I want to find a wife who is 14 (no sex until 16) and have 10 kids with her. Marrying a teen would ensure i shape her ideology and we have a large family. How do i accomplish this?
How can i find a young 14-15yo wife?
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These days you unironically have to be a rural retard and find a high school sweetheart, which is mostly a meme but still happens. Otherwise once women leave their hometowns, go to college, or have any other freedom after HS there's no saving them from "degeneracy" in most cases
I'm traditionalist.
visit your local highschool
You should never breed you pedo. At what age do you fuck your own kids you sicko.
Get out
16yo is not pedo territory kike.
t. toast
Women peak in their mid 20s. I don’t get the fascination with 14 & 15 yos. If I think a 14yo is “hot” it’s bc I can picture her all filled out at 23 or 27, not bc I want to bed some 14 yo. Wtf.
I'm a rural retard who married his high school virgin cheerleader sweetheart. Been together 19 years, three blue eyed sons, she's still skinny and loves to fuck.
Gotta get um young.
i think the peak is somewhere in between 16-22 depending on the girl
Kill yourself
>How do i accomplish this?
Form some kind of pseudo-religious cult. The easiest way I can think of without either going to jail for statutory rape or becoming known as "that weirdo who wants to marry a 14 year old girl"
I left mine for the meme of "university life"
Biggest mistake of my life regret it every day hold me
>hold me
I gotchu leaf fren
Would wife
So you get turned on by an abstraction? Nice try, but we know you're just rationalizing.
>Form some kind of pseudo-religious cult.
Is this even necessary? Christianity doesn't have an objection to young marriage and age of consent in Italy is 14. I was just asking how to accomplish this practically because it seems like a good idea but I've never seen anyone do it.
I envy you man.
Too young
spottted the retards who fell for womans suffragette movement and raising of the AOC and shame techniques by used up roasties. OP isn't advocating for anything out of the ordinary that hasn't been happening for the last 10000 years
I'm not exactly sure of the culture in Italy, but in the States you'd be branded as a massive weirdo and a borderline pedo
Over here as well unless you live in a very rural area.
We met when she was 15 and I was 16, and we both decided to go to the same college. She couldn't do shit when we moved in together. Her cooking was awful, she was jealous and clingy. But, after staying faithful to her for a decade she got better. We got married, she quit her GOOD job and wanted to stay home and raise kids. Now she keeps the house spotless, she cooks the best meals I've ever had, her biscuits are phenomenal (we're southern), and she makes me feel like a king. I make the money, she handles the bills, and I take care of savings. She keeps herself up always looks good, goes to the gym, all I do is buy her nice things.
We have a great life, but when we moved in together at 18 her parents were furious. They wanted her to go explore (ride cock) and were mad that she settled down so early. That's the problem with women today, they are looked down upon if they settle down early.
Fuck off with your off topic slide thread.\
Real shit goin' down, Nigger.
You poppy fields that pay your shill sheckels are gonna BURN MUTHA FUCKAH!
You are living the life that most of us can only dream of. Respect.
Go back to Africa and do it you nigger
Guise I’m 39 and tired of my old cunt want a fresh vegana wat do
I'm northern Italian / Germanic you filthy paki.
How old are you?
You son of a bitch you. Well done!!!
25. I think 10 year gap between husband-wife is ideal.
This is the ideal life. How did you make sure she did not fall into the feminist trap?
Ouch this opens up old scars
Okay pedos rationalize as much as you like
Nice larp, show proof or else fat 34 y/o virgin
Women are followers, just lead a good life they will usually follow.
I am fat, but no larp. Everything I said is true. Here is a family pic from last summer that hangs on our wall. Enjoy your (you).
Many states allow sexual relations between older men and girls as young as 16, so if what you're saying is correct, many of the states within your country allow pedophilia.
Secondly, it's not unheard of where girls as young as 14 can consent to a relationship with older men. In fact, until 2008, the age of consent was 14 and it is 14 in Germany.
I feel like I have to trot out this point every fucking thread these topics are discussed. Like, aside from the points I just made, even the terminology you are using incorrect. Pedophilia is attraction to prepubecent girls. A 14-16 year old is well on her way into puberty.
You are likely a faggot, who hates women and wants all other men to be miserable and homosexual like you.
>be my uncle
>be mormon
>have 5 wives and 30 kids
>being a complete genetic success
>be still alive and old af.
>all kids are similar
>save white people
>wants teenaged slave
>lives in beanerland
>has problem
just buy one you filthy bugger why even start a thread
I'm surprised your people haven't started selling children in walmart next to the booze isles
What you talking about Abo? There are no Walmarts where i live.
even better, you're not even in one of the nicer parts of mexico, you can probably buy children anywhere
That's an Italian flag dumb mountie nigger.
>leaf doesn't know the difference between Mexico and Italy
Good on you man, that's actually really inspiring. Thanks for posting
Based leaf. Thank you for the keks
A tip i think works is let them chase you
Every girl gets hit on 50 times a day on tinder or instagram, so youre competing with so many other guys that youre likely to get kicked to the curb. Have high standards, if youre an average guy, you are better than the average girl. Also, drop hints, but not bragging, about being attractive women while being around other women
For example
>be me
>fit but average face
>talking with girls on dorm floor that i barely know
>girl who had tried hitting on me before but i rejected her walked by
>say to the girls im with "that girl tried to fuck me behind my best friends back"
>girls say something like "oh you can do better" or whatev
>next day one of the girls i was with asks to fuck
I guess this technique only works on whores i guess
What is your age?
No, at least go for an 18 or 19yr, maybe 17. Are you white or swarthy?
3 kids..
cmon dude. at least 5
>boomer posts his family photo on Jow Forums
oh boy
Unironically what achmed
says Islam is pretty much gonna be your only of getting a young virginal wife.
Been thinking about it myself desu
Come to Romania and buy one. But they will be brown as turd.
>Islam is pretty much gonna be your only of getting a young virginal wife.
And don't be too picky about what's under the burqa.
You go to jail. Fucking Pedo.
boom boom and thanks for the whitepill, brother.
save the race
You're not very bright, are you?
wtf lmao shes like unironically 2 pts higher than you. In 2018 due to tinder u cant date girls even equal attractiveness
There's a saying: "If she's 15 you'll get 20" (in other words, you'll get 20 yrs in prison).
They're called jailbait for a reason. Pedo.
be born in the middle east to a wealthy family or be a future convict.
Looks like a pic from the 80s. Stop larping.
Ebic. Hot wife. Do us a favor and have three more kids.
So many feminists in this thread. They're as much a danger to the west as mass non-white immigration.
They say you used to be able to wait at the border, mi Mexifren.
Those kids are probably older than you.
15 year olds are perfectly legal in 1st world countries, mongrel.
At 25 I would say the only way to get an italian girl that young and marry her on top of it, is to be turbo chad handsome, but even then you would still need to deal with white knights, feminists, and jealous assholes. So you would also have to be rich on top of that so you can move somewhere rural and not draw too much attention.
A slightly easier alternative would be to travel to a third world country. That way you sort of bypass the looks requirement. But you still have to be rich (probably even more so), and you still might get divorced afterwards.
I've thought about this a lot and I've decided it's not worth all the trouble. Even getting a slightly younger girl like 18-21 can be extremely challenging for an average looking guy in his mid-late 20s. Most girls these days seem to be extremely close minded when it comes to dating an older guy.
no 14 15 yeears old is too young
as soon as an inocent girl reach 18 years old, their brain just got blacked.com
do it for the future of the white race
You sound pathetic as fuck. Fucking diary entry.