DNA from Bible and Koran verses

A biohacker just injected his body with DNA he formulated from Bible verses and the Koran.


Attached: Capture.png (1043x795, 717K)

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thats some real evangellion shit

What a retard.



You mean future graveyard customer?

>transforms into a nephilim

You won't be saying that when he evolves into a superhero like the Incredible Hulk mixed with Jesus.

Okay, but what verses though

>accidentally creates new prion or other malformed protein and dies
and nothing of value was lost


Attached: 1539369290525.jpg (778x675, 49K)

>Mr Locatelli replaced every Hebrew character in the Book of Genesis with DNA code, excluding 2:10 to 2:14, 5, and 7:1 to 7:5 because they were "controversial", going in the order of GACT.

>He also replaced every Arabic letters from the 13th chapter from the Koran, the Surah Ar-Ra'd, with assigned nucleotides.

Would watch that.. This time he's angry!


Attached: 1545173004279.jpg (750x734, 80K)

So hes a pussy sjw who doesn't like the creation story?

Oh cool, I know those off the top of my head. What kind of high school is this kid in?

>prion becomes airbourne.
>Mutates people into zombies.

You wouldn't like me when i'm holier than though

What could possibly go wrong?

Attached: 24_C127B_adam-hand.jpg (630x480, 63K)

like father like son...

he suddenly has a craving for underage girls and unleavened bread.

I guess he will ascend in a few days, if his immune system won't work as intended.
Call me when he survive and develop some superpowers.