrier" mentality, he fucks the locals and the visitors, those guys exist, believe it or not.

So what's the reason for you not going with her? that's important.

2-3 weeks in Thailand will go by in a flash and it'll only allow for seeing/doing a small fraction of the things that are there. If you want degenerate bar streets in Bangkok you have to go to specific places, similar to Amsterdam. I was there for a few weeks this month, pic related.

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I have work, I can't leave my work for 2-3 weeks.

She did call me when she was back at the hotel and was telling me everything in a video call. I just snapped afterwards because I thought that she was putting herself in a dangerous situation.

Every day, a new thread with some chump ignoring screaming red flags. You got into it about her being flirtatious and now she's going on an international trip by herself and you aren't even talking? Omae wa mou shindeiru

>Omae wa mou shindeiru
Not ignoring. I already decided to dump her, and let her know.

Just trying to figure out if I should give her the benefit of the doubt.

What's that mean?

>What's that mean?

What dangerous situation specifically? the worst things there are islands or roads. It's not crazy like Chicago, it's like a less dodgy Costa del Sol, probably equal to London.

> women
> traveling alone


Yeah beta OP

Listen to alpha monkey. He knows his shit

reminder that all relationships are open, the question is whether the man knows it or not.
OP's situation is a surefire way to know.

dump her for her sake

>dumping her because you can't handle the mere thought of her cheating on her
Jesus christ user. Grow a pair. If a bunch of female natives came up to you and asked to show you around, would you take up on it? To me that's a pretty fucking sweet deal. Cute girls aside, being shown around the coolest spots by somebody who is familiar with the area is great. Does it mean you're going to have sex with them while your loving girlfriend waits at home? Not at all. Let her live a little and expand her horizons. She doesn't belong to you.

If she is going to cheat on you, then she's going to cheat on you whether it's in thailand or back at home.

Shit happens, whether she wants to or not.

A smooth talker and a little bit of alcohol go a long way.

You're underestimating women, dude. If she wants to fuck other guys, she will. If she doesn't, she won't.

how so..

shit happens man

>going on long trips while you're in a relationship without your partner
why do people do this? isn't going with someone you love going to make the trip better?

to get a little time away.
see, it starts innocent. but the slippery-slope fallacy is real, and they will inevitably justify more and more unfaithful behavior until they smell of cum and cheap gin when you pick them up at the airport.

She should dump you.

Hope this helps.

>see, it starts innocent. but the slippery-slope fallacy is rea

It's not. That's why it's a fallacy.

You may as lock her in a fucking cage because she might fuck a guy when she's out to buy groceries if you're so insecure with your own manhood.

Are you a female poster?

Are men not allowed to be insecure? Also what's this to do with my manhood or whatever bullshit?
Putting yourself in these kinds of situations means you care more about yourself than your relationship.

A lone white woman in Thailand for weeks on end?

Honestly I just hope she doesn't get raped and murdered.

She is likely to fuck someone while she is out there. People who are happy in relationships don't go on holiday on their own, especially for extended periods.
I'd argue that you should know if she is trustworthy being together for 18 months, but the fact you're asking Jow Forums means she probably isn't.

Most relationships start falling apart (meaning you stop trying to win one another over) around the 9 - 12 month mark, if you are starting to feel like it's going down hill, that's because one or both of you aren't interested in pursuing the relationship further.

It’s a matter of trust, user. If you actually trust her then this wouldn’t be a topic.

It’s the same as how some girls believe all guys go out and fuck the local girls when they travel. But not all do. I’ve traveled many places in the world and I’ve never casually fucked any local girls.

>Women can not hold responsibility over their actions.
This isn't true, don't let a whore convince you this is the case.

>This isn't true, don't let a whore convince you this is the case.
let's put it the other way, i'm sure she wouldn't be ok with me going away for 1.5months alone

He said he had to work. He's likely American, they don't get the 30+ days paid leave that other western people do. Sometimes they don't even do a single international holiday in a year. So if she doesn't have a job right now this might have been her only decent chance of travelling for 3 weeks.

>He said he had to work. He's likely American, they don't get the 30+ days paid leave that other western people do. Sometimes they don't even do a single international holiday in a year. So if she doesn't have a job right now this might have been her only decent chance of travelling for 3 weeks.

This is exactly why I'm here asking. should I be giving her the benefit of the doubt?

Ignore her for the entire vacation and then dump her right when she gets back to the mainland.

Or even go crazy, tell her you think it would be really food for her to find a love interest while over there, wouldnt you lile to know the real local delicacies? Go ahead, try them, see how gooood they taste, you thirsty fuckin bitch.